"Полис" и Стинг Крис Уэлч Москва, 1997 Оглавление: ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ АЛЬБОМЫ "ПОЛИС" OUTLANDOS D'AMOUR (АУТЛАНДОС Д'АМОР) RЕGGАTА DE BLANC (РЕГГАТТА ДЕ БЛАНК) ZENYATTA MONDATTA (ЗЕНЬЯТТА МОНДАТТА) ! GHOST IN THE MACHINE (ПРИЗРАК ВНУТРИ МАШИНЫ) SYNCHRONICITY (СИНХРОННОСТЬ) ! THE POLICE: GREATEST HITS ("ПОЛИС": ЛУЧШИЕ ХИТЫ) ! MESSAGE IN A BOX (ПОСЛАНИЕ В ЯЩИКЕ) Песни, Не Включавшиеся В Альбомы The Police THE POLICE LIVE! ("ПОЛИС" "ВЖИВУЮ"!) СОЛЬНЫЕ АЛЬБОМЫ СТИНГА THE DREAM OF THE BLUE TURTLES (СОН ГОЛУБЫХ ЧЕРЕПАХ) BRING ON THE NIGHT (ПРИНЕСИ НОЧЬ) ...NOTHING LIKE THE SUN (...НИЧЕМ НЕ СХОЖИ С СОЛНЦЕМ) THE SOUL CAGES (КЛЕТКИ ДЛЯ ДУШ) TEN SUMMONER'S TALES (ДЕСЯТЬ ИСТОРИЙ САММОНЕРА) ЭПИЛОГ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ СОБРАНИЕ ПЕСЕН Предисловие Мало кто мог предсказать, что круговерть панк-рока конца семидесятых породит двух виднейших и наиболее успешных представителей интеллектуального направления в истории поп-музыки. "The Police" и ее лидер Стинг выпустили в свет целый поток хитовых синглов и альбомов, которые обогатили современную культуру, да и сами музыканты при этом обогатились более, чем могли ожидать в своих самых смелых мечтах. Из отходов и выбросов панк-энергии группа изготовила высококачественный продукт под названием "Reggatta De Blanc" - уникальную разновидность белого регги. Они покорили мир, а Стинг, Гордон Самнер, сын простого молочника из Тайнсайда, стал одним из самых богатых людей страны. Актер, композитор, лид-вокалист, наконец, бас-гитарист "The Police", обладатель одного из наиболее узнаваемых голосов в поп-музыке - столь широкий диапазон художественных способностей Стинга говорит о нем как о поистине ренессансной личности нашего времени. Хотя после распада "The Police" прошло много времени, влияние ее по-прежнему огромно и музыка группы остается неотъемлемой частью рок-культуры. Вместе они записали только пять студийных альбомов. Вступив на путь сольной карьеры, Стинг выпустил четыре студийных*[1] и один двойной концертный CD. В целом "The Police" удалось выдержать установленный ею же самой высокий стандарт, если не считать отдельных неудач. В любом случае она создала свой саунд и очень своеобразный стиль, то есть добилась того, о чем __________________ * Книга Криса Уэлча написана до выхода пятого студийного альбома Стинга "Mercury Falling". - Примеч. пер. большинство групп не может даже и мечтать. Последующее творчество Стинга отразило его любовь к джазу, блюзу и мелодичности, его тексты отличаются литературным изяществом, чуждым большинству поп-сочинителей. Проблемы и стрессы в конце концов отравили работу группы, что повлекло за собой ее распад, но главное в том, что индивидуальность "The Police" позволила ей преодолеть удручающую банальность всей поп-музыкальной системы, научила слушателей воспринимать качество и оригинальность музыки. И группа достигла полного триумфа, хотя это было далеко не просто. Ни "The Police", ни Стинг никогда до конца не соответствовали канонам "нормального" рока. Их подготовка, опыт, талант, интеллект и высокие устремления заметно отличались от среднестатистических. Это порой делало их мишенью для ревности и зависти. Но на каждый ругательный отзыв или уничижительную реплику в прессе приходилось куда больше безмерного восхищения, похвал и поддержки. Даже музыкальные критики, на которых Стинг обрушивался в песне "St. Augustine In Hell" (из великолепного альбома "Ten Summoner's Tales"), определяя им место в аду, многое находили достойным похвалы и восхищения, - как в лучшие времена "The Police", так и позднее. Конечно, в те ранние годы, когда "The Police" и ее белокурый солист с колючими глазами были самой горячей, самой модной темой первых газетных полос, они, казалось, не могли делать что-то не так. Все, к чему они прикасались, превращалось в золото. Трое молодых людей основали "The Police" в 1977 г., в разгар панк-революции, когда выскочки с серьгами в ноздрях с упоением поливали дерьмом рок-истеблишмент - старых заевшихся динозавров, чей роскошный образ жизни раздражал молодых фанов. Если панк и создал что-нибудь, то прежде всего атмосферу, в которой новая волна рок-групп могла достичь быстрого общественного и коммерческого успеха. Встряска благоприятствовала даже тем музыкантам, чье происхождение и музыкальные идеалы плохо совмещались с сердитыми двенадцатитактовыми риффами и злобными текстами. "The Police" была основана Стюартом Армстронгом Коплендом, опытным ударником, вдохновленным наступлением панка. Хотя Стюарт и жил в Лондоне, где уже играл с группой "Curved Air", он был американским гражданином. Его отец Майлс, перед тем как стать военным разведчиком во время второй мировой войны и одним из основателей ЦРУ, был джазовым трубачом и даже играл в оркестре Гленна Миллера. У семьи Коплендов удивительная история, а кроме того, многочисленные связи в мире большого бизнеса и политики. Когда Стюарту было всего шесть месяцев от роду, его отца направили в Каир с целью создания там секретной разведывательной службы. В 1956 г. он оставил службу в ЦРУ и открыл свое собственное агентство, работая в основном на Ближнем Востоке в качестве советника богатых нефтяных шейхов. Стюарт и его старший брат, которого, как и отца, звали Майлс, выросли в Бейруте и бегло разговаривали по-арабски. В возрасте тринадцати лет Стюарт сел за барабаны, играя в группах, состоявших из молодых американцев, жителей Бейрута. В 1966 г. отец Стюарта переехал в Лондон, и парня отправили учиться в закрытую частную школу Милфилд. Его старший брат, известный под суровым именем Майлс Эйкс Копленд Третий, был менеджером разных групп, включая "Wishbone Ash" и "Curved Air", и занимался записью дисков с собственным лейблом. Позднее Стюарт поступил в Калифорнийский университет в Беркли, где изучал музыку, средства массовой информации и связи. В 1975 г. Майлс попросил брата выступить в роли тур-менеджера для Джоан Арматрейдинг, у которой был контракт с компанией "А&М Records". В результате всего этого Стюарт довольно хорошо познакомился с миром музыкального бизнеса. В то же самое время Майлс занимался делами прогрессивных рокеров "Darryl Way's Wolf". Скрипач Дэррил в свое время играл в группе "Curved Air". Майлс посоветовал Дэррилу распустить свою группу и стал менеджером новой, с участием Стюарта и Дэррила. Однако этот замысел был отодвинут на задний план необходимостью возобновить оригинальный состав "Curved Air", чтобы выплатить до конца некоторые налоги. Стюарт был нанят в качестве дорожного менеджера, но после одного из туров, когда группу покинул ударник, он сам сел за установку, поддерживая вокалистку Соню Кристину. Это был первый профессиональный концерт Стюарта. Однако напористый молодой ударник вскоре увидел, что группа напрасно тратит деньги на дорогостоящие в плане продюсирования альбомы, к тому же Стюарту не нравился ее коммерческий стиль. Когда в декабре 1976 г. группа распалась, у него уже были планы по поводу собственной, более современной и агрессивной группы, "The Police". Они начали репетировать в январе и дали свой первый концерт в марте. Стюарт мечтал о группе новой волны, которая могла бы использовать сильные стороны реалистичной стилистики панка. Его привлекала идея записи собственного диска без привлечения крупных компаний. Он пригласил гитариста Генри Падовани и позвонил бас-гитаристу и певцу из Ньюкасла, которого он приметил раньше. Этот парень называл себя Стинг. Всего нескольких телефонных звонков хватило, чтобы изменить ход рок-истории и их собственные судьбы. Стинг, он же Гордон Мэтью Самнер, родился в 1951 г. в Уолсенде, районе города Нью-касл-апон-Тайн. Он был старшим из четверых детей в католической семье. Его отец, инженер, в свое время переквалифицировался в молочника, и в конце концов ему удалось построить свою собственную маслобойню. Непростое существование семьи пробудило в Гордоне раннее желание покинуть Ньюкасл и попытать счастья в музыкальном бизнесе. Учился он в средней школе св. Катберта, где царила строгая дисциплина и регулярно применялись телесные наказания. В школе Гордон впервые взял в руки гитару. Он слушал "The Beatles" и "Stones", затем один из старших приятелей приучил его к джазу. После исключения из Уорикского университета Гордон стал по вечерам играть на бас-гитаре, в дневное время подрабатывая в разных местах, в том числе на стройплощадках. Без особой цели он поступил в 1971 г. в Нью-каслский педагогический колледж, но куда интереснее ему было музицировать с джазовыми исполнителями в местном пабе "Уитшиф". Когда Гордона в конце концов пригласили в ансамбль "The Phoenix Jazzmen", ему удалось оживить их акустический саунд мощным звучанием электрической бас-гитары. На сцене он часто появлялся одетый в полосатую футболку, в которой был похож на пчелу, и тромбонист группы однажды дал Гордону прозвище Sting (Жало), которое приклеилось к нему навсегда. К моменту окончания трехлетних педагогических курсов Стинг уже прошел практику преподавания в средней школе, где было полно хорошеньких учениц. Именно этот жизненный период вдохновил его потом на создание песни "Don't Stand So Close To Me", хотя он и утверждал, что никогда не допускал никаких непристойностей по отношению к школьницам. Получив диплом, Стинг стал учителем начальной школы в одном из шахтерских поселков, одновременно подрабатывая джазовыми выступлениями. Вскоре он превратился в местную знаменитость и вошел в состав знаменитого оркестра "Newcastle Big Band". В 1974 г. Стинг основал маленькую джаз-роковую группу под названием "Last Exit". Он начал писать песни и петь, разрабатывая собственную манеру пения высоким голосом, на которую, как он впоследствии признавался, в определенной степени повлиял стиль джазового вокала Клио Лейна. В 1976 г. биг-бэнд, в котором играл Стинг, распался, а он сам женился на актрисе Френсис Томелти, которую впервые увидел на сцене во время рождественского шоу в Ньюкасле. В тот же период Стинг решил профессионально заняться музыкой и бросить работу в школе. Вместе с группой "Last Exit" он отправился в Лондон, где дал несколько концертов, один из которых, проходивший в Лондонской школе экономики, был впервые замечен музыкальной прессой, получив отзыв Карла Далласа в "Melody Maker". Стингу также удалось заключить издательский контракт с "Virgin Records", хотя компания не заинтересовалась группой. Стинг с коллегами вернулся в Ньюкасл, где по воле судьбы в это время оказался Стюарт Копленд. Он побывал на концерте группы в Ньюкаслском политехникуме. Группа ему не понравилась, но сам Стинг произвел на Стюарта большое впечатление. "Он фантастически держался на сцене. Было просто очевидно, что у него огромный потенциал", - вспоминал потом Стюарт. Он потратил много времени на телефонные разговоры, чтобы переманить Стинга обратно в Лондон. Тот не устоял и, к досаде жены, поселился с ней и грудным ребенком в тесной квартирке одного из своих друзей. Новая группа - Стинг, Стюарт и Генри - начала репетировать в квартире Стюарта, расположенной в лондонском квартале Мейфэр. Стинг вспоминал: "Как музыкант я понимал, что идеи Стюарта были дерьмом". Но, несмотря на подобное мнение, Стинга впечатляла энергия этого говорившего взахлеб американца. Идея была такова: создать много коротких, быстрых и энергичных номеров и пробиться с ними в панк-клубы, где все это и должно было звучать. Хотя было известно, что Генри как гитарист несколько ограничен, его игру отличало некое чувство, соответствующее канонам панка. И Стюарт, и Стинг видели друг в друге целеустремленных, умных людей, которые вместе наверняка могут чего-нибудь добиться. Между ними могли быть трения и разногласия, но они понимали, что должны воспользоваться случаем, чтобы достичь наибольшего эффекта. Их первой записью была песня "Fall Out" - шумный и стремительный панк-опус, где голос Стинга яростно схлестывался с напряженным басовым риффом. Там было много грохочущих тарелок и гитарных ходов, характерных скорее для "The Who", чем для "Sex Pistols". Той же стихийной мощью пропитаны такие песни, как "Nothing Achieving" и "Dead End Job". В дальнейшем Стинг вспоминал: "Fall Out" была одной из первых песен, сыгранных мне Стюартом. Недостаток утонченности в этих песнях сполна искупался их энергией. Я просто решил оставить все, как есть, и спел их в самой жесткой манере, на какую был способен". Стингу особенно нравилась "Dead End Job", которую группа позднее записала с Энди Саммерсом. Музыканты не считали себя "псевдопанками". В их игре было ровно столько же огня и ярости, сколько у других групп, выступавших в то время, и когда Стинг во все горло выкрикивал слова песен вроде "Landlord" ("Домовладелец"), он делал это от чистого сердца. Как раз в тот период его и Френсис вышвырнули из дома, который они снимали. "The Police" сами оплатили запись и выпуск "Fall Out", у группы было две тысячи экземпляров сингла для продажи под ее собственным лейблом "Illegal Records". Затем она отправилась в тур на разогреве у американского панк-певца Черри Ванилла. Это привлекло к "The Police" внимание прессы и дало ей ценный опыт концертной деятельности. Так начался период тяжелых поездок, без денег и признания, в течение весны 1977 г. Тем не менее вскоре был распродан весь первый тираж "Fall Out", а позднее общее число проданных экземпляров сингла достигло ста тысяч. В июне на выступление "The Police" в клубе "Marquee" пришел посмотреть Энди Саммерс. Он уже как-то участвовал в одном джэме со Стингом и Стюартом в группе "Strontium 90", собравшейся только однажды для концерта в Париже по случаю воссоединения группы "Gong". На Энди сильно подействовало выступление группы, и он захотел присоединиться к ней. На некоторое время "The Police" стала квартетом: Генри Падовани по-прежнему играл на гитаре, но он уже не справлялся с новыми песнями, которые писал Стинг. Группе был нужен гитарист, который сохранял бы энергию панка, но при этом играл технично и нестандартно. В конце концов новичок взял на себя ведущую роль, и "The Police" вновь стала трио. Энди Саммерс, он же Эндрю Джеймс Соумерс, родился 31 декабря 1942 г. в городе Пултон-ле-Филд, графство Ланкашир. Позднее семья переехала в Борнмут, где Энди занимался музыкой в школе. В возрасте семнадцати лет его заметил местный органист Зут Мани и взял к себе в легендарную группу "Big Roll Band" - одну из лучших, игравших ритм-энд-блюз в шестидесятые. Она регулярно выступала в лондонском "Flamingo Club". Затем Энди играл с Зутом в другой группе, "Dantalion Chariot", представлявшей из себя довольно смелую попытку влиться в движение хиппи. Позднее он играл в "New Animals" Эрика Бердона. Переехал в Штаты на шесть лет, изучал классическую гитару. После этого со своей второй женой Кейт Энди вернулся в Лондон, где, сменив свою фамилию на Саммерс, играл с Кевином Койном и участвовал в проектах типа "Tubular Bells" Майка Олдфилда. Во время концертов Олдфилда в Ньюкасле Энди познакомился со Стингом, чей "Last Exit" играл на разогреве. В 1976 г. Энди вошел в состав группы Кевина Айерса, но после новой встречи со Стингом и Стюартом Коплендом понял, что ему на роду написано быть частью "The Police". Стинг, Стюарт и Энди сыграли свой первый совместный концерт на площадке "Rebecca" в Бирмингеме 18 августа. К тому моменту они уже нашли свой "фирменный" стиль, который их вскоре прославит, - синтез регги с рок-ритмами плюс широкое использование гитарных эхо-эффектов Энди. Затем последовала поездка по Европе, закончившаяся в Париже, где Стинг наблюдал за работой проституток в квартале "красных фонарей". Это вдохновило его на создание песни "Roxanne". В декабре группа за свой счет начала запись первого альбома "Outlandos d'Amour". Последним компонентом, обеспечившим их дальнейший успех, финальным штрихом к их имиджу стало обязательство Стинга и Энди перекраситься в блондинов для телерекламы жевательной резинки "Wrigley's". Стюарт и так был блондином, и, благодаря похожим прическам одинакового цвета, все трое выглядели как братья. Наблюдатели с хорошей памятью не преминули заметить, что последняя из групп, сделавших себе капитал на одинаковых прическах, была родом из Ливерпуля и совершила революцию в поп-индустрии. В начале 1978 г. Майлс Копленд, менеджер группы, заключил сделку по поводу выпуска "Roxanne" в виде сингла, но песня не попала в хит-парады, так как группа в это время была в Германии и не могла участвовать в раскрутке сингла в Великобритании. Однако второй сингл "The Police", "Can't Stand Losing You", попал в число пятидесяти лучших. В октябре группа отправилась в первый тур по Америке, где дебютировала на CBGB. "Outlandos d'Amour" вышел в свет в ноябре и достиг шестой позиции в британских хит-парадах. "The Police" была на верном пути, вырвавшись из полуизвестности андерграунда на ясный свет общественного признания и популярности. Вдобавок Стинг шагнул к национальной славе, сыграв роль Мода (Стиляги) по имени Асе The Face в фильме группы "The Who" "Quadrophenia". События последовали одно за другим. "Roxanne" была переиздана и одним прыжком попала в первые ряды британских хит-парадов. После своего первого тура по Великобритании в феврале 1979 г. группа взялась за запись второго альбома "Reggatta De Blanc", который включал два суперхита: "Message In A Bottle" и "Walking On The Moon". Сочетание высокого, как бы измученного голоса Стинга, пространственно-объемного звучания гитары Энди и нервной изобретательной игры Стюарта на ударных с потоком образных, создающих настроение песен, создавало эффект, устоять перед которым было невозможно. С этого момента группа доминировала в хит-парадах, без конца гастролировала по всему миру и наблюдала, как растет стопка золотых и платиновых альбомов и синглов в ее багаже. В то же время под умелым руководством менеджера Майлса Копленда музыканты "The Police" стали зарабатывать гораздо больше, чем кто-либо из их современников. После альбомов "Zenyatta Mondatta", "Ghost In The Machine" и "Synchronicity" "The Police" были физически, душевно и в какой-то степени творчески истощены. На протяжении 1984 г. от них ожидали выпуска живого концертного альбома, но он так и не появился. К 1985 г. группа фактически прекратила свое существование, и попытки записать новый альбом провалились. Стинг начал свою сольную карьеру в июне 1985 г., выпустив альбом "The Dream Of Blue Turtles", а затем 13 июля выступил без своей прежней группы на концерте "Live Aid". После распада "The Police" Энди Саммерс записывал свои сольные альбомы в соавторстве с Робертом Фриппом, а Стюарт Копленд начал карьеру кинокомпозитора и даже написал оперу. 11 июня 1986 г. "The Police" воссоединились, чтобы исполнить пять песен на концерте, организованном "Amnesty International" в Атланте, штат Джорджия, как часть тура "Conspiracy Of Hope" ("Заговор надежды"), в котором также участвовали "U2" и Питер Гейбриэл. Это было их последнее появление на публике вместе. В июле 1986 г. группа направилась в одну из лондонских студий, предполагая записать шестой альбом, но из-за постоянных споров между Стингом и Стюартом им удалось завершить только одну запись, римейк песни "Don't Stand So Close To Me", на что ушло три недели. Впоследствии Энди Саммерс охарактеризовал те сессии звукозаписи как "настоящую пытку". Энди и Стюарту было ясно, что Стинг не собирается сочинять новые песни для группы. Скоро пытка окончилась, и музыканты пошли каждый своим путем. Хотя и Энди, и Стюарт взялись за собственные проекты, было очевидно, что их бывшего вокалиста ждал наиболее ощутимый успех. В скором времени он собрал превосходную джаз-роковую группу, состоявшую из одних только американских музыкантов, - она была нужна ему для студийной и гастрольной работы. Он был готов развивать свои музыкальные идеи без чужого вмешательства и внутренней борьбы. В течение последующих десяти лет Стинг достиг огромного успеха, хотя его личная популярность переживала и кратковременный спад, когда он, похоже, начинал воспринимать себя чересчур серьезно. Временами Стинг тратил свои деньги и свободное время на важные общественные дела, что порой влекло за собой упреки в помпезности. Стингу приходилось уверять комментаторов, что в душе он простой человек, который просто обеспокоен тем, что видит в теленовостях и чувствует, что должен что-то предпринять. И Стингу действительно удалось спасти один из бразильских тропических лесов, который был его главной заботой. С некоторого времени в его музыке стало доминировать чувство мучительной тоски, характерное переживание кризиса середины жизни. Наиболее явно это выразилось в полном угрюмого самосозерцания альбоме "Soul Cages" (1991). Однако ко времени выхода в свет "Ten Summoner's Tales" (1993) чувство юмора, теплота и одухотворенность, которые всегда были важнейшей частью творчества Стинга, вернулись к нему. На протяжении своей карьеры с "The Police" и другими группами Гордон Самнер всегда взывал к интеллекту своей аудитории, стараясь не оскорблять ее. Одно дело - быть одаренным человеком, другое - найти в себе смелость подвергнуть свой талант испытанию. Все трое настежь распахнули свои сердца, и в этом был главный секрет триумфа "The Police"... и Стинга. КРИС УЭЛЧ Вест Викэм, Кент. 1995 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Альбомы Police Outlandos D'amour - Аутландос Д'амор Outlandos d'Amour was the debut album from The Police. Recording started in January 1978 at Surrey Sound Studios and the album was released in October 1978 when it peaked at the #6 spot in the UK. ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫЙ БРИТАНСКИЙ ВЫПУСК: A&MAMLH 68502; выпущено: октябрь, 1978 год; CD A&M CDA 68502; выпущено: март, 1989 год; СDМID 126; выпущено: август, 1991 год Трио блондинов сверлило публику взглядом с обложки самого долгожданного дебютного альбома конца семидесятых. Этой пластинке было суждено указать путь в удивительное десятилетие - эпоху новых резких звуков, новых дерзких голосов, период экспансии и бума. Хотя "The Police" родились на волне анархического инди-панковского движения, их отношение к действительности идеально соответствовало настроениям нарождающейся эпохи тэтчеризма и рейганомики. Конечно, Стинг, как поэт и гуманист, не согласился бы с таким безапелляционным утверждением, однако, бесспорно, огромный успех "The Police", их стремление завоевать мир и прагматичность их подхода к жизни вполне соответствовали духу жестокой конкуренции восьмидесятых. Некоторые из ранних критиков "The Police" жаловались, что музыка группы - слишком резкая и холодная. В самом деле, рок семидесятых, со своим беззаботным, приглушенным и усыпляющим саундом, уходил в прошлое. То были времена, когда гнусавые вокалисты распевали о жизни "в дороге", а барабаны и гитары звучали так, будто были замотаны скотчем и укутаны в одеялах заботливым техперсоналом с ватой в ушах. "Outlandos d'Amour" демонстрировал торжество амбиций и свободы в сочетании с поразительной целеустремленностью и напором. Тщательно прописанные песни Стинга, вроде "Can't Stand Losing You", были интересными и остроумными, а смелый коктейль регги и панка произвел сенсацию. Альбом был записан на студии "Surrey Sounds" и спродюсирован самими музыкантами с помощью инженеров Найджела и Криса Грея. Работа началась в январе 1978 г. Стинг сочинил несколько песен, одна из которых казалась ему просто "бросовым материалом". Это была "Roxanne", которая станет первым большим хитом группы, в конечном счете изменившим ее судьбу. Стинг вспоминал: "Я не думал больше об этом, пока мы не дали послушать материал альбома Майлсу Копленду. Дойдя до "Roxanne", мы слегка смутились, потому что песня была анахронизмом. По сравнению с остальным материалом она была медленной, тихой и мелодичной". Вместо того чтобы отвергнуть песню, Копленд заявил, что она "восхитительна". Стинг был взволнован, а Майлс настолько воодушевился, что отнес песню на A&M, где ее согласились выпустить в качестве сингла. Это повлекло за собой заключение полноценного контракта с компанией. Но песня практически не звучала в эфире. Несмотря на восторженные отзывы в музыкальной прессе, ВВС отказалась транслировать песню, рассказывающую о любви к проститутке. Только после выхода сингла в Америке "Roxanne" вошла в британские списки лучших хитов, прокладывая дорогу для "Outlandos d'Amour". "По поводу "Roxanne" я был настроен очень решительно, потому что это - серьезная песня о реальных взаимоотношениях, - говорил Стинг. - Эту песню ни в каком смысле нельзя назвать непристойной". Песня родилась в результате поездки в Париж в октябре 1977 г. Группа играла там на разогреве у "Wayne County" в крайне неудачном концерте, почти без зрителей. Стинг предпринял прогулку по кварталу "красных фонарей" и был очарован видом красивых парижских проституток при полном параде. Он представил, каково было бы влюбиться в одну из этих женщин. К тому же Стинг влюбился в имя. Роксана - так звали жену Александра Великого и подружку Сирано де Бержерака! Next To You - Рядом С Тобой В этой полной кипучей энергии композиции, заставляющей вспомнить буйство "Vortex Club", хорошо просматриваются панковские корни. Барабаны Стюарта Копленда, хотя и записаны на удивление "плоско", выдают ритм с искрящейся энергией. По крайней мере понимаешь, что это настоящая ударная установка, -в 1978 г. не было "сэмплирования". Стинг радостно вопит под звуки слайдового гитарного соло Энди, решая извечную проблему влюбленных: "What can I do... all I want is to be next to you!" ("Что мне делать... все, чего я хочу, - это быть рядом с тобой!") Короткая, потрясающе простая и одухотворенная композиция, вполне подходящая для того, чтобы представить молодую дерзкую группу многоопытному миру, ждущему впечатлений. So Lonely - Такой Одинокий Первое появление "Reggatta De Blanc" - белого регги - и Стинг убеждает критиков, что ему не стоило труда воспринять этот стиль. С середины пятидесятых Англия, как никакая другая музыкальная держава, испытывала натиск вест-индийских музыкальных направлений - от калипсо и блю-бита вплоть до регги. Так или иначе было очень приятно узнать, что Бобу Марли понравилась "The Police". Впоследствии Стинг утверждал, что все в группе "поголовно были фанами Боба Марли", а регги тогда был единственной положительной альтернативой панку с его настроениями нигилизма и анархии. Тема песни отдаленно напоминала "No Woman No Cry" - использованием аккордов С, G, А Minor и F. Стинг залечивает свое разбитое сердце ("...nurse my broken heart") в совершенном одиночестве. Голос его звучит сдавленно, причем в высоком регистре, что грозит повреждением голосовых связок. Однако напряженные нотки в столь высоко звучащем голосе усиливают типичный для его манеры исполнения эффект страдания. Неожиданные смены темпа, причудливый характер игры Энди на гитаре - смесь завывающего рока с забавными ходами в духе кантри - во всем этом проявились самые характерные черты звучания группы. Вопли Стинга и его же бэк-вокал усиливаются, завершаясь поистине безумным апогеем. Roxanne - Роксана Один из самых мощных хитов десятилетия начинается со звуков смеха. "Roxanne-you don't have to put on the red light" ("Роксана - тебе не нужно зажигать красный фонарь"), -ухмыляется Стинг с наилучшим ямайским акцентом, на который он способен. "Those days are over. You don't have to sell your body to the night" ("Те дни прошли. Тебе не нужно продавать свое тело по ночам"). Позднее Стинг отрицал, что эта песня написана в стиле регги. "На самом деле это танго! Но переходы от этого расслабленного прыгающего ритма к полноценному рок-н-роллу очень привлекали меня". Пульсация резаных звуков гитары на фоне как бы перевернутого вверх ногами и задом наперед ритма, задаваемого басом и ударными, заворожила публику после первой же прокрутки этой песни на радио. "Roxanne" стала неофициальным хитом среди фанов группы задолго до появления в хит-парадах. Особенно удивляет в этой эпохальной песне ее простота, краткость и смелое использование эффекта полной тишины. Смутное чувство недосказанности, столь характерное для многих произведений группы, раскачивающийся взад-вперед ритм усиливают гипнотическую привлекательность песни. В старый как мир крик о любви Стинг вкладывает целую гамму образов, мыслей и чувств. "I'd always wanted to make a connection between the energetic music of punk and more sophisticated musical forms. There was this amazingly aggressive music full of energy on the one hand, and I wanted to take it and bridge a gap between the interesting chords and harmonic variations and this wild energy. And what eventually allowed me to do it was listening to reggae. Bob Marley, especially. I saw a rhythmic connection between the fast bass of punk and the holes in reggae. I got interested in trying to write songs that combined these apparently diverse styles. I think we succeeded with Roxanne." Melody Maker, 4/79 Hole In My Life - Дыра В Моей Жизни "There's a hole in my life" ("В моей жизни -дыра"), - обнаруживает Стинг в номере, служащем контрапунктом к настроению, созданному "Roxanne". Стюарт задает бэк-бит, основанный на форшлаге, или предударе, когда два удара идут почти одновременно. Рифф Энди, базирующийся на одной ноте, заполняет собой скромное, лаконичное, но напряженное пространство одного из наименее притязательных номеров Стинга. Припев не лишен почти битловского высокопарного величия, но в целом песня слишком затянута и к тому же подпорчена бестолковой концовкой. Peanuts - Пустяки Копленд энергично берется за дело, а Стинг вставляет несколько поспешных и отрывочных фраз перед тем, как Энди выдает бесподобное соло, полное неожиданных поворотов. Его гневное настроение соответствует протестам Стинга, не желающего "читать о старом друге" ("to read about a lifelong friend"), несомненно, какое-то газетное разоблачение, ставшее своего рода платой за славу. Атмосфера безумия нарастает, когда вступает лихорадочное соло сопрано-саксофона, и Стинг кратко цитирует старый джазовый стандарт "Peanut Vendor". Can't Stand Losing You - He Смогу Вынести Потери Тебя Еще одна из ранних вылазок группы на территорию регги, хотя основная тема явно контрастирует с фрагментами, полными хард-роковой энергии. Стихи Стинга рассказывают об опасностях бурного романа, который закончился весьма печально - принадлежавшие ему драгоценные пластинки разбиты вдребезги. Для полной ясности он добавляет: "You'll be sorry when I'm dead and all this guilt will be on your head" ("Тебе будет жаль, когда я умру, и вся вина будет лежать на тебе"), - возникает мотив угрозы самоубийства, вызвавший некоторое оцепенение в коридорах рок-власти. И снова радиослужба ВВС с большой неохотой передавала в эфир это ритмическое обращение к нации, а безвкусный рисунок на конверте сингла, изображавший висельника, вряд ли способствовал изменению этого отношения. Но, в конце концов, вы же знаете - эти мальчишки... Truth Hits Everybody - Правда Задевает Всех Crow by Ted Hughes "..."A Ted Hughes poem called "Truth Kills Everybody" gave me the idea for 'Truth Kills' in Last Exit which became Truth Hits Everybody on Outlandos D'Amour. Bring On The Night was originally called "Carrion Prince". I got the title from a Ted Hughes poem called King Of Carrion. It was about Pontius Pilate and so was the song originally..." - Sting- Both Truth Kills Everybody and King Of Carrion appear in "Crow - From The Life and Songs of the Crow" Несмотря на суматошный характер этого скорострельного рок-номера, среди общего гвалта выделяются некоторые фразы, например, слова "I stepped outside of myself and felt so cold" ("Я шагнул за свои пределы и почувствовал холод"). Параллельно риффу ритм-гитары таинственно звенит колокол, а в некоторых открытых аккордах чувствуется сильное влияние "The Who". Тем не менее драйв песни всецело полисовский, а инженеры звукозаписи вволю оттянулись на громогласной концовке. Born In The 50's - Рожденные В 50-Х Номер не из самых примечательных, с достаточно банальной заглавной строчкой, хотя, может быть, такая оценка возникает в результате переизбытка в наши дни песен, спекулирующих на ностальгии по пятидесятым. У этой вещи более глубокие корни: надрывая глотку, Стинг поет о поколении, которое выросло в тени Бомбы. Но, несмотря на тематику - имеются в виду нюансы социального характера, - песня оставляет впечатление, что ее вполне мог бы напевать Брюс Спрингстин, полоща горло у себя в ванной. Be My Girl - Sally - Будь Моей Девушкой - Салли Комический эпизод в стиле мюзик-холла, в котором Энди Саммерс рассказывает о Салли - надувной кукле, ставшей его женой. Очень забавно. Masoko Tanga - Масоко Танга После дурашливой комической интерлюдии хорошо продуманная рок-разминка возвращает альбом в нужную колею, демонстрируя прекрасное владение бас-гитарой, изящную работу на хай-хэт, бонго, конга, технические изыски - вмонтированные куски пленки, пущенные задом наперед, - и один из крутейших джазовых наворотов Энди. Бесстыдное джазовое пение Стинга очень впечатляет. Здесь группа импровизирует безо всякой оглядки на коммерческие ограничения. Ни один продюсер в наши дни не позволит такого свободного творчества - и такого сюрреалистического финала. Эта нетривиальная композиция подчеркивает расхождение между потребностью группы в самовыражении и ее ролью в шоу-бизнесе. Любую гитарную рок-группу, которая осмелилась бы на такое в наше время, выставят за дверь студии и моментально заменят ее на сэмплеры, драм-машины и пластиковые стаканчики от кофе. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reggatta De Blanc - Реггатта Де Бланк Reggatta de Blanc was The Police's second album. Recording started in February 1979 at Surrey Sound Studios and the album was released in October 1979 when assisted by the release of the single Message In A Bottle and Walking On The Moon, it hit the #1 spot in the UK. ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫЙ БРИТАНСКИЙ ВЫПУСК: А&М АМLH 64792; выпущено: сентябрь, 1979 год; CD A&M CDA 64792; выпущено: сентябрь, 1989 год; CD A&M CDMID 127; выпущено: октябрь, 1992 год К тому моменту, когда мир подхватил "Roxanne" и "Outlandos d'Amour", "The Police" уже вовсю работала над своим вторым великим альбомом, который полностью оправдал все ожидания и вознес группу на новые высоты успеха и популярности. Стинг превзошел самого себя благодаря блестящим новым песням, таким, как запоминающаяся "Message In A Bottle", где он проявляет невероятную изобретательность, и "Walking On The Moon" - одна из вещей, создающих атмосферу (пусть даже у Луны нет атмосферы!). Да и кому нужен кислород, когда Стинг выбрасывает в поп-биосферу такую порцию жизненной энергии! Группа начала работу над "Reggatta De Blanc" в феврале 1979 г. В техническом отношении саунд стал заметно лучше по сравнению с записью "Outlandos". Инженер Найджел Грей переделал студию "Surrey Sound", увеличив число каналов с шестнадцати до двадцати четырех. Группа могла позволить себе потратить 6000 фунтов на покупку студийного времени, которое в чистом виде составило четыре недели, правда, растянувшиеся на несколько месяцев. Однако поначалу запись давалась гораздо тяжелее, чем в прошлый раз. Группе не хватало законченных песен, хотя у Стинга уже были готовы три грандиозных номера, включая "The Bed's Too Big Without You". Стюарту и Стингу пришлось объединить усилия, чтобы укомплектовать альбом материалом вроде "It's Alright For You". Сессии звукозаписи были прерваны еще одним американским туром в апреле 1979 г., во время которого группа довольно неожиданно для себя сорвала огромный успех, a "Roxanne" и "Outlandos" начали свой путь вверх в хит-парадах. Альбом "Reggatta De Blanc" сразу после выпуска взмыл на первую строчку британских хит-парадов, где продержался четыре недели в октябре 1979 г. Иметь этот самый альбом в сине-серебряной обложке в своей коллекции стало признаком хорошего тона. Message In A Bottle - Послание В Бутылке Довольно простая идея - как раз такая, что заставляет всех сочинителей песен воскликнуть: "Как же это я не догадался написать такое?" Группа - явно на высоте, играет связно и уверенно, что не всегда удавалось в первом альбоме. Стинг поет в собственной неотшлифованной манере, но при этом все же ощущается влияние Марли. По сравнению с оригинальным виниловым вариантом на CD его голос звучит как будто немного ниже. Этим эффектом мы, по-видимому, обязаны причудам проигрывателей. Бас- и соло-гитара как бы вращаются в круговороте, подгоняя друг друга, в то время как Стинг поет главную тему. Затем группа резко повышает обороты, снова демонстрируя свою потрясающую способность превращать живое рок-выступление в настоящий хит. Странно, что у актера Стинга строчка "Sending out an SOS" ("Посылаю SOS"; читается: "Эс-О-Эс") звучит как "Sending out a Nesso Ess". Дикция, друг мой, дикция. Стинг объяснял, что "Message" - это песня об одиночестве и отчуждении. "Она - о поисках утешения и о том, что со всеми людьми происходит одно и то же. Парень на необитаемом острове бросает в море бутылку с посланием о том, что он один, и миллионы бутылок приплывают обратно, как бы говоря: "Ну и что? Мы и сами такие!" "Message In A Bottle" стала первым хитом номер один в истории группы. "Composing is a very private thing. I don't get many of my songs from jamming. I just sit at home with a drum box. Voices Inside My Head came through a drum box. I had a Latin rhythm on the drum box, and started playing the guitar riff. Then I added a bass part. A lot of my compositions come from guitar parts. Message In A Bottle, that was a guitar riff. The way I write, I don't have a melody first and then fit words to it. Actually, what happens is that I write them both together. There's this magical moment where you have this series of chords, this progression, and suddenly the words and the music actually come together at the same time. There's no sort of welding one onto the other. There is no other melody for the chorus to Message In A Bottle. It just happened at the same time, so in a sense, I see the two as equal." Musician, 12/81 Reggatta De Blanc - Реггатта Де Бланк Белый регги, в отличие от белого хлеба, обладает замечательным вкусом и характером. По крайней мере, такой вывод напрашивается из этой стихии ритмов, не сдерживаемой текстом. У слушателя появляется возможность просто расслабиться и насладиться слаженной игрой пары Саммерс- Копленд. Изобретательность, с которой Стюарт использует другой конец палочки на малом барабане, не уступает последним опытам Арта Блейки. Эта инструментальная пьеса стала частью концертного репертуара группы, еще когда второго альбома не было и в помине. It's Alright For You - Для Тебя - Хорошо В приподнятом настроении, чувствуя себя совсем по-панковски, "The Police" сочинили песню, которая лучше других свидетельствует об их разностороннем музыкальном кругозоре. В кричащем, красноречивом вокальном исполнении Стинга можно услышать дилановские нотки, слегка приправленные интонациями Джонни Роттена. Но какую ерунду мы, критики, начинаем нести, вступая на неблагодарную тропу сравнений! На самом деле здесь перед нами Стинг, Энди и Стюарт, которые импровизируют и наслаждаются жизнью, пока все в ней не стало еще слишком сложным. Bring On The Night - Принеси Ночь Смешение вокалов сопрано и тенора достигнуто благодаря чуду "дабл-трекинга" - наложения. Энди держит протяжную ноту, перед тем как ритм-секция вступает во всей своей красе. Изыски продолжаются, когда Стюарт начинает выстукивать лаконичный ритм на бас-барабане. Все это, в сущности, ни к чему особо не ведет, но песня идеально подходит для передышки. Deathwish - Пожелание Смерти Ударные выбивают ритм в духе Бо Диддли, а гитара Энди выдает каскад реверберирующих аккордов в песне, и все это скорее просто тянет время, чем расширяет границы нашего познания. "Burning in the outside lane - people think that I'm insane" ("Горю на внешней полосе, - люди думают, что я сошел с ума"), - поет Стинг, рассуждая о невежливости на дорогах. Вероятно, из этого бы вышла недурная музыка для кино, но вряд ли песню можно отнести к наиболее осмысленным работам группы. Walking On The Moon - Прогулка На Луне Блеск и совершенство волшебного исполнения. Одно из самых запоминающихся вступлений, когда-либо записанных на магнитную пленку, - простая басовая линия и танцующая, подпрыгивающая тарелка хай-хэт. Оно и выводит Стинга на вокальную орбиту. Прошло уже десять лет после первой высадки на Луне, но эта песня безупречно передает как все еще сохранившееся благоговение перед покорением космического пространства, так и легкое головокружение, вызванное покорением пространства секса, любви и рок-н-ролла. Саунд группы настолько прозрачен, насколько это вообще возможно. Комментарий Стинга: "Как трио мы поступали умно, не пытаясь создать впечатление, что нас в группе больше, а заставив неизбежные ограничения работать на нас. В песне "Walking On The Moon" были такие большие черные дыры, а этот гитарный аккорд, на который набрел Энди, просто ошеломлял". В декабре 1979 г. сингл с этой песней стал в Великобритании хитом номер один. On Any Other Day - В Любой Другой День Неудивительно, что столько говорилось о противоречиях между Стингом и Стюартом Коплендом по поводу материала. Если это - лучшее, на что был способен Стюарт, то Стинг имел полное право быть раздраженным. В оправдание песни можно сказать лишь одно: видимо, ее комичность была призвана составить контраст ирреальному настроению, созданному "Walking On The Moon". Но все равно удивительно, почему кто-то настоял на том, чтобы эта чепуха вошла в такой важный классический альбом. Стюарт необдуманно резко начинает песню, предупреждая: "The other one's a complete bullshit" ("Дальше - полная хреновина"). The Bed's Тоо Big Without You - Кровать Слишком Широка Без Тебя В третьем хите этого альбома Стюарт искупает свою вину превосходной работой на малом барабане, создавая фон для блуждающей басовой линии Стинга. Ясная идея, простое выражение. Contact - Контакт Бедствия продолжаются - очередная вещь от Стюарта Копленда, которую следовало забраковать еще в процессе работы на ней. В инструментальном плане она, конечно, хороша - с изменениями темпа, мрачными басовыми ходами и резаной, четкой игрой на ударных. Но текст никуда не годится, а мелодия явно сочинена на скорую руку. Does Everyone Stare - Все Ли Смотрят Пристально И все-таки еще одна песня Стюарта Копленда! Здесь он упоминает о действительно имеющейся у него привычке сверлить людей пристальным взглядом. Этому номеру в духе немецкого кабаре, построенному на фортепианном риффе с легким влиянием Лотте Ленья*, не находится места в альбоме "The Police". Он, по сути, совершенно расшатывает саму концепцию группы. Возможно, Стюарту стоило выпустить собственную десятидюймовую пластинку. No Time This Time - В Это Время Нет Времени После долгих занятий мартышкиным трудом на второй стороне оригинала альбома "The Police" возвращаются в свою колею с этой восхитительно быстрой вещью, в которой Стюарт занимается тем, что умеет делать лучше всего, - великолепно играет на ударных, заканчивая четырехтактовыми брейками в бурном финале. Живой рок! _______________ * Лотте Ленья - Каролина Бламауэр (1905 - 1981), австрийская актриса и певица. Отличалась своеобразной непрофессиональной манерой пения, вносящей реалистическое начало в исполняемые ею роли, например в "Трехгрошовой опере" Б. Брехта (1928). - Примеч. пер. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zenyatta Mondatta - Зеньятта Мондатта Zenyatta Mondatta was The Police's 'awkward' third album. Recording started in the summer of 1980, shortly after The Police's groundbreaking world tour finished, at Wisselwoord Studios in Hilversum, Holland. The album was released on Sting's birthday in October 1980, and made the #1 spot in the UK. The album was also the most successful to date for the band in the States, where it stayed in the top 20 for six months, achieving platinum status (1 million sales). ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫЙ БРИТАНСКИЙ ВЫПУСК: A&M AMLH 64831; выпущено: октябрь, 1980 год; CD A&M CDA 64831; выпущено: сентябрь, 1986 год; CD A&M СDМID 128; выпущено: октябрь, 1992 год В своем третьем альбоме "The Police" предстает в зрелом виде - это относится и к музыке, и к содержанию текстов, даже несмотря на то, что среди названий песен одно из самых незрелых в истории группы: "De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da". Однако Стинг, автор большей части материала, имел основания для такой на первый взгляд банальности. Сам он объяснял это так: "De Do Do Do" - это членораздельная песня о нечленораздельном состоянии. Так или иначе она стала настоящим хитом по обе стороны Атлантики". Стинг рассматривал текст этой песни как эксперимент в области наивного поп-искусства, ориентируясь на такие классические образцы простоты, как "Da Do Ron Ron" "The Ronettes" и "Doo Wah Diddy" "Manfred Mann". "Здесь нет попытки сообщить вам что-либо или исказить ваши представления, - говорил он. - Это просто звуки. В песне я попытался осмыслить и проанализировать, почему они воздействуют на человеческий слух столь эффективно". К тому времени группа окончательно отказалась от использования тех или иных элементов панка. Стинг говорил об этом: "Мы почувствовали, что сумеем забыть свое панковское прошлое и сможем делать ту музыку, которую действительно хотим". "Zenyatta Mondatta" записывался в студии "Wisseloord" (Голландия) в основном из налоговых соображений. Продюсировался он самой группой с помощью инженера Найджела Грея. Как оказалось потом, альбом стал последней работой Найджела с "The Police" вследствие его разногласий с менеджером Майлсом Коплендом. Группа недавно завершила изнурительный мировой тур, включивший в себя поездки в Индию и Египет. Это историческое путешествие началось в январе 1980 г. и прошло по 37 городам в 19 странах. Возможно, это были крупнейшие рок-гастроли всех времен. Последнее выступление проходило на родине Стинга, в Ньюкасле, где на четыре тысячи билетов было сорок тысяч желающих. За всей этой тяжелой работой у группы не находилось времени для написания новых песен, и со времени "Reggatta De Blanc" Стинг сочинил только одну вещь, "Driven To Tears". Группа взяла двухмесячный отпуск, и Стинг укрылся в своем новом доме в Гэлвее, в Ирландии, чтобы поработать над альбомом. Он применил новый подход, осознавая, что в песнях предыдущих альбомов, вроде "Outlandos d'Amour", отчасти проявился эгоцентризм их автора. "В песнях на "Outlandos" был только я, я, я, - вспоминал он. - На "Zenyatta" я обратился к тому, что происходило вокруг меня. На первых порах я не видел мира и проявлял слишком большой интерес к себе". Однако с началом сессий стало ясно, что появились проблемы. Парни устали и не чувствовали вдохновения, поэтому им стоило многих усилий настроиться на работу и закончить альбом в срок. Позднее Стюарт Копленд признался: "Мы откусили больше, чем могли прожевать. Мы закончили альбом в четыре часа утра того же дня, когда начинался наш следующий мировой тур". Несмотря на давление обстоятельств, а возможно, благодаря ему, группа создала много превосходной новой музыки, и осенью 1980 г. альбом сразу же занял первое место в британских хит-парадах и не уступал его четыре недели, a "Don't Stand So Close To Me" стал хитом номер один. В Америке альбом шесть месяцев продержался в "Top 20", одно время занимая пятую строку, и достиг платинового статуса благодаря миллиону проданных экземпляров. Don't Stand So Close To Me - He Стой Так Близко Ко Мне Раздается угрожающий монотонный гул, и перед нами одно из последних великих достижений Стинга в разработке полисовского песенного канона. Идея просто блестяща: рассказ об искушении и безысходности ("temptation, frustration"), царящих в отношениях между учителем и его любимой ученицей - этакой Лолитой в гимнастическом трико. Фактически Стинг заимствует идею Владимира Набокова, американского писателя, уроженца России, автора нашумевшей книги о запретной любви стареющего интеллектуала к двенадцатилетней девочке. Именно Набоков придумал слово "нимфетка". Никогда зловещее предостережение не выражалось Стингом более страстно, чем в характеристике такого человеческого порока, как сплетни и обвинения ("the accusations fly"). Хотя в начале своей карьеры Стинг работал учителем в школе, он категорически отрицал подобные отношения со своими ученицами - ему это и в голову не приходило. Песня скорее отражает ощутимое воздействие группы (когда она была в зените славы) на юных поклонниц. Другие члены группы не ударили в грязь лицом, и сингл разошелся миллионным тиражом в одной только Великобритании, а в апреле 1981 г. вошел также в десятку лучших в Штатах. Driven To Tears - Доведен До Слез Эта песня не что иное, как проявление гнева, вызванного зрелищем голодающих детей в странах "третьего мира", которое Стинг увидел благодаря телевизионной технологии. Запад может заботиться о технологии, но не о еде. Стинг написал песню во время американского тура за пару лет до выхода альбома. От нее исходит волна беспредельного гнева. When The World Is Running Down, You Make The Best Of What's Still Around КОГДА МИР РАЗВАЛИВАЕТСЯ, ТЫ КАК МОЖНО ЛУЧШЕ ИСПОЛЬЗУЕШЬ ТО, ЧТО ЕЩЕ СОХРАНИЛОСЬ ВОКРУГ ТЕБЯ Перед нами пример того, как работает ритм-секция "The Police", когда музыканты в ударе и просто оттягиваются с нескрываемым удовольствием. Все это-навык, приобретенный долгой практикой. В тексте песни Стинг демонстрирует новую для себя положительную оценку окружающего мира, утверждая, что смысл жизни - это нечто большее, чем заботы о бренной плоти. Canary In A Coalmine -Канарейка В Угольной Шахте Забавная вещица с неотразимо жизнерадостной гитарой и очаровательной музыкальной темой, которой соответствует саркастичный текст Стинга. Он сообщает предмету своих симпатий, что та ведет образ жизни, подобный вышеупомянутой канарейке, испытывая столь сильное головокружение, что идти по прямой линии для нее оказывается весьма трудным делом. Любопытная аналогия - возможно, Стинг вспоминал жизнь вблизи угольных разрезов своего родного Северо-востока. Voices Inside My Head - Голоса У Меня В Голове Где-то вдалеке в расслабленной манере поет Стинг, в то время как пара Саммерс - Копленд импровизирует в прославленном полисовском стиле, играя один из таких джэмов, которые могут длиться по нескольку часов, и при этом никто не потеряет интерес к происходящему. Стюарт выдает кое-что из тех своих энергичных подвижных отбивок, которые послужили источником вдохновения для целого поколения ударников, восхищали всех продюсеров и инженеров звукозаписи и, вероятнее всего, пролетели прямо мимо ушей широких масс слушателей. Composing is a very private thing. I don't get many of my songs from jamming. I just sit at home with a drum box. Voices Inside My Head came through a drum box. I had a Latin rhythm on the drum box, and started playing the guitar riff. Then I added a bass part. A lot of my compositions come from guitar parts. Musician, 12/81 Bombs Away - Бомбы Долой Стюарт возвращается к амплуа автора песен и, по меньшей мере, реабилитирует себя за былые промахи, предпринимая атаку на солдафонов-милитаристов. "The General scratches his belly and thinks, his pay is good but his officers stink... The President looks in the mirror and speaks, his shirts are clean but his country reeks" ("Генерал думает, почесывая брюхо, - ему платят хорошо, но от его офицеров смердит... Президент говорит, глядя в зеркало, - его рубашки ослепительны, но его страна опаршивела"). Вероятно, группа не планировала тур по горячим точкам планеты. Энди делает со своей гитарой все, что ему вздумается, на фоне скандирующего хора "язычников" - представителей "третьего мира". Значительно лучше по сравнению с песнями Стюарта для "Reggatta". De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da Еще одно классическое вступление, в котором Энди и Стюарт акцентируют самые сильные стороны этой во всех отношениях простой, но весьма обаятельной вещицы, вошедшей в "Top 10" в Штатах. Это был первый их большой хит за океаном со времен "Roxanne". Он продержался в списках лучших хитов журнала "Billboard" 13 недель, начиная с появления там в ноябре 1980 г. В Великобритании сингл достиг пятой позиции в декабре. Стинг охотно объясняет, что бессмысленная фраза - это единственное, что влюбленный порой хочет сказать своей милой, стремясь отбросить прекрасные слова поэтов и наслаждаясь утраченной невинностью. Behind My Camel - За Моим Верблюдом Саммерс решает отвоевать господство Самнера и сочиняет эту загадочную гитарную тему для композиции, которая завоевала премию "Грэми" в категории "Лучшая инструментальная рок-композиция", последовав примеру "Reggatta De Blanc". Но на самом деле она не была лучшей. Энди мог бы сделать вещь куда более интересную. Man In A Suitcase - Человек В Чемодане Под шум вокзальных объявлений, раздающихся со всех сторон, Стинг жалуется на жизнь в "чемодане". "Must I be a man with a stranger's face?" ("Должен ли я быть человеком с лицом странника?") - вопрошает он. Несомненно, песня намекает на агента группы, из Каира договаривающегося о концертах в Ньюкасле проездом через какую-нибудь тмутаракань. Shadows In The Rain - Тени Под Дождем ( 2 вариант в сольном альбоме Стинга) Возврат к регги в номере, отягощенном несколькими брякающими фортепианными нотами, явно не в исполнении Оскара Питерсона. У Энди, похоже, припадок в одной из комнат прямо по коридору. Признаки дорожной лихорадки или паранойи? Этой вещи место только в корзине со студийным мусором, рядом с бутылками из-под пива и всякими обертками от чизбургеров. The Other Way Of Stopping - Останавливаться По-Другому И вот заканчивается этот в целом удовлетворительный альбом, если не брать в расчет странных аномалий наподобие "Shadows" или этого более или менее терпимого джэма, - еще одной лепты, внесенной человеком по имени С. Копленд. Кто знает, какие обстоятельства давили на группу в студии, если музыкантам приходилось записывать этакое вместо еще одного потрясающего номера, который понравился бы фанам, менеджеру группы и парню, разносившему чай? Если им не всегда удавалось найти золотую жилу, это только подчеркивало сущностную неустойчивость творческого процесса. Когда "The Police" были в ударе, они изумляли. Когда искре гениальности не удавалось разгореться, они были просто людьми. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ghost In The Machine - Призрак Внутри Машины Ghost In The Machine was The Police's fourth album, recorded at Air Studios on the Caribbean island of Montserrat. Recording started in June 1981 and again the album was released in October that year. The album topped the UK album chart and reached the #2 spot in the States where it stayed for six weeks. ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫЙ БРИТАНСКИЙ ВЫПУСК: А&М AMLK 63730; выпущено: октябрь, 1981 год; CD A&M CDA 63730; выпущено: 1983 год; CD А&М CDMID 162; выпущено: октябрь, 1992 год На заре технодесятилетия восьмидесятых микропроцессоры и компьютеры стали входить в каждый дом, и экономический и научный прогресс ускорялся угрожающими темпами. Музыкальная индустрия одна из первых взяла на вооружение новые технологии. Саунд альбомов и синглов "The Police" заметно прогрессировал по сравнению с плоским и неровным звучанием рок-записей предшествующих лет. Возможно, под впечатлением всех этих изменений и грядущего владычества компьютеров и рационального начала Стинг задумался о магии, иных мирах и духовной стороне человеческого "я". Он ощущал, что вмешательство электроники притупляет и искажает спектр человеческих чувств. Парадоксально, но было что-то магическое в смешении человеческой мысли и прыгающих электронов. Возможно, в новых машинах присутствовали некие призраки, притаившиеся среди электронных схем за мерцающими экранами. В своих размышлениях Стинг находился под влиянием работ философа Артура Кёстлера. Название "Ghost In The Machine" следует понимать как присутствие человеческого духа в музыке, выраженной посредством применения электронного арсенала студии звукозаписи. Это станет сквозной темой четвертого альбома группы. К моменту начала работы над "Ghost" "The Police" достигли буквально всего в материальном плане. Их записи продавались миллионными тиражами, их самих бурно приветствовали во множестве стран, почитая как идолов. Результатом всего этого стало заметное давление, испытываемое каждым из музыкантов лично. Им не всегда удавалось найти вдохновение для создания новых песен. Они долгое время не появлялись в студии, пока Стинг снова не взялся за сочинительство. Он был сильно занят работой в кино и на телевидении, а также концертной деятельностью с "The Police". Наконец, 15 июля 1981 г. группа отправилась на остров Монтсеррат в Карибском бассейне, чтобы начать работу в AIR, знаменитой студии, основанной продюсером "The Beatles" Джорджем Мартином. Впервые со времен "Outlandos d'Amour" у них был новый продюсер-инженер. Место Найджела Грея занял Хью Пэдэм, прославившийся своей работой с "Genesis" и Филом Коллинзом. Пэдэм только что закончил работу над эпохальным альбомом Коллинза "Face Value" и являлся убежденным приверженцем громкого и резкого барабанного саунда. Первопроходцами здесь были Фил и Питер Гейбриэл, которые решительно отвергли старый приглушенный саунд семидесятых. Пэдэма и "The Police" свел друг с другом Энди Партридж из "ХТС". Хотя было решено сохранить прежний саунд "The Police", материал альбома получился не такой нервный, как в "Zenyatta Mondatta". Инструментальный спектр группы расширился благодаря привлечению клавишных и наложению саксофонных риффов в исполнении Стинга, который брал уроки игры на этом инструменте. "Ghost In The Machine", несмотря на наличие нескольких проходных вещей, сразу же возглавил британские списки лучших альбомов, а в Штатах на протяжении шести недель держался на втором месте. За выходом альбома последовало намного меньше концертов, чем обычно, и на какое-то время показалось, что группа распалась, чтобы каждый мог отдохнуть, обдумать собственное будущее и исследовать свое внутреннее "я". Spirits In The Material World - духи в материальном мире "Are there spirits in the material world?" ("Есть ли духи в материальном мире?") Стинга обвиняли в показном бравировании на основании его утверждения о том, что он в своей жизни прочел ряд серьезных книг. В данном случае это книги философов Артура Кёстлера и Карла Юнга. Их влиянием насквозь пропитан этот призрачный образец музыкальной алхимии и стихотворных исследований Стинга. Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - в любых мелочах она - волшебна Ритм, задаваемый Стюартом при помощи прижатой тарелки хай-хэт и барабанной палочки, создает несколько заторможенное настроение, но басовый ход голосом умирающего лебедя возвещает поворот к более оживленному действу. В этой очаровательной песне Стинг - в своей стихии. Она полна беспрерывных смен направления и интригующих поворотов. Лаконичный исходный саунд расцвечен искрящимися фортепианными вкраплениями в исполнении Жана Русселя. В октябре 1981 г. эта превосходная песня о любви стала хитом номер один в Великобритании и заняла третью строчку в американском "Top 40" журнала "Billboard". Invisible Sun - невидимое солнце Источником песни послужили события в Северной Ирландии в разгаре "беспокойств". Песня проникнута унылым, мрачным настроением. "I don't want to play the part of a statistic on a Government chart" ("Я не хочу играть роль цифры в правительственной статистике"), - объясняет Стинг свою потребность сбежать из городского ада, каким представляется ему болезненное существование в мире насилия. Выйдя на сингле, песня заняла второе место в Великобритании. Примечательно, что ее не стали выпускать в Штатах. Довольно серьезную полемику вызвал запрет показа видеоклипа с этой песней в телепрограмме ВВС "Top Of The Pops", что явно свидетельствует о политической и военной напряженности того периода. Непривычно просто, фанково звучащая гитара Энди гневно вопиет на фоне взрывоподобных ударов тарелок, а Стинг шлет нам свое негромкое послание протеста и надежды. Hungry For You (J'aurais Toujours Faim De Toi) - Изголодался по тебе В этой на удивление фанковой композиции, построенной на основе звучного басового и гитарного риффа и разнообразных бэк-битов, выдаваемых Стюартом, Стинг переходит на французский. В результате этот мрачный номер получился пугающе гипнотическим и, пожалуй, мог бы звучать до тех пор, пока планеты Солнечной системы не прекратят свое вращение и не упадут на Солнце. К счастью для нашего душевного здоровья, песня затихает по приказу Командора Пэдэма. Demolition Man - подрывник Если предыдущая композиция была простовато-фанковой, то эта демонстрирует новую степень виртуозности. Стинг выдает басовую линию монументального масштаба, используя устройство "call and response", благодаря которому звучание группы становится эквивалентным саунду целого биг-бэнда, играющего свинговые риффы. Блюзовые гитарные партии в духе Клэптона, добавленные сюда Энди, - воспоминание о юности, растраченной на сцене клуба "Soho" в далекие шестидесятые. Забавляясь, Стюарт, демонстрирует умение отбивать слабые доли на малом барабане и одновременно "валять" на всех своих тарелках и тамтамах. Когда вокал затихает, начинается настоящий джэм на саксофоне и гитаре в лучших джазовых традициях. И у них хватает наглости начать все заново даже после того, как затихают последние звуки! Стинг сочинил эту песню, отдыхая в коттедже актера Питера 0'Тула. Известна версия песни в исполнении Грейс Джонс, записанная в 1981 г. Тоо Much Information - слишком много информации "Too much information going through my brain - driving me insane" ("Слишком много информации проходит через мой мозг - это сводит меня с ума"), -утверждает Стинг, жалуясь на избыток новостей и другой информации, которая переполняла мир еще до пришествия персональных компьютеров, телетекста, кабельного телевидения, мультимедиа и Интернет. В песне можно найти намеки на карибские ритмы и нотки юмора, которые смягчают нарастающую нервную взвинченность, наметившуюся в творчестве группы к тому моменту. Несомненно, этим "The Police" обязана умиротворяющей обстановке на острове Монтсеррат. Rehumanize yourself - очеловечь себя В духе битвы с машинами, фашистами и всем тем, что портит пейзаж, Стинг интерпретирует песню Стюарта Копленда, советуя нам искать источник подлинной человечности. Приподнятое настроение песни во многом сохраняется благодаря звучному саксофону Стинга. Парни играют, словно наслаждаясь этой, по сути, быстрой танцевальной мелодией, идеально подходящей для свадеб или игры в лимбо. One World (Not Three) - один мир - а не три Резаные вест-индийские ритмы подхватываются саксофонными риффами в стиле ска и толково взаимодействующими между собой бас-барабаном и бас-гитарой, что создает невообразимый подъем настроения. "One world is enough for all of us" ("Одного мира хватит нам всем") - в этих словах заключается главная идея, обрамленная настоящим джэмом в исполнении группы. Стюарт демонстрирует остроотточенные удары. Потрясающая вещь. Omegaman - человек-омега Это - композиция Энди Саммерса, по структуре довольно заметно отличающаяся от более привычного материала "The Police". Она выделяется необычными аккордами, оживленным темпом и быстро повторяющейся заключительной музыкальной фразой. "Омега" - последняя буква греческого алфавита, и песня, вне всяких сомнений, посвящена последнему из людей, выжившему на Земле. Secret journey - тайное путешествие Meetings With Remarkable Men Гурджиев by C I Gurdjieff "...Secret Journey is a quasi-mystical song. You have to do something, go somewhere, to get outside yourself. I read the book "Meetings With Remarkable Men" which says you have to make a journey. It doesn't have to be a real journey, it can be a mental journey."..." - Sting - В песне преобладает жутковатая атмосфера, порождающая образы клубящегося тумана и пейзажа, залитого луной. Это - очень стинговская песня, с присущим ему умным использованием простых мелодических зацепок, контрастирующих с более сложными пассажами. Но все-таки это не совсем на уровне "Message In The Bottle". Песня принадлежит к одной из "мертвых зон", которые имеются даже в лучших альбомах "The Police": их редко касается журналистское перо или сканирует лазерный луч исследователей. Darkness - темнота Довольно неплохая композиция Стюарта Копленда, начинающаяся с теплых, умиротворяющих аккордов, приятной басовой линии и активного использования тарелки хай-хэт. Затем наша поющая звезда демонстрирует безмятежное вокальное исполнение, в котором угадываются ланкаширские нотки Иона Андерсона из "Yes". Странно, однако, что всякий раз, когда группа исполняет материал, написанный не Стингом, присущие ей магия и чувство ориентации как-то теряются. Это вряд ли можно считать открытием, однако подобные наблюдения являются источником недоумения и терзаний для тех, кто всегда выступал за большую демократичность внутри "The Police". И все же-и Стюарт с Энди первыми согласятся с этим - как композитор Стинг, несомненно, был лучшим среди них. Его материал преобладал в репертуаре "The Police", но, по словам Энди Саммерса, "по этому поводу отнюдь не было разбитых сердец". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synchronicity - Синхронность Да, пожалуй, без Карла Юнга этого не было бы. (yanko_slava@yahoo.com) Synchronicity was The Police's final studio album. Work on the album commenced at the end of 1982, once again in Montserrat. Recording was difficult due to the well publicised personal tensions between the band members, but the album is considered by many to be a 'classic', and was released in June 1983. Aided by the killer single Every Breath You Take, the album soared to the #1 spot on both sides of the Atlantic. Indeed, the album stayed at the top of US chart for an incredible 17 weeks. Synchronicity by Carl Jung "...Carl Jung was a Swiss psychologist who developed a dream theory, after Freud. He worked for Freud but parted the ways with him, and he's probably most known for his theory of synchronicity, which is the theory of meaningful coincidence. All of us have examples in our lives of coincidence - you meet someone, someplace and their father knew your father. Everyone has examples of this. Jung managed to weave a theory around the meaning of these things, somehow existence was kind of holographic and everything was connected to everything else and that there were no real accidents, everything had a sort of meaning. As an artist, as a writer I think it's good to embrace this kind of thing because it means that any observation that you make has some sort of meaning. It has to. Carl Jung came along in my reading at a time when I probably needed it. I was in the first flush of success in the Police, it was the most successful time of my life and probably the most unhappy. I was miserable, everything was going right for me and my life was falling apart at the seams. This book just sort of coincidentally turned up and I started to read it, and I started to analyse my dreams and ended up going to a Jungian analyst to try and figure out what the hell I was doing and who I was, and where I'd been, and I found it very useful. I sort of channelled all of this information into my songs, starting to use dream imagery in my work. It was fun. Whether it was therapeutic, I don't know. It was fun, and I'm here now and I'm reasonably sane, twenty years later, and I think Carl Jung can take responsibility for that..." - Sting- - ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫЙ БРИТАНСКИЙ ВЫПУСК: А&М; выпущено: июнь, 1983 год; CDA&M CDA 63735; выпущено: июнь, 1983 год К моменту выхода в свет альбома "Synchronicity" положение "The Police" в мире поп-музыки было, казалось, нерушимым, и группа имела все, к чему стремилась. Однако только немногие знали о застарелой антипатии между очень самостоятельными и талантливыми членами группы. Соперничество между Стингом и Стюартом по поводу управления группой не прекращалось ни на минуту, и поскольку оба были властными натурами, никто не желал отступать от своего. О чем ни заходила речь - о темпе исполнения, использовании клавишных или синтезатора, выбора песни, - всегда возникал повод для споров и склок. При записи этого альбома, как и предыдущего, участники группы испытывали давление личных проблем, включая разводы, и Стингу, конечно, не терпелось начать сольную карьеру, чтобы, как и в кино, ощущать свою независимость. Возможно, музыканты чувствовали, что сделали все, что могли сделать в рамках "The Police". Группа сформировала их в творческом плане, принесла им огромный успех, к тому же попутно они насочиняли массу великолепных вещей. Но искре вдохновения не всегда удавалось воспламениться, и Сгинг заявил: "Как только это станет мне обузой - я уйду". Что и случилось после выхода "Synchronicity". Хотя "The Police" начала работу над следующим альбомом, который планировалось выпустить в 1984 г., этим планам не суждено было сбыться. Работа над материалом к новому альбому началась в первые недели 1982 г., когда Стинг арендовал поместье "Golden Eye" ("Золотой глаз"), ранее принадлежавшее Яну Флемингу. Сидя за тем же столом, за которым Флеминг писал истории о Джеймсе Бонде, рок-композитор сочинял песни,предназначенные для "Synchronicity". В конце года группа собралась на острове Монтсеррат, имея в своем арсенале примерно двадцать песен, и много репетировала с новым материалом. Они поставили себе цель выяснить, какая из песен будет звучать лучше, и придумать подходящие аранжировки. Самыми удачными были, конечно, песни Стинга, но было отобрано и по одной песне Стюарта и Энди. "Following my awful separation from my wife actress Frances Tomelty in the early '80s, I went to Jamaica to escape, and I stayed at Golden Eye, the old Ian Fleming house in Oracabessa that Chris Blackwell of Island owns. While I was there, I sat at Fleming's old wooden desk overlooking the ocean, the one at which he wrote all his James Bond books, and I wrote Every Breath You Take, King Of Pain, Wrapped Around Your Finger, all these neat songs. And that was also the first time tried I sensimilla. I brought those songs to Montserrat and we cut Synchronicity." Spin, 7/85 На протяжении шести недель музыканты усердно трудились над материалом, что давалось не всегда легко. Как позднее рассказывал Энди Саммерс, заглавный номер писался так трудно, что они со Стюартом оставили работу до утра и пошли спать. На следующее утро они обнаружили, что Стинг проработал над песней всю ночь, оставаясь в студии до рассвета, пока все не сделал. Эта песня особенно много значила для него лично, так как имела отношение к его размышлениям над теорией философа Карла Юнга. Незадолго до этого Стинг прошел курс психотерапии по методу Юнга, пытаясь справиться с травмами, причиненными разводом. Безусловно лучшей песней альбома стала "Every Breath You Take", затмившая все остальные. Группа помогла Стингу правильно расставить акценты, позволившие соединить лаконичную простоту с глубиной воздействия. Гитарная тема Энди Саммерса в окончательной версии получилась очень вдохновенной. И сингл, и альбом возглавили хит-парады во всем мире. В Штатах "Every Breath You Take" была хитом номер один девять недель, а альбом продержался на первой строчке невероятное количество недель - семнадцать! И это несмотря на конкуренцию со стороны мега-бестселлера Майкла Джексона "Thriller". В 1984 г. "Every Breath You Take" завоевала премию "Грэми" в категории "Лучшая песня года". Стинг оказался прав, когда говорил: "Я знал, что это будет хит номер один!" Synchronicity I - синхронность 1 Темп, напряжение и накладывающиеся друг на друга жесткие риффы - это главные составляющие напористого, мощного заглавного номера. Безудержный, похожий на строки телеграммы, текст посвящен событиям, происходящим одновременно в разных местах. На такие идеи Стинга вдохновило прочтение книг Карла Юнга, швейцарского психиатра (1875 -1961), который работал в Цюрихском институте сознания. Именно Юнг первым употребил термин "комплекс" в своей работе "Исследования ассоциаций слов". Он был другом Зигмунда Фрейда до тех пор, пока в 1913 г. они не разорвали отношения из-за строго сексуальной трактовки либидо Фрейдом. С той поры старик Юнг работал над развитием теории психической энергии, опираясь на сновидения и рисунки своих пациентов и смыкаясь с современной физикой в своих идеях синхронности. Стинг поет о "разделенной любви" и других аспектах загадок пространства, времени и чувственного влечения. Walking In Your Footsteps - за тобой след в след Песня о наших первобытных предках, которые пятнадцать миллионов лет назад отправились в путь, приведший к появлению современного человека. Флейты, человекоподобные завывания и барабаны конга создают подходящую "первобытную" атмосферу. Если верить Стингу, нашими предками были динозавры, и это несмотря на то, что, согласно большинству книг, люди никогда не были современниками динозавров, вымерших задолго до появления изобретателей огня, колеса и компьютерных игр. Как бы то ни было, песня остается одним из самых необычных опытов группы, свободным от полисовских канонов. О My God - о боже мой Возвращение к старым полисовским идеям, в котором можно услышать отголоски "The Bed's Too Big Without You" и "Demolition Man". Голос Стинга звучит несколько хрипло и напряженно, в то время как риффы, хотя и сыгранные с известной настойчивостью, вызывают сильные симптомы дежа вю*[2]. Мы точно здесь уже когда-то были, но, если отвлечься от мрачной саксофонной интерлюдии, сюда по-прежнему приятно приходить. Mother - мать Саммерс за работой, но, к сожалению, с воистину кошмарным результатом. Энди буквально вопит: "The telephone is ringing. Is that my mother on the phone?" ("Звонит телефон. Неужели это моя мать звонит?") Психоз, вполне достойный "Talking Heads". Может, это сработало бы в альбоме Роберта Фриппа, но, говоря словами Найджела Тафнелла из "Spinal Tap", - "лучше забудем". [как-то вместо Наташа - я крикнул - Мама! Вот об этом эта песня. Чудно. У Фрейда есть версия на этот счет, но это тоже версия J] Miss Gradenko - мисс граденко Почти погубив альбом предыдущей композицией, Энди ограничивается здесь не- _________________ * Дежа вю (deja vu - фр.) - навязчивое ощущение "припоминания" событий, в действительности происходящих впервые. - Примеч. пер. сколькими вымученными и беспорядочными гитарными нотами, заставляя нас предположить, что он переживал в то время что-то вроде внутреннего кризиса. В этот раз ущерб ограничивается "проходной" песней Стюарта Копленда, исполненной исключительно буднично. "Is anybody alive in here? Nobody but us!" ("Есть здесь кто-нибудь живой? Никого, кроме нас!") - в этих словах выражена суть песни. Мрачно. Synchronicity II - синхронность II В этой песне Стинга несколько странное сюрреалистическое вступление, но в целом в ней преобладает маккартниевское настроение. Эта вещь - одна из тех, что помогает слушателям воспрянуть духом и восстанавливает веру в группу. Здесь Стюарт энергично берется за дело и с дьявольской энергией колотит по барабанам, а Энди играет на гитаре со всем присущим ему магическим чувством и вдохновением. Когда группа в настроении, у нее все получается. Тема песни вновь отсылает нас к Карлу Юнгу. Every Breath You Take - каждый твой вздох В каждом альбоме "The Police" есть хотя бы один или два классических суперхита, но удивительно, что именно "Synchronicity", оказавшийся последним и самым неровным альбомом группы, подарил миру, возможно, самую лучшую из всех песен группы. "Every Breath You Take"- несомненно шедевр. Совершенная в плане композиции, с плавной последовательностью чарующих аккордов и мелодией, которая выявляет лучшие вокальные интонации Стинга. Волнующая, трогательная лирика никогда не перестанет задевать самые чувствительные струны души. Композиция стала величайшим образцом песенного творчества, и хотя на первый взгляд это нежная романтическая баллада, в ней есть подлинность и глубина, связанные с размышлениями Стинга о любви, превращающейся в ревность. King Of Pain - король боли По степени эмоционального воздействия ничто не может сравниться с простой песней, исполняемой под минимальный аккомпанемент. Голос Стинга звучит так, словно эта песня - репетиция его предстоящей сольной карьеры. Вначале слышен только его голос в сопровождении фортепьяно с нажатой педалью. "There's a little black spot on the sun today" ("На солнце сегодня черное пятнышко"), - загадочно сообщает он под тихий клекот маримба. "It's the same old thing as yesterday" ("Сегодня все то же, что и вчера"), - объясняет он, в то время как группа, оживляясь, развивает тему. По-моему, Стинг имеет в виду те темные пятна в душах людей, которые омрачают чистоту переживаний любви и причиняют боль тем, кто рассчитывает на безраздельное внимание. Такова моя теория. Альтернативные мнения высылайте на открытках, пожалуйста. Wrapped Around Your Finger - у тебя на пальце Хотя группа стремилась ограничить влияние "Reggatta De Blanc" на "Synchronicity", здесь явно присутствует приподнятое "карибское" настроение, навевающее мысли о роме, кока-коле и способах уклонения от налогов. Но эта нежная, наполненная романтическими образами песня вовсе не о том. В ней Стинг поет от лица молодого паренька, стремящегося узнать то, чему не учат в школе. В этом ему помогает замужняя женщина, о чем можно судить по кольцу на ее пальце. "I will listen hard to your tuition" ("Я буду прилежно слушать все, чему ты учишь"), - поет Стинг под аккомпанемент страстного чувственного ритма. Несомненно, эта песня потребовала много работы. Tea In The Sahara - чай в сахаре The Sheltering Sky Под покровом небес by Paul Bowles "...Paul Bowles has written very many books but he wrote a book called "The Sheltering Sky" which became a film by Bertolucci, a few years ago. I read it long before it was a film. It's one of those most beautiful, sustained, poetic novels I've ever read. It's about Americans that regard themselves as travellers and not tourists, and I class myself in that category. I'm a hopeless tourist, but I'm constantly on the move. There was a story within that story - that was a sort of Arab legend that was told in the story of three sister who invite a prince to a tea party out in the desert to have tea, tea in the Sahara. They have tea, and it's wonderful, and he promises to come back and he never does. They just wait and wait and wait until it's too late. I just loved this story and wrote a song called Tea In The Sahara. I don't know whether Paul Bowles ever heard it, probably not, but it's still one of my favourite songs..." - Sting - И вот мы прощаемся с группой "The Police", по крайней мере, с ее студийными работами. Впереди еще будет множество сборников и концертных альбомов, но финальный занавес опускается именно сейчас. Последнее "прощай" окрашено в мрачные тона: Стинг погружается в настроение, навеянное пульсирующим ритмом пустыни, в котором как будто слышится неровная поступь верблюда, бредущего в тени пирамид. Названием песня обязана роману Пола Боулза "The Sheltering Sky" ("Гостеприимное небо"). Энди Саммерс усугубляет настроение, используя в своей игре на гитаре эффект эхо-плекс, рождающий образы струящегося марева. Позднее Стинг признался, что это одна из его самых любимых песен, хотя в альбоме она исполнена "слишком быстро". Темп исполнения всегда был яблоком раздора между враждующими фракциями Стинга и Стюарта. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Police: Greatest Hits - Полис: Лучшие Хиты A&M CD 5400302; выпущено: сентябрь, 1992 год Альбом "The Police": Greatest Hits" нового стандарта включает в себя следующие песни: "Roxanne", "Can't Stand Losing You", "So Lonely", "Message In A Bottle", "Walking On The Moon", "The Bed's Too Big Without You", "Don't Stand So Close To Me", "De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da", "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic", "Invisible Sun", "Spirits In The Material World", "Synchronicity II", "Every Breath You Take", "King Of Pain", "Wrapped Around Your Finger", "Tea In The Sahara". В октябре 1986 г. вышел предшественник этого сборника, похожий на него, под названием "Every Breath You Take (The Singles)" (A&M CD EVECD1). В него входили: "Roxanne", "Can't Stand Losing You", "So Lonely", "Message In A Bottle", "Walking On The Moon", "Don't Stand So Close To Me", "De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da", "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic", "Invisible Sun", "Spirits In The Material World", "Every Breath You Take", "King Of Pain", "Wrapped Around Your Finger", "So Lonely". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message In A Box - Послание В Ящике ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫЙ БРИТАНСКИЙ ВЫПУСК: А&М 540 150-2; выпущено: 1993 год Полное собрание записей "The Police" Вышедший ограниченным тиражом и заново сведенный на цифровой аппаратуре ("digitally remastered") комплект из четырех CD со всеми песнями, которые выпустила "The Police", включая их дебютный сингл "Fall Out" и новую версию "Don't Stand So Close To Me". В него также вошли все композиции, записанные на обратных сторонах синглов и не включавшиеся в альбомы, различные живые версии из сборников исполнителей новой волны. Этот прекрасный сувенирный набор дополняет иллюстрированная книга, хотя было бы чудесно, если б альбом содержал больше отбракованного репетиционного материала, не выходивших ранее песен и концертных номеров. ПОЛНЫЙ СПИСОК ПЕСЕН В ПОРЯДКЕ СЛЕДОВАНИЯ: CD1:1. "Fall Out" 2. "Nothing Achieving" 3. "Dead End Job" 4. "Next To You" 5. "So Lonely" 6. "Roxanne" 7. "Hole In My Life" 8. "Peanuts" 9. "Can't Stand Losing You" 10. "Truth Hits Everybody" 11. "Born In The 50's" 12. "Be My Girl - Sally" 13. "Masoko Tanga" 14. "Landlord (Live)" 15. "Next To You (Live)" 16. "Landlord" 17. "Message In A Bottle" 18. "Reggatta De Blanc" 19. "It's Alright For You" 20. "Bring On The Night" 21. "Deathwish" CD2:1. "Walking On The Moon" 2. "On Any Other Day" 3. "The Bed's Too Big Without You" 4. "Contact" 5. "Does Everyone Stare" 6. "No Time This Time" 7. "Visions Of The Night" 8. "The Bed's Too Big Without You (Mono)" 9. "Truth Hits Everybody (Live)" 10. "Friends" 11. "Don't Stand So Close To Me" 12. "Driven To Tears" 13. "When The World Is Running Down You Make The Best Of What's Still Around" 14. "Canary In A Coalmine" 15. "Voices Inside My Head" 16. "Bombs Away" 17. "De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da" 18. "Behind My Camel" 19. "Man In A Suitcase" 20. "Shadows In The Rain" 21. "The Other Way Of Stopping" CD3: 1. "A Sermon" 2. "Driven To Tears (Live)" 3. "Shambelle" 4. "Spirits In The Material World" 5. "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic" 6. "Invisible Sun" 7. "Hungry For You (j'aurais toujours faim de toi)" 8. "Demolition Man" 9. "Too Much Information" 10. "Rehu-manise Yourself" 11. "One World (Not Three)" 12. "Omegaman" 13. "Secret Journey" 14. "Darkness" 15. "Flexible Strategies" 16. "Low Life" 17. "How Stupid Mr. Bates" 18. "A Kind Of Loving" CD4:1. "Synchronicity I" 2. "Walking In Your Footsteps" 3. "О My God" 4. "Mother" 5. "Miss Gradenko" 6. "Synchronicity II" 7. "Every Breath You Take" 8. "King Of Pain" 9. "Wrapped Around Your Finger" 10. "Tea In The Sahara" 11. "Murder By Numbers" 12. "Man In A Suitcase (Live)" 13. "Someone To Talk To" 14. "Message In A Bottle (Live)" 15. "I Burn For You" 16. "Once Upon A Daydream" 17. "Tea In The Sahara (Live)" 18. "Don't Stand So Close To Me'86" Песни, Не Включавшиеся В Альбомы The Police: Fall Out - Осадки Дебютный сингл группы в стиле "сделай сам", вышедший в 1977 г., в эпоху расцвета панк-рока, и полный драйва и энергии новой волны. С этой песни "The Police" начала свои репетиции, и это была самая первая запись группы. На самом деле большинство гитарных партий здесь записано Стюартом Коплендом, а основное соло играет Генри Падовани. По словам Стюарта, "когда в группу пришел Энди, моя гитара вернулась обратно в чулан". Позднее Стинг говорил о "Fall Out": "Этой вещью мы всецело обязаны энергии и устремлениям Стюарта". Сейчас и не вспомнишь, но когда "The Police" в свое время штурмовали площадки клубов с песнями вроде "Fall Out", они были совершенно никому не известны. Безусловно, агрессивная энергия и одаренность молодых музыкантов заставили насторожиться других панков. Nothing Achieving - Все Безуспешно Злой басовый рифф - и Синг издает гортанный боевой клич. Даже в самых панковых номерах его вокальное исполнение настолько сложно и технично, что для большинства брызгавших слюнями горлодеров того времени оно было просто непонятно и тем более невозможно было Стингу подражать. Текст написан братом Стюарта Яном с некоторыми добавлениями, сделанными Стингом и Стюартом. Dead End Job - Тупиковая Работа "I don't want to be no teacher, don't want to be no slave!" ("Я не хочу быть учителем, не хочу быть рабом!") - выкрикивает Стинг в одной из своих любимых песен того периода - скоростной, неистовой и буйной. В те годы полной занятости люди могли позволить себе жаловаться на "тупиковую работу". Через пару лет, с наступлением тэтче-ровских восьмидесятых, многие будут рады любому месту. В безумной заключительной части песни Энди Саммерс с ланкаширским акцентом зачитывает объявления о вакансиях из местной газеты. Судя по всему, это единственный случай, когда Стинг был доволен вокалом Энди. Главный рифф придумал Стюарт, причем еще в школьные годы. Джон Кейл продюсировал раннюю версию этой песни, но здесь перед нами вариант, записанный уже с участием Энди Саммерса, исполняющего партию на гитаре. Landlord (Live) - Домовладелец Концертная версия сверхскоростного безумного номера, заряженного энергией, отличающегося яркостью и живым темпераментом. В каком-то смысле жаль, что "The Police" не сохранили такого рода простоту. Они могли бы остаться счастливыми маленькими суперзвездами, если бы не затерялись среди юнговских "голубых верблюдов пустыни". Стюарт сочинил рифф, а текст, принадлежащий Стингу, был непосредственной реакцией на историю выселения его с женой Френсис из дома, который они снимали. "Stay out of your seats!" ("Вставайте с мест!") - командует Стюарт зрителям, подавая группе сигнал к началу песни. Известно, что "The Police" любили отдавать со сцены всякие распоряжения. Неистовое соло Энди потрясло бы всех участников "Big Roll Band" Зута Мани. Next To You (Live) - Рядом С Тобой Неотшлифованная, яростная, скоростная версия энергичного номера, известного нам по "Outlandos d'Amour". Хотя она и звучит немного несыгранно, сквозь шквал ударных и рев гитары здесь слышатся отчаянные усилия произвести впечатление на Америку. "Goodnight New York City!" ("Добрый вечер, Нью-Йорк!") - вопит Стинг, представляя группу публике. Усталый и выдохшийся, он выпаливает: "Thank you Bottom Line" ("Спасибо, и напоследок...") -и группа неутомимо повторяет припев, завершая песню взрывом ударных. Вы почти чувствуете жаркое дыхание группы в этой зажигательной, удивительно удачной записи. Говорят, первоначальный текст Энди и Стюарта был гораздо агрессивнее, но Стинг ввел в песню любовный мотив. Слово Стюарту: "Мы были не против песни о любви, лишь бы он в ней орал поагрессивнее!" Landlord - Домовладелец доп. 2 В студийной версии пронзительный визг гитары напоминает азбуку Морзе, а темп ускоряется в масштабах, непозволительных в нашу эпоху господства драм-машин. Стинг с позиций парня, лишенного средств к существованию, нападает на средний класс и поколение отцов - мещан-паразитов, отравляющих его жизнь. Гитарная кода - это настоящий блюз. Visions Of The Night - Ночные Видения Первая песня, которую Стинг написал после переезда из Ньюкасла в Лондон. Она не лишена грубоватого очарования, но самое интересное в ней - влияние "The Who" - творчества Тауншенда - Долтри периода "Quadrophenia". Привычное однообразие панка разбавлено интересными неординарными идеями, подкрепленными творческими находками Энди. Он никогда не шел избитыми путями, даже в самых простых песнях. The Bed's Too Big Without You (Mono) - Кровать Слишком Широка Без Тебя "All I made was one mistake - now the bed's too big - without you" ("Я допустил лишь одну ошибку - теперь кровать слишком широка - без тебя"), - пронзительно визжит Стинг в лучших традициях регги. Эти очень личные слова способны выжать слезу из самых черствых душ. По сравнению с первой версией из альбома "Reggatta De Blanc" эта более непосредственна. Басовой линии придан несколько зловещий оттенок, Стюарт импровизирует на тарелках хай-хэт, а Энди отлично выдерживает подходящий для регги подвижный, беззаботный ритм. Truth Hits Everybody (Live) - Правда Задевает Всех В этой концертной версии песни из альбома "Outlandos d'Amour" "The Police" выдерживают свой яростный скоростной стиль, играя совершенно по-панковски. Очень интересно слышать, как Стинг и Стюарт не могут поделить право представить песню публике: реплика одного "Nice to be back" ("Приятно вернуться назад") прерывается воодушевленным "1,2,3,4!" другого. Стинг внимателен к тексту, несмотря на суматошную обстановку концерта. Проницательные юноши, обучающиеся игре на ударных, отметят виртуозную работу Стюарта на бас-барабане, а гитаристы изойдут слюной от зависти к ревущему крещендо Энди. Friends - Друзья Предвосхищая "Молчание ягнят" на несколько лет, Энди Саммерс с жутким деревенским акцентом заявляет: "I likes to eat my friends -1 make no bones about it" ("Я люблю есть своих друзей - с этим я не церемонюсь"). Странное занятие. Сам Энди называет это "иронией по поводу страшных детских историй". По его словам, он сочинил песню после прочтения фантастического романа Роберта Хайнлайна "Чужак в чужом краю". A Sermon - Проповедь Удивительно, до чего часто в ранних работах группы чувствуется влияние "The Who" - особенно в том, что касается кричащего, слегка небрежного вокала. Если бы Долтри и Тауншенд спорили о чем-то на сцене, это было бы весьма похоже на то, что мы слышим здесь. К нашему удивлению, ударник Копленд исполняет в этом номере главный гитарный рифф, и его стиль идеально соответствует звучанию в духе "Ramones". В песне поется о недавно пробившихся в звезды рокерах, поносящих все и вся. Они заплатили за все сполна и теперь пытаются взять реванш. Driven To Tears (Live) - Доведен До Слез По сравнению со студийной версией эта трактовка песни более мрачная и текучая, Стинг написал ее в дороге, а не где-нибудь в деревенском доме. Энди Саммерс исполняет отличное соло, короткое, но полное страсти. "Мы всегда давали ему не больше восьми тактов", - вспоминал потом Стинг. Кроме этого соло Стингу, по его словам, запомнилось, что на этом концерте он угрожал убить кого-то из первого ряда, швырнувшего камень на сцену. Shambelle - Шамбдла Великолепная инструментальная композиция Энди Саммерса, несомненно, призванная компенсировать ограничения на соло во время концертов. Стинг задает монотонную басовую линию, а Энди в это время по большей части демонстрирует последовательность аккордов, создающих странную пугающую атмосферу. Обратные стороны синглов, где появлялись вещи, подобные "Sham-belle", давали Энди возможность поэкспериментировать с новыми идеями - коль скоро его поддерживали в этом Стюарт и Стинг. Flexible Strategies - Гибкая Стратегия Отражающиеся эхом отбивки Стюарта и фанковые гитарные риффы открывают полноценный полисовский джэм-сейшн, состоявшийся в Канаде. Группе нужно было срочно заполнить чем-нибудь сторону В, и результат - перед нами. По словам Стюарта, это было "позорище", но если вам нравится слушать, как группа, состоящая из великих музыкантов, пускается во все тяжкие, не пытаясь сделать из этого хит, - тогда это будет вам в радость. Low Life - Жизнь На Дне "Fatal fascination for the seedy part of town" ("Роковое влечение к бедным районам города"), - поет Стинг. "Don't be seen alone without your friends at night. Take a gun or a knife to meet a low life" ("He появляйся по ночам один, без друзей. Возьми пистолет или нож для встречи с жизнью на дне"). Отличный текст, донесенный до слушателей в лучших блюзовых традициях, без всяких вокальных фокусов. Джазист Олаф Кублер, с которым группа познакомилась во время работы с Эберхардом Шонером в Германии, исполнил джазовое соло на саксофоне. Интересно, что ни Энди, ни в особенности Стюарту не нравилась эта песня, хотя, как говорили, она была одной из любимых для Стинга. Стюарт чувствовал, что использование саксофона не соответствует фирменному саунду "The Police". В каком-то смысле он был прав, потому что эта песня оказалась бессознательной репетицией к грядущим "Blue Turtles". (Энди? Стюарт? Ваше исполнение - словно иллюстрация к руководству по шотландским народным танцам). How Stupid Mr. Bates - Как Глупо, Мистер Бейтс "The Police" сочинили музыку к телевизионному фильму "Brimstone & Treacle" ("Сера и патока"), в котором Стинг сыграл роль главного героя Мартина. Перед нами - трудноопределимая вещь, которая имеет смысл только как фон для кадров из фильма или, еще лучше, для быстро бегущих финальных титров. A Kind Of Loving - Что-То Похожее На Любовь Еще один фрагмент саундтрека к фильму "Сера и патока". Множество ужасных женских криков намекают на мучения и страдания. Их сопровождают возгласы "Shut up!" ("Заткнись!"). Все это, без сомнений, надо считать соответствующим фоном для прославленной телевизионной драмы мистера Денниса Поттера. Оба последних номера заслуживают быть стертыми заботливым звукоинженером. Murder By Numbers - Убийства По Порядку В этом замечательном номере, словно предназначенном для исполнения в полном сигаретного дыма клубе-кабаре, во всем блеске проявляется классическая джазовая подготовка Стинга. Картину дополняют великолепные аккорды Энди Саммерса. Редкие аплодисменты вносят последний штрих в ленивую атмосферу песни. Man In A Suitcase (Live) - Человек В Чемодане Совсем новым чувством проникнуто живое исполнение песни, впервые записанной для альбома "Zenyatta Mondatta". Someone To Talk To - Поговорить С Кем-Нибудь Большая редкость: вокал Энди Саммерса звучит довольно прилично, в основном за счет отсутствия его любимого придурковатого акцента. Он поет в теплой и приятной манере, а простой ясный текст придает песне оттенок невинности. Речь идет о переживаниях по поводу еще одной несостоявшейся любви. К огорчению Энди, Стинг не стал исполнять эту песню, видимо считая, что Саммерс написал здесь об очень личном. Message In A Bottle (Live) - Послание В Бутылке Группа исполняет эту одну из своих любимых песен с особым тактом, сдержанностью и внутренним огнем, вспыхивающим в кульминационный момент. Нет уже того небрежного панковского саунда ранних "The Police", и группа сознательно умеряет пыл, давая Стингу возможность тихо повторять заглавную строчку, чтобы потом вновь взорваться знаменитым "Ye-oh!". Группа играла эту песню на свадьбе Стинга через десять лет после своего распада. Интересно, о каком послании шла речь: "Две пинты, пожалуйста"? I Burn For You - Я Сгораю От Любви К Тебе Романтическая чувствительная песня, которую Стинг сочинил, работая в школе, еще в Ньюкасле. Он умудрился написать текст за то время, пока его ученики выполняли задание. Душещипательное вступление звучит в исполнении струнных пиццикато, а Стинг демонстрирует превосходное пение. Эту песню стоило включить в альбом "Zenyatta Mondatta", однако Стингу пришлось отказаться от своего замысла после возражений со стороны Стюарта и Энди. Впервые песня прозвучала в исполнении Стинга и его группы "Last Exit" во время их проживания в отеле "Госфорт" в Ньюкасле. Впоследствии на своих концертах ее исполняли и сами "The Police", если Стюарт чувствовал необходимость "смягчить" репертуар. Во время последнего припева группа неожиданно начинает исполнять этакую песнь "Людей с гор" - что-то вроде этого вполне могли бы петь викинги, таская бревна для постройки нового корабля. Once Upon A Daydream - Однажды Во Сне Наяву Еще одна прекрасная "потерянная" песня с красивыми аккордами от Энди Саммерса и текстом, любезно предоставленным Гордоном Самнером. Написана она была на краю бассейна на острове Монтсеррат в период работы над "Ghost In The Machine". Такую песню легко представить в исполнении До-рис Дей в диснеевском мультфильме - из тех, что помрачнее. Tea In The Sahara(Live) - Чай В Сахаре Удлиненная версия последней дорожки из альбома 1983 г. "Synchronicity". По мере исполнения этой песни, благодаря повторяющимся музыкальным фразам, ее воздействие на слушателя возрастает. Концертный вариант позволяет понять, почему Стинг особенно любил эту вещь. В ней много пространства и гитарного звука, усиленного применением устройства эхоплекс. Только благодаря слабому отдаленному свисту каких-то горячих и нетерпеливых зрителей можно понять, что песня записана не в студии, а на концерте. Песня, в которой поется о нарушенных обещаниях, родилась под впечатлением от книги Пола Боулза "Гостеприимное небо", которую Энди однажды дал почитать Стингу. Никогда не одалживайте книги - вы никогда не получите их обратно. Don't Stand So Close To Me '86 - Не Стой Так Близко Ко Мне '86 Немного шокирующий взгляд в непроницаемое будущее: такими были "The Police" в середине восьмидесятых. Цифровое механизированное звучание слишком "стерильно" и режет слух по сравнению с возникающими в музыке "Tea In The Sahara" эмоциональными приливами и отливами. Это- бездушный саунд поколения роботов, когда одно человекообразное существо даже не догадается о том, что другое стоит слишком близко к нему, пока не почувствует легкое возбуждение от воздействия электрического поля. Энди Саммерс исполняет очень человечное соло на гитаре, все остальное в песне выглядит как творчество призраков внутри машины. Вопреки, а может быть, благодаря явной враждебности, существовавшей между членами группы во время этой неудачной попытки записать новый альбом, в вокале чувствуется больше остроты и горечи по сравнению с оригиналом. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Police Live - Полис Вживую Released ten years too late in 1995, The Police Live! is a double live album which features two almost complete Police shows - one from the Orpheum in Boston in 1979 and the other from the Omni in Atlanta in 1983. Both shows are very different - in some cases it's almost like different bands. Terrific stuff in both cases. ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫЙ БРИТАНСКИЙ ВЫПУСК: А&М 540 222-2; выпущено: май, 1995 год Многие годы фаны "The Police" мечтали дождаться "живого" альбома группы, который передал бы возбуждение и энергию, царившие на ее концертах. В комплекте "Message in A Box" было несколько фрагментов этих концертов, но тем не менее в 1995 г., десятилетие спустя после распада группы, в свет вышел полноценный звуковой документ. Этот двойной СD был посвящен двум концертам "The Police" в Америке, ознаменовавшим начальный и конечный этапы их совместной карьеры. Творческая энергия и драматизм этих двух выступлений доказывают, что воспоминания нас не обманули. Первый диск представляет концерт в зале "Orpheum" в Бостоне, предназначавшийся для трансляции на WBCN в ноябре 1979 г., и включает в себя 15 взрывных версий песен периода "Reggatta De Blanc" плюс реплики "в сторону", отпускаемые беспокойным трио. Второй диск посвящен концерту периода "Synchronicity", записанному в "The Omni" (Атланта) в ноябре 1983-го. Здесь перед нами еще 15 наполненных действием номеров. Эта запись дает уникальную возможность взглянуть на группу, которая делает все, чтобы шоу состоялось. Каждый музыкант работает на пределе своих возможностей, доводя конкуренцию с коллегами до опасной грани. Они были очень хороши, и жаль, что им пришлось прекратить борьбу, но такое неизбежно случается практически с каждой рок-группой, достигшей серьезного успеха. Сразу на ум приходят "The Beatles", "The Who" и "Cream" как наглядный образец механизма самоуничтожения. Лишь в группе "Ber tWilcox Five" за тридцать пять лет никто никому и слова дурного не сказал, но вот только кто покупает их альбомы, кроме миссис Уилкокс? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Диск 1 Next To You - Рядом С Тобой Конфликт возникает почти мгновенно, как только Стюарт и Стинг начинают приветствовать шумную толпу. Каждый из них пытается показать, кто главный в группе. Через несколько тактов после начала концерта просыпается звукоинженер и неуверенной рукой выставляет уровень записи. Тем не менее, будучи увековечены на альбоме, эти неполадки очень забавляют. So Lonely -Такой Одинокий "I feel so lonely!" ("Я так одинок!") - заявляет Стинг публике. "I'm not surprised" ("Я не удивлен"), - не к месту грубо перебивает его высунувшийся из-за своих барабанов Стюарт. "Chaw chaw" ("Болтай, болтай"),-в том же духе отвечает Стинг, давая понять, что он думает о такой невежливости. Энди Саммерс оказывается выше всех этих дрязг и играет с нарастающей яростью. В недрах его музыки рождаются потрясающие идеи, свободному полету которых всегда было тесно в рамках студийных альбомов. Когда Стинг начинает импровизировать вокруг главной темы, он великолепно демонстрирует особенности своего гортанного вокала. Голос его звучит так, словно он страдает от приступа болотной лихорадки, усугубленной повышенной влажностью, злоупотреблением сигаретами и серьезной ангиной. Именно эта неустойчивая надрывность придает голосу Стинга особенный шарм и привлекательность. Когда от него не требуется перекрикивать группу, Стинг демонстрирует необычайную степень контроля над своими вокальными эмоциями, используя голос подобно саксофону, чтобы взять самые высокие ноты. Блестящее исполнение. На записи слышно, как Стюарт одобрительно кричит: "Nice going" ("Отлично идет"). Truth Hits Everybody - Правда Задевает Всех Впервые эта версия вышла в свет в составе комплекта "Message In A Box". С первых секунд на поверхность всплывают внутренние коллизии, когда члены группы не могут решить, кому объявить песню. Невольно представляешь себя в роли Большого Спонсора, которому так и хочется крикнуть из ложи VIP: "Эй, парни, разберитесь там между собой, кто все-таки руководит группой?" Отбросив в сторону подобные мысли, отметим темперамент исполнения. Walking On The Moon - Прогулка На Луне "This is from my new record" ("Это - из моего нового альбома"), - объявляет бесстыжий Стинг. Заметьте, не из "нашего" нового альбома. Ну конечно, "Walking On The Moon" - это его идея, но, без сомнения, такие заявления не могли не бесить Стюарта. И опять исполнение Энди отличает энергия и ясность, не столь очевидные в альбомной версии. Важно отметить, что здесь Стингу удается совмещать сложную причудливую басовую партию с пением - не самая легкая задача, будьте уверены. Работа палочек Стюарта, создающая фон для короткого стинговского "Yo, уо, уо", достойна восхищения. Зрители пока еще не разобрались, как им реагировать на эту "новую" песню, но пройдет несколько месяцев, и все они будут вне себя от восторга. Hole In My Life - Дыра В Моей Жизни Что-то от Пола Маккартни слышится в басовой партии этого явно недооцененного номера полисовского репертуара. Исполнители постепенно гипнотизируют слушателей, чтобы потом ударить по ним серией взрывов, на джазовом языке называемых "брейками". Такие хитрые приемы доводят публику до истерики. Fall Out - Осадки Первый сингл "The Police" по-прежнему остается в репертуаре, чтобы напомнить о панковских корнях группы и немного приподнять настроение слушателей в середине шоу. Это-быстрый веселый номер, позволяющий Энди играть с полной отдачей. Большинство гитарных групп или не справляются с таким темпом, или чересчур увлекаются самим процессом исполнения, но "The Police" четко контролируют ситуацию. Bring On The Night - Принеси Ночь Энди Саммерс вновь превзошел себя, выдав серию великолепных аккордов, выстроенных в красивую волнообразную последовательность, которая сменяется веселым ритмом регги, чтобы потом вновь перейти в другое измерение. Стинг ограничивается несколькими басовыми ходами, давая отдых связкам и предоставляя Энди пространство для самовыражения. Message In A Bottle - Послание В Бутылке И опять бостонцы не готовы к восприятию этого шедевра - они только недавно повылезали из своих междугородных автобусов и еще заняты покупкой пакетов с попкорном. И все же волшебство этой песни, исполненной здесь в чуть ускоренном темпе, покоряет публику, которая наслышана о блестящей молодой группе с большими перспективами. "Sending out an SOS" ("Посылаю сигнал SOS"), - поет Стинг в припеве, на этот раз, в отличие от студийной версии, следя за дикцией. The Bed's Too Big Without You - Кровать Слишком Широка Без Тебя Еще один подарок зрителям, наверняка впервые услышавшим эту тщательно аранжированную песню об одиночестве с некоторыми отзвуками регги. Стинг занимается любовью с подушкой, оплакивая горечь разлуки. Соло- и бас-гитара соединяются в красивом дуэте, заполняя пространство каскадом звуковых напластований. Мастерство Стинга как бас-гитариста не требует доказательств, а Стюарт демонстрирует здесь, как можно выражать музыкальные идеи на ударной установке, практически не играя в привычном смысле этого слова. Великолепное взаимодействие между участниками группы доказывает, что, какие бы сложности ни возникали в их отношениях, музыка для них была превыше всего. Гипнотически воздействующий финал, ставший апофеозом невинности и чистоты, исполнен Стингом просто великолепно, несмотря на то что запись сохранила и неуместные дурацкие крики шутников, традиционно присутствующих на рок-концертах. Peanuts - Пустяки Нетерпеливые шутники встрепенулись с первыми звуками этого скорострельного номера, давая выход энергии (в виде прыжков, свиста), чтобы потом замереть в надежде на продолжение. Roxanne - Роксана Конечно, прекрасный номер, но слишком уж знакомый. Особый шарм ему придают долгие смелые паузы, во время которых ударные, бас и гитара замирают в ожидании, когда Стинг продолжит пение. В те времена, когда большинство панк-групп, да и стариков хард-рокеров, старались не прерывать поток назойливого шума, боясь "потерять" аудиторию, "The Police" продемонстрировали особый музыкальный такт и уверенность во владении звуком. Прав был тот старый музыкант, который сказал: "Важно не то, что ты играешь, а то, чего ты не играешь". Can't Stand Losing You - He Смогу Вынести Потери Тебя Это действительно очень хороший концерт и, возможно, один из самых удачных концертных альбомов со времен "Live At Leeds" "The Who", недавно переизданного в расширенном виде. Стинг выкрикивает вступительные слова, и трио реагирует с воодушевлением, моментально перекидывающимся в зал. Напряжение и возбуждение нарастают, публика реагирует с жаром, необъяснимым с точки зрения элементарной логики или функционирования простых условных рефлексов. Landlord - Домовладелец доп. 1 (история написания) В этом сверхскоростном номере группа вновь обращается к панку, но и здесь умудряется заставить его звучать интересно и захватывающе, что, в общем, удавалось немногим панк-группам. Аккорды Саммерса мерцают, подобно летнему мареву. Born In The 50's - Рожденные В 50-Х "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, б", - отсчитывает Стинг, начиная одну из самых бестолковых песен группы. Кому нужны были эти скучные пятидесятые на заре куда более восхитительных восьмидесятых, которые просто по определению были предназначены для "The Police"? Текст откровенно дрянной, музыкальная тема явно слабая и не соответствует уровню группы. Как бы то ни было, этот непритязательный номер призван намекнуть, что группа устала и готова выйти на "бис" перед окончанием концерта. Be my girl - sally - будь моей девушкой - салли Монолог Энди про надувную куклу в стиле мюзик-холла, исполненный с нарочитым ланкаширским акцентом, озадачивает и забавляет зрителей. Напоследок группа благосклонно выдает репризу из песни "Next To You". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Диск 2 Synchronicity I - синхронность I Несколько лет спустя они все так же кричат "1, 2, 3!", но теперь, в 1983-м, можно заметить изменения в звучании группы. Саунд, пожалуй, стал более гладким, ровным и собранным. Выдержанная в быстром темпе, композиция из последнего студийного альбома группы производит довольно странное впечатление, создавая атмосферу таинственности и тревоги. Его усугубляет немилосердный ритм. Бас-барабан Копленда звучит теперь тяжелее и равномернее, вокальные гармонии стали более слаженными, группе удалось добиться более согласованного и мощного звучания. Кроме того, Атланта отличается от Бостона ревом толпы: больше людей, больше восторженных чувств. Synchronicity II - синхронность II Текст песни воздействует на публику с той же силой, что и в студийной версии, несмотря на безумный темп и тщательно отрегулированный рев полисовских моторов, вращающихся на полной мощности. Структура песни не пострадала от напористого исполнения, хотя можно было бы уделить больше внимания создаваемому настроению. Walking In Your Footsteps - За Тобой След В След Группа сразу попадает в нужную колею, хотя любопытно заметить нотки раздражения, промелькнувшие в нескольких строчках текста,- наверное, Стинг был чем-то недоволен. Похоже, что на заднем плане они используют драм-машину, имитируя звук трещотки, а несколько фанковый бэк-вокал помогает Стингу создать интонации госпела. Но чем выискивать недостатки или особый смысл в малейших отклонениях того или иного единственного в своем роде исполнения, не лучше ли просто погрузиться в поток музыки и, подобно публике в зале, наслаждаться им, приняв все таким, как есть. Message In A Bottle - послание в бутылке Несомненно, песня стоит того, чтобы быть услышанной вновь, так как изменилось и исполнение Стинга, и ее трактовка в целом. Пронзительные крики выражают восторг молодежи Атланты от лицезрения своих кумиров во плоти. (Какой-то профессиональный свистун надрывает легкие в самый кульминационный момент!) О My God - о боже мой В неотразимом басовом риффе Стинга, вплетенном в фанковую тему, слышны отголоски "Demolition Man". Бэк-вокалистки Тесса Найлс, Долитт Макдональд и Мишель Коббс вносят в исполнение свою лепту. Великолепная вещь, указывающая на возможное направление развития группы, если бы здравый смысл возобладал и у "The Police" было будущее. Слышна команда босса: "Fill it up!" Что бы это могло означать? Можем ли мы предположить наличие какого-то сексуального подтекста в этом ласкающем ритме? De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da Этот американский хит пронизан какой-то особой сердечной теплотой. Между прочим, по мере продвижения вперед мы вдруг замечаем, что Стинг уверенно взял на себя лидерство и больше не слышно бестактных реплик и криков ударника. Ударные звучат более сдержанно, а в игре Энди меньше неистовства. Зрелость-именно то слово, которое приходит на ум в этой ситуации. Wrapped Around Your Finger - у тебя на пальце (1 история написания) Стоит отметить, что именно трехчастная структура песни остается одним из самых эффективных построений в рок-музыке. Свидетельство тому - этот ошеломляюще красивый эксперимент по созданию настроения. Слова застывают, повисая в воздухе, подобно дыханию на морозе. Гитара и ударные оттеняют этот эффект, выдавая звуковое многообразие, какое можно было бы ожидать от большого оркестра. В такие моменты осознаешь, как много потеряла современная музыка после ухода "The Police". Tea In The Sahara - чай в сахаре (1 история написания) Это скорбное сюрреалистическое повествование заметно возвышается над суетой, окружавшей "The Police" накануне их распада. Несомненно, для тех, кто умеет слушать, эта песня - одна из самых любимых, а те, кто не прочувствовал ее глубину с самого начала, могут насладиться всеми нюансами, сполна выраженными в волшебном исполнении. Танец тарелок Стюарта полон солнечного блеска, а гитара Энди всхлипывает и вздыхает в приглушенной скорби. В финале создается ощущение, будто Стинг играет на арабской дудке, купленной где-нибудь на базаре. Spirits In The Material World - духи в материальном мире (1 история написания) Хотя в этих исторических концертах на удивление мало присутствуют интонации "Reggatta De Blanc", в этой песне группа, несомненно, ближе всего к духу Боба Марли. Главная тема исполнена в немилосердном роковом ритме, ведущем к искрометной коде, которая была встречена восхищенными аплодисментами присутствующих на концерте зрителей. King Of Pain - король боли "There's a little black spot on the sun today" ("На солнце сегодня черное пятнышко"), - поет наш герой, полностью подчиняя себе эмоции публики. Заглавные строки Стинг произносит почти со стоном, пропуская сквозь душу и сердце еще одну серьезную и трудную песню. Нелегко быть лид-вокалистом, когда почти у всех песен сложные глубокие тексты, а исполнять их приходится изо дня в день. При этом в самый ответственный момент перед твоим носом может пролететь недоеденный гамбургер, а газеты на следующий день напечатают что-нибудь вроде: "Вчера поп-звезда Стинг до смерти утомил автора этой статьи своим ужасно занудным шоу в "Omni". К счастью, на следующей неделе в город приезжают "The Ramones..." (Сайрус Т. Вайсмюллер, музыкальный и бейсбольный обозреватель "Atlanta Chronicle"). Don't Stand So Close To Me - Нe стой так близко ко мне Воздух пронизывает дразнящее вступление, и молодой учитель Стинг обращается к неугомонной толпе, успешно управляясь с "классом" при помощи одной из своих самых сексуальных песен об искушении. "Strong words in the staff room, the accusations fly" ("Пересуды в учительской, летят обвинения"), - поет Стинг, рисуя положение учителя, которого обстоятельства подталкивают к соблазнительной девочке, одетой только в коротенькую юбку, белую блузочку и чулки, верхние края которых выглядывают из-под ее... Спокойно, парень, спокойно, держи себя в руках. Every Breath You Take - каждый твой вздох Ну и ну! Этот парень, Стинг, в молодости точно напал на золотую жилу классных песен. Может, он ненормальный, не такой, как все? Некоторые считают, что здесь не обошлось без вмешательства черной магии или без употребления запрещенных законом веществ. А как еще объяснить появление этого маленького шедевра, да что там скупиться на похвалы, когда предмет обсуждения их заслуживает большого шедевра! Roxanne - роксана Среди так называемых рок-групп отмечена печальная тенденция акцентировать свое внимание на людях с сомнительным образом жизни. Стинг не только принародно признался в том, что посетил квартал "красных фонарей" в Париже, но и по итогам своих наблюдений написал песню о проститутке. Неудивительно, что ВВС запретила трансляцию этой песни в своем эфире. Откровенная непристойность... но до чего хороша! Can't Stand Losing You - He смогу вынести потери тебя Этот номер, к сожалению, свидетельствует о том, что группе часто не удавалось добиваться той неустойчивой спонтанности, которая отличала ее раннее творчество. Добавление подпевок здесь явно идет не на пользу, а во вред песне. Как только в своеобычное музыкальное начало группы внедряются инородные примеси, звучание становится более пресным и тривиальным, теряя исходный смысл. Это - субъективное предположение, но в нем может быть зерно истины. Гитара Энди приобретает неожиданные интонации хэви метала, а Стинг берется за сложную задачу заставить публику петь вместе с ним. So Lonely - такой одинокий И вот близится конец. Пора пробираться поближе к выходам - надо успеть выйти, пока на выезде с автостоянки не образовалась пробка. Но минутку: Стинг пускается в долгий рэповый речитатив, и шоу начинает раскручиваться на повышенных оборотах, поэтому вплоть до последних секунд уйти просто невозможно. Энди пускается в свои эксцентричные соло, да и Стюарт просто в угаре. Это те самые "The Police", которых мы любим, но теперь все уже кончилось, и мы начинаем долгий путь домой, зная, что никогда больше не увидим такой группы, какой были они. Тем грустнее. Во время нашей экскурсии в мир этой уникальной группы мы могли обронить несколько критических замечаний и жестких суждений, но музыка без изъянов, не дающая повода для споров, - безжизненная и никому не интересная штука. "The Police" всегда были полны жизни, и каждая минута их музыки заслуживала внимания. Этот сувенир из прошлого только подтверждает сказанное мной. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- СОЛЬНЫЕ АЛЬБОМЫ СТИНГА The dream of the blue turtles - Сон голубых черепах ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫЙ БРИТАНСКИЙ ВЫПУСК: А&М; выпущено: июнь, 1985 год; СD А&М 393 750-2; выпущено: июнь, 1985 год В 1985 г. "The Police" еще не были распущены официально и их судьба оставалась достаточно неопределенной, но лид-вокалист группы работал в лихорадочном графике. Он по-прежнему успешно выступал в амплуа киноактера, сыграв одну из главных ролей в удивительно неприятном фильме - экранизации научно-фантастического романа Франка Херберта "Дюна". В то же самое время Стинг приступил к реализации мечты, которую лелеял, наверное, еще со времен своего безвестного существования в Ньюкасле. Он всегда хотел обзавестись настоящим "живым" нью-йоркским джаз-бэндом. Конечно, он не должен был выглядеть как традиционный, основанный на сплошной импровизации оркестр-"комбо". Стингу хотелось, чтобы самые лучшие музыканты помогали ему, интерпретируя его новые песни с той страстностью, на которую способны только джазовые исполнители. Он дал бы им пространство для самовыражения, но в то же время ограничил бы его, будучи полновластным хозяином группы в плане структуры и аранжировок песен. Заслуга Стинга в том, что, несмотря на трудности, ему удалось найти равновесие между вкладом в творческий процесс работающих с ним музыкантов и своими собственными идеями относительно текстов, мелодии и концепций песен. К тому моменту он уже вкусил плоды сольной карьеры, выпустив кавер-версию старого стандарта "Spread A Little Happiness" из саундтрека к фильму "Brimstone & Treacle". В сентябре 1982 г. песня стала хитом, что вселило в ее исполнителя веру в будущее. И вот в январе 1985 г. Стинг начал прослушивания в Нью-Йорке в поисках музыкантов для своей новой аккомпанирующей группы. В течение месяца сформировался состав группы "The Blue Turtles Band": Кенни Керкленд (клавишные), Бренфорд Марселис (саксофон), Омар Хаким (ударные) и Деррил Джонс (бас). У всех этих прекрасных музыкантов было впечатляющее прошлое. Бренфорд и его брат, знаменитый трубач Уинтон, были подлинными королями своих инструментов и в числе немногих возглавляли новую волну в современной музыке, украсив собой джазовую сцену. Бренфорд играл с Артом Блейки и Диззи Гиллеспи. Омар Хаким входил в состав джаз-роковой группы "Weather Report", а Деррил Джонс работал с Майлсом Дейвисом (впоследствии он успешно заменит Билла Уаймена в "Rolling Stones"). Кенни Керкленд играл на клавишных с Уинтоном Марселисом, Гиллеспи и Элвином Джонсом. Эта на редкость эклектичная и удивительно талантливая группа впервые выступила перед публикой в нью-йоркском зале "Ritz". Затем началась работа над "The Dream Of The Blue Turtles" в студии Эдди Гранта "Blue Wave" на Барбадосе. Альбом вышел в свет в июне 1985 г. и быстро возглавил хит-парады по обеим сторонам Атлантики. Новый стиль нашел путь к сердцам слушателей, несмотря на свою относительную сложность по сравнению с регги-панковским стилем "The Police". Конечно же, сыграл свою роль и суперзвездный статус Стинга, обеспечивший быстрое продвижение альбома в хит-парадах. И сейчас, спустя более десяти лет, запись радует слух. Большое значение здесь придается деталям, поэтому альбом поистине полон изысканных нюансов и маленьких озарений. В нем мало откровенных поп-хитов, но зато он содержит много зрелых композиций. Некоторые из них на самом деле трогают своей искренностью, оригинальностью и остроумием. И "Russians", и "Children's Crusade" далеко ушли от "De Do Do Do". И все же первые две песни альбома на удивление разочаровывают. Возможно, в том, что их поместили в начале альбома, был свой хитрый умысел: сперва раздразнить слушателя, а затем в полной мере дать ему ощутить всю силу и глубину воздействия музыки и индивидуальности Стинга. If You Love Somebody Set Them Free - если ты любишь кого-то, дай ему свободу Надрывая голос, наполненный эмоциями, Стинг отправляется в великое плавание по практически неизведанным водам сольной карьеры. В этой невзрачной поп-соуловой разминке он далеко не полностью использует возможности своего звездного ансамбля. На первый взгляд он звучит, как довольно неплохая группа из тех, что играют на свадьбах или в барах, - вполне профессионально, но без всякой индивидуальности. Текст песни пронизан холодным высокомерием. "If You Love Somebody" была выпущена в виде сингла и достигла номера 26 в британских списках лучших хитов, но куда большим хитом она стала в Штатах, где в июньском "Billboard" заняла третью позицию. Love Is The Seventh Wave - любовь - это девятый вал Вне испытующей атмосферы нервозности и соперничества, всегда присущих работе с коллегами по "The Police", музыка Стинга, похоже, самодовольно плывет по волнам Карибского моря. Вместо беспокойства и огня - комфорт и умиротворенность. Но как бы то ни было, это довольно приятная песенка, выделяющаяся вкраплениями сопрано-саксофона, а призыв к любви, которая, по мнению автора, должна противостоять безжалостной военной машине, - глубже, чем кажется на первый взгляд. В концовке Стинг несколько оживляет эту покрытую сахаром таблетку мрачноватым экспромтом: "Every breath you take, every cake you bake..." ("Каждый твой вздох, каждый пирог, что ты печешь...") Russians - русские После сравнительно слабых предыдущих вещей "Russians" звучит очень мощно - как песня, достойная таланта и репутации Стинга. Это - властный, простой, искренний призыв к разуму и здравому смыслу в решении мировых вопросов в эпоху возраставшей международной напряженности. Песня вызывает в памяти нагнетание воинственных настроений при администрации Рейгана в годы Империи зла. Стинг вспоминает шокировавшие всех слова Хрущева: "Мы вас похороним", сказанные в апогее "холодной войны", и говорит: "I hope the Russians love their children too" ("Я надеюсь, русские тоже любят своих детей"). Не так уж трудно предположить, что эти слова были услышаны теми, кому они предназначались. Children's Crusade - детский крестовый поход В этом сдержанном, внешне бесстрастном исследовании ужасов первой мировой войны Стинг выдерживает уровень, заданный "Russians", и поднимается на новую высоту к сияющим вершинам поп-музыки. Он предлагает необычный ракурс, сравнивая маки, ставшие символами жертв войны 1914 г., с опийным маком, олицетворяющим другую беду - гибель от наркотиков молодежи наших дней. Shadows In The Rain - тени под дождем Наконец-то группе дозволено показать, на что она способна, но тут внезапно подает голос саксофонист Бренфорд Марселис. "Wait - what key is this in?" ("Подождите, в какой это тональности?") - спрашивает рассерженный музыкант, когда вступают ударные, и моментально группу охватывает чувство нервозности и паники, пока все не становится на свои места. Приятно слышать, как Стинг позволяет себе надолго замолчать, давая возможность клавишнику и саксофонисту солировать, - качество, чуждое большинству певцов, считающих, что без их несравненного голоса песня потеряет всякую ценность. Большая часть публики предпочтет откинуться на своих местах и просто насладиться музыкой. [такая же мура как и прежде Второй вариант не очень удачной песни из финале альбома Zenyatta Mondatta] We Work The Black Seam - мы разрабатываем черный пласт В середине восьмидесятых, по мере того как на смену углю приходила ядерная энергия, разгорелось много споров вокруг закрытия шахт и свертывания угледобывающей промышленности. Стингу удалось отвлечься от экономических аспектов и прочувствовать человеческую сторону этой проблемы, - выступив от имени шахтеров своего родного Северо-востока Англии. Он подчеркивает, что на смену угольной пыли теперь придет углерод-14, смертельно опасный и через 12 тысяч лет. Монотонный ритм, имитирующий работу парового экскаватора, создает подходящий "индустриальный" фон. [не более, чем распевка текста. Маримба на "A" - говорит о том, что Cтинг, конечно, в курсе ладовых вариаций. Похоже, что структура построения песен в этом альбоме не эклектична. Для каждой песни заранее выбирается стилистика в которой она звучит от начала до конца. Не так было у The Police. Пожалуй уже здесь можно сказать - что все самое интересное в этом альбоме - это то, про что поется. Ревер на Басе утяжеляет фактуру и вяжет его с барабанами создавая некую вязкую топь в нижнем диапазоне. В The Police можно было прослушать басовыую партию под сушью барабанов] Consider Me Gone - считай, что я ушел В основе композиции - крутой джаз, смешанный с легким свингом, но остается место и для выразительного саксофона. Стинг исследует чувство опустошенности, овладевающее человеком после несостоявшейся любви. И снова песню украшают слова, полные смысла и выразительности, - то, что нужно для актера. The Dream Of Blue Turtles - сон голубых черепах Небольшая инструментальная интерлюдия, завершающаяся смехом в студии, воспринимается как краткий отдых после серьезных песен. Это скромная дань традиции живого музицирования в эпоху, когда в процессе записи полновластно доминировали продюсер и Технические устройства. 9. Moon Over Bourbon Street - луна над бурбон-стрит (Fm) Выдающаяся вещь. Сначала Стинг поет sotto voce - вполголоса, а затем продолжает с возрастающей страстностью в духе гран-кабаре. Нота, взятая смычком на контрабасе самим Стингом, завершает эту изысканную музыкальную виньетку, украшенную прекрасной игрой на саксофоне. По словам контрабасиста, на сочинение песни его вдохновила книга Энн Райс "Интервью с вампиром". 10. Fortress Around Your Heart - крепость вокруг твоего сердца Как ни странно, только в конце альбома мы находим единственную песню, которая возвращает нас к "The Police", еще не забытым и готовым к воссоединению. Есть что-то коплендовское в бэк-бите, а построение текста напоминает бурные дни "Walking On The Moon", хотя сходство это только кажущееся. Аллегорические стихи заслуживают отдельного разговора. В Штатах песня вошла в "Тор 20". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bring On The Night - Принеси Ночь ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫЙ БРИТАНСКИЙ ВЫПУСК: A&M 396 705-2; выпущено: июнь, 1986 год Этот двойной концертный альбом вышел в свет одновременно с документальным фильмом "Принеси ночь" (режиссер Майкл Эптед), снятым во время концерта в Париже в декабре 1985 г. и получившим премию "Грэми". В нем новая группа Стинга предстает перед нами во всей красе. Музыканты оттягивались изо всех сил и солировали с чувством свободы, недопустимым в относительно тесных рамках альбома "Blue Turtles". Записи, вошедшие в альбом, сделаны на декабрьских концертах в Париже, Арнеме и Риме. Стинг не отказывает себе в удовольствии переработать некоторые из своих любимых старых полисовских вещей, включая "Bring On The Night", "When The World Is Running Down", "Demolition Man" и "Tea In The Sahara". Остальной материал взят из альбома "The Dream Of The Blue Turtles". Но если собственно альбом-это прекрасная музыка в захватывающем исполнении, то его оформление (в частности, рисунки и живопись в "детском" стиле) оставляет желать лучшего. Мелкий шрифт делает невозможным прочтение информации без сильной лупы. На самом деле большинство обложек альбомов Стинга отличает небрежный, неряшливый дизайн, резко контрастирующий с внимательным и вдумчивым отношением к музыке. Как раз вскоре после выхода этого альбома "The Police", к удивлению многих, собрались вместе для воссоединительного концерта, завершавшего большой тур всех звезд и проводившегося в Атланте 11 июля под эгидой организации "Amnesty International". Группа исполнила пять песен, и это было их последнее появление на публике вместе. В течение следующего месяца "The Police" пыталась записать шестой альбом, но лондонские сессии ни к чему не привели, и группа распалась после восьми лет совместных достижений, громадного успеха и внутренних противоречий. А Стинг обрел свободу петь, играть и сочинять без необходимости сражаться за место под солнцем. Bring On The Night/ When The World Is Running Down, You Make The Best Of What's Still Around - Принеси ночь/ когда мир разваливается, ты как можно лучше используешь то, что еще остается вокруг тебя Дремотный аромат оригинала быстро развеивается (к счастью), как только в работу включается ритм-секция, а Стинг начинает импровизировать в джазовой манере. "The Police" записали "Bring On The Night" в 1978 г., а сама песня была сочинена тремя годами раньше. Внезапное возбуждение врывается в музыку, как только группа переходит к песне "When The World Is Running Down" из альбома "Zenyatta Mondatta". Слово Стингу: "Обе песни роднит одинаковая последовательность аккордов и пост-апокалиптическое видение мира... этакая тщеславная фантазия: ты один выжил в мировой катастрофе, и к тому же все твои любимые вещи целы и невредимы!" Внезапно посреди превосходного фортепианного соло Кении Керкленда в мелодию вступает настоящий мощный рэп в исполнении Бренфорда Марселиса, который просто показывает, "как это надо делать". Одиннадцать минут, наполненных радостью творчества, демонстрируют все, что есть лучшего в современной музыке. Этот номер свидетельствует о том, чего можно добиться, собрав самых разных по стилю музыкантов для участия в общем деле. Consider Me Gone - Считай, что я ушел Чудесное медленное звучание тлеет, подобно зажженному фитилю. Омар Хаким нежно скользит по тарелкам, а Стинг поет изящно и спокойно. Заметно, что он во многом отказался от излишней манерности, отличавшей его в период работы с "The Police", и характер его пения полностью гармонирует с профессиональной зрелостью его новых коллег. И снова голос мистера Самнера чем-то напоминает Иона Андерсона из самых ранних "Yes", когда их еще вдохновлял Билл Брафорд. Воодушевленная и внимательная французская публика приветствует поразительно эффектную коду, и Стинг с благодарностью произносит "Merci bien". Low Life - Жизнь на дне Небольшое сходство с "Hall & Oates" и их любимым соуловым саундом. Эта трактовка интересна прежде всего работой Омара Хакима на ударных и непрерывным потоком звуков тенор-саксофона. Песня была написана в 1977 г. на заднем сиденье гастрольного автобуса по пути на концерт. Автор песни вспоминает: "Перед этим мы как раз неделю жили в гостинице в Рипербане, гамбургском квартале "красных фонарей". Каждое одинокое лицо, и мое, я полагаю, в том числе, - это целая история". We Work The Black Seam - Мы разрабатываем черный пласт Скорбная песнь горняков с "Blue Turtles" оживлена более быстрым темпом исполнения. Стинг рассказывал: "Запись мелодии к "Black Seam" провалялась среди моих нот, наверное, лет десять. Я никак не мог ее закончить и найти подходящий текст, пока не началась забастовка шахтеров. Еще меня подтолкнул на это долгий разговор с другом, который работал ремонтником на атомной электростанции". Driven To Tears - Доведен до слез Песня была написана в 1979 г. в мотеле в США после того, как Стинг увидел в теленовостях голодающих детей, которые не держались на ногах от истощения. Стинг вспоминал: "Слезы негодования - это хорошо, но "Band Aid"* - гораздо лучше". Бренфорд Марселис вступает здесь с довольно продолжительным соло на сопрано-саксофоне. The Dream Of Blue Turtles/ Demolition Man - Cон Голубых Черепах/ Подрывник Чудесное джазовое вступление, в котором ощущается неуловимое присутствие Фрэнка Заппы и отголоски "Вестсайдской истории" с ее темой стаккато. Аранжировка без видимых усилий перестраивается на угрожающий и гипнотический мотив "Demolition Man" из альбома "Ghost In The Machine". Xaким находит нужный темп для Стинга, поющего необычно грубым голосом. One World (Not Three)/ Love Is The Seventh Wave - один мир (а не три)/ любовь - это девятый вал "It may seem a million miles away but it gets a little closer every day" ("Может показаться, что _____________ * "Band Aid"-акция рок-музыкантов в поддержку голодающих Эфиопии. - Примеч. пер. это - в миллионе миль отсюда, но с каждым днем оно становится немного ближе"), - едва сдерживая смех, поет Стинг со своими весельчаками в интересном хоровом вступлении перед тем, как группа переходит на ритм регги, расцвеченный веселым звучанием маримба. В довершение всего - густое и мелодически богатое соло сопрано-саксофона. Это исполнение подчеркивает необыкновенную универсальность группы, что должно было наполнять Стинга огромной гордостью и удовлетворением. Понадобились, наверное, многочасовые репетиции, чтобы придумать вокальный переход, без видимых усилий связывающий две песни в одну. Moon Over Bourbon Street - луна над бурбон-стрит Стинг сочинил эту умело аранжированную песню в одну из ночей 1983 г. во французском квартале Нового Орлеана. Бренфорд Марселис оттеняет вокал Стинга звуковыми образами в духе Сидни Бечета на своем проверенном сопрано-саксофоне. Слишком хорошо для фанов рок-н-ролла. Неудивительно, что в восьмидесятые годы Стинга иногда обвиняли в высокомерии. Он, надо признаться, - умная каналья. Хорошая внешность, славные мелодии, которые и на банджо звучат неплохо. I Burn For You - я сгораю по тебе Звуки вибрафона открывают песню, написанную Стингом в классе во время урока математики. Он рассказывал, что тогда, в 1975-м, играл с группой, которая еженедельно выступала в одном из пабов Ньюкасла. Стингу нужно было сочинять для них новые песни, но выкроить время для этого он мог, только давая своим ученикам большие контрольные по математике. "Они вели себя тихо, и я мог относительно спокойно подгонять слова под музыку", - вспоминал Стинг. Песня вошла в саундтрек фильма "Brimstone & Treacle", в котором он сыграл роль Дьявола. Саундтрек завоевал "Грэми"... а ученики получили свои пятерки. Another Day - Еще один день "Безысходная песня", по словам Стинга, с умным проницательным текстом. Тем не менее Стингу удается заставить зрителей подпевать ему в стиле Фила Коллинза, в то время как ритм-секция готовит свое жаркое из энергичного соула. Великолепная бас-гитаpa Деррида Джонса тщательно перемешивает мясо с картофелем. Children's Crusade - Детский крестовый поход Одна из жемчужин, украшающих "Blue Turtles", - вокал, скользящий поверх рапсодической фортепианной темы, нежно исполняемой Кенни Керклендом. Текст Стинга, полный печальной иронии, производит еще большее впечатление благодаря сдержанному исполнению. Необыкновенно мощное и насыщенное соло на сопрано-саксофоне выдает Марселис, подгоняемый барабанами Хакима, который добавляет огня, впрочем, ни на секунду не теряя контроль над собой. Down So Long - так долго был подавлен Бал правит ритм-энд-блюз. Марселис работает в манере Джуниора Уокера, а соло- и бас-гитара просто рвутся в бой. Стингу, похоже, особо нечего делать в окружении таких гигантов, поэтому он поощряет соло Кении Керкленда, звучащее так, словно оно сыграно на гитаре. Все сделано с умом. В примечаниях к CD Стинг шутит: "Одной из моих задач было убедить группу, что блюз как музыкальный жанр родом из района угольных бассейнов Северной Англии. Почему-то мне кажется, что они мне не поверили". Tea In The Sahara - Чай В Сахаре Последний фрагмент "Synchronicity". Эта унылая вещь - явно любимая полисовская песня Бренфорда Марселиса. Эта версия была записана на концерте в Арнеме, в Голландии. Песня затихает, снимая возбуждение, созданное "Down So Long". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...Nothing like the Sun - ...ничем не схожи с солнцем[3]* The lazarus heart Be still my beating heart Englishman in new york History will teach us nothing They dance alone (cueca solo) Fragile We'll be together Straight to my heart Rock steady Sister moon Little wing The secret marriage ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫЙ БРИТАНСКИЙ ВЫПУСК: А&М CDA 6402; выпущено: октябрь, 1987 год Второй студийный альбом Стинга был записан в студии AIR, на острове Монтсеррат, свидетеле былых свершений "The Police". В роли продюсеров выступили Нил Дорфсман и Стинг, на стадии микширования к ним присоединился Хью Пэдэм. Саунд альбома получился более отчетливым и ясным по сравнению как с "Turtles", так и с "Bring On The Night". К тому же здесь гораздо активнее использу ются гитары. Стинг продолжил сотрудничество с некоторыми из гастролировавших с ним музыкантов, включая клавишника Кенни Керкленда и саксофониста Бренфорда Марселиса. Место за барабанами занял Ману Катче, в записи участвовало и множество приглашенных гитаристов. В "Lazarus Heart" и "Be Still My Beating Heart" появился Энди Саммерс. Марк Нопфлер из "Dire Straits" и Эрик Клэптон играли на гитарах в песне "They Dance Alone", Стинг также добавил в запись гитарные и басовые партии в собственном исполнении. И снова автором всех песен, кроме знаменитой "Little Wing" Джими Хендрикса, был Стинг. ______________ * Название альбома - цитата из первой строки 130 сонета шекспира: "My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun" ("Глаза ее ничем не схожи с солнцем"). - Примеч. пер. The Lazarus Heart - Сердце Лазаря Эта вещь обладает странным воздействием. Стинг исполняет песню со столь сложным текстом с изяществом, не удивляющим только того, кто сам не умеет петь. Он размышляет над вопросом, почему традиция связывает центр духовной деятельности человека не с мозгом, а с сердцем. Разбитое сердце - один из самых распространенных образов в поп-музыке. Стинг рассуждает обо всем этом в песне, в основу сюжета которой положен кошмарный сон. По своему настроению результат получился довольно близким к хиту Иона Андерсона и "Yes" "Owner Of A Lonely Heart". Be Still My Beating Heart - Оставайся Пульсом Моего Сердца Возвращаемся к теме сердец: Стинг поет о борьбе с непрошеными чувствами, охватывающими человека, поддавшегося страсти. Он предупреждает: "Be still my beating heart or I'll be taken for a fool... It's not healthy to run at this pace, the blood runs so red to my face" ("Оставайся пульсом моего сердца, а не то я прослыву дураком... Небезопасно бежать в таком темпе: кровь, такая красная, ударила мне в лицо"). У этой проблемы - одно решение. Холодный душ и трепка. Мало кто осмелился бы применить последнее средство на данном этапе сверхуспешной карьеры артиста. Бас-гитара выдает очень уместный здесь пульсирующий ритм, а тарелки хай-хэт регулируют темп исполнения. Сингл с этой мрачной песней занял пятнадцатое место в списках "Billboard". Englishman In New York - Англичанин В Нью-Йорке Спокойно-проницательный текст на фоне беспечного ритма, по своему звучанию подозрительно напоминающего "wobble board" Рольфа Харриса. Песня оживляется, когда в нее вступает совсем не похожее на английское свинговое джазовое соло. По всему Нью-Йорку необдуманно развесили совершенно дурацкий плакат, приуроченный к выпуску сингла, где Стинг был изображен согнутым в малодушной позе. Это вызвало немалое недоумение приезжавших в город англичан. Американцы тоже не были в восторге, и сингл застрял на позиции 84 в местных хит-парадах. "It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile - be yourself no matter what they say" ("Нужно быть мужчиной, чтобы вынести безразличие и улыбаться, - будь самим собой, и не важно, что говорят другие"), - утверждает Стинг. Увы, в Великобритании сингл тоже не пошел. History Will Teach Us Nothing - история ничему нас не научит Пессимистическое отношение к урокам истории. Верно, что люди повторяют одни и те же ошибки, но, как правило, это те люди, которые не учат историю. И все-таки Стинг непреклонен и предупреждает: "If God is dead and an actor plays His part, his words of fear will find their way to a place in your heart. Without the voice of reason every faith is its own curse" ("Если Бог умер и актер играет Его роль, его исполненные страха слова найдут отклик в твоем сердце. Не подкрепленная голосом разума, любая вера превращается в проклятие"). До чего верно! Бесстрастное исполнение песни и лаконичная манера подачи текста беспокоят сознание, делая эту вещь одной из самых коварных и интригующих в альбоме. Без интерлюдии в стиле регги, вклинивающейся в развитие главной темы, можно было бы обойтись, но, как напоминает Стинг: "Sooner or later we learn to throw the past away" ("Рано или поздно мы научимся отбрасывать прочь наше прошлое"). Мудро сказано, приятель. They Dance Alone (Gueca Solo) - они танцуют в одиночестве Драматичное вступление с шуршащей барабанной дробью готовит нас к одному из самых блестящих в вокальном отношении номеров Стинга. Он охвачен мрачным настроением, превращая обычную поп-песню в действенное средство политической борьбы. Стрелы его полемики направлены на политического лидера одной из латиноамериканских стран, виновного в убийствах и пытках своих сограждан. Его жертвы числятся как "пропавшие без вести". Стинг спрашивает: "Why are these women here dancing on their own? Why is there sadness in their eyes?" ("Почему эти женщины танцуют в одиночестве? Почему столько печали в их глазах?") Дело в том, что они танцуют с теми, кто исчез... "They're dancing with the dead" ("Они танцуют с мертвыми"). Немногие артисты осмеливаются на такую прямоту, с которой Стинг задает вопрос: "Hey Mr. Pinochet, you've sown a bitter crop. It's foreign money that supports you. One day the money's going to stop. No wages for your torturers, no budget for your guns. Can you think of your own mother dancing with her invisible son?" ("Эй, мистер Пиночет, ты посеял горькие семена. Тебя поддерживают иностранные деньги. Однажды деньги перестанут поступать. Твои палачи останутся без зарплаты, твои вооружения без бюджета. Можешь ли ты представить свою мать, танцующую с невидимым сыном?") Стинг пользуется возможностью обратиться к широкой массовой аудитории, чтобы донести до людей важную мысль. На него сильно повлияли встречи с бывшими политзаключенными и жертвами пыток во время тура "Amnesty" в 1986 г. "Одно дело - читать о мучениях, но после разговора с их жертвой становишься на шаг ближе к реальности, столь пугающе вездесущей", - говорил он. Гуэка - это чилийский народный парный танец. Гуэка соло, или танец в одиночестве, исполняется женами, дочерьми и матерями "пропавших без вести". Стинг объяснял: "Это символическое выражение протеста и боли в стране, где демократия не нуждается в той "защите", которая там практикуется". В апреле 1989 г. "They Dance Alone" получила премию "Ivor Novello". Fragile - хрупкость Что хрупкое, то хрупкое. Это - размышления Стинга о бесцельности насилия и поэтический призыв не убивать друг друга. Поводом к написанию песни стали непрекращающиеся конфликты между политическими и криминальными группировками, последствия которых отравляют жизнь всем нам. We'll Be Together - мы будем вместе фанковая танцевальная разминка, незатейливая, нацеленная на чистое развлечение после мрачного настроения, созданного "They Dance Alone" и "Fragile". Великому американскому народу это понравилось больше, чем "Englishman In New York", и бесхитростный ритм этой песни грохотал на всех дискотеках, а сингл взлетел на седьмую строчку в списках лучших хитов журнала "Billboard" в октябре 1987 г. Стинг заливался: "All I want to be is dancing with you in my arms" ("Все, что я хочу, - это танцевать, держа тебя в объятиях"). В конце концов, не такое уж плохое желание! Straight To My Heart - прямо к моему сердцу В музыку альбома врываются причудливые латиноамериканские ритмы, и Стинг, слегка пританцовывая, напевает жизнерадостную песню о любви и супружестве. "Come into my door, you'll never have to sweep the floor" ("Входи в мою дверь, тебе никогда не придется подметать полы"), - говорит он своей возлюбленной. Это означает одно из двух: или он стал просвещенным человеком с передовыми взглядами, или просто купил новый пылесос. Rock Steady - надежный, как камень Песня, прекрасно исполненная в стиле джайв*. Стинг сочинил блестящий и забавный рассказ - своего рода версию истории о Ноевом ковчеге. Многословно, но весело. Sister Moon - сестра луна Не Бог весть как далеко ушел здесь Стинг от "Summertime", но все равно это исключительно гармоничное и эмоциональное произведение, которое очень выигрывает благодаря сочным аккордам клавишных и навязчивому соло сопрано-саксофона. Вторгаясь на территорию Гершвина, Стинг ________________ * Джайв (jive) -стиль танцевальной музыки; наибольшее распространение получил в Америке в 50-е гг. - Примеч. пер. сочинил одну из самых серьезных песен в своей карьере, ставшую украшением альбома. Это вам не панк-рок. Комментарий автора: "Эта песня посвящается лунатикам, всем тем, чье психическое здоровье зависит от фаз луны". Little Wing - крылышко Нежное прочтение классической песни Джими Хендрикса. Стинг раскрывает все нюансы текста, написанного Джими. Приятным открытием стало прекрасное соло на гитаре Хайрема Баллока, оркестр Джила Эванса добавляет в звучание низкие сдержанные тона. Этот номер явился своеобразным итогом дружбы Стинга с Эвансом. Они познакомились в лондонском "Ronnie Scott's Club". "Он был моим героем еще с четырнадцатилетнего возраста. Напоминал мне одного из тех мудрых старцев из "Star Trek", оставшихся последними обитателями планеты после какой-то катастрофы, единственными хранителями знаний цивилизации". Оба настолько понравились друг другу, что через пару лет Стинг исполнил "Little Wing" с оркестром Джила в "Sweet Basil's Club" в Гринвич-Виллидж. Причиной обращения к Хендриксу был и тот факт, что "The Jimi Hendrix Experience" была одной из первых групп, увиденных Стингом живьем в клубе "Go-Go" в Ньюкасле. The Secret Marriage - тайная свадьба В основу песни легла мелодия Ханса Эйслера, коллеги Бертольда Брехта, который уехал в Америку из нацистской Германии. Стинг отмечал, что "нацизм преследовал его всю жизнь под разными масками". Песня прославляет узы, для скрепления которых не нужна ни церковная служба, ни заверенный контракт. Немного таинственно Стинг сообщает: "The secret marriage vow is never spoken, the secret marriage never can be broken" ("На тайной свадьбе никогда не произносится клятв, тайный брак никогда не распадается"). Нежный аккомпанемент акустического пианино и контрабаса придает пьесе классический аромат, делая ее более трогательной. Многозначительные паузы и заключительная нота, повисшая в воздухе, несомненно, должны были вызвать вежливое покашливание и беспокойное ерзанье публики во время первого прослушивания. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Soul Cages - Клетки Для Душ Island of Souls All This Time Mad About You Jeremiah Blues (Part 1) Why Should I Cry For You? Saint Agnes And The Burning Train - instrumental The Wild Wild Sea The Soul Cages When The Angels Fall ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫЙ БРИТАНСКИЙ ВЫПУСК: А&М CD 396 405 2; выпущено: январь, 1991 год В определенный момент карьеры на Стинга стал вовсю давить груз ответственности, усугубленный личными невзгодами. В результате этот добродушный, чувствительный и остроумный человек стал восприниматься как "удручающе претенциозный зануда" ("Тhе Sunday Times", март, 1993 г.). Его критиковали за неумеренный филантропизм в связи с организацией "Amnesty", за бесконечные телевизионные выступления во всех странах мира на пару с вождем индейского племени кай-апо и, наконец, за альбом "Soul Cages", поводом для создания которого положена смерть его отца от рака. Дело в том, что Стингу хотелось выразить свое отношение к вопросам, важным для каждого думающего человека, но британской публике это показалось уже слишком! В конечном счете альбом продавался не хуже предыдущих. Исключение составила Англия, где личную трагедию - смерть отца от рака не сочли подходящим поводом для развлечения. Стинг заранее объявил, что альбом получился интроспективным, полным самоуглубления и текст песен в значительной степени выстрадан им. Его менеджер Майлс Копленд говорил впоследствии: "Это было серьезной ошибкой, которую мы уже не могли исправить. Если бы он не назвал альбом "интроспективным", его бы лучше принимали, потому что на самом деле там было много ударных композиций". Но, несмотря на мрачные предзнаменования, "Soul Cages" сразу попал на первую позицию британских хит-парадов в феврале 1991 г. и был номером два в американской "US Top Ten" в том же месяце. Один из синглов, сделанных на основе материала этого альбома, "All This Time", вошел в горячую десятку хитов. Запись проходила во Франции и Италии с использованием новой технологии "Q Sound", позволявшей добиться эффекта трехмерного звучания. Стинг снова работал с Ману Катче, исполнявшим партию на барабанах и со старыми друзьями Бренфордом Марселисом и Кенни Керклендом. Он признавался, что после "Nothing Like The Sun" переживал творческий кризис, всерьез подумывая о том, что делать дальше. Печально, что источником вдохновения на этот раз было суждено стать именно смерти отца, придавшей оттенок скорби большей части работы. Island Of Souls - остров душ Серьезная песня, которую при всем желании нельзя охарактеризовать иначе, как крайне скучную. Тем не менее текст написан с любовью, подтверждая природный дар Стинга создавать эмоциональные стихи, умеющие проникать в души обездоленных и угнетенных, которые всегда ищут надежду на спасение. Песня, рассказывающая историю Билли, сына клепальщика, родившегося на побережье вблизи верфи ("...born within sight of the shipyard"), пронизана скорбным напевом нортумберлендских волынок. По ходу исполнения возникает ощущение, что невдалеке от берега показались паруса старого доброго судна "Eleanor Rigby", но без добродушного ливерпульца за штурвалом, оживлявшего плавание соленым морским остроумием. В результате эта неповоротливая баржа бросает якорь среди мертвой зыби безразличия. All This Time - все это время Ману Катче одним прыжком срывается с места, выразительно отбивая ритм на малом барабане. Это несколько оживляет запись. Текст насыщен образами, связанными с рекой Тайн и туманами на ней. "If I had my way I'd take a boat from the river and I'd bury the old man... at the sea" ("Если бы я мог, то взял бы лодку с реки и похоронил старика... у моря"), - поет Стинг на фоне струящегося ритма. Наверняка Вэн Моррисон мог бы сделать хорошую кавер-версию этой песни - если бы захотел. Mad About You - схожу с ума по тебе "Though all my kingdoms turn to sand and fall into the sea, I'm mad about you..." ("Хотя все мои царства превратились в песок и рухнули в море, я схожу с ума по тебе...") Здесь наш поэт сопоставляет все творения человека - непрочные, подверженные упадку и разрушению - с силой любви. Но любовь ведь тоже может превратиться в прах, если не поливать ее слезами сострадания... Jeremiah Blues (Part I) - блюз иеремии (часть i) "Something wicked this way comes" ("Близится что-то зловещее"), - Стинг, вслед за Шекспиром и Брэдбери, произносит строку, которая явно выделяется в потоке других. Доза блюзовой паранойи придает песне столь необходимые ей энергию и ощущение беспокойства. Прекрасное гитарное соло и отличная работа ударных. Жаль, что они не записали вторую часть. Why Should I Cry For You? - почему я должен плакать о тебе? На этот вопрос мог бы ответить только сам автор. Нежный монолог требовал хорошего вкуса от ударника, и водоворот аккордов увлекает юного моряка далеко от берега, где он будет дрейфовать до конца своих дней, погруженный в размышления. В конце концов он заверяет дорогого его сердцу усопшего: "I loved you in my fashion" ("Я любил тебя по-своему"). Saint Agnes And The Burning Train - святая агнесса и горящий поезд Просто инструментальная интерлюдия, танец для классической гитары. И все сразу становится на свои места. The Wild Wild Sea - бурное,бурное море Длинная, длинная сага, которую лучше всего слушать, лежа на полу с бокалом бренди и сигарой и при этом пытаясь осмыслить символику текста. Стинг отправляется в путешествие по жизни на корабле, капитан которого - его отец, и соленые слезы моря текут, покорные ветрам судьбы. На самом деле песня не такая уж плохая, если частота вашего пульса гораздо медленней обычной. The Soul Cages - клетки для душ Как раз в тот момент, когда вам кажется, что Стинг вот-вот окончательно утонет в жалобных стенаниях, он вдруг оживает под аккомпанемент твердого и устойчивого ритма. Но содержание остается прежним: аллегории, связанные с печальной судьбой рабочего люда севера Англии... "These are the souls of the broken factories these are the souls of a broken town..." ("Это-души разрушенных фабрик, это-души разрушенного города...") - скорбно провозглашает Стинг, и только сердитый гитарный рифф служит нам утешением. When The Angels Fall - когда опускаются ангелы Песня чрезвычайно медленная и занудная - странно, что ударник не заснул во время записи. Стинг произносит выстраданные, исповедальные слова удручающе бесстрастно. Не сравнить с куда более оживленной "When The Angels Sing" Зигги Элмана. Последние такты похожи на неподъемные свинцовые гири - их никак не удается выжать до конца. Как упражнение по вытягиванию жил из слушателя эта песня вполне удалась. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ten Summoner's Tales (1993)- Десять Историй Саммонера ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫЙ БРИТАНСКИЙ ВЫПУСК: А&М CD 540075-2; выпущено: март, 1993 год Ten Summoner's Tales (1993) Lyrics Prologue (If I Ever Lose My Faith In You) Love Is Sronger Than Justice (The Munificent Seven) Fields of Gold Heavy Cloud No Rain She's Too Good For Me Seven Days Saint Augustine In Hell It's Probably Me Everybody Laughed But You Shape Of My Heart Something The Boy Said Epilogue (Nothing 'Bout Me) "Soul Cages" стал настоящим хитом, как и подобало альбому звезды такого калибра, как Стинг. И все-таки альбом оставлял тревожное впечатление. Еще недавно, казалось, жизнерадостный певец вдруг стал мрачным, одержимым лишь собственными переживаниями. Это был совсем другой, незнакомый Стинг. Поэтому совершенно закономерным было решение музыканта сбросить наконец приросший к его плечам груз ответственности перед всем миром и записать альбом, свободный от излишнего самоуглубления. Снова в его музыке появился юмор и радостное настроение, и мир вздохнул с облегчением: Стинг вернулся, и вернулся с прекрасным альбомом. Название "Ten Summoner's Tales" появилось благодаря любви Стинга к Чосеру и его "Кентерберийским рассказам", которые он прочел еще в школе. Настоящая фамилия Стинга - Самнер - восходит к слову "саммонер". Говоря современным языком, это судебные исполнители, которые во времена Чосера взимали штрафы с тех, кто не являлся в суд. Продюсерами нового альбома стали Хью Пэдэм и Стинг. Запись проходила в Лейк Хаус, поместье времен короля Якова I, расположенном в графстве Уилтшир. Команду составили: Доминик Миллер (гитара), Винни Колайута (ударные), Дэвид Сэншес (клавишные) и сам Стинг (бас-гитара, губная гармоника и саксофон). В записи также участвовало множество музыкантов, игравших на духовых и струнных инструментах, а в одной из песен появился даже сам Ларри Адлер, великий мастер губной гармоники. "Tales" был с восторгом встречен теми критиками, которые до этого ругали Стинга за "Nothing Like The Sun" и "Soul Cages". Новый CD был более доступен для восприятия, содержал запоминающиеся мелодии, а некоторые песни даже встали в один ряд с лучшими композициями Стинга. Он рассказывал критику Полу Колберту: "Я хотел порвать с самоедством и исповедальными песнями, каждый раз разрывавшими душу на части. Я подумал: "Кто я - музыкант или психоаналитик?" После напряженной гастрольной деятельности Стинг решил сочинить несколько песен "просто для забавы". На этот раз он старался не писать о себе и своих сокровенных мыслях, а попробовал развлечь аудиторию, на которую он тогда ориентировался: свою группу и семью. Если это пришлось по душе остальным, что ж, тем лучше. Стинг даже позволил себе немного пошутить - и в музыке, и в текстах. Окружающие восприняли это с удовольствием: приятно было видеть, что чувство юмора, как и чувство меры, вновь вернулись к Стингу. Prologue (If I Ever Lose My Faith In You) - пролог (если я когда-нибудь утрачу веру в тебя) Превосходная песня, моментально ставшая классикой. Исполненная в трогательно простой манере, она содержит больше эмоций и прочувствованной страстности, чем все опусы последних лет, изобилующие напряженными копаниями в себе. Стинг рассказывает, как он потерял веру в ученых, политиков, даже в телеведущих, и пытается объяснить своей возлюбленной, что если когда-нибудь утратит веру в нее... что ж, тогда ему просто нечего будет делать в жизни. Блестящее владение губной гармоникой позволяет одухотворить резаный ритм песни человечностью и теплотой. Love Is Stronger Than Justice (The Magnificent Seven) - любовь сильнее справедливости (великолепная семерка) Винни Колайута, пользующийся искренним уважением своих коллег как один из лучших ударников девяностых, выдает порцию отвязного фанка, отличающегося почти механической четкостью ритма, подвигая Стинга на один из самых фанковых экспериментов в его карьере. В песне есть даже интонации музыки кантри. Вы уверены, что перед вами Стинг? Fields Of Gold - золотые поля Как и в случае с "If I Ever Lose My Faith In You", Стинг поднимает меч и щит, чтобы отстаивать гордо реющее знамя еще одной великолепной песни, исполненной с нежной поэтической умиротворенностью. Перед нами привлекательный во все времена поп-гимн, которому волнообразное дыхание струнных и гитар придает тепло и человечность. Heavy Cloud No Rain - тяжелая туча без дождя Чистый фанк: лучшая в мире ритм-секция работает удивительно сыгранно, настраивая Стинга на замечательную голосовую игру. Он рассказывает вечную историю о прорицателях, астрологах и синоптиках, которые не всегда могут сказать, откуда ветер дует. She's Тоо Good For Me - она слишком хороша для меня Если Стинг и старался развлечь новыми песнями свою группу и слушателей, то этот отвязанный рок с неожиданными сменами темпа и настроения и внезапной концовкой безусловно порадовал как тех, так и других. Стинг рассказывает о своей суперкритичной подруге, которой ничего в нем не нравится. "She don't like the books I read... she don't like the way I feed, she don't want to save my life, she don't want to be my wife" ("Ей не нравятся книги, которые я читаю... ей не нравится, как я питаюсь, она не хочет спасти мою жизнь, она не хочет стать моей женой"), -жалуется Стинг... с улыбкой. Seven Days - семь дней Сильная, сделанная с любовью поп-композиция. Развернутая панорамная аранжировка богато украшена оркестровыми обертонами. По звучанию композиция напоминает увертюры из бродвейских мюзиклов сороковых годов. Герой Стинга обдумывает ультиматум, поставленный его любимой. Ему и гиганту, похожему на неандертальца, предстоит бороться за ее благосклонность. Соперничество не предусматривает сопоставления IQ - коэффициентов интеллекта, о чем Стинг и сообщает с горькой усмешкой: "We won't be playing Scrabble for her hand I fear" ("Боюсь, что мы не будем играть в скраббл*[4] за ее руку и сердце"). Saint Augustine In Hell - святой августин в аду Под блюз, насыщенный журчанием органа "Хэммонд", наш герой с иронией и презрением отзывается о своих судьях, рассуждая об искушениях плоти. Песня изобилует шутками. Нам со знанием дела сообщают, что среди обитателей ада полно членов высокого суда,кардиналов,архиепископов, бухгалтеров и музыкальных критиков. It's Probably Me - наверное, это я Задумчивая, меланхолическая песня. Кто окажется настоящим другом в трудную минуту? "I hate to say it, but it's probably me" ("Мне не хочется этого говорить, но, наверное, это буду я"). Подсурдиненная труба позволяет создать совершенно особенную атмосферу пустого бара, безлюдных улиц и неприкаянных душ. Кто "я"? ________________ * Скраббл (scrabble) - настольная игра, заключающаяся в составлении слов из случайного набора букв, аналогичная нашей игре "Эрудит"-Примеч. пер. Everybody Laughed But You - все смеялись, кроме тебя Очень сильные, прекрасные по форме стихи, за которые не было бы стыдно и Ноэлю Каварду. С горечью вспоминаются друзья, растерянные на пути к успеху, остался только один,преданный и верный. Shape Of My Heart - форма моего сердца Чрезвычайно грустная баллада, которую испанская акустическая гитара и чудесная губная гармоника Ларри Адлера делают еще более меланхоличной. Стинг достаточно повзрослел, чтобы выдержать высокую планку этого безусловного шедевра, не впадая в слащавую сентиментальность. Something The Boy Said - To, что сказал мальчик Мальчик сказал: "You'll never see our faces again" ("Вы больше никогда не увидите наших лиц"). С подлинным мастерством Стинг рассказывает интригующую историю, не раскрывая подлинного смысла вплоть до самой развязки. "We would never have marched so far to be food for a crow" ("Мы бы никогда не пошли так далеко лишь для того, чтобы стать пищей для ворон"), - говорят солдаты своему капитану, сын которого предупредил их о кровавой бойне, ожидающей отряд впереди. Работа ударных напоминает монотонное тиканье часов, а губная гармошка - любимый инструмент солдат в окопах - усиливает атмосферу зловещего предчувствия. Epilogue (Nothing 'Bout Me) - Эпилог ничего обо мне Для многих это - любимая песня из очень достойного альбома. Удивительно теплый, забавный и очень уместный постскриптум к творчеству Стинга (на настоящий момент!). Забыты как болезненные тревоги недавнего прошлого, так и необузданность юных лет. И вот он сообщает нам с насмешливым огоньком в глазах: "Check my facts, check if I paid my income tax, pore over everything in my C.V. but you'll still know nothing 'bout me" ("Проверьте факты моей биографии, проверьте, оплатил ли я подоходный налог, изучите вдоль и поперек мою анкету, и все равно вы не узнаете обо мне ничего"). Стинг очень уверен в себе и имеет для этого все основания. В финале, когда группа подпевает своему солисту хором в духе Гленна Миллера, а неумолимая восходящая басовая линия подводит эпилог к экстатическому и несколько саркастическому завершению, нам приходится признать: Стинг одерживает победу по всем статьям. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Указатель POLICE A Kind Of Loving________________73 A Sermon___________________72 BeMyGiri-Sally_____________26,83 Bed's Too Big Without You, The_____31,68,82 Behing My Camel_______________39 Bombs Away_________________39 Вот In The 50's _______________26, 83 Bring On The Night____________30,81 Can't Stand Losing You_________24, 83, 87 Canary In A Coalmine_____________38 Contact____________________32 Darkness___________________48 De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da_________39,85 Dead End Job_________________66 Deathwish__________________30 Demolition Man________________46 Does Everyone Stare 32 Don't Stand So Close To Me________35,87 Don't Stand So Close To Me '86________76 Driven To Tears___________38, 72,100 Every Breath You Take__________55,87 Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic______45 Fall Out__________________65.80 Flexible Strategies______________72 Friends____________________69 Hole In My Life______________24,80 How Stupid Mr. Bates_____________73 Hungry For You (J'aurais toujours (aim de toi) ______ 45 I Burn For You 75 Invisible Sun__________________45 It's Alright For You 30 King Of Pain________________55,86 Landlord_______________66, 83, 67 Low Lite_________________73, 100 Man In A Suitcase_____________40,74 Masoco Tanga________________26 Message In A Bottle________29,74,81,85 Miss Gradenko________________53 Mother____________________53 Murder By Numbers___ ______ 74 Next To You 21,67,79 No Time This Time___ ______ 32 Nothing Achieving 66 0 My God_________________53,85 Omegaman_________________47 On Any Other Day_______________31 Once Upon A Daydream____________75 One World (Not Three)__________47, 103 Other Way Of Stopping, The__________40 Peanuts_________________24,82 Reggalta De Blanc______________29 Rehumanize Yourself______________47 Roxanne_______________23, 82, 87 Secret Journey_______________47 Shadows In The Rain____________40,94 Shambelle__________________T2 So Lonely_______________23, 79, 88 Someone To Talk To_____________74 Spihts In The Material World________44,86 Synchronicity I_______________51,84 Synchronicity II______________55, 84 Tea In The Sahara__________57, 75, 86 Too Much Information 46 Truth Hits Everybody 25,68,79 Visions Of The Night______________68 Voices Inside My Head__________38 Walking In Your Footsteps_______ 53, 84 Walking On The Moon 31,80 When The World Is Running Down, You Make The Best Of What's Still Around____38 Wrapped Around Your Finger________57, 85 STING All This Time________________118 Another Day________________104 Be Still My Beating Heart___________109 Bring On The Night/When The World Is Running Down You Make The Best Of What's Still Around________99 Children's Crusade___________94,105 Consider Me Gone____________96,100 Demolition Man________________103 Down So Long________________106 Dream Of The Blue Turtles, The______96,103 Driven To Tears___________38, 72,100 Englishman In New York __ 109 Epilogue (Nothing 'Bout Me) 128 Everybody Laughed But You_________ 125 Fields Of Gold 124 Fortress Around Your Heart__________96 Fragile_______________112 Heavy Cloud No Rain_____________124 History Will Teach Us Nothing_________110 I Burn For You________________104 If You Love Somebody Set Them Free______92 Island Of Souls 118 It's Probably Me_______________125 Jeremiah Blues (Part I)____________119 Lazarus Heart, The_____________109 Little Wing 113 Love Is Stronger Than Justice (The Magnificent Seven)___________123 Love Is The Seventh Wave________92,103 Low Life___________________100 Mad About You________________119 Moon Over Bourbon Street________96,103 One World (Not Three)/ Love Is The Seventh Ware__________103 Prologue (If I Even Lose My Faith In You)________123 Rock Steady_________________113 Russians___________________92 Saint Agnes And The Burning Train_______119 Saint Augustine In Hell____________125 Secret Marriage, The_____________114 Seven Days________________124 Shadows In The Rain______________94 Shape Of My Heart 125 She's Too Good For Me____________124 Sister Moon_________________113 Something The Boy Said___________126 Soul Cages, The_______________120 Straight To My Heart____________112 Tea In The Sahara _______106 They Dance Alone (Gueca Solo)________111 We Work The Black Seam 94,100 We'll Be Together_112 When The Angels Fall_____________120 Why Should I Cry For You?__________119 Wild Wild Sea, The_____________119 Права на русское издание принадлежат компании "Евразийский регион". Все права защищены. Ни одна часть этой книги не может быть воспроизведена в какой бы то ни было форме, ни электронным, ни механическим способом, включая системы хранения информации и ее считывания, без письменного разрешения издателя, за исключением ревю (отзывов, аннотаций), в которых могут воспроизводиться короткие цитаты. Оригинал-макет подготовлен издательством "Локид" Крис Уэлч "ПОЛИС" и СТИНГ Путеводитель Перевод Андрея Паламарчука Ответственная за выпуск S. Котова Художественный редактор В. Снежко Верстка О. Воробьева Корректор М. Козлова Издательская лицензия ЛР № 062053 от 20.01.93 г. Налоговая льгота - общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК-005-93, том 2; 953000 - книги, брошюры Подписано в печать 28.07.97. Бумага мелов. Печ. офсетная. Печ. л. 9,0. Тираж -ПООО экз. Заказ 18 Ь ИПО "Лев Толстой", г. Тула -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Полный путеводитель по музыке "The Police" и Стинга. Подробный анализ всех песен, выпущенных "The Police", начиная с альбома "Outlandos d'Amour" и вплоть до вышедшего недавно всеохватывающего комплекта записей. Также анализируется последующее сольное творчество бас-гитариста и вокалиста группы, Стинга. Книга содержит: • Подробный анализ всех песен, альбом за альбомом • Особый раздел, посвященный сборникам, концертным альбомам и редким единичным записям • Указатель песен, облегчающий поиск • Восьмистраничную цветную вклейку Крис Уэлч - один из самых известных британских музыкальных журналистов. После долгой блестящей карьеры в "Melody Maker" он стал редактором журнала "Metal Hammer" . Уэлч работал и в "Rock World". Им написано множество книг о рок- и поп-музыке. В настоящее время постоянный автор "The Independent". Помимо этого, Уэлч отлично играет на ударных. В той же серии: The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Elvis Presley, The Doors, Queen, Bob Marley, U2. The Who. Rolling Stones. Eric Claoton, Genesis, Metallic ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Сканирование: Янко Слава yanko_slava@yahoo.com || http://yanko.lib.ru/ | http://www.chat.ru/~yankos/ya.html | Icq# 75088656 update 6/16/01 Demolition Man [EP] Sting Format: Audio CD Label: A&M Records Tracks Listen to Audio Samples: To hear a sample, click the song title below. 1. Demolition Man 2. King Of Pain (live) 3. Shape Of My Heart (live) 4. Love Is Stronger Than Justice (The Munificent Seven) - (live) 5. It's Probably Me (live) 6. Day In The Life, A (live) Lyrics Ain't No Sunshine Ain't No Sunshine was originally covered by Sting when he appeared on a TV show in 1990 with David Sanborn (a version is included on Sanborn's Inside album). Sting then covered the song extensively on the Soul Cages tour where it fitted in beautifully with the often sombre, introspective material from that album. Undoubtedly one of the Sting's best cover versions, and inexplicably omitted from the MTV Unplugged and Soul Cages concert official videos, a live version of the track eventually appeared on the Acoustic Live In Newcastle CD which was recorded at the Buddle Arts Centre in Sting's native Wallsend. Simply wonderful. [Эту песню я впервые услышыл в фильме Notting Hill с Джулией Робертс и Хью Грантом] Ain't no sunshine when she's gone It's not warm when she's away Ain't no sunshine when she's gone And she's always gone too long anytime she goes away Wonder this time where she's gone Wonder if she's gone to stay Ain't no sunshine when she's gone And this house just ain't no home anytime she goes away And I know, I know, I know, I know, I know I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know Hey, I ought to leave the young thing alone But ain't no sunshine when she's gone, only darkness everyday Ain't no sunshine when she's gone And this house just ain't no home anytime she goes away Anytime she goes away Anytime she goes away Anytime she goes away Anytime she goes away The Windmills Of Your Mind [Эту песню я впервые услышыл в фильме Афера Томаса Крауна с Пирсом Броснаном и Рене Руссо, как вариант той же песни из ондоименного фильма 1960 года] Round like a circle in a spiral Like a wheel within a wheel Never ending or beginning On an ever-spinning reel Like a snowball down mountain / as the images unwind Or carnival balloon Like carousel that's burning Running rings around the moon. Like a clock whose hands are sweeping Past the minutes of its face And the world is like on apple Whirling silently in space Like a circle that you find In the windmills of your mind Like a tunnel that you follow To a tunnel of its own Down a hollow to a cavern Where the sun has never shone Like door that keeps revolving In a half forgotten dream Are the ripples from the pebble Someone tosses in a stream Keys that jingle in your pocket Word that jangle in your head Why does summer go so quickly Was it something what you said Lovers walk along the shore And view their Police - Lyrics Outlandos d'Amour - Lyrics Outlandos d'Amour was the debut album from The Police. Recording started in January 1978 at Surrey Sound Studios and the album was released in October 1978 when it peaked at the #6 spot in the UK. All songs/lyrics by Sting except where stated. Next To You I can't stand it for another day When you live so many miles away Nothing here is gonna make me stay You took me over, let me find a way I sold my house I sold my motor, too All I want is to be next to you. I'd rob a bank Maybe steal a plane You took me over Think I'm goin' insane What can I do All I want is to be next to you What can I do All I want is to be next to you I've had a thousand girls or maybe more But I've never felt like this before But I just don't know what's come over me You took me over, take a look at me What can I do All I want is to be next to you What can I do All I want is to be next to you All I want is to be next to you All I want is to be next to you All I want is to be next to you Saw my doctor he said give it time Got this feeling, gonna lose my mind When all it is is just a love affair You took me over baby, take me there What can I do All I want is to be next to you What can I do All I want is to be next to you What can I do All I want is to be next to you What can I do All I want is to be next to you All I want is to be next to you All I want is to be next to you All I want is to be next to you All I want is to be next to you... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Lonely Well, someone told me yesterday That when you throw your love away You act as if you don't care You look as if you're going somewhere But I just can't convince myself I couldn't live with no one else And I can only play that part And sit and nurse my broken heart, so lonely So lonely, so lonely, so lonely So lonely, so lonely, so lonely So lonely, so lonely, so lonely So lonely, so lonely Now no-one's knocked upon my door For a thousand years, or more All made up and nowhere to go Welcome to this one man show Just take a seat, they're always free No surprise, no mystery In this theatre that I call my soul I always play the starring role, so lonely So lonely, so lonely, so lonely So lonely, so lonely, so lonely So lonely, so lonely, so lonely So lonely, so lonely So lonely So lonely, so lonely, so lonely So lonely, so lonely, so lonely I feel lonely, I'm so lonely, I feel so low I feel lonely, I'm so lonely, I feel so low -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roxanne "I'd always wanted to make a connection between the energetic music of punk and more sophisticated musical forms. There was this amazingly aggressive music full of energy on the one hand, and I wanted to take it and bridge a gap between the interesting chords and harmonic variations and this wild energy. And what eventually allowed me to do it was listening to reggae. Bob Marley, especially. I saw a rhythmic connection between the fast bass of punk and the holes in reggae. I got interested in trying to write songs that combined these apparently diverse styles. I think we succeeded with Roxanne." Melody Maker, 4/79 Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light Those days are over You don't have to sell your body to the night Roxanne, you don't have to wear that dress tonight Walk the streets for money You don't care if it's wrong or if it's right Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light Put on the red light, put on the red light Put on the red light, put on the red light Put on the red light, oh I loved you since I knew ya I wouldn't talk down to ya I have to tell you just how I feel I won't share you with another boy I know my mind is made up So put away your make up Told you once I won't tell you again it's a bad way Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light You don't have to put on the red light Put on the red light, put on the red light -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hole In My Life Yeah, yeah, yeah There's a hole in my life There's a hole in my life Shadow in my heart Is tearing me apart Or maybe it's just something in my stars There's a hole in my life There's a hole in my life Be a happy man I try the best I can Or maybe I'm just looking for too much There's something missing from my life Cuts me open like a knife It leaves me vulnerable I have this disease I shake like an incurable God help me, please Oh, there's a hole in my life There's a hole in my life Yeah, yeah, yeah There's something missing from my life Cuts me open like a knife It leaves me vulnerable I have this disease I shake like an incurable God help me, please Oh, there's a hole in my life There's a hole in my life -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peanuts Written by Sting & Stewart Copeland It's all a game You're not the same Your famous name The price of fame Oh no, try to liberate me I said oh no, stay and irritate me I said oh no, try to elevate me I said oh no, just a fallen hero Don't wanna hear about the drugs you're taking Don't wanna read about the love you're making Don't wanna hear about the life you're faking Don't wanna read about the muck they're raking You sang your song For much too long There's something wrong The [your] brain has gone Oh no, try to liberate me I said oh no, stay and irritate me I said oh no, try to elevate me I said oh no, just a fallen hero Don't wanna hear about the drugs you're taking Don't wanna read about the love you're making Don't wanna hear about the life you're faking Don't wanna read about the muck they're raking It's all a game You're not the same Your famous name The price of fame Oh no, try to liberate me I said oh no, stay and irritate me I said oh no, try to elevate me I said oh no, just a fallen hero Oh, you're just a fallen hero Don't wanna hear about the drugs you're taking Don't wanna read about the love you're making Don't wanna hear about the life you're faking Don't wanna read about the muck they're raking Don't wanna find out what you've been taking Don't wanna read about the love you're making Don't wanna hear about the life you're faking Don't wanna read about the muck they're raking Don't wanna find out what you've been taking Don't wanna read about the love you're making Don't wanna hear about the life you're faking Don't wanna read about the muck they're raking Peanuts, peanuts Peanuts.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can't Stand Losing You I've called you so many times today And I guess it's all true what your girl-friends say That you don't ever want to see me again And your brother's gonna kill me and he's six feet ten I guess you'd call it cowardice But I'm not prepared to go on like this I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing you I can't stand losing you I can't stand losing you I can't stand losing you I see you sent my letters back And my L.P. records and they're all scratched I can't see the point in another day When nobody listens to a word I say You can call it lack of confidence But to carry on living doesn't make no sense I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing I can't, I can't stand losing you I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing I guess this is our last goodbye And you don't care, so I won't cry But you'll be sorry when I'm dead And all this guilt will be on your head I guess you'd call it suicide But I'm too full to swallow my pride I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing I can't, I can't... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Truth Hits Everybody Crow by Ted Hughes "..."A Ted Hughes poem called "Truth Kills Everybody" gave me the idea for 'Truth Kills' in Last Exit which became Truth Hits Everybody on Outlandos D'Amour. Bring On The Night was originally called "Carrion Prince". I got the title from a Ted Hughes poem called King Of Carrion. It was about Pontius Pilate and so was the song originally..." - Sting- Both Truth Kills Everybody and King Of Carrion appear in "Crow - From The Life and Songs of the Crow" Sleep lay behind me like a broken ocean Strange waking dreams before my eyes unfold You lay there sleeping like an open doorway I stepped outside myself and felt so cold Take a look at my new toy It'll blow your head in two, oh boy Truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone Truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone Truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone I thought about it and my dream was broken I clutch at images like dying breath And I don't want to make a fuss about it The only certain thing in life is death Take a look at my new toy It'll blow your head in two, oh boy Truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone Truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone Truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone Where you want to be, won't you ever see? Truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone Truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone Truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone Truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone Truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone Truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone Ah....now! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Born In The 50's We were born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties My mother cried When president Kennedy died She said it was the communists But I knew better Would they drop the bomb on us While we made love on the beach We were the class they couldn't teach 'Cause we knew better We were born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties They screamed When the Beatles sang And they laughed when the King fell down the stairs Oh they should've known better Oh we hated our Aunts Then we messed in our pants Then we lost our faith and prayed to the TV Oh we should've known better We were born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties We freeze like statues on the pages of history Living was never like this when we took all those G.C.E.'s Oh, you opened the door for us And then you turned to dust You don't understand us So don't reprimand us We're taking the future We don't need no teacher Born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be My Girl - Sally Written by Sting & Andy Summers Won't you be my girl Won't you be my girl Won't you be my, be my, be my girl Won't you be my girl Won't you be my girl Won't you be my, be my, be my girl Won't you be my girl Won't you be my girl Won't you be my, be my, be my girl Won't you be my girl Won't you be my girl Won't you be my, be my, Be my girl I was blue and lonely, I couldn't sleep a wink And I could only get unconscious if I'd had to much to drink There was somehow, something wrong somewhere And each day seemed grey and dead The seeds of desperation were growing in my head I needed inspiration, a brand new start in life Somewhere to place affection, but I didn't want a wife And then by lucky chance I saw in a special magazine An ad that was unusual, the like I'd never seen "Experience something different with our new imported toy She's loving, warm, inflatible and a guarantee of joy." She came all wrapped in cardboard, all pink and shrivelled down A breath of air was all she needed to make her lose that frown I took her to the bedroom and pumped her with some life And later in a moment that girl became my wife And so I sit her in the corner and sometimes stroke her hair And when I'm feeling naughty I blow her up with air She's cuddly and she's bouncy, she's like a rubber ball I bounce her in the kitchen and I bounce her in the hall And now my life is different since Sally came my way I wake up in the morning and have her on a tray She's everything they say she was and I wear a permanent grin And I only have to worry in case my girl wears thin Won't you be my girl, won't you be my girl Won't you be my, be my, be my girl Won't you be my girl, won't you be my girl Won't you be my, be my, be my girl Won't you be my girl, won't you be my girl Won't you be my, be my, be my girl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Masoko Tanga No lyrics - this song is just ad-libbed chanting, with a good deal of Caribbean dialect swearing in it. Take Sting's comments about the song with a pinch of salt - Professor Blockson indeed! Some journo's are just gullible to a wind-up... Reggatta de Blanc - Lyrics Reggatta de Blanc was The Police's second album. Recording started in February 1979 at Surrey Sound Studios and the album was released in October 1979 when assisted by the release of the single Message In A Bottle and Walking On The Moon, it hit the #1 spot in the UK. All songs/lyrics by Sting except where stated. Message In A Bottle строчка "Sending out an SOS" ("Посылаю SOS"; читается: "Эс-О-Эс") звучит как "Sending out a Nesso Ess". Дикция, друг мой, дикция Just a castaway, an island lost at sea, oh Another lonely day, with no one here but me, oh More loneliness than any man could bear Rescue me before I fall into despair, oh A/D/E I'll send an S.O.S. to the world I'll send an S.O.S. to the world I hope that someone gets my I hope that someone gets my I hope that someone gets my Message in a bottle, yeah Message in a bottle, yeah A year has passed since I wrote my note But I should have known this right from the start Only hope can keep me together Love can mend your life but Love can break your heart I'll send an S.O.S. to the world I'll send an S.O.S. to the world I hope that someone gets my I hope that someone gets my I hope that someone gets my Message in a bottle, yeah Message in a bottle, yeah Message in a bottle, yeah Message in a bottle, yeah Walked out this morning, don't believe what I saw Hundred billion bottles washed up on the shore Seems I'm not alone at being alone Hundred billion castaways, looking for a home I'll send an S.O.S. to the world I'll send an S.O.S. to the world I hope that someone gets my I hope that someone gets my I hope that someone gets my Message in a bottle, yeah Message in a bottle, yeah Message in a bottle, yeah Message in a bottle, yeah c#/A/H/fnon3 Sending out at an S.O.S. Sending out at an S.O.S. Sending out at an S.O.S. Sending out at an S.O.S. Sending out at an S.O.S. Sending out at an S.O.S... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reggatta de Blanc Written by Sting, Stewart Copeland and Andy Summers Rio Rio Rioo Rio Rio Rioo Rio Riay Riayo Rio Riay Riayo Rio Riay Riayo Rio Riay Riayo Rio Riay Riayo Riayo, Riayo, Riayo, Riay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's Alright For You Written by Sting & Stewart Copeland Wake up Make up Bring it up Shake up Stand by Don't cry Watching while the world dies Big car Movie star Hot tip Go far Blind date Too late Take a bus Don't wait It's alright for you It's alright for you It's alright for you For you and you and you and you and you It's alright for you It's alright for you It's alright for you For you and you and you Limp wrist Tight fist Contact No twist Black dress No mess People want no less, no less Stand by Don't cry Watching while the world dies Three lane Fast lane Standing in the cold rain It's alright for you It's alright for you It's alright for you For you and you and you and you and you It's alright for you It's alright for you It's alright for you For you Headlight High life Can't sleep Good night Up tight Big fight Big deal Too right, too right Big town Don't drown Jump back Turn around No life Flick knife Finish off my life It's alright for you It's alright for you It's alright for you For you and you and you and you and you It's alright for you It's alright for you It's alright for you For you -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bring On The Night The afternoon has gently passed me by The evening spreads itself against the sky Waiting for tomorrow, just another day God bid yesterday good-bye Bring on the night I couldn't spend another hour of daylight Bring on the night I couldn't stand another hour of daylight The future is but a question mark Hangs above my head, there in the dark Can't see for the brightness is staring me blind God bid yesterday good-bye Bring on the night I couldn't spend another hour of daylight Bring on the night I couldn't stand another hour of daylight I couldn't spend another hour of daylight I couldn't stand another hour of daylight -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deathwish Written by Stewart Copeland, Andy Summers & Sting Deathwish in the fading light Headlight pointing through the night Never thought I'd see the day Playing with my life this way Gotta keep my foot right down If I had wings I'd leave the ground Burning in the outside lane People think that I'm insane The day I take a bend too fast Judgement that could be my last I'll be wiped right off the slate Don't wait up 'cause I'll be late I'll be late... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking On The Moon Giant steps are what you take Walking on the moon I hope my legs don't break Walking on the moon We could walk for ever Walking on the moon We could live together Walking on, walking on the moon Walking back from your house Walking on the moon Walking back from your house Walking on the moon Feet they hardly touch the ground Walking on the moon My feet don't hardly make no sound Walking on, walking on the moon Some may say I'm wishing my days away, no way And if it's the price I pay, some say Tomorrow's another day, you'll stay I may as well play Giant steps are what you take Walking on the moon I hope my legs don't break Walking on the moon We could walk for ever Walking on the moon We could be together Walking on, walking on the moon Some may say I'm wishing my days away no way And if it's the price I pay, some say Tomorrow's another day, you'll stay I may as well play -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Any Other Day Written by Stewart Copeland The other ones are complete bullshit You want something corny? You got it There's a house on my street And it looks real neat I'm the chap who lives in it There's a tree on the sidewalk There's a car by the door I'll go for a drive in it And when the wombat comes He will find me gone He'll look for a place to sit My wife has burned the scrambled eggs The dog just bit my leg My teenage daughter ran away My fine young son has turned out gay Cut off my fingers in the door of my car How could I do it? My wife is proud to tell me Of her love affairs How could she do this to me? My wife has burned the scrambled eggs The dog just bit my leg My teenage daughter ran away My fine young son has turned out gay And it would be O.K. on any other day And it would be O.K. on any other day Throw down the morning papers And spill my tea I don't know what's wrong with me The cups and plates are in a conspiracy I'm covered in misery My wife has burned the scrambled eggs The dog just bit my leg My teenage daughter ran away My fine young son has turned out gay And it would be O.K. on any other day And it would be O.K. on any other day And it would be O.K. on any other day And it would be O.K. on any other day -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bed's Too Big Without You Bed's too big without you Cold wind blows right through my open door I can't sleep with your memory Dreaming dreams of what used to be When she left I was cold inside That look on my face was just pride No regrets, no love, no tears Living on my own was the least of my fears Bed's too big without you The bed's too big without you The bed's too big without you Since that day when you'd gone Just had to carry on I get through the day, but late at night Made love to my pillow, but it didn't feel right Every day just the same Old rules for the same old game All I gained was heartache All I made was one mistake Now the bed's too big without you The bed's too big without you The bed's too big without you -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Written by Stewart Copeland I've got a lump in my throat about the note you wrote I'd come on over but I haven't got a raincoat Have we got contact, you and me? Have we got touchdown Can't we be? I've got contacts in my book and in my eyes My good connection on the telephone never lies Have we got contact, you and me? Have we got touchdown Can't we be? I've got a list of the people I have known I'm never alone on the end of a phone Have we got contact, you and me? Have we got touchdown Can't we be? I've got a lump in my throat about the note you wrote I'd come on over but I haven't got a raincoat I'd come on over but I haven't got a raincoat Have we got touchdown, can't we be? Have we got contact, you and me? Have we got touchdown, can't we be? Have we got contact, you and me? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Does Everyone Stare Written by Stewart Copeland I change my clothes ten times Before I take you on a date I'm in a cold sweat, my panic it makes me late I know you never asked for this I know My shots will always miss My shots will always miss Does everyone stare this way at you? I only look this way at you I change my clothes ten times Before I take you on a date I get the heebie-jeebies, and my panic makes me late I break into a cold sweat reaching for the phone I let it ring twice before I chicken out and decide you're not at home Does everyone stare the way I do? I only stare this way at you I never noticed the size of my feet 'Til I kicked you in the shins Will you ever forgive me for the shape I'm in For the shape I'm in Does everyone stare the way I do? I only stare this way at you I'm gonna write you a sonnet but I don't know where to start I'm so used to laughing at the things in my heart Last of all I'm sorry 'cos you never asked for this I can see I'm not your type and my shots will always miss, always miss Does everyone stare the way I do? I only stare this way at you Does everyone stare the way I do? I only stare this way at you Does everyone stare the way I do? I only stare this way at you Does everyone stare the way I do? I only stare this way at you Does everyone stare the way I do? I only stare this way at you Does everyone stare the way I do? I only stare this way at you -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No Time This Time [Note the lyrics are as per the Message In A Box The Complete Transcriptions, but the words in orange are what we believe is actually sung] No time for complexities [the niceties] of conversation No time for smiles, no time for knowing No [Less] time for intricacies of explanation No [Less] time for sharing [caring] even less for showing If I could, I'd slow the whole world down I'd bring it to it's knees I'd stop it spinning round But as it is, I'm climbing up an endless wall No time at all No time this time No time at all No time this time No time for a quick kiss [cigarette] at the railway station No time for a suitcase, sandwich and a morning paper Only time for time table calls and transportation No time to think no time to dare If I could, I'd slow the whole world down I'd bring it to it's knees I'd stop it spinning round But as it is, I'm climbing up an endless wall No time at all No time this time No time at all No time this time If I could, I'd slow the whole world down I'd bring it to it's knees I'd stop it spinning round But as it is, I'm climbing up an endless wall No time at all No time this time No time at all No time this time No time at all No time this time No time at all No time this time No time at all No time at all Zenyatta Mondatta - Lyrics Zenyatta Mondatta was The Police's 'awkward' third album. Recording started in the summer of 1980, shortly after The Police's groundbreaking world tour finished, at Wisselwoord Studios in Hilversum, Holland. The album was released on Sting's birthday in October 1980, and made the #1 spot in the UK. The album was also the most successful to date for the band in the States, where it stayed in the top 20 for six months, achieving platinum status (1 million sales). All songs/lyrics by Sting except where stated. Don't Stand So Close To Me Young teacher the subject Of schoolgirl fantasy She wants him so badly Knows what she wants to be Inside her there's longing This girl's an open page Book marking - she's so close now This girl is half his age Don't stand, don't stand so Don't stand so close to me Don't stand, don't stand so Don't stand so close to me Her friends are so jealous You know how bad girls get Sometimes it's not so easy To be the teacher's pet Temptation, frustration So bad it makes him cry Wet bus stop, she's waiting His car is warm and dry Don't stand, don't stand so Don't stand so close to me Don't stand, don't stand so Don't stand so close to me Loose talk in the classroom To hurt they try and try Strong words in the staff room The accusations fly It's no use, he sees her He starts to shake and cough Just like the old man in That book by Nabakov Don't stand, don't stand so Don't stand so close to me Don't stand, don't stand so Don't stand so close to me Don't stand, don't stand so Don't stand so close to me -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Driven To Tears How can you say that your not responsible? What does it have to do with me? What is my reaction? What should it be? Confronted by this latest atrocity Driven to tears Driven to tears Driven to tears Hide my face in my hands, shame wells in my throat My comfortable existence is reduced To a shallow, meaningless party Seems that when some innocents die All we can offer them is a page in a some magazine Too many cam'ras and not enough food 'Cause this is what we've seen Driven to tears Driven to tears Driven to tears Protest is futile[5] Nothing seems to get through What's to become of our world? Who knows what to do? Driven to tears Driven to tears Driven to tears Driven to tears Driven to tears Driven to tears -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When The World Is Running Down You Make The Best Of What's Still Around Turn on my V.C.R., same one I've had for years James Brown on the Tami show, Same tape I've had for years I sit in my old car, same one I've had for years Old battery's running down, it ran for years and years Turn on the radio, the static hurts my ears Tell me, where would I go? I ain't been out in years Turn on the stereo, it's played for years and years An Otis Redding song, it's all I own When the world is running down You make the best of what's still around When the world is running down You make the best of what's still around Plug in my M.C.I, to excercise my brain Make records on my own, can't go out in the rain Pick up the telephone, I've listened here for years No one to talk to me, I've listened here for years When the world is running down You make the best of what's still around When the world is running down You make the best of what's still around When I feel lonely here, don't waste my time with tears I run 'Deep Throat' again, it ran for years and years Don't like the food I eat, the cans are running out Same food for years and years, I hate the food I eat When the world is running down You make the best of what's still around When the world is running down You make the best of what's still around When the world is running down You make the best of what's still around When the world is running down You make the best of what's still around -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canary In A Coalmine First to fall over when the atmosphere is less than perfect Your sensibilities are shaken by the slightest defect You live you life like a canary in a coalmine You get so dizzy even walking in a straight line You say you want to spend the winter in Firenza You're so afraid to catch a dose of influenza You live your life like a canary in a coalmine You get so dizzy even walking in a straight line Canary in a coalmine Canary in a coalmine Canary in a coalmine Now if I tell you that you suffer from delusions You pay your analyst to reach the same conclusions You live your life like a canary in a coalmine You get so dizzy even walking in a straight line Canary in a coalmine Canary in a coalmine Canary in a coalmine First to fall over when the atmosphere is less than perfect Your sensibilities are shaken by the slightest defect You live your life like a canary in a coalmine You get so dizzy even walking in a straight line Canary in a coalmine Canary in a coalmine Canary in a coalmine Canary in a coalmine Canary in a coalmine Canary in a coalmine -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Voices Inside My Head Voices inside my head Echoes of things that you said Voices inside my head Echoes of things that you said Voices inside my head Echoes of things that you said Voices inside my head Echoes of things that you said -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bombs Away Written by Stewart Copeland The general scratches his belly and thinks His pay is good but his officers stink Guerilla girl, hard and sweet A military man would love to meet The President looks in the mirror and speaks His shirts are clean but his country reeks Unpaid bills, in Afghanistan hills A/G Bombs away But we're O.K. Bombs away In old Bombay The general only wants to teach France to dance His army life doesn't give him any romance Guerilla girl, hard and sweet A military man would love to meet The general scratches his belly and thinks His pay is good but his company stinks Guerilla girl, hard and sweet A military man would love to meet Bombs away But we're O.K. Bombs away In old Bombay Bombs away But we're O.K. Bombs away In old Bombay Bombs away But we're O.K. Bombs away In old Bombay Bombs away But we're O.K. Bombs away In old Bombay -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da Don't think me unkind Words are hard to find They're only cheques I've left unsigned From the banks of chaos in my mind And when their eloquence escapes me Their logic ties me up and rapes me De do do do, de da da da Is all I want to say to you De do do do, de da da da Their innocence will pull me through De do do do, de da da da Is all I want to say to you De do do do, de da da da They're meaningless and all that's true Poets, priests and politicians Have words to thank for their positions Words that scream for your submission And no-one's jamming their transmission And when their eloquence escapes you Their logic ties you up and rapes you De do do do, de da da da Is all I want to say to you De do do do, de da da da Their innocence will pull me through De do do do, de da da da Is all I want to say to you De do do do, de da da da They're meaningless and all that's true De do do do, de da da da Is all I want to say to you De do do do, de da da da Their innocence will pull me through De do do do, de da da da Is all I want to say to you De do do do, de da da da They're meaningless and all that's true -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Behind My Camel written by Andy Summers Instrumental Cm/D/G -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Man In A Suitcase I'd invite you back to my place It's only mine because it holds my suitcase It looks like home to me alright But it's a hundred miles from yesterday night Must I be the man in a suitcase Is it me, the man with the stranger's face Must I be the man in a suitcase Is it me, the man with the stranger's face Another key for my collection For security I race for my connection Bird in a flying cage you'll never get to know me well The world's my oyster, a hotel room's a prison cell Must I be the man in a suitcase Is it me, the man with the stranger's face Must I be the man in a suitcase Is it me, the man with the stranger's face I'd invite you back to my place It's only mine because it holds my suitcase It looks like home to me alright But it's a hundred miles from yesterday night Must I be the man in a suitcase Is it me, the man with the stranger's face Must I be the man in a suitcase Is it me, the man with the stranger's face Must I be the man in a suitcase Is it me, the man with the stranger's face Must I be the man in a suitcase Is it me, the man with the stranger's face -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadows In The Rain ( 2 вариант в сольном альбоме Стинга) I woke up in my clothes again this morning I don't know exactly where I am And I should heed my doctor's warning He does the best with me he can He claims I suffer from delusion But I'm so confident I'm sane It can't be an optical illusion So how can you explain Shadows in the rain And if you see us on the corner We're just dancing in the rain I tell my friends there when I see them Outside my window pane Shadows in the rain [муровато, полагаю, что продюсер просто бросил это как было - в наброске] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Other Way of Stopping written by Stewart Copeland Instrumental. Ghost In The Machine - Lyrics Ghost In The Machine was The Police's fourth album, recorded at Air Studios on the Caribbean island of Montserrat. Recording started in June 1981 and again the album was released in October that year. The album topped the UK album chart and reached the #2 spot in the States where it stayed for six weeks. All songs/lyrics by Sting except where stated. Spirits In The Material World There is no political solution To our troubled evolution Have no faith in constitution There is no bloody revolution We are spirits in the material world Are spirits in the material world Are spirits in the material world Are spirits in the material world Our so-called leaders speak With words they try to jail you The subjugate the meek But it's the rhetoric of failure We are spirits in the material world Are spirits in the material world Are spirits in the material world Are spirits in the material world Where does the answer lie? Living from day to day If it's something we can't buy There must be another way We are spirits in the material world Are spirits in the material world Are spirits in the material world Are spirits in the material world -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic Though I've tried before to tell her Of the feelings I have for her in my heart Every time that I come near her I just lose my nerve as I've done from the start Every little thing she does is magic Everything she do just turns me on Even though my life before was tragic Now I know my love for her goes on Do I have to tell the story Of a thousand rainy days since we first met It's a big enough umbrella But it's always me that ends up getting wet Every little thing she does is magic Everything she do just turns me on Even though my life before was tragic Now I know my love for her goes on I resolved to call her up A thousand times a day And ask her if she'll marry me In some old fashioned way But my silent fears have gripped me Long before I reach the phone Long before my tongue has tripped me Must I always be alone? Every little thing she does is magic Everything she do just turns me on Even though my life before was tragic Now I know my love for her goes on Every little thing she does is magic Everything she do just turns me on Even though my life before was tragic Now I know my love for her goes on Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh, yeah Every little thing, every little thing Every little thing, every little thing Every li'le, every li'le, every li'le Every little thing she does Every little thing, every little thing Every little thing, every little thing Every li'le, every li'le, every li'le Every little thing she does -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Invisible Sun I don't want to spend the rest of my life Looking at the barrel of an Armalite I don't want to spend the rest of my days Keeping out of trouble like the soldiers say I don't want to spend my time in hell Looking at the walls of a prison cell I don't ever want to play the part Of a statistic on a government chart There has to be an invisible sun It gives its heat to everyone There has to be an invisible sun That gives us hope when the whole day's done It's dark all day, and it glows all night Factory smoke and acetylene light I face the day with me head caved in Looking like something that the cat brought in There has to be an invisible sun It gives its heat to everyone There has to be an invisible sun That gives us hope when the whole day's done And they're only going to change this place by Killing everybody in the human race And they would kill me for a cigarette But I don't even wanna die just yet There has to be an invisible sun It gives its heat to everyone There has to be an invisible sun It gives us hope when the whole day's done -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hungry For You (j'aurai toujours faim de toi) Rien de dormir cette nuit Je veux de toi Jusqu'а ce que je sois sec Mais nos corps sont tous mouillйs Complиtement couverts de sueur Nous nous noyons dans la marйe Je n'ai aucun dйsir Tu as ravagй mon coeur Et moi j'ai bu ton sang Mais nous pouvons faire ce que nous voulons J'aurai toujours faim de toi Mais nous pouvons faire ce que nous voulons J'aurai toujours faim de toi Tout le monde est а moi Je l'ai gagnй dans un jeu de cartes Et maintenant je m'en fous C'йtait gagnй trop facilement Зa y est alors, ma belle traоtresse Il faut que je brыle de jalousie Tu as ravagй mon coeur Et moi j'ai bu ton sang Mais nous pouvons faire ce que nous voulons J'aurai toujours faim de toi Mais nous pouvons faire ce que nous voulons J'aurai toujours faim de toi Mais nous pouvons faire ce que nous voulons J'aurai toujours faim de toi Mais nous pouvons faire ce que nous voulons J'aurai toujours faim de toi No matter what I do I'm still hungry for you No matter what I do I'm still hungry for you Rien de dormir cette nuit Je veux de toi jusqu'а ce que je sois sec Mais nos corps sont tous mouillйs Complиtement couverts de sueur I'm hungry for you I'm hungry for you I'm still hungry for you I'm hungry for I'm hungry for you -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demolition Man Oh! Demolition, demolition Demolition, demolition Tied to the tracks and the train's fast coming Strapped to the wing with the engine running You say that this wasn't in your plan And don't mess around with the demolition man Tied to a chair, and the bomb is ticking This situation was not of your picking You say that this wasn't in your plan And don't mess around with the demolition man I'm a walking nightmare, an arsenal of doom I kill conversation as I walk into the room I'm a three line whip, I'm the sort of thing they ban I'm a walking disaster, I'm a demolition man Demolition, demolition Demolition, demolition You come to me like a moth to the flame It's love you need but I don't play that game 'Cause you could be my greatest fan But I'm nobody's friend, I'm a demolition man I'm a walking nightmare, an arsenal of doom I kill conversation as I walk into the room I'm a three line whip, I'm the sort of thing they ban I'm a walking disaster, I'm a demolition man Demolition, demolition Demolition, demolition Tied to the tracks and the train's fast coming Strapped to the wing with the engine running You say that this wasn't in your plan And don't mess around with the demolition man Tied to a chair, and the bomb is ticking This situation was not of your picking You say that this wasn't in your plan And don't mess around with the demolition man -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Too Much Information Too much information running through my brain Too much information driving me insane Too much information running through my brain Too much information driving me insane I've seen the whole world six times over Sea of Japan to the Cliffs of Dover I've seen the whole world six times over Sea of Japan to the Cliffs of Dover Overkill, overview Over my dead body Over me, over you Over everybody Too much information running through my brain Too much information driving me insane Too much information running through my brain Too much information driving me insane Too much information running through my brain Too much information driving me insane Too much information running through my brain Too much information driving me insane Too much information running through my brain Too much information driving me insane Too much information running through my brain Too much information driving me insane I've seen the whole world six times over Sea of Japan to the Cliffs of Dover I've seen the whole world six times over Sea of Japan to the Cliffs of Dover Overkill, overview Over my dead body Over me, over you Over everybody Too much information running through my brain Too much information driving me insane Too much information running through my brain Too much information driving me insane -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rehumanize Yourself He goes out at night with his big boots on None of his friends know right from wrong They kick a boy to death 'cause he don't belong You've got to humanize yourself A policeman put on his uniform He'd like to have a gun just to keep him warm Because violence here is a social norm You've got to humanize yourself Re-humanize yourself Re-humanize yourself Re-humanize yourself Re-humanize yourself I work all day at the factory I'm building a machine that's not for me There must be a reason that I can't see You've got to humanize yourself Billy's joined the National Front He always was (just) a little runt He's got his hand in the air with the other cunts You've got to humanize yourself Re-humanize yourself Re-humanize yourself Re-humanize yourself Re-humanize yourself I work all day at the factory I'm building a machine that's not for me There must be a reason that I can't see You've got to humanize yourself A policeman put on his uniform He'd like to have a gun just to keep him warm Because violence here is a social norm You've got to humanize yourself Re-humanize yourself Re-humanize yourself Re-humanize yourself Re-humanize yourself Re-humanize yourself Re-humanize yourself Re-humanize yourself Re-humanize yourself -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One World (Not Three) One world is enough, for all of us One world is enough, for all of us It's a subject we rarely mention But when we do we have this little invention By pretending they're a different world from me I show my responsibility One world is enough, for all of us One world is enough, for all of us The third world breathes our air tomorrow We live on the time we borrow In our world there's no time for sorrow In their world there is no tomorrow One world is enough, for all of us One world is enough, for all of us Lines are drawn upon the world Before we get our flags unfurled Whichever one we pick It's just a self deluding trick One world is enough, for all of us One world is enough, for all of us I don't want to bring a sour note Remember this before you vote We can all sink or we all float 'Cause we're all in the same big boat One world is enough for all of us One world is enough for all of us One world is enough for all of us One world is enough for all of us It may seem a million miles away But it gets a little closer everyday It may seem a million miles away But it gets a little closer everyday -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Omegaman Written by Andy Summers The night came down, jungle sounds were in my ears City screams are all I've heard in twenty years The razor's edge of night it cuts into my sleep I sit upon the edge now shall I make that leap? I'm the Omegaman I'm the Omegaman The sky's alive with turned on television sets I walk the streets and seek another vision yet The echo makes me turn to see that last frontier The edge of time closes down as I disappear I'm the Omegaman I'm the Omegaman I'm the Omegaman I'm the Omegaman Always talking to myself The time that's best is when surroundings fade away The presence of another world comes close to me It's time for me to throw away this paper knife I'm not alone in reaching for a perfect life I'm the Omegaman I'm the Omegaman I'm the Omegaman I'm the Omegaman I'm so tired Of the Omegaman I'm so tired Of the Omegaman I'm so tired Of the Omegaman I'm so tired Of the Omegaman I'm so tired Of the Omegaman... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret Journey Meetings With Remarkable Men Гурджиев by C I Gurdjieff "...Secret Journey is a quasi-mystical song. You have to do something, go somewhere, to get outside yourself. I read the book "Meetings With Remarkable Men" which says you have to make a journey. It doesn't have to be a real journey, it can be a mental journey."..." - Sting Upon a secret journey I met a holy man His blindness was his wisdom I'm such a lonely man And as the world was turning It rolled itself in pain This does not seem to touch you He pointed to the rain You will see light in the darkness You will make some sense of this And when you've made your secret journey You will find this love you miss And on the days that followed I listened to his words I strained to understand him I chased his thoughts like birds You will see light in the darkness You will make some sense of this And when you've made your secret journey You will find this love you miss You will see light in the darkness You will make some sense of this You will see joy in this sadness You will find this love you miss And when you've made your secret journey You will be a holy man And when you've made your secret journey You will be a holy man And when you've made your secret journey You will be a holy man And when you've made your secret journey You will be a holy man -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darkness Written by Stewart Copeland I can dream up schemes when I'm sitting in my seat I don't see any flaws 'til I get to my feet I wish I never woke up this morning Life was easy when it was boring I could make a mark if it weren't so dark I could be replaced by any bright spark But darkness makes me fumble For a key, to a door that's wide open Instead of worrying about my clothes I could be someone that nobody knows I wish I never woke up this morning Life was easy when it was boring I can dream up schemes when I'm sitting in my seat I don't see any flaws 'til I get to my feet I wish I never woke up this morning Life was easy when it was boring I wish I never woke up this morning Life was easy when it was boring Synchronicity - Lyrics Работа над материалом к новому альбому началась в первые недели 1982 г., когда Стинг арендовал поместье "Golden Eye" ("Золотой глаз"), ранее принадлежавшее Яну Флемингу. Synchronicity was The Police's final studio album. Work on the album commenced at the end of 1982, once again in Montserrat. Recording was difficult due to the well publicised personal tensions between the band members, but the album is considered by many to be a 'classic', and was released in June 1983. Aided by the killer single Every Breath You Take, the album soared to the #1 spot on both sides of the Atlantic. Indeed, the album stayed at the top of US chart for an incredible 17 weeks. All songs/lyrics by Sting except where stated. Synchronicity I Words & Music by Sting With one breath, with one flow You will know Synchronicity A sleep trance, a dream dance A shared romance Synchronicity A connecting principle Linked to the invisible Almost imperceptible Something inexpressible Science insusceptible Logic so inflexible Causally connectible Yet nothing is invincible If we share this nightmare Then we can dream Spiritus mundi If you act, as you think The missing link Synchronicity We know you, they know me Extrasensory Synchronicity A star fall, a phone call It joins all Synchronicity It's so deep, it's so wide Your inside Synchronicity Effect without a cause Sub-atomic laws, scientific pause Synchronicity...... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking In Your Footsteps Words & Music by Sting Fifty million years ago You walked upon the planet so Lord of all that you could see Just a little bit like me Walking in your footsteps Walking in your footsteps Walking in your footsteps Walking in your footsteps Hey Mr. Dinosaur You really couldn't ask for more You were God's favourite creature But you didn't have a future Walking in your footsteps Walking in your footsteps Walking in your footsteps Walking in your footsteps Hey mighty brontosaurus Don't you have a message for us You thought your rule would always last There were no lessons in your past You were built three storeys high They say you would not hurt a fly If we explode the atom bomb Would they say that we were dumb? Walking in your footsteps Walking in your footsteps Walking in your footsteps Walking in your footsteps Fifty million years ago They walked upon the planet so They live in a museum It's the only place you'll see 'em Walking in your footsteps Walking in your footsteps They say the meek shall inherit the earth They say the meek shall inherit the earth Walking in your footsteps -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- O My God Words & Music by Sting Everyone I know is lonely And God's so far away And my heart belongs to no one, So now sometimes I pray Please take the space between us And fill it up some way Take the space between us And fill it up some way O my God you take the biscuit Treating me this way Expecting me to treat you well No matter what you say How can I turn the other cheek It's black and bruised and torn I've been waiting Since the day that I was born Take the space between us And fill it up some way Take the space between us And fill it up some way The fat man in his garden The thin man at his gate My God you must be sleeping Wake up it's much too late Take the space between us And fill it up some way Take the space between us And fill it up some way Do I have to tell the story Of a thousand rainy days Since we first met? It's a big enough umbrella But it's always me that ends up getting wet -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mother Words & Music by Andy Summers Well, the telephone is ringing, Is that my mother on the phone? Telephone is ringing Is that my mother on the phone? The telephone is screaming Won't she leave me alone? The telephone is ringing Is that my mother on the phone? Well every girl that I go out with Becomes my mother in the end Every girl I go out with Becomes my mother in the end Well, I hear my mother calling But I don't need her as a friend Oh, Oh mother Oh mother dear please listen And don't devour me Oh mother dear please listen Don't devour me Oh women please have mercy Let this poor boy be Oh mother dear please listen And don't devour me -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miss Gradenko Words & Music by Stewart Copeland Don't tell the director I said so But are you safe Miss Gradenko? We were at a policy meeting They were planning new ways of cheating I didn't want to rock your boat But you sent this dangerous note You've been letting your feelings show Are you safe Miss Gradenko? Miss Gradenko are you safe? Are you safe Miss Gradenko? Miss Gradenko are you safe? Is anybody alive in here? Is anybody alive in here? Is anybody alive in here? Nobody but us Nobody but us Is anybody alive in here? Nobody but us Your uniform doesn't seem to fit You're much too alive in it You've been letting your feelings show Are you safe Miss Gradenko? Miss Gradenko are you safe? Is anybody alive in here? Is anybody alive in here? Is anybody alive in here? Nobody but us in here Nobody but us Nobody but us in here Nobody but us -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synchronicity II Another suburban family morning Grandmother screaming at the wall We have to shout above the din of our Rice Crispies We can't hear anything at all Mother chants her litany of boredom and frustration But we know all her suicides are fake Daddy only stares into the distance There's only so much more that he can take Many miles away Something crawls from the slime At the bottom of a dark Scottish lake Another industrial ugly morning The factory belches filth into the sky He walks unhindered through the picket lines today He doesn't think to wonder why The secretaries pout and preen like cheap tarts in a red light street But all he ever thinks to do is watch And every single meeting with his so-called superior Is a humiliating kick in the crotch Many miles away Something crawls to the surface Of a dark Scottish lake Another working day has ended Only the rush hour hell to face Packed like lemmings into shiny metal boxes Contestants in a suicidal race Daddy grips the wheel and stares alone into the distance He knows that something somewhere has to break He sees the family home now looming in the headlights The pain upstairs that makes his eyeballs ache Many miles away There's a shadow on the door Of a cottage on the shore Of a dark Scottish lake Many miles away, many miles away -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Every Breath You Take Every breath you take And every move you make Every bond you break, every step you take I'll be watching you Every single day And every word you say Every game you play, every night you stay I'll be watching you Oh, can't you see You belong to me? How my poor heart aches With every step you take Every move you make Every vow you break Every smile you fake, every claim you stake I'll be watching you Since you've gone I've been lost without a trace I dream at night, I can only see your face I look around, but it's you I can't replace I feel so cold, and I long for your embrace I keep crying baby, baby please, Oh, can't you see You belong to me? How my poor heart aches With every step you take Every move you make Every vow you break Every smile you fake, every claim you stake I'll be watching you Every move you make, every step you take I'll be watching you I'll be watching you -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- King Of Pain There's a little black spot on the sun today It's the same old thing as yesterday There's a black hat caught in a high tree top There's a flag-pole rag and the wind won't stop I have stood here before inside the pouring rain With the world turning circles running 'round my brain I guess I'm always hoping that you'll end this reign But it's my destiny to be the king of pain There's a little black spot on the sun today That's my soul up there It's the same old thing as yesterday That's my soul up there There's a black hat caught in a high tree top That's my soul up there There's a flag-pole rag and the wind won't stop That's my soul up there I have stood here before inside the pouring rain With the world turning circles running 'round my brain I guess I'm always hoping that you'll end this reign But it's my destiny to be the king of pain There's a fossil that's trapped in a high cliff wall That's my soul up there There's a dead salmon frozen in a waterfall That's my soul up there There's a blue whale beached by a springtime's ebb That's my soul up there There's a butterfly trapped in a spider's web That's my soul up there I have stood here before inside the pouring rain With the world turning circles running 'round my brain I guess I'm always hoping that you'll end this reign But it's my destiny to be the king of pain There's a king on a throne with his eyes torn out There's a blind man looking for a shadow of doubt There's a rich man sleeping on a golden bed There's a skeleton choking on a crust of bread King of pain There's a red fox torn by a huntsman's pack That's my soul up there There's a black-winged gull with a broken back That's my soul up there There's a little black spot on the sun today It's the same old thing as yesterday I have stood here before in the pouring rain With the world turning circles running 'round my brain I guess I always thought you could end this reign But it's my destiny to be the king of pain King of pain King of pain King of pain I'll always be king of pain -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wrapped Around Your Finger You consider me the young apprentice Caught between the Scylla and Charybdis Hypnotized by you if I should linger Staring at the ring around your finger I have only come here seeking knowledge Things they would not teach me of in college I can see the destiny you sold Turned into a shining band of gold I'll be wrapped around your finger I'll be wrapped around your finger Mephistopheles is not your name But I know what you're up to just the same I will listen hard to your tuition And you will see it come to it's fruition I'll be wrapped around your finger I'll be wrapped around your finger Devil and the deep blue sea behind me Vanish in the air, you'll never find me I will turn your face to alabaster Then you'll find your servant is your master You'll be wrapped around my finger You'll be wrapped around my finger You'll be wrapped around my finger -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tea In The Sahara My sisters and I Have this wish before we die And it may sound strange As if our minds are deranged Please don't ask us why Beneath the sheltering sky We have this strange obsession You have the means in your possession We want our tea in the Sahara with you We want our tea in the Sahara with you The young man agreed He would satisfy their need So they danced for his pleasure With a joy you could not measure They would wait for him here The same place every year Beneath the sheltering sky Across the desert he would fly Tea in the Sahara with you Tea in the Sahara with you The sky turned to black Would he ever come back? They would climb a high dune They would pray to the moon But he'd never return So the sisters would burn As their eyes searched the land With their cups full of sand Tea in the Sahara with you Tea in the Sahara with you Tea in the Sahara with you Tea in the Sahara with you -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Murder By Numbers Written by Sting & Andy Summers Once that you've decided on a killing First you make a stone of your heart And if you find that your hands are still willing Then you can turn a murder into art There really isn't any need for bloodshed You just do it with a little more finesse If you can slip a tablet into someone's coffee Then it avoids an awful lot of mess It's murder by numbers, one, two, three It's as easy to learn as your ABC Murder by numbers, one, two, three It's as easy to learn as your ABC Now if you have a taste for this experience And you're flushed with your very first success Then you must try a twosome or a threesome And you'll find your conscience bothers you much less Because murder is like anything you take to It's a habit-forming need for more and more You can bump off every member of your family And anybody else you find a bore Because it's murder by numbers, one, two, three It's as easy to learn as your ABC Murder by numbers, one, two, three It's as easy to learn as your ABC Now you can join the ranks of the illustrious In history's great dark hall of fame All our greatest killers were industrious At least the ones that we all know by name But you can reach the top of your profession If you become the leader of the land For murder is the sport of the elected And you don't need to lift a finger of your hand Because it's murder by numbers, one, two, three It's as easy to learn as your ABC Murder by numbers, one, two, three It's as easy to learn as your A, B, C, D, E The Police Live! - Lyrics Released ten years too late in 1995, The Police Live! is a double live album which features two almost complete Police shows - one from the Orpheum in Boston in 1979 and the other from the Omni in Atlanta in 1983. Both shows are very different - in some cases it's almost like different bands. Terrific stuff in both cases. All songs/lyrics by Sting except where stated. Next To You I can't stand it for another day When you live so many miles away Nothing here is gonna make me stay You took me over, let me find a way I sold my house I sold my motor, too All I want is to be next to you. I'd rob a bank Maybe steal a plane You took me over Think I'm goin' insane What can I do All I want is to be next to you What can I do All I want is to be next to you I've had a thousand girls or maybe more But I've never felt like this before But I just don't know what's come over me You took me over, take a look at me What can I do All I want is to be next to you What can I do All I want is to be next to you All I want is to be next to you All I want is to be next to you All I want is to be next to you Saw my doctor he said give it time Got this feeling, gonna lose my mind When all it is is just a love affair You took me over baby, take me there What can I do All I want is to be next to you What can I do All I want is to be next to you What can I do All I want is to be next to you What can I do All I want is to be next to you All I want is to be next to you All I want is to be next to you All I want is to be next to you All I want is to be next to you... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Lonely Well, someone told me yesterday That when you throw your love away You act as if you don't care You look as if you're going somewhere But I just can't convince myself I couldn't live with no one else And I can only play that part And sit and nurse my broken heart, so lonely So lonely, so lonely, so lonely So lonely, so lonely, so lonely So lonely, so lonely, so lonely So lonely, so lonely Now no-one's knocked upon my door For a thousand years, or more All made up and nowhere to go Welcome to this one man show Just take a seat, they're always free No surprise, no mystery In this theatre that I call my soul I always play the starring role, so lonely So lonely, so lonely, so lonely So lonely, so lonely, so lonely So lonely, so lonely, so lonely So lonely, so lonely So lonely So lonely, so lonely, so lonely So lonely, so lonely, so lonely I feel lonely, I'm so lonely, I feel so low I feel lonely, I'm so lonely, I feel so low -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Truth Hits Everybody Sleep lay behind me like a broken ocean Strange waking dreams before my eyes unfold You lay there sleeping like an open doorway I stepped outside myself and felt so cold Take a look at my new toy It'll blow your head in two, oh boy Truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone Truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone Truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone I thought about it and my dream was broken I clutch at images like dying breath And I don't want to make a fuss about it The only certain thing in life is death Take a look at my new toy It'll blow your head in two, oh boy Truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone Truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone Truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone Where you want to be, won't you ever see? Truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone Truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone Truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone Truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone Truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone Truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone Ah....now! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking On The Moon Giant steps are what you take Walking on the moon I hope my legs don't break Walking on the moon We could walk for ever Walking on the moon We could live together Walking on, walking on the moon Walking back from your house Walking on the moon Walking back from your house Walking on the moon Feet they hardly touch the ground Walking on the moon My feet don't hardly make no sound Walking on, walking on the moon Some may say I'm wishing my days away, no way And if it's the price I pay, some say Tomorrow's another day, you'll stay I may as well play Giant steps are what you take Walking on the moon I hope my legs don't break Walking on the moon We could walk for ever Walking on the moon We could be together Walking on, walking on the moon Some may say I'm wishing my days away no way And if it's the price I pay, some say Tomorrow's another day, you'll stay I may as well play -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hole In My Life Yeah, yeah, yeah There's a hole in my life There's a hole in my life Shadow in my heart Is tearing me apart Or maybe it's just something in my stars There's a hole in my life There's a hole in my life Be a happy man I try the best I can Or maybe I'm just looking for too much There's something missing from my life Cuts me open like a knife It leaves me vulnerable I have this disease I shake like an incurable God help me, please Oh, there's a hole in my life There's a hole in my life Yeah, yeah, yeah There's something missing from my life Cuts me open like a knife It leaves me vulnerable I have this disease I shake like an incurable God help me, please Oh, there's a hole in my life There's a hole in my life -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fall Out Written by Stewart Copeland (this is the version that appears in the Message In A Box Complete Transcriptions) I never followed leaders I got no machine An' I paid my dues all along Always says your freakin' When I mess with other people 'Cause I knew that I was really alone Fall out, fall out with all the leaders and guys Fall out, fall out with all the leaders and guys I saw my education It was my indoctrination Just to be another parking machine Always says your freakin' When I mess with other people 'Cause I knew that I was not very clean Fall out, fall out with all the leaders and guys Fall out, fall out with all the leaders and guys Fall out, fall out with all the leaders and guys Fall out, fall out with all the leaders and guys Henri! Fall out, fall out with all the leaders and guys Fall out, fall out with all the leaders and guys Fall Out! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bring On The Night The afternoon has gently passed me by The evening spreads its sail against the sky Waiting for tomorrow, just another day God bid yesterday good-bye Bring on the night I couldn't spend another hour of daylight Bring on the night I couldn't stand another hour of daylight The future is but a question mark Hangs above my head, there in the dark Can't see for the brightness is staring me blind God bid yesterday good-bye Bring on the night I couldn't spend another hour of daylight Bring on the night I couldn't stand another hour of daylight I couldn't spend another hour of daylight I couldn't stand another hour of daylight -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message In A Bottle Just a castaway, an island lost at sea, oh Another lonely day, with no one here but me, oh More loneliness than any man could bear Rescue me before I fall into despair, oh I'll send an S.O.S. to the world I'll send an S.O.S. to the world I hope that someone gets my I hope that someone gets my I hope that someone gets my Message in a bottle, yeah Message in a bottle, yeah A year has passed since I wrote my note But I should have known this right from the start Only hope can keep me together Love can mend your life but Love can break your heart I'll send an S.O.S. to the world I'll send an S.O.S. to the world I hope that someone gets my I hope that someone gets my I hope that someone gets my Message in a bottle, yeah Message in a bottle, yeah Message in a bottle, yeah Message in a bottle, yeah Walked out this morning, don't believe what I saw Hundred billion bottles washed up on the shore Seems I'm not alone at being alone Hundred billion castaways, looking for a home I'll send an S.O.S. to the world I'll send an S.O.S. to the world I hope that someone gets my I hope that someone gets my I hope that someone gets my Message in a bottle, yeah Message in a bottle, yeah Message in a bottle, yeah Message in a bottle, yeah Sending out at an S.O.S. Sending out at an S.O.S. Sending out at an S.O.S. Sending out at an S.O.S. Sending out at an S.O.S. Sending out at an S.O.S... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bed's Too Big Without You Bed's too big without you Cold wind blows right through my open door I can't sleep with your memory Dreaming dreams of what used to be When she left I was cold inside That look on my face was just pride No regrets, no love, no tears Living on my own was the least of my fears Bed's too big without you The bed's too big without you The bed's too big without you Since that day when you'd gone Just had to carry on I get through the day, but late at night Made love to my pillow, but it didn't feel right Every day just the same Old rules for the same old game All I gained was heartache All I made was one mistake Now the bed's too big without you The bed's too big without you The bed's too big without you -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peanuts Written by Sting & Stewart Copeland It's all a game You're not the same Your famous name The price of fame Oh no, try to liberate me I said oh no, stay and irritate me I said oh no, try to elevate me I said oh no, just a fallen hero Don't wanna hear about the drugs you're taking Don't wanna read about the love you're making Don't wanna hear about the life you're faking Don't wanna read about the muck they're raking You sang your song For much too long There's something wrong The [your] brain has gone Oh no, try to liberate me I said oh no, stay and irritate me I said oh no, try to elevate me I said oh no, just a fallen hero Don't wanna hear about the drugs you're taking Don't wanna read about the love you're making Don't wanna hear about the life you're faking Don't wanna read about the muck they're raking It's all a game You're not the same Your famous name The price of fame Oh no, try to liberate me I said oh no, stay and irritate me I said oh no, try to elevate me I said oh no, just a fallen hero Oh, you're just a fallen hero Don't wanna hear about the drugs you're taking Don't wanna read about the love you're making Don't wanna hear about the life you're faking Don't wanna read about the muck they're raking Don't wanna find out what you've been taking Don't wanna read about the love you're making Don't wanna hear about the life you're faking Don't wanna read about the muck they're raking Don't wanna find out what you've been taking Don't wanna read about the love you're making Don't wanna hear about the life you're faking Don't wanna read about the muck they're raking Peanuts, peanuts Peanuts.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roxanne Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light Those days are over You don't have to sell your body to the night Roxanne, you don't have to wear that dress tonight Walk the streets for money You don't care if it's wrong or if it's right Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light Put on the red light, put on the red light Put on the red light, put on the red light Put on the red light, oh I loved you since I knew ya I wouldn't talk down to ya I have to tell you just how I feel I won't share you with another boy I know my mind is made up So put away your make up Told you once I won't tell you again it's a bad way Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light You don't have to put on the red light Put on the red light, put on the red light -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can't Stand Losing You I've called you so many times today And I guess it's all true what your girl-friends say That you don't ever want to see me again And your brother's gonna kill me and he's six feet ten I guess you'd call it cowardice But I'm not prepared to go on like this I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing you I can't stand losing you I can't stand losing you I can't stand losing you I see you sent my letters back And my L.P. records and they're all scratched I can't see the point in another day When nobody listens to a word I say You can call it lack of confidence But to carry on living doesn't make no sense I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing I can't, I can't stand losing you I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing I guess this is our last goodbye And you don't care, so I won't cry But you'll be sorry when I'm dead And all this guilt will be on your head I guess you'd call it suicide But I'm too full to swallow my pride I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing I can't, I can't... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Landlord Written by Sting & Stewart Copeland I don't want to rent your house from you I don't know how you can expect me to I ain't moving 'cause I know my rights Too many homeless on the streets at night You own a street and a block of flats You earn your living like the other rats You've no morality what do you care You deal in poverty you buy despair I ain't moving 'till the bailiff comes I've got no weapons, gonna get me some I ain't moving 'till the bailiff comes I've got no weapons, gonna get me some You go and call yourself a business man You're just a parasite on Phylosan You're just a middle-class middle-aged shit You sold your granny for a three-penny bit You own a street and a block of flats You earn your living like the other rats You've no morality what do you care You deal in poverty you buy despair I ain't moving 'till the bailiff comes I've got no weapons, gonna get me some I ain't moving 'till the bailiff comes I've got no weapons, gonna get me some I ain't moving 'till the bailiff comes I've got no weapons, gonna get me some I ain't moving 'till the bailiff comes I've got no weapons, gonna get me some You go and call yourself a business man You're just a parasite on Phylosan You're just a middle-class middle-aged shit You sold your granny for a three-penny bit You own a street and a block of flats You earn your living like the other rats You've no morality what do you care You deal in poverty you buy despair I ain't moving 'till the bailiff comes I've got no weapons, gonna get me some I ain't moving 'till the bailiff comes I've got no weapons, gonna get me some I ain't moving 'till the bailiff comes I've got no weapons, gonna get me some I ain't moving 'till the bailiff comes I've got no weapons, gonna get me some I ain't moving 'till the bailiff comes I've got no weapons, gonna get me some I ain't moving 'till the bailiff comes I've got no weapons, gonna get me some -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Born In The 50's We were born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties My mother cried When president Kennedy died She said it was the communists But I knew better Would they drop the bomb on us While we made love on the beach We were the class they couldn't teach 'Cause we knew better We were born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties They screamed When the Beatles sang And they laughed when the King fell down the stairs Oh they should've known better Oh we hated our Aunts Then we messed in our pants Then we lost our faith and prayed to the TV Oh we should've known better We were born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties We freeze like statues on the pages of history Living was never like this when we took all those G.C.E.'s Oh, you opened the door for us And then you turned to dust You don't understand us So don't reprimand us We're taking the future We don't need no teacher Born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties Born, born in the fifties -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be My Girl, Sally Written by Sting & Andy Summers Won't you be my girl Won't you be my girl Won't you be my, be my, be my girl Won't you be my girl Won't you be my girl Won't you be my, be my, be my girl Won't you be my girl Won't you be my girl Won't you be my, be my, be my girl Won't you be my girl Won't you be my girl Won't you be my, be my, Be my girl I was blue and lonely, I couldn't sleep a wink And I could only get unconscious if I'd had to much to drink There was somehow, something wrong somewhere And each day seemed grey and dead The seeds of desperation were growing in my head I needed inspiration, a brand new start in life Somewhere to place affection, but I didn't want a wife And then by lucky chance I saw in a special magazine An ad that was unusual, the like I'd never seen "Experience something different with our new imported toy She's loving, warm, inflatible and a guarantee of joy." She came all wrapped in cardboard, all pink and shrivelled down A breath of air was all she needed to make her lose that frown I took her to the bedroom and pumped her with some life And later in a moment that girl became my wife And so I sit her in the corner and sometimes stroke her hair And when I'm feeling naughty I blow her up with air She's cuddly and she's bouncy, she's like a rubber ball I bounce her in the kitchen and I bounce her in the hall And now my life is different since Sally came my way I wake up in the morning and have her on a tray She's everything they say she was and I wear a permanent grin And I only have to worry in case my girl wears thin Won't you be my girl, won't you be my girl Won't you be my, be my, be my girl Won't you be my girl, won't you be my girl Won't you be my, be my, be my girl Won't you be my girl, won't you be my girl Won't you be my, be my, be my girl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synchronicity I With one breath, with one flow You will know Synchronicity A sleep trance, a dream dance A shared romance Synchronicity A connecting principle Linked to the invisible Almost imperceptible Something inexpressible Science insusceptible Logic so inflexible Causally connectible Yet nothing is invincible If we share this nightmare Then we can dream Spiritus mundi If you act, as you think The missing link Synchronicity We know you, they know me Extrasensory Synchronicity A star fall, a phone call It joins all Synchronicity It's so deep, it's so wide Your inside Synchronicity Effect without a cause Sub-atomic laws, scientific pause Synchronicity...... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synchronicity II Another suburban family morning Grandmother screaming at the wall We have to shout above the din of our Rice Crispies We can't hear anything at all Mother chants her litany of boredom and frustration But we know all her suicides are fake Daddy only stares into the distance There's only so much more that he can take Many miles away Something crawls from the slime At the bottom of a dark Scottish lake Another industrial ugly morning The factory belches filth into the sky He walks unhindered through the picket lines today He doesn't think to wonder why The secretaries pout and preen like cheap tarts in a red light street But all he ever thinks to do is watch And every single meeting with his so-called superior Is a humiliating kick in the crotch Many miles away Something crawls to the surface Of a dark Scottish lake Another working day has ended Only the rush hour hell to face Packed like lemmings into shiny metal boxes Contestants in a suicidal race Daddy grips the wheel and stares alone into the distance He knows that something somewhere has to break He sees the family home now looming in the headlights The pain upstairs that makes his eyeballs ache Many miles away There's a shadow on the door Of a cottage on the shore Of a dark Scottish lake Many miles away, many miles away -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking In Your Footsteps Fifty million years ago You walked upon the planet so Lord of all that you could see Just a little bit like me Walking in your footsteps Walking in your footsteps Walking in your footsteps Walking in your footsteps Hey Mr. Dinosaur You really couldn't ask for more You were God's favourite creature But you didn't have a future Walking in your footsteps Walking in your footsteps Walking in your footsteps Walking in your footsteps Hey mighty brontosaurus Don't you have a message for us You thought your rule would always last There were no lessons in your past You were built three storeys high They say you would not hurt a fly If we explode the atom bomb Would they say that we were dumb? Walking in your footsteps Walking in your footsteps Walking in your footsteps Walking in your footsteps Fifty million years ago They walked upon the planet so They live in a museum It's the only place you'll see 'em Walking in your footsteps Walking in your footsteps They say the meek shall inherit the earth They say the meek shall inherit the earth Walking in your footsteps -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message In A Bottle Just a castaway, an island lost at sea, oh Another lonely day, with no one here but me, oh More loneliness than any man could bear Rescue me before I fall into despair, oh I'll send an S.O.S. to the world I'll send an S.O.S. to the world I hope that someone gets my I hope that someone gets my I hope that someone gets my Message in a bottle, yeah Message in a bottle, yeah A year has passed since I wrote my note But I should have known this right from the start Only hope can keep me together Love can mend your life but Love can break your heart I'll send an S.O.S. to the world I'll send an S.O.S. to the world I hope that someone gets my I hope that someone gets my I hope that someone gets my Message in a bottle, yeah Message in a bottle, yeah Message in a bottle, yeah Message in a bottle, yeah Walked out this morning, don't believe what I saw Hundred billion bottles washed up on the shore Seems I'm not alone at being alone Hundred billion castaways, looking for a home I'll send an S.O.S. to the world I'll send an S.O.S. to the world I hope that someone gets my I hope that someone gets my I hope that someone gets my Message in a bottle, yeah Message in a bottle, yeah Message in a bottle, yeah Message in a bottle, yeah Sending out at an S.O.S. Sending out at an S.O.S. Sending out at an S.O.S. Sending out at an S.O.S. Sending out at an S.O.S. Sending out at an S.O.S... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- O My God Everyone I know is lonely And God's so far away And my heart belongs to no one, So now sometimes I pray Please take the space between us And fill it up some way Take the space between us And fill it up some way O my God you take the biscuit Treating me this way Expecting me to treat you well No matter what you say How can I turn the other cheek It's black and bruised and torn I've been waiting Since the day that I was born Take the space between us And fill it up some way Take the space between us And fill it up some way The fat man in his garden The thin man at his gate My God you must be sleeping Wake up it's much too late Take the space between us And fill it up some way Take the space between us And fill it up some way Do I have to tell the story Of a thousand rainy days Since we first met? It's a big enough umbrella But it's always me that ends up getting wet -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da Don't think me unkind Words are hard to find They're only cheques I've left unsigned From the banks of chaos in my mind And when their eloquence escapes me Their logic ties me up and rapes me De do do do, de da da da Is all I want to say to you De do do do, de da da da Their innocence will pull me through De do do do, de da da da Is all I want to say to you De do do do, de da da da They're meaningless and all that's true Poets, priests and poiticians Have words to thank for their positions Words that scream for your submission And no-one's jamming their transmission And when their eloquence escapes you Their logic ties you up and rapes you De do do do, de da da da Is all I want to say to you De do do do, de da da da Their innocence will pull me through De do do do, de da da da Is all I want to say to you De do do do, de da da da They're meaningless and all that's true De do do do, de da da da Is all I want to say to you De do do do, de da da da Their innocence will pull me through De do do do, de da da da Is all I want to say to you De do do do, de da da da They're meaningless and all that's true -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wrapped Around Your Finger You consider me the young apprentice Caught between the Scylla and Charybdis Hypnotized by you if I should linger Staring at the ring around your finger I have only come here seeking knowledge Things they would not teach me of in college I can see the destiny you sold Turned into a shining band of gold I'll be wrapped around your finger I'll be wrapped around your finger Mephistopheles is not your name But I know what you're up to just the same I will listen hard to your tuition And you will see it come to it's fruition[6] I'll be wrapped around your finger I'll be wrapped around your finger Devil and the deep blue sea behind me Vanish in the air, you'll never find me I will turn your face to alabaster Then you'll find your servant is your master You'll be wrapped around my finger You'll be wrapped around my finger You'll be wrapped around my finger -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tea In The Sahara c# My sisters and I Have this wish before we die And it may sound strange As if our minds are deranged Please don't ask us why Beneath the sheltering sky We have this strange obsession You have the means in your possession We want our tea in the Sahara with you We want our tea in the Sahara with you The young man agreed He would satisfy their need So they danced for his pleasure With a joy you could not measure They would wait for him here The same place every year Beneath the sheltering sky Across the desert he would fly Tea in the Sahara with you Tea in the Sahara with you The sky turned to black Would he ever come back? They would climb a high dune They would pray to the moon But he'd never return So the sisters would burn As their eyes searched the land With their cups full of sand Tea in the Sahara with you Tea in the Sahara with you Tea in the Sahara with you -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spirits In The Material World There is no political solution To our troubled evolution Have no faith in constitution There is no bloody revolution We are spirits in the material world Are spirits in the material world Are spirits in the material world Are spirits in the material world Our so-called leaders speak With words they try to jail you The subjugate[7] the meek But it's the rhetoric of failure We are spirits in the material world Are spirits in the material world Are spirits in the material world Are spirits in the material world Where does the answer lie? Living from day to day If it's something we can't buy There must be another way We are spirits in the material world Are spirits in the material world Are spirits in the material world Are spirits in the material world -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- King Of Pain There's a little black spot on the sun today It's the same old thing as yesterday There's a black hat caught in a high tree top There's a flag-pole rag and the wind won't stop I have stood here before inside the pouring rain With the world turning circles running 'round my brain I guess I'm always hoping that you'll end this reign But it's my destiny to be the king of pain There's a little black spot on the sun today That's my soul up there It's the same old thing as yesterday That's my soul up there There's a black hat caught in a high tree top That's my soul up there There's a flag-pole rag and the wind won't stop That's my soul up there I have stood here before inside the pouring rain With the world turning circles running 'round my brain I guess I'm always hoping that you'll end this reign But it's my destiny to be the king of pain There's a fossil that's trapped in a high cliff wall That's my soul up there There's a dead salmon frozen in a waterfall That's my soul up there There's a blue whale beached by a springtime's ebb That's my soul up there There's a butterfly trapped in a spider's web That's my soul up there I have stood here before inside the pouring rain With the world turning circles running 'round my brain I guess I'm always hoping that you'll end this reign But it's my destiny to be the king of pain There's a king on a throne with his eyes torn out There's a blind man looking for a shadow of doubt There's a rich man sleeping on a golden bed There's a skeleton choking on a crust of bread King of pain There's a red fox torn by a huntsman's pack That's my soul up there There's a black-winged gull with a broken back That's my soul up there There's a little black spot on the sun today It's the same old thing as yesterday I have stood here before in the pouring rain With the world turning circles running 'round my brain I guess I always thought you could end this reign But it's my destiny to be the king of pain King of pain King of pain King of pain I'll always be king of pain -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't Stand So Close To Me Young teacher the subject Of schoolgirl fantasy She wants him so badly Knows what she wants to be Inside her there's longing This girl's an open page Book marking - she's so close now This girl is half his age Don't stand, don't stand so Don't stand so close to me Don't stand, don't stand so Don't stand so close to me Her friends are so jealous You know how bad girls get Sometimes it's not so easy To be the teacher's pet Temptation, frustration So bad it makes him cry Wet bus stop, she's waiting His car is warm and dry Don't stand, don't stand so Don't stand so close to me Don't stand, don't stand so Don't stand so close to me Loose talk in the classroom To hurt they try and try Strong words in the staff room The accusations fly It's no use, he sees her He starts to shake and cough Just like the old man in That book by Nabakov Don't stand, don't stand so Don't stand so close to me Don't stand, don't stand so Don't stand so close to me Don't stand, don't stand so Don't stand so close to me -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Every Breath You Take Every breath you take And every move you make Every bond you break, every step you take I'll be watching you Every single day And every word you say Every game you play, every night you stay I'll be watching you Oh, can't you see You belong to me? How my poor heart aches With every step you take Every move you make Every vow you break Every smile you fake, every claim you stake I'll be watching you Since you've gone I've been lost without a trace I dream at night, I can only see your face I look around, but it's you I can't replace I feel so cold, and I long for your embrace I keep crying baby, baby please, Oh, can't you see You belong to me? How my poor heart aches With every step you take Every move you make Every vow you break Every smile you fake, every claim you stake I'll be watching you Every move you make, every step you take I'll be watching you I'll be watching you -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roxanne Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light Those days are over You don't have to sell your body to the night Roxanne, you don't have to wear that dress tonight Walk the streets for money You don't care if it's wrong or if it's right Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light Put on the red light, put on the red light Put on the red light, put on the red light Put on the red light, oh I loved you since I knew ya I wouldn't talk down to ya I have to tell you just how I feel I won't share you with another boy I know my mind is made up So put away your make up Told you once I won't tell you again it's a bad way Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light You don't have to put on the red light Put on the red light, put on the red light -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can't Stand Losing You I've called you so many times today And I guess it's all true what your girl-friends say That you don't ever want to see me again And your brother's gonna kill me and he's six feet ten I guess you'd call it cowardice But I'm not prepared to go on like this I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing you I can't stand losing you I can't stand losing you I can't stand losing you I see you sent my letters back And my L.P. records and they're all scratched I can't see the point in another day When nobody listens to a word I say You can call it lack of confidence But to carry on living doesn't make no sense I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing I can't, I can't stand losing you I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing I guess this is our last goodbye And you don't care, so I won't cry But you'll be sorry when I'm dead And all this guilt will be on your head I guess you'd call it suicide But I'm too full to swallow my pride I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing I can't, I can't... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Lonely Well, someone told me yesterday That when you throw your love away You act as if you don't care You look as if you're going somewhere But I just can't convince myself I couldn't live with no one else And I can only play that part And sit and nurse my broken heart, so lonely So lonely, so lonely, so lonely So lonely, so lonely, so lonely So lonely, so lonely, so lonely So lonely, so lonely Now no-one's knocked upon my door For a thousand years, or more All made up and nowhere to go Welcome to this one man show Just take a seat, they're always free No surprise, no mystery In this theatre that I call my soul I always play the starring role, so lonely So lonely, so lonely, so lonely So lonely, so lonely, so lonely So lonely, so lonely, so lonely So lonely, so lonely So lonely So lonely, so lonely, so lonely So lonely, so lonely, so lonely I feel lonely, I'm so lonely, I feel so low I feel lonely, I'm so lonely, I feel so low -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sting - Solo-Lyrics The Dream Of The Blue Turtles 1985 (описание) The Dream Of The Blue Turtles 1985 Тексты If you love somebody set them free Love is the seventh wave Russians Children's crusade Shadows in the rain We work the black seam Consider me gone The dream of the blue turtles (instrumental) Moon over bourbon street Fortress around your heart If You Love Somebody Set Them Free If you need somebody, call my name If you want someone, you can do the same If you want to keep something precious You got to lock it up and throw away the key If you want to hold onto your possession Don't even think about me If you love somebody, set them free If it's a mirror you want, just look into my eyes Or a whipping boy, someone to despise Or a prisoner in the dark Tied up in chains you just can't see Or a beast in a gilded cage That's all some people ever want to be If you love somebody, set them free You can't control an independent heart Can't tear the one you love apart Forever conditioned to believe that we can't live We can't live here and be happy with less So many riches, so many souls Everything we see we want to possess If you need somebody, call my name If you want someone, you can do the same If you want to keep something precious You got to lock it up and throw away the key If you want to hold onto your possession Don't even think about me If you love somebody, set them free Love Is the Seventh Wave In the empire of the senses You're the queen of all you survey All the cities all the nations Everything that falls your way There is a deeper world than this That you don't understand There is a deeper world that this Tugging at your hand Every ripple on the ocean Every leaf on every tree Every sand dune in the desert Every power we never see There is a deeper wave than this Swelling in the world There is a deeper wave than this Listen to me girl Feel it rising in the cities Feel it sweeping over land Over borders, over frontiers Nothing will its power withstand There is no deeper wave than this Listen to me girl All the bloodshed all the anger All the weapons all the greed All the armies all the missiles All the symbols of your fear There is a deeper wave than this Listen to me girl At the still point of destruction At the centre of the fury All the angels all the devils All around us can't you see There is a deeper wave than this Rising in the land There is a deeper wave than this Nothing will withstand I say love is the seventh wave Russians In Europe and America, there's a growing feeling of hysteria Conditioned to respond to all the threats In the rhetorical speeches of the Soviets Mr. Krushchev said we will bury you I don't subscribe to this point of view It would be such an ignorant thing to do If the Russains love their children too How can I save my little boy from Oppenheimer's deadly toy There is no monopoly of common sense On either side of the political fence We share the same biology Regardless of ideology Believe me when I say to you I hope the Russians love their children too There is no historical precedent To put words in the mouth of the president There's no such thing as a winnable war It's a lie we don't believe anymore Mr. Reagan says we will protect you I don't subscribe to this point of view Believe me when I say to you I hope the Russians love their children too We share the same biology Regardless of ideology What might save us me and you Is that the Russians love their children too В Европе и Америке Возрастают чувства истерии Они зависят от реакции на опасность, которая нам грозит В советских риторических речах Раз сказал господин Хрущев: "Мы вас похороним". Я же не могу с этим согласится Это было бы слишком непонятно Если русские также любят своих детей Как я могу спасти своего маленького сына от смертельной игрушки Оппенгеймера Монополию разума нам не найти Ни с одной ни с другой стороны политического барьера Мы разделяем одну и туже биологию Несмотря на какую-либо идеологию Верь мне когда я говорю Я надеюсь русские тоже любят своих детей Нет никакого исторического примера Позволяющего вложить слова в рот президента Нет такого, как победная война Это лож и мы уже этому не верим Мистер Рейган говорит, что мы защетим вас Я не могу с этим согласиться Поверь мне, когда я скажу тебе Я надеюсь русские тоже любят своих детей Мы разделяем одну и туже биологию Несмотря на какую-либо идеологию Что может нас спасти, тебя и меня Дак это то, что русские тоже любят своих детей Children's Crusade Young men, soldiers, nineteen fourteen Marching through countries they'd never seen Virgins with rifles, a game of charades All for a children's crusade Pawns in the game are not victims of chance Strewn on the fields of Belgium and France Poppies for young men, death's bitter trade All of these young lives betrayed The children of England would never be slaves They're trapped on the wire and dying in waves The flower of England face down in the mud And stained in the blood of a whole generation Corpulent generals safe behind lines History's lessons drowned in red wine Poppies for young men, death's bitter trade All of those young lives betrayed All for a children's crusade The children of England would never be slaves They're trapped on the wire and dying in waves The flower of England face down in the mud And stained in the blood of a whole generation Midnight in Soho nineteen eighty four Fixing in doorways, opium slaves Poppies for young men, such bitter trade All of those young lives betrayed All for a children's crusade Shadows in the Rain Второй вариант не очень удачной песни из финале альбома Zenyatta Mondatta Am I woke up in my clothes again this morning I don't know exactly where I am And I should heed my doctor's warning He does the best with me he can He says I suffer from delusion But I'm so confident I'm sane It can't be an optical illusion So how can you explain Shadows in the rain And if you see us on the corner We're just dancing in the rain I tell my friends there when I see them Outside my window pane Shadows in the rain We Work the Black Seam Am This place has changed for good Your economic theory said it would It's hard for us to understand We can't give up our jobs the way we should Our blood has stained the coal We tunneled deep inside the nations soul We matter more than pounds and pence Your economic theory makes no sense F/C/Dm/Am One day in a nuclear age They may understand our rage They build machines that they can't control And bury the waste in a great big hole Power was to become cheap and clean Grimey faces were never seen But deadly for twelve thousand years is carbon fourteen We work the black seam together The seam is underground Three million years of pressure packed it down We walk through ancient forest lands And light a thousand cities with our hands Your dark satanic mills Have made redundant all our mining skills You can't exchange a six inch band For all the poisoned steams in Cumberland Chorus We work the black seam together Our conscious lives run deep You cling onto your mountain while we sleep This way of life is part of me There is no price so only let me be And should the children weep The turning world will sing their souls to sleep When you have sunk without a trace The universe will suck me into place Chorus We work the black seam together Consider Me Gone C#m There were rooms of forgiveness In the house that we share But the space has been emptied Of whatever was there There were cupboards of patience There were shelfloads of care But whoever came calling Found nobody there After today, consider me gone Roses have thorns and shining waters mud And cancer lurks deep in the sweetest bud Clouds and eclipses stain the moon and the sun And history reeks of the wrongs we have done After today, consider me gone I've spent too many years at war with myself The doctor has told me it's no good for my health To search for perfection is all very well But to look for heaven is to live here in hell After today, consider me gone 9. Moon Over Bourbon Street Interview With The Vampire Интервью с Вампиром by Anne Rice "...Moon Over Bourbon Street was inspired by a book that was just given to me, somebody just handed to me after a gig - I think it was in New Orleans. We were staying in the French quarter, and I started to read this book late one night. It was one of those books I read in one sitting, I was totally enchanted by this story. Not so much by the character Lestat who everybody seemed to like, but by the other character. The Louis character interested me far more, he seemed to be much more reflective and much more interesting in a way, and I wrote Moon Over Bourbon Street based on that one reading. The idea of being a vampire and being a predator, but regretting it all the time knowing that there was something morally wrong with your lusts and your hunger, and I love the struggle that is going on in that character's head. There was a kind of movement of people who thought that Lestat who became a rock star in resulting books was based on me. He wasn't the character I was interested in at all..." - Sting - Fm There's a moon over bourbon street tonight I see faces as they pass beneath the pale lamplight I've no choice but to follow that call The bright lights, the people, and the moon and all I pray everyday to be strong For I know what I do must be wrong Oh you'll never see my shade or hear the sound of my feet While there's a moon over bourbon street It was many years ago that I became what I am I was trapped in this life like an innocent lamb Now I can never show my face at noon And you'll only see me walking by the light of the moon The brim of my hat hides the eye of a beast I've the face of a sinner but the hands of a priest Oh you'll never see my shade or hear the sound of my feet While there's a moon over bourbon street She walks everyday through the streets of New Orleans She's innocent and young from a family of means I have stood many times outside her window at night To struggle with my instinct in the pale moonlight How could I be this way when I pray to god above I must love what I destroy and destroy the thing I love Oh you'll never see my shade or hear the sound of my feet While there's a moon over bourbon street Fortress Around Your Heart Dm|G/ ... Under the ruins of a walled city Crumbling towers in beams of yellow light No flags of truce[8], no cries of pity The siege guns had been pounding all through the night It took a day to build the city We walked through its streets in the afternoon As I returned across the fields I'd known I recognized the walls that I once laid I had to stop in my tracks for fear Of walking on the mines[9] I'd laid And if I have built this fortress around your heart Encircled[10] you in trenches[11] and barbed wire Then let me build a bridge For I cannot fill the chasm[12] And let me set the battlements[13] on fire Then I went off to fight some battle That I'd invented inside my head Away so long for years and years You probably thought or even wished that I was dead While the armies all are sleeping Beneath the tattered[14] flag we'd made I had to stop in my tracks for fear Of walking on the mines I'd laid And if I have built this fortress around your heart Encircled you in trenches and barbed wire Then let me build a bridge For I cannot fill the chasm And let me set the battlements on fire This prison has now become your home A sentence you seem prepared to pay It took a day to build the city We walked through its streets in the afternoon As I returned across the lands I'd known I recognized the fields where I'd once played I had to stop in my tracks for fear Of walking on the mines I'd laid And if I have built this fortress around your heart Encircled you in trenches and barbed wire Then let me build a bridge For I cannot fill the chasm And let me set the battlements on fire [Стинг снова будет заниматься строительством в Soul Cage Island of Souls] Bring On The Night - 1986 Bring On The Night has to be worth at least four of anyone's five stars. This was an awesome live band as anyone who saw them will tell you, and this release does the band's memory justice. The especially pleasing thing about the album is the lack of obvious crowd pleasing Police favourites - Roxanne, Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic, Message In A Bottle etc, - with Sting instead relying on a mixture of his new material, Police medleys that show off the band's virtuosity, and on long overlooked songs such as Low Life and I Burn For You. Great music played with style and skill - you can't go wrong with Bring On The Night. All songs/lyrics by Sting except where stated. Bring On The Night The afternoon has gently passed me by The evening spreads itself against the sky Waiting for tomorrow, just another day God bid yesterday good-bye Bring on the night I couldn't spend another hour of daylight Bring on the night I couldn't stand another hour of daylight The future is but a question mark Hangs above my head, there in the dark Can't see for the brightness is staring me blind God bid yesterday good-bye Bring on the night I couldn't spend another hour of daylight Bring on the night I couldn't stand another hour of daylight I couldn't spend another hour of daylight I couldn't stand another hour of daylight -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When The World Is Running Down You Make The Best Of What's Still Around Turn on my V.C.R., same one I've had for years James Brown on the Tammy show, Same tape I've had for years I sit in my old car, same one I've had for years Old battery's running down, it ran for years and years Turn on the radio, the static hurts my ears Tell me, where would I go? I ain't been out in years Turn on the stereo, it's played for years and years An Otis Redding song, it's all I own When the world is running down You make the best of what's still around When the world is running down You make the best of what's still around Plug in my M.C.I, to excercise my brain Make records on my own, can't go out in the rain Pick up the telephone, I've listened here for years No one to talk to me, I've listened here for years When the world is running down You make the best of what's still around When the world is running down You make the best of what's still around When I feel lonely here, don't waste my time with tears I run 'Deep Throat' again, it ran for years and years Don't like the food I eat, the cans are running out Same food for years and years, I hate the food I eat When the world is running down You make the best of what's still around When the world is running down You make the best of what's still around When the world is running down You make the best of what's still around When the world is running down You make the best of what's still around When The World Is Running Down You Tabs Make The Best Of What?s Still Around from the album "Zenyatta Mondatta" Transcription: ? ============================================================================ Original music by: Sting Performance by: The Police ============================================================================ CHORDS: C9sus D9 sus Emin7(add11) 333333 555555 777787 ============================================================================ C9sus D9sus / / / / | / / / / 1. Turn on my VCR Same one I had for years 2. Turn on the radio The static hurts my ears 3. Plug in my MCI To exercise my brain 4. When I feel lonely here Don't waste my time with tears Emin7(add11) / / / / | / / / / James Brown on the TAMI show Same tape I've had for years Tell me where I would go I Ain't been out for years Make records on my own Can't go out in the rain I run _DEEP_THROAT_ again it ran and ran for years C9sus D9sus / / / / | / / / / I sit in my old car same one I've had for years Turn on the stereo It's played for years and years Pick up the telephone I've listened here for years Don't like the food I eat the cans are running out Emin7(add11) / / / / | / / / / Old battery's running down It ran and ran for years An Otis Redding song It's all I own (WHEN THE) No one to talk to me I've listened here for years (WHEN THE) Same food for years and years I hate the food I eat (WHEN THE) CHORUS (Repeat) C9sus D9sus / / / / | / / / / The World is running down you make Emin7(add11) / / / / | / / / / The best of whats still around---- when the ============================================================================ Performance notes: Verse 1 Verse 2 Chorus Verse 3 Chorus Verse (BASS INSTRUMENTAL) Verse (BASS INSTRUMENTAL) Verse 4 Chorus Chorus Verse 1 (FADE OUT) ============================================================================ -- The rich are the scum of the earth in every country. G.K. Chesterton, Flying Inn (1914) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consider Me Gone You can't stay there You can't stay there You can't stay there You can't stay there There were rooms of forgiveness In the house that we share But the space has been emptied Of whatever was there There were cupboards of patience There were shelf-loads of care But whoever came calling Found nobody there After today After today Consider me gone You can't stay there You can't stay there You can't stay there You can't stay there Roses have thorns Shining water's mud And cancer lurks deep In the sweetest bud Clouds and eclipses Stain the moon and the sun And history reeks Of the wrongs we have done After today After today Consider me gone I've spent too many years At war with myself The doctor has told me It's no good for my health To search for perfection Is all very well But to look for heaven Is to live here in hell After today After today After today Consider me gone Consider me gone Consider me, consider me Consider me gone, gone, gone, gone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Low Life Fatal fascination for the seedy part of town Walk down the street and your head spins round Don't be seen alone without your friends at night Take a gun or a knife to the low life Don't have to be born into this society Pay for love but the hate comes free Bring enough money for the rest of your life Don't bring your wife to the low life Bringing us there to the degredation Always keep your back to the wall No rewards for your infatuation Low life No life at all Yeah, low life, low life In here to long to be afraid anymore You can't reach the bed so you sleep on the floor You get so stoned you think you could fly But you won't get high on the low life Low life, low life Low life, low life Low life, low life Low life, low life -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We Work The Black Seam This place has changed for good Your economic theory said it would It's hard for us to understand We can't give up our jobs the way we should Our blood has stained the coal We tunneled deep inside the nation's soul We matter more than pounds and pence Your economic theory makes no sense One day in a nuclear age They may understand our rage They build machines that they can't control And bury the waste in a great big hole Power was to become cheap and clean Grimy faces were never seen Deadly for twelve thousand years is carbon fourteen We work the black seam together We work the black seam together The seam lies underground Three million years of pressure packed it down We walk through ancient forest lands And light a thousand cities with our hands Your dark satanic mills Have made redundant all our mining skills You can't exchange a six inch band For all the poisoned streams in Cumberland Your economic theory makes no sense One day in a nuclear age They may understand our rage They build machines that they can't control And bury the waste in a great big hole Power was to become cheap and clean Grimy faces were never seen Deadly for twelve thousand years is carbon fourteen We work the black seam together We work the black seam together Should the children weep The turning world will sing their souls to sleep When you have sunk without a trace The universe will suck me into place One day in a nuclear age They may understand our rage They build machines that they can't control And bury the waste in a great big hole Power was to become cheap and clean Grimy faces were never seen But deadly for twelve thousand years is carbon fourteen We work the black seam together We work the black seam together -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Driven To Tears How can you say that your not responsible? What does it have to do with me? What is my reaction? What should it be? Confronted by this latest atrocity Driven to tears Driven to tears Driven to tears Hide my face in my hands, shame wells in my throat My comfortable existence is reduced To a shallow, meaningless party Seems that when some innocents die All we can offer them is a page in a some magazine Too many cam'ras and not enough food 'Cause this is what we've seen Driven to tears Driven to tears Driven to tears Protest is futile Nothing seems to get through What's to become of our world? Who knows what to do? Driven to tears Driven to tears Driven to tears Driven to tears Driven to tears Driven to tears -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dream Of The Blue Turtles Instrumental -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demolition Man Oh! Demolition, demolition Demolition, demolition Tied to the tracks and the train's fast coming Strapped to the wing with the engine running You say that this wasn't in your plan And don't mess around with the demolition man Tied to a chair, and the bomb is ticking This situation was not of your picking You say that this wasn't in your plan And don't mess around with the demolition man I'm a walking nightmare, an arsenal of doom I kill conversation as I walk into the room I'm a three line whip, I'm the sort of thing they ban I'm a walking disaster, I'm a demolition man Demolition, demolition Demolition, demolition You come to me like a moth to the flame It's love you need but I don't play that game 'Cause you could be my greatest fan But I'm nobody's friend, I'm a demolition man I'm a walking nightmare, an arsenal of doom I kill conversation as I walk into the room I'm a three line whip, I'm the sort of thing they ban I'm a walking disaster, I'm a demolition man Demolition, demolition Demolition, demolition Tied to the tracks and the train's fast coming Strapped to the wing with the engine running You say that this wasn't in your plan And don't mess around with the demolition man Tied to a chair, and the bomb is ticking This situation was not of your picking You say that this wasn't in your plan And don't mess around with the demolition man -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One World (Not Three) One world is enough, for all of us One world is enough, for all of us It's a subject we rarely mention But when we do we have this little invention By pretending they're a different world from me I show my responsibility One world is enough, for all of us One world is enough, for all of us The third world breathes our air tomorrow We live on the time we borrow In our world there's no time for sorrow In their world there is no tomorrow One world is enough, for all of us One world is enough, for all of us Lines are drawn upon the world Before we get our flags unfurled Whichever one we pick It's just a self deluding trick One world is enough, for all of us One world is enough, for all of us I don't want to bring a sour note Remember this before you vote We can all sink or we all float 'Cause we're all in the same big boat One world is enough for all of us One world is enough for all of us One world is enough for all of us One world is enough for all of us It may seem a million miles away But it gets a little closer everyday It may seem a million miles away But it gets a little closer everyday -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Love Is The Seventh Wave In the empire of the senses You're the queen of all you survey All the cities, all the nation Everything that falls your way, I say There is a deeper world than this that you don't understand There is a deeper world that this tugging at your hand Every ripple on the ocean Every leaf on every tree Every sand dune in the desert Every power we never see There is a deeper wave than this, swelling in the world There is a deeper wave than this, listen to me girl Feel it rising in the cities Feel it sweeping overland Over borders, over frontiers Nothing will its power withstand, I say There is no deeper wave than this rising in the world There is no deeper wave than this listen to me girl All the bloodshed, all the anger All the weapons, all the greed All the armies, all the missiles All the symbols of that fear, I say There is a deeper wave than this rising in the world There is a deeper wave than this, listen to me girl At the still point of destruction At the centre of the fury All the angels, all the devils All around us, can't you see? There is a deeper wave than this rising in the land There is a deeper wave than this nothing will withstand I say love is the seventh wave I say love is the seventh wave I say love is the seventh wave I say love is the seventh wave I say love is the seventh wave I say love is the seventh wave I say love Every ripple on the ocean Every leaf on every tree Every sand dune in the desert Every breath you take with me Every breath you take, every move you make Every cake you bake, every leg you break -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moon Over Bourbon Street There's a moon over Bourbon Street tonight I see faces as they pass beneath the pale lamplight I've no choice but to follow that call The bright lights, the people, and the moon and all I pray everyday to be strong For I know what I do must be wrong Oh you'll never see my shade or hear the sound of my feet While there's a moon over Bourbon Street It was many years ago that I became what I am I was trapped in this life like an innocent lamb Now I can never show my face at noon And you'll only see me walking by the light of the moon The brim of my hat hides the eye of a beast I've the face of a sinner but the hands of a priest Oh you'll never see my shade or hear the sound of my feet While there's a moon over Bourbon Street She walks everyday through the streets of New Orleans She's innocent and young, from a family of means I have stood many times outside her window at night To struggle with my instinct in the pale moonlight How could I be this way when I pray to God above? I must love what I destroy and destroy the thing I love Oh you'll never see my shade or hear the sound of my feet While there's a moon over Bourbon Street -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Burn For You Now that I have found you In the coolth of your evening smile The shade of your parasol And your love flows through me Though I drink at your pool I burn for you, I burn for You and I are lovers When night time folds around our bed In peace we sleep entwined And your love flows through me Though an ocean soothes my head I burn for you, I burn for Stars will fall from dark skies As ancient rocks are turning Quiet fills the room And your love flows through me Though I lie here so still I burn for you, I burn for you I burn... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another Day Every day that goes by A new hungry baby starts to cry Born astride a painful grave Drowned in hunger's tidal wave Pick a child that you can save It'd be the only one If Africa escapes starvation Not only food but education The desert grows with every minute Trapping everybody in it All the children look the same They wonder why they came But it's hard to tell the poison from the cure It's harder still to know the reason why, why, why The only thing I really know for sure Is that another day, another day's gone by Every day that goes by A brand new missile points towards the sky We're survivors of a game of chance Beneath an arms race avalanche If you survive this winter's cold You'd be the only one If we escape annihilation Not only hope but education The world is ruled by Bellophiles Adding to their weapon piles Imagine what your taxes buy We hardly ever try But it's hard to tell the poison from the cure It's harder still to know the reason why, why, why The only thing I really know for sure Is that another day, another day's gone by, bye,bye That this too solid flesh Would melt and resolve into a dew Suffocating lassitude Drowning in my platitude Trapped by insecurities I'm not the only one If I survive this dislocation Have to use my education Chief of inactivity Wasted creativity Distances our revolution Silence is consent But it's hard to tell the poison from the cure It's harder still to know the reason why, why, why The only thing I really know for sure Is that another day, another day's gone by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Children's Crusade Young men, soldiers, nineteen fourteen Marching through countries they'd never seen Virgins with rifles, a game of charades All for a children's crusade Pawns in the game are not victims of chance Strewn on the fields of Belgium and France Poppies for young men, death's bitter trade All of those young lives betrayed The children of England would never be slaves They're trapped on the wire and dying in waves The flower of England face down in the mud And stained in the blood of a whole generation Corpulent generals safe behind lines History's lessons drowned in red wine Poppies for young men, death's bitter trade All of those young lives betrayed All for a children's crusade The children of England would never be slaves They're trapped on the wire and dying in waves The flower of England face down in the mud And stained in the blood of a whole generation Midnight in Soho nineteen eighty four Fixing in doorways, opium slaves Poppies for young men, such bitter trade All of those young lives betrayed All for a children's crusade -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Been Down So Long written by J B Lenoir/A Atkins I've been down so long Being down don't bother me I've been down so long Being down don't bother me I'm gonna take all my troubles Drown 'em in the deep blue sea I will call her every day Come stay home at night No matter how hard I try to please her She just don't treat me right I've been down so long Being down don't bother me I'm gonna take all my troubles Drown 'em in the deep blue sea I bought her a fur coat for Christmas And a diamond ring She's got the nerve to tell me Our love don't mean a thing I've been down so long Being down don't bother me I'm gonna take all my troubles Drown 'em in the deep blue sea Down so long, down so long I've been down so long I've been down so long I'm gonna take all my troubles Drown 'em in the deep blue sea I've been down so long Being down don't bother me I've been down so long Being down don't bother me I'm gonna take all my troubles Drown 'em in the deep blue sea Down so long, down so long Down so long, down so long I'm gonna take all my troubles Drown 'em in the deep blue I'm gonna take all my troubles Drown 'em in the deep blue I'm gonna take all my troubles Drown 'em in the deep blue sea -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tea In The Sahara My sisters and I Have this wish before we die And it may sound strange As if our minds are deranged Please don't ask us why Beneath the sheltering sky We have this strange obsession You have the means in your possession We want our tea in the Sahara with you We want our tea in the Sahara with you The young man agreed He would satisfy their need So they danced for his pleasure With a joy you could not measure They would wait for him here The same place every year Beneath the sheltering sky Across the desert he would fly Tea in the Sahara with you Tea in the Sahara with you The sky turned to black Would he ever come back? They would climb a high dune They would pray to the moon But he'd never return So the sisters would burn As their eyes searched the land With their cups full of sand Tea in the Sahara with you Tea in the Sahara with you Tea in the Sahara with you Tea in the Sahara with you ...Nothing like The Sun - 1987 The lazarus heart Be still my beating heart Englishman in new york History will teach us nothing They dance alone (cueca solo) Fragile We'll be together Straight to my heart Rock steady Sister moon Little wing The secret marriage 1. The Lazarus Heart He looked beneath his shirt today There was a wound in his flesh so deep and wide From the wound a lovely flower grew From somewhere deep inside He turned around to face his mother To show her the wound in his breast that burned like a brand But the sword that cut him open Was the sword in his mother's hand Every day another miracle Only death will tear us apart To sacrifice a life for yours I'd be the blood of the Lazarus heart The blood of the Lazarus heart Though the sword was his protection The wound itself would give him power The power to remake himself at the time of his darkest hour She said the wound would give him courage and pain The kind of pain that you can't hide From the wound a lovely flower grew From somewhere deep inside Every day another miracle Only death will keep us apart To sacrifice a life for yours I'd be the blood of the Lazarus heart The blood of the Lazarus heart Birds on the roof of my mother's house I've no stones that chase them away Birds on the roof of my mother's house Will sit on my roof someday They fly at the window, they fly at the door Where does she get the strength to fight them anymore She counts all her children as a shield against the rain Lifts her eyes to the sky like a flower to the rain Every day another miracle Only death will keep us apart To sacrifice a life for yours I'd be the blood of the Lazarus heart The blood of the Lazarus heart 2. Be Still My Beating Heart Be still my beating heart It would be better to be cool It's not time to be open just yet A lesson once learned is so hard to forget Be still my beating heart Or I'll be taken for a fool It's not healthy to run at this pace The blood runs so red to my face I've been to every single book I know To soothe the thoughts that plague me so I sink like a stone that's been thrown in the ocean My logic has drowned in a sea of emotion Stop before you start Be still my beating heart Be still my beating heart You must learn to stand your ground It's not healthy to run at this pace The blood runs so red to my face I've been to every single book I know To soothe the thoughts that plague me so Stop before you start Be still my beating heart Never to be wrong Never to make promises that break It's like singing in the wind Or writing on the surface of a lake And I wriggle like a fish caught on dry land Struggle to avoid any help at hand I sink like a stone that's been thrown in the ocean My logic has drowned in a sea of emotion Stop before you start Be still my beating heart 3. Englishman In New York I don't drink coffee I take tea my dear I like my toast done on the side And you can hear it in my accent when I talk I'm an Englishman in New York See me walking down Fifth Avenue A walking cane here at my side I take it everywhere I walk I'm an Englishman in New York I'm an alien I'm a legal alien I'm an Englishman in New York I'm an alien I'm a legal alien I'm an Englishman in New York If "manners maketh man" as someone said Then he's the hero of the day It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile Be yourself no matter what they say I'm an alien I'm a legal alien I'm an Englishman in New York I'm an alien I'm a legal alien I'm an Englishman in New York Modesty, propriety can lead to notoriety You could end up as the only one Gentleness, sobriety are rare in this society At night a candle's brighter than the sun Takes more than combat gear to make a man Takes more than license for a gun Confront your enemies, avoid them when you can A gentleman will walk but never run If "manners maketh man" as someone said Then he's the hero of the day It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile Be yourself no matter what they say I'm an alien I'm a legal alien I'm an Englishman in New York I'm an alien I'm a legal alien I'm an Englishman in New York 4. History Will Teach Us Nothing If we seek solace[15] in the prisons of the distant past Security in human systems we're told will always always last Emotions are the sail and blind faith is the mast[16] Without the breath of real freedom we're getting nowhere fast If God is dead and an actor plays his part His words of fear will find a place in ? your heart Without the voice of reason every faith is its own curse Without freedom from the past things can only get worse Sooner or later Sooner or later Sooner or later Sooner or later History will teach us nothing History will teach us nothing Our written history is a catalogue of crime The sordid[17] and the powerful, the architects of time The mother of invention, the oppression[18] of the mild[19] The constant fear of scarcity[20], aggression as its child Sooner or later Sooner or later Sooner or later Sooner or later Convince[21] an enemy, convince him that he's wrong Is to win a bloodless battle where victory is long A simple act of faith In reason over might To blow up [22]his children will only prove him right History will teach us nothing Sooner or later just like the world first day Sooner or later we learn to throw the past away Sooner or later just like the world first day Sooner or later we learn to throw the past away Sooner or later we learn to throw the past away History will teach us nothing History will teach us nothing Know your human rights Be what you come here for Know your human rights Be what you come here for Know your human rights Be what you come here for Know your human rights Be what you come here for 5. They Dance Alone (Gueca Solo) Why are these women here dancing on their own? Why is there this sadness in their eyes? Why are the soldiers here Their faces fixed[23] like stone? I can't see what it is they despise[24] They're dancing with the missing They're dancing with the dead They dance with the invisible ones Their anguish[25] is unsaid[26] They're dancing with their fathers They're dancing with their sons They're dancing with their husbands They dance alone They dance alone It's the only form of protest they're allowed I've seen their silent faces scream so loud If they were to speak these words they'd go missing too Another woman on the torture table what else can they do They're dancing with the missing They're dancing with the dead They dance with the invisible ones Their anguish is unsaid They're dancing with their fathers They're dancing with their sons They're dancing with their husbands They dance alone They dance alone One day we'll dance on their graves One day we'll sing our freedom One day we'll laugh in our joy And we'll dance One day we'll dance on their graves One day we'll sing our freedom One day we'll laugh in our joy And we'll dance Ellas danzan con los desaparecidos Ellas danzan con los muertos Ellas danzan con amores invisibles Ellas danzan con silenciosa angustia Danzan con sus padres Danzan con sus hijos Danzan con sus esposos Ellas danzan solas Danzan solas Hey Mr. Pinochet You've sown[27] a bitter crop[28] It's foreign money that supports you One day the money's going to stop No wages[29] for your torturers No budget for your guns Can you think of your own mother Dancin' with her invisible son They're dancing with the missing They're dancing with the dead They dance with the invisible ones Their anguish is unsaid They're dancing with their fathers They're dancing with their sons They're dancing with their husbands They dance alone They dance alone One day we'll dance on their graves One day we'll sing our freedom One day we'll laugh in our joy And we'll dance One day we'll dance on their graves One day we'll sing our freedom One day we'll laugh in our joy And we'll dance 6. Fragile If blood will flow[30] when flesh[31] and steel[32] are one Drying in the colour of the evening sun Tomorrow's rain will wash the stains[33] away But something in our minds will always stay Perhaps this final act was meant[34] To clinch[35] a lifetime's argument That nothing comes from violence and nothing ever could For all those born beneath an angry star Lest we forget how fragile we are On and on the rain will fall Like tears from a star like tears from a star On and on the rain will say How fragile we are how fragile we are On and on the rain will fall Like tears from a star like tears from a star On and on the rain will say How fragile we are how fragile we are How fragile we are how fragile we are 7. We'll Be Together I see me with you and all the things you do Keep turning round and round in my mind Forget the weather we should always be together And any other thought is unkind To have you with me I would swim the seven seas To have you as my guide and my light My love is a flame that burns in your name We'll be together We'll be together tonight We'll be together, yeah We'll be together, yeah We'll be together, yeah I see you with me and all I want to be Is dancing here with you in my arms Forget the weather we should always be together I'll always be a slave to your charms To have you with me I would swim the seven seas To have you as the guide in my life My love is a flame that burns in your name We'll be together We'll be together We'll be together, yeah We'll be together, yeah We'll be together, yeah Call me baby. You can call me anything you want Call me baby Call me Just call me We'll be together, yeah We'll be together, yeah I see you with me and baby makes three I see me with you and all the things we do Forget the weather we should always be together I need you as my guide and my light My love is the flame that burns in your name We'll be together We'll be together tonight 8. Straight To My Heart Well in a hundred years from now They will attempt to tell us how A scientific means to bliss Will supercede the human kiss A sub atomic chain Will maybe galvanize the brain A biochemic trance Will eliminate romance But why ever should we care When there are arrows in the air Formed by lovers' ancient art That go straight to my heart A future sugar coated pill Would give our lovers time to kill I think they're working far too much For the redundancy of touch But what will make me yours Are a million deadly spores Formed by lovers' ancient art That go straight to my heart Come into my door Be the light of my life Come into my door You'll never have to sweep the floor Come into my door Be the light of my life Come into my door Come and be my wife I'll be true. To no one but you If it's a future world we fear We have tomorrow's seeds right here For you can hold them in your hand Or let them fall into the sand But if our love is pure The only thing of which we're sure Then you can play your part And go straight to my heart If I should seek immunity And love you with impunity Then the only thing to do Is for me to pledge myself to you But they only dealt one card So for me it is not hard You're the bright star in my chart You go straight to my heart Come into my door Be the light of my life Come into my door You'll never have to sweep the floor Come into my door Be the light of my life Come into my door Come and be my wife I'll be true. To no one but you 9. Rock Steady Saw an ad in the newspaper that caught my eye I said to my baby this sounds like the ticket for you and I It said volunteers wanted for a very special trip To commune with Mother Nature on a big wooden ship We took a taxi to the river in case any places were free There was an old guy with a beard And every kind of creature as far as the eye could see This old guy was the boss, he said, "I won't tell you no lie But there's more to this journey than is apparent to the eye" He said he'd heard God's message on the radio It was going to rain forever and he'd told him to go "I'll protect you all don't worry I'll be father to you all I'll save two of every animal, no matter how small But I'll need some assistants to look after the zoo I can't see nobody better so you'll just have to do" I said, "Just tell me something before it's too late and we're gone I mean just how safe is this boat we'll be on?" "It's Rock steady Rock steady Rock steady Rock steady Rock steady Rock steady Rock steady Rock steady" It rained for forty days and forty long nights I'd never seen rain like it and it looked like our old friend Was being proved right We had no time to worry though there was just too much to do Between the signified monkey and the kangaroo We had to wash all the animals we had to feed them too We were merely human slaves in a big floating zoo She said, "Hey baby I don't mean to be flip But it seems this old man is on some power trip" I said, "No, no sugar you must be wrong I mean look at the size of this boat we're on. We're as safe as houses, as safe as mother's milk He's as cool as November and as smooth as China silk He's God's best friend, he's got a seat on the board And life may be tough but we're sailing with the lord." Rock steady Rock steady Rock steady Rock steady Rock steady Rock steady Rock steady Rock steady Woke up this morning and something had changed Like a room in my house had just been rearranged She said, "It's stopped raining and I know the guy's kind But if we stay here much longer I'm gonna lose my mind." So we said we had a mission for his favorite dove To see if there was any mercy from this great God above So to find dry land, away the white bird flew We didn't need no country just a rock would do When the dove came back to us he threw down a twig It was manna from heaven and meant we could blow this gig "But the rock's too small," he said, "can't you see?" I said, "It's just perfect for her, it's perfect for me." Rock steady Rock steady Rock steady Rock steady Rock steady Rock steady Rock steady Rock steady Rock steady Rock steady Rock steady Rock steady 10. Sister Moon Sister moon will be my guide In your blue blue shadows I would hide All good people asleep tonight I'm all by myself in your silver light I would gaze at your face the whole night through I'd go out of my mind, but for you Lying in a mother's arms The primal root of a woman's charms I'm a stranger to the sun My eyes are too weak How cold is a heart When it's warmth that he seeks? You watch every night, you don't care what I do I'd go out of my mind, but for you I'd go out of my mind, but for you My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun My hunger for her explains everything I've done To howl at the moon the whole night through And they really don't care if I do I'd go out of my mind, but for you Sister Moon 11. Little Wing Well, she's walking through the clouds with a circus mind that's running wild. Butterflies and zebras and moonbeams and fairy tales, That's all she ever thinks about... Riding the wind. When I'm sad she comes to me with a thousand smiles she gives to me free It's alright, she says, it's alright, Take anything you want from me, anything, Fly on, little wing 12. The Secret Marriage No earthly church has ever blessed our union No state has ever granted us permission No family bond has ever made us two No company has ever earned commission No debt was ever paid no dowry to be granted No treaty over border land or power No semblance of the world outside remained To stain the beauty of this nuptial hour The secret marriage vow is never spoken The secret marriage can never be broken No flowers on the alter No whit veil in your hair No maiden dress to alter No bible oath to swear The secret marriage vow is never spoken The secret marriage can never be broken Nada Como El Sol - 1988 Mariposa Libre Fragil Si Estamos Juntos Ellas Danzan Solas (Cueca Solo) Fragilidad Mariposa Libre Yo la veo caminar Por las nubes va Donde andara Mariposa Libre que suena Que quiere ser Y no piensa en nada mas Solo en vivir Si estoy triste viene a mi Mil sonrisas trae Las da porque si Y me dice esta bien, todo bien Estoy aqui y soy de ti, Soy de ti Fragil E amanha a chuva levara O sangue que a luta deixou derramar Na pele a dor do aco tao cruel Jamais a nossa voz vai calar Um ato assim pode acabar Com uma vida e nada mais Porque nem nessmo a violencia Destroi ideais Tem gente que nao sente que a mundo assim Ficara fragil demais Choro eu e voce E o mundo tambem, e o mundo tambem Choro eu e voce Que fragilidade, que fragilidade Si Estamos Juntos Me veo aqui alli siempre junto a ti En todo lo que pienso tu estas Que importa el tiempo si los dos estamos juntos Si contigo puedo sonar Acercate a mi y en mis suenos dime si Y pide lo que quieras de mi Mi amor es asi un fuego por ti Si estamos juntos, y si me dices que si... Si estamos juntos Si estamos juntos Te veo aqui alli siempre junto a mi Bailando y besandome estas Que importa el tiempo si los dos estamos juntos Si contigo puedo sonar Acercate a mi y en mi sueno dime si Y pide lo que quieras de mi Mi amor es asi un fuego por ti Si estamos juntos, y si me dices que si Si estamos juntos Si estamos juntos Si estamos juntos Dime nena, dime lo que quieres de mi Dime nena, dime, dime ... Te veo a ti a mi tal vez seremos tres Me veo aqui alli siempre junto a ti Que importa el tiempo si los dos estamos juntos Si contigo puedo sonar Mi amor es asi un fuego por ti Si estamos juntos, y si me dices que si Si estamos juntos Si estamos juntos Ellas Danzan Solas (Cueca Solo) Por que estan aqui, danzando solas? Por que hay tristeza en sus miradas? Hay soldados tambien Ignoran su dolor Porque desprecian el amor Danzan con los muertos Los que ya no estan Amores invisibles No dejan de danzar Danzan con sus padres Sus ninos tambien Y con sus esposos En soledad, en soledad Yo las vi, en silencio gritar No hay otra manera de protestar Si dijeran algo mas Solo un poco mas Otra mujer seria torturada Con seguridad Danzan con los muertos Los que ya no estan Amores invisibles No dejan de danzar Danzan con sus padres Sus ninos tambien Y con sus esposos En soledad, en soledad Un dia danzaremos Sobre sus tumbas, libres Un dia cantaremos Al danzar Un dia danzaremos Sobre sus tumbas, libres Un dia cantaremos Al danzar Ellas danzan con los desaparecidos Danzan con los muertos Danzan con amores invisibles Con silenciosa angustia Danzan con sus padres Con sus hijos Con sus esposos Ellas danzan solas Danzan solas Hey Mr. Pinochet Su siembra huele mal Y ese dinero que recibe Pronto se terminara No podra comprar mas armas Ni a sus verdugos pagar Imagine a su madre Danzando siempre en soledad Danzan con los muertos Los que ya no estan Amores invisibles No dejan de danzar Danzan con sus padres Sus ninos tambien Y con sus esposos En soledad, en soledad Un dia danzaremos Sobre sus tumbas, libres Un dia cantaremos Al danzar Un dia danzaremos Sobre sus tumbas, libres Un dia cantaremos Al danzar Al danzar... Fragilidad Manana ya la sangre no estara Al caer la lluvia se la llevara Acero y piel combinacion tan cruel Pero algo en nuestras mentes quedara Un acto asi terminara Con una vida y nada mas Nada se logra con violencia Ni se lograra Aquellos que han nacido en un mundo asi No olviden su fragilidad Lloras tu y lloro yo Y el cielo tambien, y el cielo tambien Lloras tu y lloro yo Que fragilidad, que fragilidad The Soul Cages - 1991 - Lyrics Island of Souls All This Time Mad About You Jeremiah Blues (Part 1) Why Should I Cry For You? Saint Agnes And The Burning Train - instrumental The Wild Wild Sea The Soul Cages When The Angels Fall "It's afflicted me every time I've tried to write something, but never to the extent where I haven't written anything for three years. Not even a couplet, not an idea. Obviously, if you make your living writing, as you know, and you can't write anything it's over. It's very frightening. Hence you have to really start working out why, and I think once you discover why you're not writing, that's the key to finding out how you ran write. I think it really goes back what I did at the end of the last record, which was done over three years ago. I immediately went to work and did a mammoth tour. At the same time, I was just getting over the death of my mother and my father died about six months later. I figured the modern way to cope with death is to ignore it, just work through it. It's the modern thing to do - you go to work. Really, I think it's fear. You're scared to actually deal with the enormity of what's happened and you try and pretend it hasn't happened. So I did that, I worked my butt off, and I got to the end of the tour, and I went off on some rain-forest project, and I didn't stop. I didn't want to think about it. Then, having done all that, I said: 'Well, I have to make a living here, I have to make a new record. What will I write about?' Nothing. There was nothing. I was punished, in a way, because I didn't actually go through the mourning process." Rolling Stone, 2/91On the Soul Cages... Island Of Souls Billy was born within sight of the shipyard[36] First son of a riveter's[37] son And Billy was raised as the ship grew a shadow Her great hull[38] would blot out [39]the light of the sun And six days a week he would watch his poor father A working man live like a slave He'd drink every night and he'd dream of a future, Of money he never would save And Billy would cry when he thought of the future Soon came a day when the bottle was broken They launched a great ship out to sea He felt he'd been left on a desolate[40] shore To a future he desperately wanted to flee[41] What else was there for a riveter's son A new ship to be built, new work to be done One day he dreamed of the ship in the world It would carry his father and he To a place they would never be found To a place far away from this town. Trapped[42] in the cage of the skeleton ship All the workmen suspended[43] like flies Caught in the flare[44] of acetylene light[45] A working man works till the industry dies And Billy would cry when he thought of the future Then what they call an industrial accident Crushed those it couldn't forgive They brought Billy's father back home in an ambulance A brass watch, a cheque, maybe three weeks to live, And what else was there for a riveter's son A new ship to be built, new work to be done That night, he dreamed of the ship in the world It would carry his father and he To a place they could never be found To a place far away from this town, A Newcastle ship without coals They would sail to the island of souls. All This Time I looked out across The river today, I saw a city in the fog and an old church tower Where the seagulls play. I saw the sad shire horses walking home In the sodium light I saw two priests on the ferry October geese on a cold winter's night And all this time, the river flowed Endlessly to the sea. Two priests came round our house tonight One young, one old, to offer prayers for the dying To serve the final rite, One to learn, one to teach, Which way the cold wind blows Fussing and flapping in priestly black Like a murder of crows And all this time, the river flowed Endlessly to the sea If I had my way I'd take a boat from the river And I'd bury the old man, I'd bury him at sea Blessed are the poor, for they shall inherit the earth Better to be poor than a fat man in the eye of a needle And as these words were spoken I swear I hear The old man laughing, 'What good is a used up world, and how could it be worth having' And all this time the river flowed Endlessly like a silent tear And all this time the river flowed Father, if Jesus exists, Then how come he never lived here. The teacher told us, the Romans built this place They built a wall and a temple, an edge of the empire Garrison town, They lived and they died, they prayed to their gods But the stone gods did not make a sound And their empire crumbled, 'til all that was left Were the stones the workmen found And all this time the river flowed In the falling light of a northern sun If I had my way I'd take a boat from the river Men go crazy in congregations But they only get better One by one One by one... Mad About You A stone's throw from Jerusalem I walked a lonely mile in the moonlight And through a million stars were shining My heart was lost on a distant planet That whirls around the April moon Whirling in an arc of sadness I'm lost without you I'm lost without you Though all my kingdoms turn to sand And fall into the sea I'm mad about you I'm mad about you And from the dark secluded valleys I heard the ancient songs of sadness But every step I thought of you Every footstep only you And every star a grain of sand The leavings of a dried up ocean Tell me, how much longer? How much longer? They say a city in the desert lies The vanity of an ancient king But the city lies in broken pieces Where the wind howls and the vultures sing These are the works of man This is the sum of our ambition It would make a prison of my life If you became another's wife With every prison blown to dust My enemies walk free I'm mad about you I'm mad about you And I have never in my life Felt more alone than I do now Although I claim dominions over all I see It means nothing to me There are no vitories In all our histories, without love A stone's throw from Jerusalem I walked a lonely mile in the moonlight And through a million stars were shining My heart was lost on a distant planet That whirls around the April moon Whirling in an arc of sadness I'm lost without you I'm lost without you And though you hold the keys to ruin Of everything I see With every prison blown to dust, My enemies walk free Though all my kingdoms turn to sand And fall into the sea I'm mad about you I'm mad about you Jeremiah Blues (Part I) It was midnight, midnight at noon Everyone talked in rhyme Everyone saw the big clock ticking Nobody knew, nobody knew the time Elegant debutantes smiled Everyone fought for dimes Newspapers screamed for blood It was the best of times Every place around the world it seemed the same Can't hear the rhythm for the drums Everybody wants to look the other way When something wicked this way comes Sometimes they tie a thief to the tree Sometimes I stare Sometimes it's me Everyone told the truth All that we heard were lies A pope claimed that he'd been wrong in the past This was a big surprise Everyone fell in love A cardinal's wife was jailed The government saved a dying planet When popular icons failed Every place around the world it seemed the same Can't hear the rhythm for the drums Everybody wants to look the other way When something wicked this way comes Sometimes they tie a thief to the tree Sometimes I stare Sometimes it's me Sometimes I stare Sometimes it's me Why Should I Cry For You? "You have this surface of easily listenable tunes overlaying[46] this complexity[47]. That's what I like to do. I like to write songs in very odd time signatures with tunes on top that you can whistle. I need to engage my own intellect and passion and make it interesting to me. Nursery rhymes[48] aren't interesting to me." Associated Press, 11/99 Under the dog star sail Over the reefs of moonshine Under the skies of fall North, north west, the stones of Faroe Under the Arctic fire Over the seas of silence Hauling on frozen ropes For all my days remaining But would north be true? All colours bleed to red Asleep on the ocean's bed Drifting in empty seas For all my days remaining But would north be true? Why should I? Why should I cry for you? Dark angels follow me Over a godless sea Mountains of endless falling, For all my days remaining, What would be true? Sometimes I see your face, The stars seem to lose their place Why must I think of you? Why must I? Why should I? Why should I cry for you? Why would you want me to? And what would it mean to say, That, "I loved you in my fashion"? What would be true? Why should I? Why should I cry for you? Saint Agnes and the Burning Train (Instrumental) The Wild Wild Sea I saw it again this evening Black sail in a pale yellow sky And just as before in a moment, It was gone where the grey gulls fly. If it happens again I shall worry That only a strange ship could fly And my sanity scans the horizon In the light of the darkening sky. That night as I walked in my slumber I waded into the sea strand And I swam with the moon and her lover Until I lost sight of the land I swam till the night became morning Black sail in a reddening sky Found myself on the deck of a rolling ship So far where no grey gulls fly All around me was silence As if mocking my frail human hopes And a question mark hung in the canvas For the wind that had died in the ropes I may have slept for an hour I may have slept for a day For I woke in a bed of white linen And the sky was the colour of clay. At first just a rustle of canvas And the gentlest breath on my face But a galloping line of white horses Said that soon we were in for a race The gentle sigh turned to a howling And the grey sky she angered to black And my anxious eyes searched the horizon With the gathering sea at my back Did I see the shade of a sailor On the bridge through the wheelhouse pane Held fast to the wheel of the rocking ship As I squinted my eyes in the rain For the ship had turned into the wind Against the storm to brace And underneath the sailor's hat I saw my father's face If a prayer today is spoken Please offer it for me When the bridge to heaven is broken And you're lost on the wild wild sea Lost on the wild wild sea... The Soul Cages The boy child is locked in the fisherman's yard There's a bloodless moon where the oceans die A shoal of nightstars hang fire in the nets And the chaos of cages where the crayfish lie Where is the fisherman, where is the goat? Where is the keeper in his carrion coat? Eclipse on the moon when the dark bird flies Where is the child with his father's eyes? These are the soul cages These are the soul cages He's the king of the ninth world The twisted son of the fog bells toll In each and every lobster cage A tortured human soul These are the souls of the broken factories The subject slaves of the broken crown The dead accounting of old guilty promises These are the souls of the broken town These are the soul cages These are the soul cages These are the soul cages These are the soul cages 'I have a wager' the brave child spoke The fisherman laughed, though disturbed at the joke. 'You will drink what I drink but you must equal me And if the drink leaves me standing, A soul shall go free' 'I have here a cask of most magical wine A vintage that blessed every ship in the line It's wrung from the blood of the sailors who died Young white body adrift in the tide' 'And what's in it for me my pretty young thing? Why should I whistle, when the caged bird sings? If you lose a wager with the king of the sea You'll spend the rest of forever in the cage with me' These are the soul cages These are the soul cages These are the soul cages These are the soul cages A body lies open in the fisherman's yard Like the side of a ship where the iceberg rips One less soul in the soul cages One last curse on the fisherman's lips These are the soul cages These are the soul cages These are the soul cages These are the soul cages Swim to the light Swim to the light He dreamed of the ship on the sea It would carry his father and he To a place they could never be found To a place far away from this town A Newcastle ship without coals They would sail to the island of souls When the Angels Fall So high above the world tonight The angels watch us sleeping And underneath a bridge of stars We dream in safety's keeping But perhaps the dream Is dreaming us Soaring with the seagulls But perhaps the dream Is dreaming us Astride the backs of eagles When the angels fall Shadows on the wall In the thunder's call Something haunts us all When the angels fall When the angels fall Take your father's cross Gently from the wall A shadow still remaining See the churches fall In mighty arcs of sound And all that they're containing Yet all the ragged[49] souls Of all the ragged men Looking for their lost homes Shuffle to the ruins From the levelled plain To search among the tombstones When the angels fall Shadows on the wall In the thunder's call Something haunts us all When the angels fall When the angels fall When the angels fall These are my feet These are my hands These are my children And this is my demand Bring down the angels Cast them from my sight I never want to see A million suns at midnight Your hands are empty The streets are empty You can't control us You can't control us anymore When the angels fall When the angels fall When the angels fall When the angels fall When the angels fall When the angels fall Fields Of Gold: The Best Of Sting 1984-1994 When We Dance If You Love Somebody Set Them Free Fields Of Gold All This Time Englishman In New York Mad About You It's Probably Me They Dance Alone (Cueca Solo) If I Ever Lose My Faith In You Fragile We'll Be Together Moon Over bourbon Street Love Is The Seventh Wave Russians Why Should I Cry For You? This Cowboy Song Fragilidad When We Dance E/Cm/E If he loved you Like I love you I would walk away in shame I'd move town, I'd change my name When he watches you When he comes to buy your soul On your hand his golden rings Like he owns a bird that sings When we dance Angels will run and hide their wings The priests have said my soul's salvation Lies in the balance of the angels And underneath the wheels of passion I keep the faith in my fashion When we dance Angels will run and hide their wings I'm still in love with you When we dance Angels will run and hide their wings I'm gonna love you more than life If you'll only be my wife I'm gonna love you night and day I'm gonna try in every way When we dance Angels will run and hide their wings I'm gonna find a place to live Give you all I've got to give I would love you more than life If you'll only be my wife If I could break down these walls And shout my name at heaven's gate I'd take these hands And I'd destroy the dark machineries of fate The vehicles are broken Heaven's the one above Hellfire's a promise away I'd still be saying I'm still in love He won't love you Like I love you He won't care for you this way He'll mistreat you if you stay Come and live with me We'll have children of our own I would love you more than life If you'd come and be my wife When we dance Angels will run and hide their wings I'm gonna love you more than life If you'll only be my wife I'm gonna love you night and day I'm gonna try in every way When we dance Angels will run and hide their wings I'm gonna find a place to live Give you all I've got to give I would love you more than life If you'd only be my wife If You Love Somebody Set Them Free If you need somebody, call my name If you want someone, you can do the same If you want to keep something precious You got to lock it up and throw away the key If you want to hold onto your possession Don't even think about me If you love somebody, set them free If it's a mirror you want, just look into my eyes Or a whipping boy, someone to despise Or a prisoner in the dark Tied up in chains you just can't see Or a beast in a gilded cage That's all some people ever want to be If you love somebody, set them free You can't control an independent heart Can't tear the one you love apart Forever conditioned to believe that we can't live We can't live here and be happy with less So many riches, so many souls Everything we see we want to possess If you need somebody, call my name If you want someone, you can do the same If you want to keep something precious You got to lock it up and throw away the key If you want to hold onto your possession Don't even think about me If you love somebody, set them free Fields of Gold You'll remember me when the west wind moves Upon the fields of barley You'll forget the sun in his jealous sky As we walk in fields of gold So she took her love For to gaze awhile Upon the fields of barley In his arms she fell as her hair came down Among the fields of gold Will you stay with me, will you be my love Among the fields of barley We'll forget the sun in his jealous sky As we lie in fields of gold See the west wind move like a lover so Upon the fields of barley Feel her body rise when you kiss her mouth Among the fields of gold I never made promises lightly And there have been some that I've broken But I swear in the days still left We'll walk in fields of gold We'll walk in fields of gold Many years have passed since those summer days Among the fields of barley See the children run as the sun goes down Among the fields of gold You'll remember me when the west wind moves Upon the fields of barley You can tell the sun in his jealous sky When we walked in fields of gold When we walked in fields of gold When we walked in fields of gold All This Time I looked out across The river today, I saw a city in the fog and an old church tower Where the seagulls play. I saw the sad shire horses walking home In the sodium light I saw two priests on the ferry October geese on a cold winter's night And all this time, the river flowed Endlessly to the sea. Two priests came round our house tonight One young, one old, to offer prayers for the dying To serve the final rite, One to learn, one to teach, Which way the cold wind blows Fussing and flapping in priestly black Like a murder of crows And all this time, the river flowed Endlessly to the sea If I had my way I'd take a boat from the river And I'd bury the old man, I'd bury him at sea Blessed are the poor, for they shall inherit the earth Better to be poor than a fat man in the eye of a needle And as these words were spoken I swear I hear The old man laughing, 'What good is a used up world, and how could it be worth having' And all this time the river flowed Endlessly like a silent tear And all this time the river flowed Father, if Jesus exists, Then how come he never lived here. The teacher told us, the Romans built this place They built a wall and a temple, an edge of the empire Garrison town, They lived and they died, they prayed to their gods But the stone gods did not make a sound And their empire crumbled, 'til all that was left Were the stones the workmen found And all this time the river flowed In the falling light of a northern sun If I had my way I'd take a boat from the river Men go crazy in congregations But they only get better One by one One by one... Englishman In New York I don't drink coffee I take tea my dear I like my toast done on the side And you can hear it in my accent when I talk I'm an Englishman in New York See me walking down Fifth Avenue A walking cane here at my side I take it everywhere I walk I'm an Englishman in New York I'm an alien I'm a legal alien I'm an Englishman in New York I'm an alien I'm a legal alien I'm an Englishman in New York If "manners maketh man" as someone said Then he's the hero of the day It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile Be yourself no matter what they say I'm an alien I'm a legal alien I'm an Englishman in New York I'm an alien I'm a legal alien I'm an Englishman in New York Modesty, propriety can lead to notoriety You could end up as the only one Gentleness, sobriety are rare in this society At night a candle's brighter than the sun Takes more than combat gear to make a man Takes more than license for a gun Confront your enemies, avoid them when you can A gentleman will walk but never run If "manners maketh man" as someone said Then he's the hero of the day It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile Be yourself no matter what they say I'm an alien I'm a legal alien I'm an Englishman in New York I'm an alien I'm a legal alien I'm an Englishman in New York Mad About You A stone's throw from Jerusalem I walked a lonely mile in the moonlight And through a million stars were shining My heart was lost on a distant planet That whirls around the April moon Whirling in an arc of sadness I'm lost without you I'm lost without you Though all my kingdoms turn to sand And fall into the sea I'm mad about you I'm mad about you And from the dark secluded valleys I heard the ancient songs of sadness But every step I thought of you Every footstep only you And every star a grain of sand The leavings of a dried up ocean Tell me, how much longer? How much longer? They say a city in the desert lies The vanity of an ancient king But the city lies in broken pieces Where the wind howls and the vultures sing These are the works of man This is the sum of our ambition It would make a prison of my life If you became another's wife With every prison blown to dust My enemies walk free I'm mad about you I'm mad about you And I have never in my life Felt more alone than I do now Although I claim dominions over all I see It means nothing to me There are no vitories In all our histories, without love A stone's throw from Jerusalem I walked a lonely mile in the moonlight And through a million stars were shining My heart was lost on a distant planet That whirls around the April moon Whirling in an arc of sadness I'm lost without you I'm lost without you And though you hold the keys to ruin Of everything I see With every prison blown to dust, My enemies walk free Though all my kingdoms turn to sand And fall into the sea I'm mad about you I'm mad about you It's Probably Me If the night turned cold and the stars looked down And you hug yourself on the cold cold ground You wake the morning in a stranger's coat No one would you see You ask yourself, who'd watch for me My only friend, who could it be It's hard to say it I hate to say it, but it's probably me When you belly's empty and the hunger's so real And you're too proud to beg and too dumb to steal You search the city for your only friend No one would you see You ask yourself, who could it be A solitary voice to speak out and set you free I gate to say it I gate to say it, but it's probably me You're not the easiest person I ever got to know And it's hard for us both to let our feelings show Some would say I should let you go your way You'll only make me cry If there's one guy, just one guy Who'd lay down his life for you and die It's hard to say it It's hard to say it, but it's probably me When the world's gone crazy and it makes no sense There's only one voice that comes to your defence The jury's out and your eyes search the room And one friendly face is all you need to see If there's one guy, just one guy Who'd lay down his life for you and die It's hard to say it I hate to say it, but it's probably me I hate to say it I hate to say it, but it's probably me They Dance Alone (Cueca Solo) Why are these women here dancing on their own? Why is there this sadness in their eyes? Why are the soldiers here Their faces fixed like stone? I can't see what it is they despise They're dancing with the missing They're dancing with the dead They dance with the invisible ones Their anguish is unsaid They're dancing with their fathers They're dancing with their sons They're dancing with their husbands They dance alone They dance alone It's the only form of protest they're allowed I've seen their silent faces scream so loud If they were to speak these words they'd go missing too Another woman on the torture table what else can they do They're dancing with the missing They're dancing with the dead They dance with the invisible ones Their anguish is unsaid They're dancing with their fathers They're dancing with their sons They're dancing with their husbands They dance alone They dance alone One day we'll dance on their graves One day we'll sing our freedom One day we'll laugh in our joy And we'll dance One day we'll dance on their graves One day we'll sing our freedom One day we'll laugh in our joy And we'll dance Ellas danzan con los desaparecidos Ellas danzan con los muertos Ellas danzan con amores invisibles Ellas danzan con silenciosa angustia Danzan con sus padres Danzan con sus hijos Danzan con sus esposos Ellas danzan solas Danzan solas Hey Mr. Pinochet You've sown a bitter crop It's foreign money that supports you One day the money's going to stop No wages for your torturers No budget for your guns Can you think of your own mother Dancin' with her invisible son They're dancing with the missing They're dancing with the dead They dance with the invisible ones Their anguish is unsaid They're dancing with their fathers They're dancing with their sons They're dancing with their husbands They dance alone They dance alone "They Dance Alone" Transcribed by Fernando Duran Soto Intro: A Bm A Bm A Bm A Bm Asus A C#m F#m Why are these women here dancing on their own? B A E Why is there this sadness in their eyes? A C#m Why are the soldiers here F#m Their faces fixed like stone? B Esus I can't see what it is that they despise. F#m A They're dancing with the missing F#m A They're dancing with the dead F#m A They dance with the invisible ones F#m A Their anguish is unsaid. G D They're dancing with their fathers G D They're dancing with their sons E Dm6 They're dancing with their husbands E Dm6 E A Bm A Bm A Bm A Asus They dance alone, they dance alone. A C#m F#m It's the only form of protest they're allowed B A E I've seen their silent faces they scream so loud A C#m F#m If they were to speak these words they'd go missing too B Esus Another woman on the torture table what else can they do. F#m A They're dancing with the missing F#m A They're dancing with the dead F#m A They dance with the invisible ones F#m A Their anguish is unsaid. G D They're dancing with their fathers G D They're dancing with their sons E Dm6 They're dancing with their husbands E Dm6 E They dance alone, they dance alone. A D One day we'll dance on their graves Bm F#m A One day we'll sing our freedom D Bm One day we'll laugh in our joy F#m And we'll dance. A D One day we'll dance on their graves Bm F#m A One day we'll sing our freedom D Bm One day we'll laugh in our joy F#m And we'll dance. A Ellas danzan con los desaparecidos, ellas danzan con los muertos, F#m Ellas danzan con amores invisibles A con silenciosa angustia Bm A Danzan con sus padres Bm con sus hijos A con sus esposos Bm A Ellas danzan solas Asus Danzan solas A C#m Hey Mr. Pinochet F#m You've sown a bitter crop B It's foreign money that supports you A E One day the money's going to stop A C#m No wages for your torturers F#m No budget for your guns B Can you think of your own mother Esus E Dancin' with her invisible son. F#m A They're dancing with the missing F#m A They're dancing with the dead F#m A They dance with the invisible ones F#m A Their anguish is unsaid. G D They're dancing with their fathers G D They're dancing with their sons E Dm6 They're dancing with their husbands E Dm6 E They dance alone, they dance alone. A D One day we'll dance on their graves Bm F#m A One day we'll sing our freedom D Bm One day we'll laugh in our joy F#m And we'll dance. A D One day we'll dance on their graves Bm F#m A One day we'll sing our freedom D Bm One day we'll laugh in our joy. F#m C#m D And we'll dance Bm F#m And we'll dance C#m D And we'll dance Bm F#m And we'll dance A D And we'll dance Bm F#m And we'll dance... (Repeat and fade) They Dance Alone Guitar Tabs Transcribed by Fernando Duran Soto, Bogota - Colombia feduso@hotmail.com "They Dance Alone" Transcribed by Luis Ferriera A Amaj7 F#m B Why are these women here dancing on their own? B7 Esus4 E A Why is there this sadness in their eyes? Amaj7 Why are the soldiers here F#m B Their faces fixed like stone? B7 Esus4 E F#m I can't see what it is they despise A F#m They're dancing with the missing A F#m They're dancing with the dead A F#m They dance with the invisible ones A G Their anguish is unsaid D They're dancing with their fathers G D They're dancing with their sons E/G# Ddim7/nr E They're dancing with their husbands Ddim7/nr E They dance alone They dance alone It's the only form of protest they're allowed I've seen their silent faces scream so loud If they were to speak these words they'd go missing too Another woman on the torture table what else can they do They're dancing with the missing They're dancing with the dead They dance with the invisible ones Their anguish is unsaid They're dancing with their fathers They're dancing with their sons They're dancing with their husbands They dance alone They dance alone One day we'll dance on their graves One day we'll sing our freedom One day we'll laugh in our joy And we'll dance One day we'll dance on their graves One day we'll sing our freedom One day we'll laugh in our joy And we'll dance Ellas danzan con los desaparecidos Ellas danzan con los muertos Ellas danzan con amores invisibles Ellas danzan con silenciosa angistia Danzan con sus padres Danzan con sus hijos Danzan con sus esposos Ellas danzan solas Danzan solas Hey Mr. Pinochet You've sown a bitter crop It's foreign money that supports you One day the money's going to stop No wages for your torturers No budget for your guns Can you think of your own mother Dancin' with her invisible son They're dancing with the missing They're dancing with the dead They dance with the invisible ones Their anguish is unsaid They're dancing with their fathers They're dancing with their sons They're dancing with their husbands They dance alone They dance alone {Now hit the guitar, and double that rhythm! Tough, hey? :) } Chords used: A : x02220 Amaj7 : x02120 F#m : 244222 B : x24442 B7 : x21202 Esus4 : 022200 E : 022100 G : 320003 D : xx0232 E/G# : 422100 Ddim7/nr: 023201 If I Ever Lose My Faith In You You could say I lost my faith in science and progress You could say I lost my belief in the holy Church You could say I lost my sense of direction You could say all of this and worse, but If I ever lose my faith in you There'd be nothing left for me to do Some would say I was a lost man in a lost world You could say I lost my faith in the people on TV You could say I'd lost my belief in our politicians Yhey all seemed like game show hosts to me If I ever lose my faith in you There'd be nothing left for me to do I could be lost inside their lies without a trace But every time I close my eyes I see your face I never saw no miracle of science That didn't go from a blessing to a curse I never saw no military solution That didn't always end up as something worse, but Let me say this first If I ever lose my faith in you There'd be nothing left for me to do Fragile If blood will flow when flesh and steel are one Drying in the colour of the evening sun Tomorrow's rain will wash the stains away But something in our minds will always stay Perhaps this final act was meant To clinch a lifetime's argument That nothing comes from violence and nothing ever could For all those born beneath an angry star Lest we forget how fragile we are On and on the rain will fall Like tears from a star like tears from a star On and on the rain will say How fragile we are how fragile we are On and on the rain will fall Like tears from a star like tears from a star On and on the rain will say How fragile we are how fragile we are How fragile we are how fragile we are We'll Be Together I see me with you and all the things you do Keep turning round and round in my mind Forget the weather we should always be together And any other thought is unkind To have you with me I would swim the seven seas To have you as my guide and my light My love is a flame that burns in your name We'll be together We'll be together tonight We'll be together, yeah We'll be together, yeah We'll be together, yeah I see you with me and all I want to be Is dancing here with you in my arms Forget the weather we should always be together I'll always be a slave to your charms To have you with me I would swim the seven seas To have you as the guide in my life My love is a flame that burns in your name We'll be together We'll be together We'll be together, yeah We'll be together, yeah We'll be together, yeah Call me baby. You can call me anything you want Call me baby Call me Just call me We'll be together, yeah We'll be together, yeah I see you with me and baby makes three I see me with you and all the things we do Forget the weather we should always be together I need you as my guide and my light My love is the flame that burns in your name We'll be together We'll be together tonight Moon Over Bourbon Street There's a moon over bourbon street tonight I see faces as they pass beneath the pale lamplight I've no choice but to follow that call The bright lights, the people, and the moon and all I pray everyday to be strong For I know what I do must be wrong Oh you'll never see my shade or hear the sound of my feet While there's a moon over bourbon street It was many years ago that I became what I am I was trapped in this life like an innocent lamb Now I can never show my face at noon And you'll only see me walking by the light of the moon The brim of my hat hides the eye of a beast I've the face of a sinner but the hands of a priest Oh you'll never see my shade or hear the sound of my feet While there's a moon over bourbon street She walks everyday through the streets of New Orleans She's innocent and young from a family of means I have stood many times outside her window at night To struggle with my instinct in the pale moonlight How could I be this way when I pray to god above I must love what I destroy and destroy the thing I love Oh you'll never see my shade or hear the sound of my feet While there's a moon over bourbon street Love Is the Seventh Wave In the empire of the senses You're the queen of all you survey All the cities all the nations Everything that falls your way There is a deeper world than this That you don't understand There is a deeper world that this Tugging at your hand Every ripple on the ocean Every leaf on every tree Every sand dune in the desert Every power we never see There is a deeper wave than this Swelling in the world There is a deeper wave than this Listen to me girl Feel it rising in the cities Feel it sweeping over land Over borders, over frontiers Nothing will its power withstand There is no deeper wave than this Listen to me girl All the bloodshed all the anger All the weapons all the greed All the armies all the missiles All the symbols of your fear There is a deeper wave than this Listen to me girl At the still point of destruction At the centre of the fury All the angels all the devils All around us can't you see There is a deeper wave than this Rising in the land There is a deeper wave than this Nothing will withstand I say love is the seventh wave Russians In Europe and America, there's a growing feeling of hysteria Conditioned to respond to all the threats In the rhetorical speeches of the Soviets Mr. Krushchev said we will bury you I don't subscribe to this point of view It would be such an ignorant thing to do If the Russains love their children too How can I save my little boy from Oppenheimer's deadly toy There is no monopoly of common sense On either side of the political fence We share the same biology Regardless of ideology Believe me when I say to you I hope the Russians love their children too There is no historical precedent To put words in the mouth of the president There's no such thing as a winnable war It's a lie we don't believe anymore Mr. Reagan says we will protect you I don't subscribe to this point of view Believe me when I say to you I hope the Russians love their children too We share the same biology Regardless of ideology What might save us me and you Is that the Russians love their children too Why Should I Cry For You? Under the dog star sail Over the reefs of moonshine Under the skies of fall North, north west, the stones of Faroe Under the Arctic fire Over the seas of silence Hauling on frozen ropes For all my days remaining But would north be true? All colours bleed to red Asleep on the ocean's bed Drifting in empty seas For all my days remaining But would north be true? Why should I? Why should I cry for you? Dark angels follow me Over a godless sea Mountains of endless falling, For all my days remaining, What would be true? Sometimes I see your face, The stars seem to lose their place Why must I think of you? Why must I? Why should I? Why should I cry for you? Why would you want me to? And what would it mean to say, That, "I loved you in my fashion"? What would be true? Why should I? Why should I cry for you? This Cowboy Song We rode all night across an endless desert We had no moon to light our way And though a billion stars were slowly turning We lacked the consciences to pray Our horses running like devil chasers Those feet they hardly touched the ground Yes, I'm familiar with the grey wolves howing But I'm certain I never heard this sound Devil to pay On judgement day Would Jesus strike me down If I should pray this cowboy song It's all I know To bring me back into your arms Your distant sun Your shining light You'll be my dark star shining Tonight I've been the lowest of the low on the planet I've been a sinner all my days And I was living with my hand on the trigger I had no sense to change my ways The priest asked if I'd embrace the ressurection To suck the poison from my life Just like an existential cowboy villain His words were balanced on my knife Devil to pay On judgement day Would Jesus strike me down If I should pray This cowboy song It's all I know To bring me back into your arms Your distant sun Your shining light You'll be my dark star shining Tonight Every night Every night All my distances afar This cowboy song It's all I know To bring me back into your arms This cowboy song This cowboy life I'll be your dark star shining Tonight Dark star... Fragilidad Maсana ya la sangre no estara Al caer la llvia se la llevara Acero y piel, combinacion tan cruel Pero algo en nuestras mentes quedara Un acto asi terminara Con una vida y nada mas Nada se logra con violencia Ni se lograra Aquellos que han nacido en un mundo asi No olviden su fragilidad Lloras tu y lloro yo Y el cielo tambien, y el cielo tambien Lloras tu y lloro yo Que fragilidad, que fragilidad Ten Summoner's Tales (1993) Prologue (If I Ever Lose My Faith In You) Love Is Sronger Than Justice (The Munificent Seven) Fields of Gold Heavy Cloud No Rain She's Too Good For Me Seven Days Saint Augustine In Hell It's Probably Me Everybody Laughed But You Shape Of My Heart Something The Boy Said Epilogue (Nothing 'Bout Me) 1. If I Ever Lose My Faith In You You could say I lost my faith in science and progress You could say I lost my belief in the holy Church You could say I lost my sense of direction You could say all of this and worse, but If I ever lose my faith in you There'd be nothing left for me to do Some would say I was a lost man in a lost world You could say I lost my faith in the people on TV You could say I'd lost my belief in our politicians They all seemed like game show hosts to me If I ever lose my faith in you There'd be nothing left for me to do I could be lost inside their lies without a trace But every time I close my eyes I see your face I never saw no miracle of science That didn't go from a blessing to a curse I never saw no military solution That didn't always end up as something worse, but Let me say this first If I ever lose my faith in you There'd be nothing left for me to do 2. Love Is Stronger Than Justice (The Munificent Seven) This is a story of seven brothers We had a the same father but different mothers We keep together like a family should Roaming the country for the common good It came to pass one fateful day We found ourselves down Mexico way The town, the mayor, the PTA Pleading on their knees with us all to stay We'd only stopped for a few burritos But they told us of the trouble with los banditos A poor little town in need of aid My brothers and me had never been afraid The age of chivalry[50] is not dead Lonesome nights in a cowboy bed There'd be a bride for every man Who chased away the evil gang Love is stronger than justice Love is thicker than blood Love is stronger than justice Love is a big fat river in flood The outcome was predictable Our banditos were despicable[51] Of blood we lost a dozen litres A small price to pay for las senoritas The town mayor was happy but his face was glum[52] The maidens[53] numbered only one But there weren't seven brides for seven brothers I knew I had to get rid of the others Love is stronger than justice Love is thicker than blood Love is stronger than justice Love is the big fat river in flood Mother told me I was the clever one The seventh son of a seventh son It all ended so happily I settled down with the family I look forward to a better day But ethical stuff never got in my way And though there used to be brothers seven The other six are singing in heaven Love is stronger than justice Love is thicker than blood Love is stronger than justice Love is a big fat river in flood 3. Fields of Gold You'll remember me when the west wind moves Upon the fields of barley[54] You'll forget the sun in his jealous sky As we walk in fields of gold So she took her love For to gaze awhile Upon the fields of barley In his arms she fell as her hair came down Among the fields of gold Will you stay with me, will you be my love Among the fields of barley We'll forget the sun in his jealous sky As we lie in fields of gold See the west wind move like a lover so Upon the fields of barley Feel her body rise when you kiss her mouth Among the fields of gold I never made promises lightly And there have been some that I've broken But I swear in the days still left We'll walk in fields of gold We'll walk in fields of gold Many years have passed since those summer days Among the fields of barley See the children run as the sun goes down Among the fields of gold You'll remember me when the west wind moves Upon the fields of barley You can tell the sun in his jealous sky When we walked in fields of gold When we walked in fields of gold When we walked in fields of gold 4. Heavy Cloud No Rain Turned on the weather man just after the news I needed sweet rain to wash away my blues He looked at the chart but he looked in vain[55] Heavy cloud but no rain Back in the time with Louis XVI At the court of the people he was number one He'd be the bluest blood they'd ever seen When the king said hi to the guillotine The royal astrologer was run out of breath He thought that maybe the rain would postpone his death He look in the sky but he look in vain Heavy cloud but no rain Well the land was cracking and the river was dry All the crops were dying when they ought to be high So to save his farm from the banker's draft The farmer took out a book on some old witchcraft He made a spell and a potion on a midsummer's night He killed a brindled calf in the pale moonlight He prayed to the sky but he prayed in vain Heavy cloud but no rain Heavy cloud but no rain The sun won't shine till the clouds are gone The clouds won't go till their work is done And every morning you'll hear me pray If only it would rain today I asked my baby if there'd be some way She said she'd save her love for a rainy day I look in the sky but I look in vain Heavy cloud but no rain 5. She's Too Good For Me Cm7 Am/Ab/G7 She don't like to hear me sing She don't want no diamond ring She don't want to drive my car She won't let me go that far She don't like the way I look She don't like the things I cook She don't like the way I play She don't like the things I say Am7 Ab G7 But oh, the games we play She's too good for me She's too good for me She don't like the jokes I make She don't like the drugs I take She don't like the friends I got She don't like my friends a lot She don't like the clothes I wear She don't like the way I stare She don't like the tales I tell She don't like the way I smell But oh, the games we play She's too good for me She's too good for me Gm A7 Eb7 Dm D7 Would she prefer it if I washed myself more often than I do Fm Gbmaj7 Gb6 Ebm F Bm Would she prefer it if I took her to an opera or two F Ab6 Gm7 I could distort myself to be the perfect man Gb6 F Bbm She might prefer me as I am Cm7 She don't want to meet my folks She don't want to hear my jokes She don't want to fix my tie She don't even want to try She don't like the books I read She don't like the way I feed She don't want to save my life She don't want to be my wife Am7 Ab G7 But oh, the games we play She's too good for me She's too good for me 6. Seven Days Cmaj7 "Seven days" was all she wrote A kind of ultimatum note She gave to me, she gave to me When I thought the field had cleard It seems another suit appeared To challenge me, woe [56]is me Though I hate to make a choice My options are decreasing mostly rapidly Well we'll see I don't think she'd bluff this time I really have to make her mine It's plain to see It's him or me Fmaj7 Fmaj7/F# G Monday, I could wait till Tuesday If I make up my mind Wednesday would be fine, Thursday's on my mind Friday'd give me time, Saturday could wait But Sunday'd be too late The fact he's over six feet ten Might instill fear in other men But not in me, The Mighty Flea (flee?) Ask if I am mouse or man The mirror squeaked, away I ran He'll murder me in time for his tea Does it bother me at all My rival is Neanderthal it makes me think Perhaps I need a drink IQ is no problem here We won't be playing scrabble for her hand I fear I need that beer Monday, I could wait till Tuesday If I make up my mind Wednesday would be fine, Thursday's on my mind Friday'd give me time, Saturday could wait But Sunday'd be too late Seven days will quickly go The fact remains, I love her so Seven days, so many ways But I can't run away Monday, I could wait till Tuesday If I make up my mind Wednesday would be fine, Thursday's on my mind Friday'd give me time, Saturday could wait But Sunday'd be too late Do I have to tell a story Of a thousand rainy days since we first met It's a big enough umbrella But it's always me that ends up getting wet 7. Saint Augustine In Hell If somebody up there likes me somebody up there cares Deliver me from evil save me from these wicked snares Not into temptation, not to cliffs of fall On to revelation, and lesson for us all She walked into the room on the arm of my best friend I knew whatever happened our friendship would end Chemical reaction, desire at first sight Mystical attraction, turned out all my lights The minute I saw her face, the second I caught her eye The minute I touched the flame I knew it would never die I don't know if it's pain or pleasure that I seek My flesh was all too willing, my spirit guide was weak I was deadly certain his thoughts for me weren't kind A switchblade in his pocket, murder on his mind Blessed St. Theresa the whore of Babylon Madonna and my mother all rolled into one You've got to understand me, I'm not a piece of wood Francis of Assisi could never be this good The less I need the more I get Make me chaste[57] but not just yet It's a promise or a lie I'll repent[58] before I die The minute I saw her face, the second I caught her eye The minute I touched the flame I knew it would never die The minute I saw her face, the second I caught her eye The minute I touched the flame I knew it would never die Relax, have a cigar, make yourself at home. Hell is full of high court judges, failed saints. We've got Cardinals, Archbishops, barristers, certified accountants, music critics, they're all here. You're not alone, you're never alone. Not here you're not. Okay, break's over. The less I need the more I get Make me chaste but not just yet It's a promise or a lie I'll repent before I die The minute I saw her face, the second I caught her eye The minute I touched the flame I knew it would never die The minute I saw her face, the second I caught her eye The minute I touched the flame I knew it would never die 8. It's Probably Me If the night turned cold and the stars looked down And you hug yourself on the cold cold ground You wake the morning in a stranger's coat No one would you see You ask yourself, who'd watch for me My only friend, who could it be It's hard to say it I hate to say it, but it's probably me When you belly's empty and the hunger's so real And you're too proud to beg and too dumb to steal You search the city for your only friend No one would you see You ask yourself, who could it be A solitary[59] voice to speak out[60] and set you free I gate[61] to say it I gate to say it, but it's probably me You're not the easiest person I ever got to know And it's hard for us both to let our feelings show Some would say I should let you go your way You'll only make me cry If there's one guy, just one guy Who'd lay down his life for you and die It's hard to say it It's hard to say it, but it's probably me When the world's gone crazy and it makes no sense There's only one voice that comes to your defence[62] The jury's out and your eyes search the room And one friendly face is all you need to see If there's one guy, just one guy Who'd lay down his life for you and die It's hard to say it I hate to say it, but it's probably me I hate to say it I hate to say it, but it's probably me 9. Everybody Laughed But You Cm Everybody laughed when I told them I wanted you I wanted you Everybody grinned[63] they humored me They thought that someone had spiked[64] my tea Everybody screamed they told me you Would cost the moon we'll be there soon Everbody laughed till they were blue They didn't believe my words were true Everybody laughed but you It's easy to lose touch with all the friends You like so much or liked so much Everybody laughed they couldn't take me seriously Abandoned me Sometimes I would read of things they'd done in magazines They made the scene Everybody left with such important things to do But I'm not blue Everybody left but you Everybody left but you Am Many years have passed And some have fallen by the way I heard them say Everybody dreamed but those who fell Are sleeping now, they're sleeping now Everybody climbed like ivy[65] to the top most branch It was their chance Everybody grasped[66] till they were through It's all they thought that they could do Cause everybody fell Everybody fell Everybody fell but you 10. Shape Of My Heart He deals the cards as a meditation And those he plays never suspect He doesn't play for the money he wins He doesn't play for respect He deals the crads to find the answer The sacred geometry of chance The hidden loaw of a probable outcome The numbers lead a dance I know that the spades[67] are swords of a soldier I know that the clubs[68] are weapons of war I know that diamonds[69] mean money for this art But that's not the shape of my heart He may play the jack of diamonds He may lay the queen of spades He may conceal[70] a king in his hand While the memory of it fades I know that the spades are swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that's not the shape of my heart And if I told you that I loved you You'd maybe think there's something wrong I'm not a man of too many faces The mask I wear is one Those who speak know nothing And find out to their cost Like those who curse their luck in too many places And those who fear are lost I know that the spades are swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that's not the shape of my heart 11. Something The Boy Said When we set out on this journey There were no doubts in our minds We set our eyes to the distance We would find what we would find We took courage from our numbers What we sought we did not fear Sometimes we'd glimpse a shadow falling The shadow would disappear But our thoughts kept returning To something the boy said As we turned to go He said you'll never see our faces again You'll be food for a carrion crow Every step we took today Our thoughts would always stray From the wind on the moor so wild To the words of the captain's child Something the boy said In the circles we made with our fires We talked of the pale afternoon The clouds were like dark riders Flying on the face of the moon We spoke our fears to the captian And asked what his son could know For we would never have marched so far To be food for a crow Every step we took today Our thoughts would always stray From the wind on the moor so wild To the words of the captain's child Something the boy said When I awoke this morning The sun's eye was red as blood The stench of burning corpses Faces in the mud Am I dead or am I living? I'm too afraid to care, I'm too afraid to know I'm too afraid to look behind me At the feast of the crow We spoke our fears to the captain And asked what his son could know For we would never have marched so far To be food for a crow 12. Epilogue (Nothing 'Bout Me) Lay my head on the surgeon's table Take my fingerprints if you are able Pick my brains, pick my pockets Steal my eyeballs and come back for the sockets Run every kind of test from A to Z And you'll still know nothing 'bout me Run my name though your computer Mention me in passing to your college tutor Check my records, check my facts Check if I paid my income tax Pore over everything in my C.V. But you'll still know nothing 'bout me You'll still know nothing 'bout me You don't need to read no books on my history I'm a simple man, it's no big mystery In the cold weather, a hand needs a glove At times like this, a lonely man like me needs love Search my house with a fine tooth comb Turn over everything 'cause I won't be at home Set up your microscope and tell me what you see You'll still know nothing 'bout me Mercury Falling -1996 The Hounds Of Winter !!! I Hung My Head !!! Let Your Soul Be Your Pilot (for his vih's friend) I Was Brought To My Senses You Still Touch Me I'm So Happy I Can't Stop Crying All Four Seasons La Belle Dame Sans Regret Valparaiso ! Lithium Sunset Twenty Five To Midnight 1. The Hounds Of Winter Mercury falling I rise from my bed. Collect my thoughts together I have to hold my head It seems that she's gone and somehow I am pinned by the hounds[71] of winter howling in the wind I walk through the day my coat around my ears I look for my companion I have to dry my tears it seems that she's gone leaving me too soon I'm as dark as december I'm as cold as the man in the moon I still see her face as beautiful as day it's easy to remember remember my love that way all I hear is that lonesome sound the hounds of winter they follow me down I can't make up the fire the way that she could I spend all my days in the search for dry wood board all the windows and close the front door I can't believe she won't here anymore I still see her face as beautiful as day it's easy to remember remember my love that way all I hear is that lonesome sound the hounds of winter they follow me down A season for joy a season for sorrow where she's gone I will surely, surely follow she brightened my day she warmed the coldest night the hounds of winter they got me in their sights I still see her face as beautiful as day it's easy to remember remember my love that way all I hear is that lonesome sound the hounds of winter they harry me down 2. I Hung My Head [Если кто-нибудь помнит финал Булгаковского романа "Мастер и Маргарита" - дак это об этом. О том как Понтий Пилат был прощен Христом и ему было позволно идти с ним рядом] Early one morning with time to kill I borrowed Jeb's rifle and sat on the hill I saw a lone rider crossing the plain I drew a bead on him to practice my aim my brother's rifle went off in my hand a shot rang out across the land the horse he kept running the rider was dead I hung my head I hung my head I set off running to wake from the dream my brother's rifle went into the stream I kept on running into the salt landsand that's where they found me My head in my hands the sheriff he asked me why had I run then it came to me just what I had done and all for no reason just one piece of lead I hung my head I hung my head Here in the courthouse the whole town is there I see the judge high up in his chair "Explain to the courtroom what went through your mind and we'll ask the jury what verdict they find" I said "I felt the power of death over life I orphaned his children I widowed his wife I beg their forgiveness I wish I was dead" I hung my head I hung my head Early one morning with time to kill I see the gallows up on the hill and out in the distance a trick of the brain I see a lone rider crossing the plain he's come to fetch me to see what they done we'll ride together til kingdom come I pray for God's mercy for soon I'll be dead I hung my head I hung my head 3. Let Your Soul Be Your Pilot The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche "...Let Your Soul Be Your Pilot was largely inspired by a friend of mine who contracted the HIV positive virus and a couple of years later it became fully blown AIDS. The very first time he went to hospital I visited him and I was really at a loss to know what to bring him. I had just read a book by a buddhist monk called Sogyal Rinpoche called the "Tibetan Book Of Living and Dying" which is a sort of updated book version of the "Tibetan Book Of The Dead". I'd enjoyed this book very much, it had brought me a lot of solace. The premise of the book is that dying is a process that we all need to be training for in that we are all dying whether we have AIDS or not, and I thought that was a good book to give him. He loved the book and he got a great deal of pleasure from it..." - Sting - B Let your soul be your pilot let your soul guide you When you're down and they're counting When your secrets all found out When your troubles take to mounting When the map you have leads you to doubt When there's no information and the compass turns to nowhere that you know well Let your soul be your pilot let your soul guide you he'll guide you well When the doctors failed to heal you when no medicine chest can make you well When no counsel leads to comfort when there are no more lies they can tell No more useless information And the compass spins the compass spins between heaven and hell Let your soul be your pilot Let your soul guide you he'll guide you well And your eyes turn towards the window pane to the lights upon the hill the distance seems so strange to you now the dark room seems so still Let your pain be my sorrow let your tears be my tears too let your courage be my model that the north you find will be true When there's no more useless information And the compass turns to nowhere that you know well Let your soul be your pilot let your soul guide you let your soul guide you let your soul guide you upon your way 4. I Was Brought To My Senses Alone with my thoughts this evening I walked on the banks of Tyne I wondered how I could win you or if I could make you mine or if I could make you mine The wind it was so insistent with tales of a stormy south but when I spied two birds in a sycamore tree there came a dryness in my mouth came a dryness in my mouth For then without rhyme or reason the two birds did rise up to fly and where the two birds were flying I swear I saw you and I I walked out this morning it was like a veil had been removed from before my eyes for the first time I saw the work of heaven in the line where the hill had been married to the sky and all around me every blade of singing grass was calling out your name and that our love would always last and inside every turning leaf is the pattern of an older tree the shape of our future the shape of all our history and out of the confusion where the river meets the sea came things I'd never seen things I'd never seen I was brought to my senses I was blind but now that I can see every signpost in nature said you belong to me I know it's true it's written in a sky as blue as blue as your eyes, as blue as your eyes if nature's red in tooth and claw like winter's freeze and summer's thaw the wounds she gave me were the wounds that would heal me and we'd be like the moon and sun and when our courtly dance had run its course across the sky then together we would lie and out of the confusion where the river meets the sea something new would arrive something better would arrive I was brought to my senses I was blind but now that I can see every signpost in nature said you belong to me 5. You Still Touch Me Another night finds me alone in my dreams you still touch me your picture by my telephone in that smile you still thrill me Now if I sleep, I sleep here alone in my bed tonight you still haunt[72] me and if I'm falling I'm falling like a stone in my nightmares you still hold me And after all that we've been through now I'm wondering if you still blame me if only half of this was true that you believe of me you still shame me Dark rain will fall until I see your face I close my eyes I seem to hear the raindrops saying you won't come back you still touch me And when I'm sick at heart and low in my prayers you still heal me when I'm so sure this isn't so in my complacency you still shake me I wonder if you feel the same way as I do and you'd come back you still touch me Another night finds me alone in my bed tonight you still haunt me you still hold me you still touch me 6. I'm So Happy I Can't Stop Crying Seven weeks have passed now since she left me, she shows her face to ask me how I am she says the kids are fine and that they miss me Maybe I could come and baby-sit sometime she says, "Are you O.K.? I was worried about you. Can you forgive me? I hope that you'll be happy." I'm so happy that I can't stop crying I'm so happy I'm laughing through my tears I saw a friend of mine. He said "I was worried about you I heard she had another man, I wondered how you felt about it?" I'm so happy that I can't stop crying I'm so happy I'm laughing through my tears Saw my lawyer, Mr. Good News he got me joint custody and legal separation I'm so happy that I can't stop crying I'm laughing through my tears. I'm laughing through my tears I took a walk alone last night. I looked up at the stars to try and find an answer in my life I chose a star for me. I chose a star for him I chose two stars for my kids and one star for my wife Something made me smile. Something seemed to ease the pain Something about the universe and how it's all connected The park is full of sunday fathers and melted ice cream we try to do the best within the given time A kid should be with his mother, everybody knows that what can a father do but baby-sit sometimes? I saw that friend of mine, he said, "You look different somehow." I said, "Everybody's got to leave the darkness sometime." I'm so happy that I can't stop crying I'm laughing through my tears. I'm laughing through my tears I'm so happy that I can't stop crying I'm laughing through my tears. I'm laughing through my tears. 7. All Four Seasons With her smile as sweet as a warm wind in summer She's got me flying like a bird in a bright june sky and then just when she thinks that I've got her number Brings me down to the ground with her wintry eye that's my baby she can be all four seasons in one day And when the nighttime comes with no interference to our warm summer love with all its charms but like a throroughbred horse she can turn on a sixpence and I find that I'm back in mistress winter's arms that's my baby she can be all four seasons in one day How will I know? How can I tell? Which side of the bed she takes when the day begins She can be kind she can be cruel she's got me guessing like a game show fool She can change her mind like she changes her sweaters from one minute to the next it's hard to tell she blows hot and cold just like stormy weather she's my gift from the lord or a friend from hell that's my baby she can be all four seasons in one day Watching the weatherman's been no good at all winter, spring, summer, I'm bound for a fall there are no long term predictions for my baby she can be all four seasons in one day How will I know? How can I tell? Which side of the bed she takes when the day begins She can be kind she can be cruel she's got me guessing like a game show fool If it's a sunny day I take my umbrella just in case the raindrops start to fall you could say that I'm just a cautious fellow I don't want to be caught in a sudden squall that's my baby she can be all four seasons in one day that's my baby she can be all four seasons in one day 8. La Belle Dame Sans Regret Dansons tu dis Et moi, je suis Mes pas sont gauches Mes pieds tu fauches Je crains les sots Je cherche en vain les mots Pour m'expliquer ta vie, alors Tu mens, ma Soeur Tu brises mon coeur Je pense, tu sais Erreurs, jamais J'йcoute, tu parles Je ne comprends pas bien La Belle Dame sans Regrets Je pleure, tu ris Je chante, tu cries Tu sиmes les graines D'un mauvais chкne Mon blй s'envole Tu en as ras le bol J'attends, toujours Mes cris sont sourds Tu brises mon coeur Je pense, tu sais Erreurs, jamais J'йcoute, tu parles Je ne comprends pas bien La Belle Dame sans Regrets 9. Valparaiso Chase the dog star over the sea home where my true love is waiting for me rope the south wind canvas the stars harness the moonlight so she can safely go round the Cape Horn to Valparaiso Red the port light starboard the green how will she know of the devils I've seen cross the sky, star of the sea under the moonlight, there she can safely go round the Cape Horn to Valparaiso And every road I walked would take me down to the sea with every broken promise in my sack and every love would always send the ship of my heart over the rolling sea If I should die and water's my grave she'll never know if I'm damned or I'm saved see the ghost fly over the sea under the moonlight, there she can safely go round the Cape Horn to Valparaiso 10. Lithium Sunset Fill my eyes O Lithium Sunset and take this lonesome burden of worry from my mind Take this heartache of obsidian darkness and fold my darkness inside your yellow light I've been scattered I've been shattered I've been knocked out of the race but I'll get better I feel your light upon my face Heal my soul O Lithium Sunset and I'll ride the turning world into another night. See Mercury falling ... 11. Twenty Five To Midnight Train I ride don't be slow if your whistle can blow fifteen miles down the track tell them I'm coming back counting poles counting sheep don't be slow I won't weep if your wheels on the line were to put me on time Just a year to the day Since I went upon my way to seek my fortune and fame be a star, change my name and that's it more or less til this midnight express I know I can't be late cause she said she won't wait she'll just go marry Jack so there's no turning back and it's 25 to midnight and fifteen miles of track Band I had got a break just one chance we had to take told my girl I'd be back left her with my friend Jack New York City for a spell things didn't turn out so well every dive that we played we were lucky we got paid Mr. Train driver please if your speed you increase every cent I have now will be yours this I vow and that's it more or less til this midnight express I know I can't be late cause she said she won't wait she'll just go marry Jack so there's no turning back and it's 25 to midnight and fifteen miles of track We called ourselves the Latino lovers Hawaiian shirts and top forty covers I didn't think I could sink this low when drugs and booze ate all my dough this isn't how it was meant to be there's no such thing as a meal that's free if I was ever to get out alive I have to get home on time Train I ride don't be slow if your whistle can blow fifty miles down the track tell them I'm coming back and that's it more or less til this midnight express I know I can't be late cause she said she won't wait she'll just go marry Jack so there's no turning back and it's 25 to midnight and fifteen miles of track and it's 25 to midnight and fifteen miles of track Brand New Day (1999) A Thousand Years 5:57 !!! Desert Rose 4:46 Big Lie Small World 5:05 !!! After The Rain Has Fallen 5:04 Perfect Love... Gone Wrong 5:25 Tomorrow We'll See 4:47 End Of The Game 6:35 Fill Her Up 5:37 Ghost Story 5:29 Brand New Day 6:20 1. A Thousand Years Music by Sting & Kipper, lyrics by Sting A thousand years, a thousand more A thousand times a million doors to eternity I may have lived a thousand lives, a thousand times An endless turning stairway climbs To a tower of souls If it takes another thousand years, a thousand wars, The towers rise to numberless floors in space I could shed another million tears, a million breaths, A million names but only one truth to face A million roads, a million fears A million suns, ten million years of uncertainty I could speak a million lies, a million songs, A million rights, a million wrongs in this balance of time But if there was a single truth, a single light A single thought, a singular touch of grace Then following this single point, this single flame, This single haunted memory of your face I still love you I still want you A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves Like galaxies in my head I may be numberless, I may be innocent I may know many things, I may be ignorant Or I could ride with kings and conquer many lands Or win this world at cards and let it slip my hands I could be cannon food, destroyed a thousand times Reborn as fortune's child to judge another's crimes Or wear this pilgrim's cloak, or be a common thief I've kept this single faith, I have but one belief I still love you I still want you A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves Like galaxies in my head On and on the mysteries unwind themselves Eternities still unsaid 'Til you love me 2. Desert Rose "I spent most of last year listening to Cheb Mami, the great Arabic singer, who has an incredible, swooping voice that just mesmerises. A friend introduced us, it was love at first sight, and, rather impetuously, as lovesick musicians often do, we jumped right into the studio together. I had a melody to a song called Desert Rose and asked him to improvise a bit; he created a lovely counterpoint, and everything took off from there. The amazing thing is, he didn't understand a word I was singing. But the lyric he improvised was almost the same as mine - it had to do with lost love and longing - which goes to show how the music suggested to us individually the exact same emotion. It cuts across all cultures, whether you're Arabic or Western European or Japanese or African. Music is the universal tongue." Sky magazine, 12/99 I dream of rain I dream of gardens in the desert sand I wake in pain I dream of love as time runs through my hand I dream of fire These dreams are tied to a horse that will never tire And in the flames Her shadows play in the shape of a man's desire This desert rose Each of her veils, a secret promise This desert flower No sweet perfume ever tortured me more than this And as she turns This way she moves in the logic of all my dreams This fire burns I realise that nothing's as it seems I dream of rain I dream of gardens in the desert sand I wake in pain I dream of love as time runs through my hand I dream of rain I lift my gaze to empty skies above I close my eyes, this rare perfume Is the sweet intoxication of her love I dream of rain I dream of gardens in the desert sand I wake in pain I dream of love as time runs through my hand Sweet desert rose Each of her veils[73], a secret promise This desert flower No sweet perfume ever tortured me more than this Sweet desert rose This memory of Eden haunts us all This desert flower, this rare perfume Is the sweet intoxication of the fall 3. Big Lie Small World I sat down and wrote this letter Telling you that I felt better Since you'd gone and I was free I'm so happy I have so little time to spare now I'm wanted almost everywhere now I make out like Casanova Friends are always coming over Signed my name as if I meant it Sealed it with a kiss and sent it The letter had improved my mood Happy in my solitude But halfway home I changed my tune And when I saw my lonely room The mirror caught my eye When I sit down I cry Big lie small world Big lie small world I had to intercept that letter Telling you that I was better I raced to catch the postman's van He was leaving as I ran I miss the bus I miss the train I end up walking in the rain Big dog chased me down the street I hadn't had a bite to eat Feeling sorry for myself Wishing I was someone else I walked across the city 'Cause I couldn't stand your pity Big lie small world Big lie small world The place you live looks opulent[74] And obviously a higher rent Than our cozy little room I had this sense of doom The landlord says you're out of town That your new boyfriend's always around The hour was getting late So I sit down and wait Here's the postman with my letter Coming down the path, he'd better Give that thing to me I have to make him see Begging doesn't do the trick He thinks that I'm a lunatic And then who comes upon the scene But your new boyfriend Mr. Clean I hit the postman, hit your lover Grabbed the letter ran for cover The police arrived in time for tea Said they'd like to question me I can only curse my fate I have to face the magistrate It hasn't been the best of days I'd like to fly away Big lie small world Big lie small world 4. After The Rain Has Fallen The palace guards are all sleeping Their fires burn into the night There's a threat of rain on the dark horizon And all that's left is a quarter moon of light He climbs up through the darkness No weapon but his surprise The greatest thief in the high Sahara Enters the room where a sleeping princess lies All your money, your pretty necklace This is my work on such a night There's a storm coming over the mountain I'll be gone long before the morning After the rain has fallen After the tears have washed your eyes You find that I've taken nothing, that Love can't replace in the blink of an eye He was as gentle as the night wind As no lover had been before And the rings she wore for her bride groom Slipped from her fingers and fell to the floor Take me with you, take me with you Before my lonely life is set I've been promised to another To a man I've never even met After the rain has fallen After the tears have washed your eyes You'll find that I've taken nothing, that Love can't replace in the blink of an eye After the thunder's spoken, and After the lightning bolt's been hurled After the dream is broken, there'll Still be love in the world She said take me to another life Take me for a pirate's wife Take me where the wind blows Take me where the red wine flows Take me to the danger Take me to the life of crime Take me to the stars Take me to the moon while we still have time After the rain has fallen After the tears have washed your eyes You'll find that I've taken nothing, that Love can't replace in the blink of an eye After the thunder's spoken, and After the lightning bolt's been hurled After the dream is broken, there'll Still be love in the world 5. Perfect Love... Gone Wrong I've had a question that's been preying on my mind for some time I won't be wagging my tail for one good reason It has to be a crime This doghouse never was the place for me Runner up and second best just ain't my pedigree I was so happy, just the two of us Until this alpha male Turned up in the January sale He won't love you Like I love you It won't be long now before that puppy goes astray And what I like about this guy the most?......... He'd be my favourite lamppost Devil take the hindmost Je sais que c'est dыr, mais il faut se faire au changement, tu vois J'ai nйgligй le primordial pendant trop longtemps crois moi... Je suis consciente, je vois bien que tu souffres, mais зa s'attйnuera Car c'est d'un homme plus d'un chien dont j'ai besoin pres de moi Cesse donc de grogner, mon choix est fait c'est comme зa N'en fais pas trop, ton attitude risque de t'йloigner de moi Faut que tu comprennes, puisque tu dis m'aimer tant que зa Dйsormais nous sommes trois, lui toi et moi It's a shaggy kind of story Would I tell you if I thought it was a lie? But when the cat's away the mouse will play I wouldn't dish around here There's something fishy round here I howl all night and I sleep all day It takes more than biscuit baby to chase these blues away Got a long enough leash I could almost hang myself It's a dog's life loving you baby But you love someone else Now he's moved my basket I'd like to put him in a casket I'll wear my best collar to his funeral Ta mauvaise foi, j'aimerais bien que зa s'arrкte Me sйparer de toi, aujourd'hui зa trotte dans ma tкte Moi non, j'en peux plus, tu n'es qu'un chien, c'est trop bкte La situation m'avait pourtant l'air d'кtre des plus nettes C'est clair, que je l'aime c'est un fait, ton йgoпsme m'inquiиte Aprиs toutes ces soirйes passйes seuls en tкte а tкte Chaque chose a une fin, et c'est la fin de la fкte Pour toi, car bientфt il n'y aura plus que lui et moi, lui et moi. To have found this perfect life And a perfect love so strong Well there can't be nothing worse Than a perfect love gone wrong You said I wasn't just your Christmas toy I'd always be your boy I'd be your faithful companion And I would follow you through every thick and thin Don't need nobody else And we don't need him 6. Tomorrow We'll See Привет от Роксаны The streets are wet The lights have yet To shed their tawdry lustre on the scene My skirt's too short My tights have run These new heels are killing me My second pack of cigarettes It's a slow night but there's time yet Here comes John from his other life He may be driving to his wife But he'll slow down take a look I've learned to read them just like books And it's already half past ten But they'll be back again Headlights in the rainy street I check, make sure it's not the heat I wink, I smile, I wave my hand He stops and seems to understand The small transaction we must make I tell him that my heart will break If he's not a generous man I step into his van They say the first is the hardest trick And after that it's just a matter of logic They have the money I have the time Being pretty's my only crime You ask what future do I see I say it's really up to me I don't need forgiving I'm just making a living Don't judge me You could be me in another life In another set of circumstances Don't judge me One more night I'll just have to take my chances And tomorrow we'll see A friend of mine he wound up dead His dress was stained the colour red No next of kin no fixed abode Another victim on this road The police just carted him away But someone took his place next day He was home by thanksgiving But not with the living Don't judge me You could be me in another life In another set of circumstances Don't judge me One more night I'll just have to take my chances And no it's just not in my plan For someone to care who I am I'm walking the streets for money It's the business of love, 'hey honey' C'mon, don't leave me lonely, don't leave me sad It'll be the sweetest five minutes you ever had Don't judge me You could be me in another life In another set of circumstances Don't judge me One more night I'll just have to take my chances And tomorrow we'll see 7. End Of The Game The fox is done running And the beast is at bay We've run them in circles By the end of the day We chased them through bramble We chased them through the fields We could chase them forever But the fox would not heel And some saw her shadow On the crest of a hill All the hounds are distracted Away from the kill One day we'll reach a great ocean At the end of a pale afternoon And we'd lay down our heads just like we were sleeping Controlled by the drag of the moon We ran through the forest And we ran through the streams And we ran through the heather Though we ran in our dreams And you were my lover And I was your boy We ran like the river For what else did we know One day we'll reach a great ocean At the end of a pale afternoon The dogs are all howling And the horses are late All the hunters have hunted Through the end of the game Our love was a river A wild mountain stream In a tumbling fury On the edge of a dream And they chased us through bramble And they chased us through the fields They could chase us forever But our heart would not yield And the fox is done running At the end of the day I'm ready to answer I'm ready to pay And this river's done running And time will come soon Carried to the great ocean By the drag of the moon 8. Fill Her Up Mobil station where I stand This old gas pump in my hand My boss don't like me, got a face like a weasel Oil on my hands and the smell of diesel Here comes a big shot from the city V8 engine, she runs so pretty 'Fill her up son, unleaded I need a full tank of gas where I'm headed' Up in the front seat a pretty red head 'We're going to Vegas we're gonna get wed' 'So fill her up son, don't be staring That's a real diamond she be wearing' I'm gonna take my baby one day I'm gonna fill her up and head west I'm going find some money all right See those tail lights heading west I got no money to invest Got no prospects, no education I was lucky getting a job at this gas station That old cash box on the top shelf The boss is sleeping, I'll just help myself Let's consider this as just a loan I can sort it out later on the phone I'm gonna pick my girl up tonight I'm gonna fill her up and head west I'm gonna show her all the bright lights We're gonna say we lived 'for we come home And as I head through the woods on the way back The evening sun is slanting through the pine trees real pretty It's like I walked into a glade of heaven And there's music playing This money is cold in my hand And a voice somewhere is saying 'Why would you wanna take that stolen thing And what real happiness can it bring?' You're gonna fill her up with sadness You're gonna fill her up with shame You're gonna fill her up with sorrow Before she even takes your name You're gonna fill her up with madness You're gonna fill her up with blame You're gonna live with no tomorrow You're gonna fill her up with pain You're gonna fill her up with darkness You're gonna fill her up with night You gotta fill her up with Jesus You gotta fill her up with light You gotta fill her up with spirit You gotta fill her up with grace You gotta fill her up with heaven You got the rest of life to face You gotta fill her up the right way You gotta fill her up with care You gotta fill her up with babies You gotta fill her up and swear You're gonna love that girl forever You're gonna fill her up for life You're gonna be a loving husband She's gonna be your loving wife You gotta fill her up with gladness You gotta fill her up with joy You gotta fill her up with love You gotta fill her up with love 9. Ghost Story I watch the western sky The sun is sinking The geese are flying south It sets me thinking I did not miss you much I did not suffer What did not kill me Just made me tougher I feel the winter come His icy sinews, Now in the firelight The case continues Another night in court The same old trial The same old questions asked The same denial The shadows closing round Like jury members I look for answers in The fire's embers Why was I missing then That whole December? I give my usual line, I don't remember Another winter comes His icy fingers creep Into these bones of mine These memories never sleep And all these differences A cloak I borrowed We kept our distances Why should it follow that I must have loved you? What is the force that binds the stars? I wore this mask to hide my scars What is the power that pulls the tide? Never could find a place to hide What moves the earth around the sun? What could I do but run and run and run? Afraid to love, afraid to fail A mast without a sail The moon's a fingernail And slowly sinking Another day begins And now I'm thinking That this is indifference Was my invention When everything I did Sought your attention You were my compass star You were my measure You were a pirate's map Of buried treasure If this was all correct The last thing I'd expect The prosecution rests It's time that I confessed I must have loved you I must have loved you 10. Brand New Day How many of you people out there Been hurt in some kind of love affair? And how many times did you swear That you'd never love again? How many lonely, sleepless nights? How many lies, how many fights? And why would you want to Put yourself through all of that again? Love is pain I hear you say Love has a cruel and bitter way of Paying you back for all the faith you ever had in your brain How could it be that what you need the most Can leave you feeling just like a ghost? You never want to feel so sad and lost again One day you could be looking Through an old book in rainy weather You see a picture of her smiling at you When you were still together You could be walking down the street And who should you chance to meet But that same old smile you've been thinking of all day? Why don't we turn the clock to zero honey I'll sell the stock we'll spend all the money We're starting up a brand new day Turn the clock all the way back I wonder if she'll take me back I'm thinking in a brand new way Turn the clock to zero sister You'll never know how much I missed her I'm starting up a brand new day Turn the clock to zero boss The river's wide we'll swim across We're starting up a brand new day It could happen to you, Just like it happened to me, There is simply no immunity There's no guarantee. I say love is such a force if you should find yourself in it You need some time for reflection You say, baby wait a minute, wait a minute Wait a minute, wait a minute Wait a minute, wait a minute Turn the clock to zero honey I'll sell the stock we'll spend all the money We're starting up a brand new day Turn the clock to zero Mac I'm begging her to take me back I'm thinking in a brand new way Turn the clock to zero boss The river's wide we'll swim across Starting up a brand new day Turn the clock to zero buddy Don't wanna be no fuddy duddy We're starting up a brand new day I'm the rhythm in your tune I'm the sun and you're the moon I'm the bat and you're the cave You're the beach and I'm the wave I'm the plough and you're the land You're the glove and I'm the hand I'm the train and you're the station I'm the flagpole to your nation I'm the present to your future You're the wound and I'm the suture You're the magnet to my pole I'm the devil in your soul You're the pupil I'm the teacher You're the church and I'm the preacher You're the flower I'm the rain You're the tunnel I'm the train Stand up all you lovers in the world Stand up and be counted every boy and every girl Stand up all you lovers in the world We're starting up a brand new day You're the crop to my rotation You're the sum of my equation I'm the answer to your question If you follow my suggestion We can turn this ship around And go up instead of down You're the pan and I'm the handle You're the flame and I'm the candle Stand up all you lovers in the world Stand up and be counted every boy and every girl Stand up all you lovers in the world We're starting up a brand new day (c) 1999 EMI Music Publishing Ltd./Magnetic Publishing (PRS) Sting At The Movies Sting At The Movies is a Japanese and Korean release, and the collection is a flawed gem. It could have been magnificent, but has to settle for just being superb. It's not the singles, it's not just the hits. This considered collection trawls the movie soundtracks of the past twenty years and gathers together, in one place, some outstanding Sting tracks. All songs/lyrics by Sting except where stated. De do do do, de da da da I burn for you Need Your Love So Bad Englishman In New York Someone To Watch Over Me Demolition Man All For Love Shape Of My Heart The Secret Marriage This Cowboy Song It's Probably Me Angel Eyes Moonlight My One And Only Love Fragile Murder By Numbers Valparaiso De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da Don't think me unkind Words are hard to find They're only cheques I've left unsigned From the banks of chaos in my mind And when their eloquence escapes me Their logic ties me up and rapes me De do do do, de da da da Is all I want to say to you De do do do, de da da da Their innocence will pull me through De do do do, de da da da Is all I want to say to you De do do do, de da da da They're meaningless and all that's true Poets, priests and poiticians Have words to thank for their positions Words that scream for your submission And no-one's jamming their transmission And when their eloquence escapes you Their logic ties you up and rapes you De do do do, de da da da Is all I want to say to you De do do do, de da da da Their innocence will pull me through De do do do, de da da da Is all I want to say to you De do do do, de da da da They're meaningless and all that's true De do do do, de da da da Is all I want to say to you De do do do, de da da da Their innocence will pull me through De do do do, de da da da Is all I want to say to you De do do do, de da da da They're meaningless and all that's true -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Burn For You Now that I have found you In the coolth of your evening smile The shade of your parasol And your love flows through me Though I drink at your pool I burn for you, I burn for You and I are lovers When night time folds around our bed In peace we sleep entwined And your love flows through me Though an ocean soothes my head I burn for you, I burn for Stars will fall from dark skies As ancient rocks are turning Quiet fills the room And your love flows through me Though I lie here so still I burn for you, I burn for you I burn... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Need Your Love So Bad Written by Willie Dixon. I need someone's hand, to lead me through the night I need someone's arms, to hold and squeeze me tight Now when the night begins, I'm at an end Because I need your love so bad. I need some lips, to feel next to mine I need someone to stand up, and tell me when I'm lyin' And when the lights are low, and it's time to go That's when I need your love so bad. So why don't you give it up, and bring it home to me Or write it on a piece of paper baby, so it can be read to me Tell me that you love me, and stop driving me mad Oh because I, I need your love so bad. I need your soft voice, to talk to me at night I don't want you to worry baby, I know we can make everything alright Listen to my plea, baby, bring it to me Because I need your love so bad. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Englishman In New York I don't drink coffee I take tea my dear I like my toast done on the side And you can hear it in my accent when I talk I'm an Englishman in New York See me walking down Fifth Avenue A walking cane here at my side I take it everywhere I walk I'm an Englishman in New York I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien I'm an Englishman in New York I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien I'm an Englishman in New York If "manners maketh man" as someone said Then he's the hero of the day It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile Be yourself no matter what they say I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien I'm an Englishman in New York I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien I'm an Englishman in New York Modesty, propriety can lead to notoriety You could end up as the only one Gentleness, sobriety are rare in this society At night a candle's brighter than the sun Takes more than combat gear to make a man Takes more than license for a gun Confront your enemies, avoid them when you can A gentleman will walk but never run If "manners maketh man" as someone said Then he's the hero of the day It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile Be yourself no matter what they say I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien I'm an Englishman in New York I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien I'm an Englishman in New York -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Someone To Watch Over Me Written by George and Ira Gershwin There's a saying old says that love is blind, Still were often told, "seek and you shall find" So I'm going to seek a certain girl I've had in mind Looking everywhere, haven't found her yet She's the big affair I cannot forget Only girl I ever think of with regret I'd like to add her initial to my monogram Tell me, where is the shepherdess for this lost lamb? There's a somebody I'm longing to see I hope that she turns out to be Someone who'll watch over me I'm a little lamb who's lost in the wood I know I could always be good To one who'll watch over me Although I may not be the man some girls think of as handsome To her heart I carry the key Won't you tell her please to put on some speed, follow my lead Oh, how I need someone who'll watch over me There's a somebody I'm longing to see I hope that she turns out to be Someone to watch over me I'm a little lamb who's lost in the wood I know I could always be good To one who'll watch over me Although I may not be the man some girls think of as handsome To her heart I carry the key Won't you tell her please to put on some speed, follow my lead Oh, how I need someone to watch over me -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demolition Man Oh! Demolition, demolition Demolition, demolition Tied to the tracks and the train's fast coming Strapped to the wing with the engine running You say that this wasn't in your plan And don't mess around with the demolition man Tied to a chair, and the bomb is ticking This situation was not of your picking You say that this wasn't in your plan And don't mess around with the demolition man I'm a walking nightmare, an arsenal of doom I kill conversation as I walk into the room I'm a three line whip, I'm the sort of thing they ban I'm a walking disaster, I'm a demolition man Demolition, demolition Demolition, demolition You come to me like a moth to the flame It's love you need but I don't play that game 'Cause you could be my greatest fan But I'm nobody's friend, I'm a demolition man I'm a walking nightmare, an arsenal of doom I kill conversation as I walk into the room I'm a three line whip, I'm the sort of thing they ban I'm a walking disaster, I'm a demolition man Demolition, demolition Demolition, demolition Tied to the tracks and the train's fast coming Strapped to the wing with the engine running You say that this wasn't in your plan And don't mess around with the demolition man Tied to a chair, and the bomb is ticking This situation was not of your picking You say that this wasn't in your plan And don't mess around with the demolition man -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shape Of My Heart Written by Sting & Dominic Miller He deals the cards as a meditation And those he plays never suspect He doesn't play for the money he wins He don't play for respect He deals the cards to find the answer The sacred geometry of chance The hidden law of a probable outcome The numbers lead a dance I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that's not the shape of my heart He may play the jack of diamonds He may lay the queen of spades He may conceal a king in his hand While the memory of it fades I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that's not the shape of my heart And if I told you that I loved you You'd maybe think there's something wrong I'm not a man of too many faces The mask I wear is one Well, those who speak know nothin' And find out to their cost Like those who curse their luck in too many places And those who fear are lost I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that's not the shape of my heart That's not the shape, the shape of my heart That's not the shape, the shape of my heart -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All For Love Words and music by Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart & Sting When it's love you give (I'll be a man of good faith) Then in love you live (I'll make a stand, I won't break) I'll be the rock you can build on Be there when you're old, to have and to hold When there's love inside (I swear I'll always be strong) Then there's a reason why (I'll prove to you we belong) I'll be the wall that protects you From the wind and the rain From the hurt and pain. Let's make it all for one and all for love Let the one you hold be the one you want The one you need 'Cause when it's all for one it's one for all When there's someone that should know Then just let your feelings show And make it all for one and all for love When it's love you make (I'll be the fire in your night) Then it's love you take (I will defend, I will fight) I'll be there when you need me. When honour's at stake, this vow I will make That it's all for one and all for love Let the one be the one you want The one you need 'Cause when it's all for one it's one for all When there's someone that should know Then just let your feelings show And make it all for one and all for love Don't lay our love to rest 'Cause we could stand up to your test We got everything and more than we had planned More than the rivers that run the land We've got it all in our hands Now it's all for one and all for love (It's all for love) Let the one you hold be the one you want The one you need 'Cause when it's all for one it's one for all (It's one for all) When there's someone that should know Then just let your feelings show When there's someone that you want When there's someone that you need Let's make it all, all for one and all for love -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Secret Marriage No earthly church has ever blessed our union No state has ever granted us permission No family bond has ever made us two No company has ever earned commission No debt was paid no dowry to be gained No treaty over border land or power No semblance of the world outside remained To stain the beauty of this nuptial hour The secret marriage vow is never spoken The secret marriage can never be broken No flowers on the altar No white veil in your hair No maiden dress to alter No bible oath to swear The secret marriage vow is never spoken The secret marriage can never be broken -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Cowboy Song We rode all night across an endless desert We had no moon to light our way And though a million stars were slowly turning We lacked the consciences to pray Our horses running like a devil chase us Their feet, they hardly touched the ground Yes, I'm familiar with a grey wolf howling But I'm certain I never heard that sound Devil to pay on judgement day Would Jesus strike me down if I should pray? This cowboy song is all I know To bring me back into your arms Your distant sun, your shining light You'll be my dog-star shining tonight I've been the lowest of the low on the planet I've been a sinner all my days When I was living with my hand on the trigger I had no sense to change my ways The preacher asked if I'd embrace the resurrection To suck the poison from my life Just like an existential cowboy villain His words were balanced on my knife Devil to pay, on judgement day Would Jesus strike me down if I should pray? This cowboy song is all I know To bring me back into your arms Your distant sun, your shining light You'll be my dog-star shining tonight Every night Every night All my distances afar This cowboy song, is all I know To bring me back into your arms This cowboy song, this cowboy life I'll be your dog-star shining tonight -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's Probably Me Written by Sting, Michael Kamen and Eric Clapton If the night turned cold And the stars looked down And you hug yourself On the cold cold ground You wake the morning In a stranger's coat No-one would you see You ask yourself, 'Who'd watch for me?' My only friend, who could it be? It's hard to say it I hate to say it But it's probably me When your belly's empty And the hunger's so real And you're too proud to beg And too dumb to steal You search the city For your only friend No-one would you see You ask yourself, 'Who could it be?' A solitary voice to speak out and set me free I hate to say it I hate to say it But it's probably me You're not the easiest person I ever got to know And it's hard for us both to let our feelings show Some would say I should let you go your way You'll only make me cry If there's one guy, just one guy Who'd lay down his life for you and die It's hard to say it I hate to say it But it's probably me When the world's gone crazy, and it makes no sense And there's only one voice that comes to your defence And the jury's out And your eyes search the room And one friendly face is all you need to see If there's one guy, just one guy Who'd lay down his life for you and die It's hard to say it I hate to say it But it's probably me I hate to say it I hate to say But it's probably me I hate to say it I hate to say But it's probably me I hate to say it I hate to say But it's probably me Dog-star... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angel Eyes written by Matt Dennis & Earl Brent Have you ever had the feeling That the world's gone and left you behind Have you ever had the feeling That you're that close to losing your mind You look around each corner Hoping that she's there You try to play it cool perhaps Pretend that you don't care But it doesn't do a bit of good You got to seek till you find Are you never unwind Try to think That love is not around Still it's uncomfortably near My old heart Ain't gaining no ground Because my angel eyes ain't here Angel eyes That old devil sent They glow unbearably bright Need I say That my love's misspent Misspent with angel eyes tonight So drink up all you people Order anything you see Have fun you happy people The drink and the laugh's on me Pardon me But I gotta run The fact's uncomfortably clear Gotta find Who's now number one And why my angel eyes ain't here Tell me why my angel eyes ain't here Excusez moi my angel eyes ain't here Excuse me while I disappear -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moonlight written by John Williams, Alan Bergman and Marilyn Bergman In the moonlight When the shadows play When the thought of what could happen Takes your breath away Sighs and whispers Quiet laughter in the air Unspoken invitations everywhere In the moonlight All the words you say Make it relatively easy To be swept away In the half-light Can we trust the way we feel Can we be sure that anything is real? Stars keep secrets as they wander indiscretely While the echoes of a song go drifting by We must be careful not to lose our way completely Or the magic that we seek here We can't be sure will be here In the morning With the moon away And if in each other's arms Is where we're meant to stay In the love light When our eyes have grown accustomed to the daylight We'll see what waits for us to share For all the things we've dreamed of in the moonlight Will be there -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My One And Only Love written by Robert Mellin & Guy Wood The very thought of you makes My heart sing Like an April breeze On the wings of spring And you appear in all your splendour My one and only love The shadows fall And spread their mystic charms In the hush of night While you're in my arms I feel your lips so warm and tender My one and only love The touch of your hand is like heaven A heaven that I've never known The blush on your cheek Whenever I speak Tells me that you are my own You fill my eager heart with Such desire Every kiss you give Sets my soul on fire I give myself in sweet surrender My one and only love The blush on your cheek Whenever I speak Tells me that you are my own You fill my eager heart with Such desire Every kiss you give Sets my soul on fire I give myself in sweet surrender My one and only love My one and only love -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fragile If blood will flow when flesh and steel are one Drying in the colour of the evening sun Tomorrow's rain will wash the stains away But something in our minds will always stay Perhaps this final act was meant To clinch a lifetime's argument That nothing comes from violence and nothing ever could For all those born beneath an angry star Lest we forget how fragile we are On and on the rain will fall Like tears from a star, like tears from a star On and on the rain will say How fragile we are, how fragile we are On and on the rain will fall Like tears from a star, like tears from a star On and on the rain will say How fragile we are, how fragile we are How fragile we are, how fragile we are -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Murder By Numbers Written by Sting & Andy Summers Once that you've decided on a killing First you make a stone of your heart And if you find that your hands are still willing Then you can turn a murder into art There really isn't any need for bloodshed You just do it with a little more finesse If you can slip a tablet into someone's coffee Then it avoids an awful lot of mess It's murder by numbers, one, two, three It's as easy to learn as your ABC Murder by numbers, one, two, three It's as easy to learn as your ABC Now if you have a taste for this experience And you're flushed with your very first success Then you must try a twosome or a threesome And you'll find your conscience bothers you much less Because murder is like anything you take to It's a habit-forming need for more and more You can bump off every member of your family And anybody else you find a bore Because it's murder by numbers, one, two, three It's as easy to learn as your ABC Murder by numbers, one, two, three It's as easy to learn as your ABC Now you can join the ranks of the illustrious In history's great dark hall of fame All our greatest killers were industrious At least the ones that we all know by name But you can reach the top of your profession If you become the leader of the land For murder is the sport of the elected And you don't need to lift a finger of your hand Because it's murder by numbers, one, two, three It's as easy to learn as your ABC Murder by numbers, one, two, three It's as easy to learn as your A, B, C, D, E -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valparaiso Chase the dog star Over the sea Home where my true love is waiting for me Rope the south wind Canvas the stars Harness the moonlight So she can safely go Round the Cape Horn to Valparaiso Red the port light Starboard the green How will she know of the devils I've seen Cross in the sky, star of the sea Under the moonlight, there she can safely go Round the Cape Horn to Valparaiso And every road I walked would take me down to the sea With every broken promise in my sack And every love would always send the ship of my heart Over the rolling sea If I should die And water's my grave She'll never know if I'm damned or I'm saved See the ghost fly over the sea Under the moonlight, there she can safely go Round the Cape Horn to Valparaiso MISCELLANEOUS TRACKS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Day In The Life Ain't No Sunshine All For Love Angel Eyes Another Pyramid Be Bop A Lula Beneath A Desert Moon Caro Mio Ben Come Down In Time Conversation With A Dog Cushie Butterfield Gabriel's Message Get Up Stand Up How Insensitive (Insensatez) If You There I'll Follow My Secret Heart I Need You Like This Hole In My Head In The Wee Small Hours I Saw Three Ships I Shall Be Released It Ain't Necessarily So It's A Lonesome Old Town January Stars Lullaby To An Anxious Child Mack The Knife Mo Ghile Mear (Our Hero) Moonlight Muoio Per Te (Mad About You) My Funny Friend And Me My One And Only Love Need Your Love So Bad Ne Me Quitte Pas Nice Work If You Can Get It Nuclear Waste One Day She'll Love Me Purple Haze 'Round Midnight She Walks This Earth Sisters Of Mercy Someone To Watch Over Me Spread A Little Happiness Strange Fruit Take Me To The Sunshine Tempted The Idiot Bastard Son The Mighty The Pirate's Bride There Comes A Time The Wind Cries Mary This Cowboy Song This Was Never Meant To Be Three Steps To Heaven Tutti Frutti Up From The Skies (Exp) Waters Of Tyne We're Sending Our Love Down The Well When We Dance Where Will You Be For Christmas Windmills Of Your Mind You Were Meant For Me A Day In The Life Written by John Lennon & Paul McCartney I read the news today oh boy About a lucky man who made the grade And though the news was rather sad Well I just had to laugh I saw the photograph He blew his mind out in a car He didn't notice that the lights had changed A crowd of people stood and stared They'd seen his face before Nobody was really sure if he was from the House of Lords I saw a film today oh boy The English Army had just won the war A crowd of people turned away But I just had to look Having read the book... I'd love to turn... you... on... Woke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head Found my way downstairs and drank a cup And looking up, I noticed I was late Found my coat and grabbed my hat, made the bus in seconds flat Found my way upstairs and had a smoke And somebody spoke and I went into a dream Ahhh... I heard the news today oh boy Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire And though the holes were rather small They had to count them all Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall I'd love to turn... you... on... Demolition Man Soundtrack (c) 1993 A&M Records, Inc. Ain't No Sunshine Written by Bill Withers Ain't no sunshine when she's gone It's not warm when she's away Ain't no sunshine when she's gone And she's always gone too long anytime she goes away Wonder this time where she's gone Wonder if she's gone to stay Ain't no sunshine when she's gone And this house just ain't no home anytime she goes away I know, I know, I know, I know, I know... I ought to leave the young thing alone, but Ain't no sunshine when she's gone Ain't no sunshine when she's gone Only darkness everyday Ain't no sunshine when she's gone And this house just ain't no home anytime she goes away... I know, I know, I know, I know, I know... I ought to leave the young thing alone, but Ain't no sunshine when she's gone David Sanborn: Inside (c) 1999 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc. All For Love Written by Bryan Adams When it's love you give I'll be a man of good faith. Then in love you live. I'll make a stand. I won't break. I'll be the rock you can build on, Be there when you're old, To have and to hold. When there's love inside I swear I'll always be strong. Then there's a reason why. I'll prove to you we belong. I'll be the wall that protects you From the wind and the rain, From the hurt and pain. Let's make it all for one and all for love. Let the one you hold be the one you want, The one you need, 'Cause when it's all for one it's one for all. When there's someone that should know Then just let your feelings show And make it all for one and all for love. When it's love you make I'll be the fire in your night. Then it's love you take. I will defend, I will fight. I'll be there when you need me. When honor's at stake, This vow I will make: That it's all for one and all for love. Let the one be the one you want, The one you need, 'Cause when it's all for one it's one for all. When there's someone that should know Then just let your feelings show And make it all for one and all for love. Don't lay our love to rest 'Cause we could stand up to the test. We got everything and more than we had planned, More than the rivers that run the land. We've got it all in our hands. Now it's all for one and all for love. It's all for love. Let the one you hold be the one you want, The one you need, 'Cause when it's all for one it's one for all. It's one for all. When there's someone that should know Then just let your feelings show. When there's someone that you want, When there's someone that you need Let's make it all, all for one and all for love. The Three Musketeers Soundtrack (c) 1993 A&M Records, Inc. Angel Eyes Written by Earl Brent & Matt Dennis Have you ever had the feeling That the world's gone and left you behind Have you ever had the feeling That you're that close to losing your mind You look around each corner Hoping that she's there You try to play it cool perhaps Pretend that you don't care But it doesn't do a bit of good You got to seek till you find Are you never unwind Try to think That love is not around Still it's uncomfortably near My old heart Ain't gaining no ground Because my angel eyes ain't here Angel eyes That old devil sent They glow unbearably bright Need I say That my love's misspent Misspent with angel eyes tonight So drink up all you people Order anything you see Have fun you happy people The drink and the laugh's on me Pardon me But I gotta run The fact's uncomfortably clear Gotta find Who's now number one And why my angel eyes ain't here Tell me why my angel eyes ain't here Excusez moi my angel eyes ain't here Excuse me while I disappear Leaving Las Vegas - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (c) 1995 Pangea Records Another Pyramid Written by Tim Rice & Elton John Sad to say our mighty ruler Is not really in the pink Hopes could not be minesculer That he'll come back from the brink Not to beat around the bush he Looks like heading for his box At the risk of seeming pushy We must plan for future shocks According to the Hawk God, Horus Our most regal invalid Is not that much longer for us Build another pyramid! Though all doctors and physicians Have been summoned to his bed It will soon be top morticians We'll be calling for instead With each wheeze the nation's humming Egypt shakes with every cough No two ways about what's coming No discussion - bets are off Soon our Pharaoh will have filled a Tomb just like his father did Summon Egypt's greatest builder Re: another pyramid! We hate to depress the nation But our leader has been told He should cancel his vacation Even put tonight on hold This is where his loyal priesthood Has the chance to do him proud Holy leaders at the least should See him happy to his shroud He must have a vault that's grand by Any standards, floor to lid Put five thousand slaves on standby Build another pyramid! Aida Soundtrack (c) 1999 PDG/Island Be Bop A Lula Written by Gene Vincent & S.T. Davis Be bop a lula, she's my baby Be bop a lula, I don't mean maybe Be bop a lula, she's my baby Be bop a lula, I don't mean maybe Be bop a lula, she's my baby doll She's the woman in the red blue jeans She's the queen of all the teens She's the woman I love her so She's the woman that thrills me so Be bop a lula, she's my baby Be bop a lula, I don't mean maybe Be bop a lula, she's my baby doll, my baby doll Be bop a lula, she's my baby Be bop a lula, I don't mean maybe Be bop a lula, she's my baby Be bop a lula, I don't mean maybe Be bop a lula, she's my baby doll, baby doll Sting: Chicago Session (c) 1992 Phonocomp Beneath A Desert Moon Written by Sting From the mountains on the moon to the mighty delta From the deserts of the West to the shining sea Beneath the canopy of stars flows the serpent river Flowing through my father's land that he left to me From the baker, to the priest, to the candle maker From the highest to the low in my father's land We make our offer to the sun 'fore the break of morning Or else everything we have will just turn to sand I have a lot to ask I have a lot that I need to say I have so much do And all I need is another day From the soldier, to the scribe, to the carpet maker All the different colored threads in a carpet loom A woven tapestry of life is our mighty nation This is the writing on the wall of my father's tomb We have a lot to ask We have a lot that we need to say We have so much do And all we need is another day Beneath the desert moon, I call you Beneath the desert moon, I sing Beneath the desert moon, so lonely I'm just a boy who would be king With just the moon to guide us We sometimes lose our way If there's a light inside us We'll follow it to the brightness of the day Every single blade of grass, every yellow flower Every ripple on the sea of the blue, blue Nile Every leaf on every tree, every single creature From the smallest little bird, to the crocodile We have a lot to ask We have a lot that we need to say We have so much do And all we need is another day Beneath the desert moon, I call you Beneath the desert moon, we sing Beneath the desert moon, we're waiting Before the coming of the king Beneath the desert moon that's sinking We see the Eastern sky's on fire This is where darkness leaves And shining waters fall And let the shadows run And we'll say, "welcome to the sun." Brand new day... You Still Touch Me single (c) 1996 A&M Records, Inc. Caro Mio Ben Written by Giuseppe Giordani Caro mio ben Credimi almen, Senza di te Languisce il cor, Caro mio ben, Senza di te Languisce il cor. Il tuo fedel So spira ognor. Cessa, crudel, Tanto rigor! Cessa, crudel, Tanto rigor, Tanto rigor! Caro mio ben Credimi almen, Senza di te Languisce il cor, Caro mio ben Credimi almen, Senza di te Languisce il cor. Sting: Covering 'em (1993) Come Down In Time Written by Elton John & Bernie Taupin In the quiet silent seconds I turned off the light switch And I came down to meet you in the half light the moon left While a cluster of night jars sang some songs out of tune A mantle of bright light shone down from a room Come down in time I still hear her say So clear in my ear like it was today Come down in time was the message she gave to me Come down in time and I'll meet you half way Well I don't know if I should have heard her as yet But a true love like hers is a hard love to get And I've walked most all the way and I ain't heard her call And I'm getting to thinking if she's coming at all Come down in time I still hear her say So clear in my ear like it was today Come down in time was the message she gave to me Come down in time and I'll meet you half way There are women and women, and some hold you tight While some leave you counting the stars in the night Two Rooms (Celebrating The Songs Of Elton John & Bernie Taupin) (c) 1991 Polygram Records Conversation With A Dog Written by Sting I asked my dog what he thought the best in man He said, "The love you dispense to me twice daily from a can." I said, "Why do you think my question funny? And where would you be without my money?" I said, "There may be some quality in us you must treasure." "It's despair," he said, "of which your money is the measure." Walk like a dog Like anybody can Walk like a dog Like anybody can "What about our politics, philosophy, our history?" He said, "If there is something admirable in these it is a mystery." "But there must be something in our system tell me at your leisure." "It's despair," he said, "of which your borders are the measure." Walk like a dog Talk like a man Walk like a dog Like anybody can Walk like a dog Talk like a man Walk like a dog Like anybody can "What about technology, computers, nuclear fission?" "I'm terrified of radiation, hate the television." I said, "There must be something in our scientific treasure." "It's despair," he said, "of which your weapons are the measure." "Feed me, you can beat me. I will love you till I die. But don't ask for admiration and don't ever ask me why." I said, "Why wait till now to demonstrate displeasure?" "It's despair," he said, "of which my silence was the measure." Walk like a dog Talk like a man Walk like a dog Like anybody can Walk like a dog Talk like a man Walk like a dog Like anybody can We'll Be Together single (c) 1987 A&M Records, Inc. Cushie Butterfield Written by George Ridley I'm a broken-hearted keelman And I'm o'er head in love With a young lass from Gyetsid And I call 'er my dove Her name's Cushie Butterfield And she sells yellow clay And 'er cousin's a muckman And they call him Tom Gray She's a big lass She's a bonny lass And she likes her beer And I call her Cushie Butterfield And I wish she was here Her eyes is like two holes In a blanket burnt through And her breath in the mornin' Would scare a young coo She wears big galoshes And her stockings once was white And her bed gown it's lilac And her hat's never straight She's a big lass She's a bonny lass And she likes her beer And I call her Cushie Butterfield And I wish she was here For Our Children (c) 1991 Walt Disney Productions Gabriel's Message (Traditional) The angel Gabriel from heaven came His wings as drifted snow His eyes as flame "All hail" said he "thou lowly maiden Mary, Most highly favored lady," Gloria! "For known a blessed mother thou shalt be, All generations laud and honor thee, Thy Son shall be Emanuel, By seers foretold Most highly favored lady," Gloria! Then gentle Mary meekly bowed her head "To me be as it pleaseth God," she said, "My soul shall laud and magnify his holy name." Most highly favored lady. Gloria! Of her Emanuel, the Christ was born In Bethlehem all on a Christmas morn And everyone throughout the world forever saved Most highly favored lady Gloria! A Very Special Christmas (c) 1987 A&M Records, Inc. Get Up Stand Up Written by Bob Marley Get up, stand up Stand up for your right Get up, stand up Don't give up the fight Get up, stand up Stand up for your right Get up, stand up Don't give up the fight Preacherman don't tell me, heaven is under the earth I know, you don't know, what life is really worth If all that glitters was gold Heard the story which never been told Now you see the light So get up for your rights Get up, stand up Sit up for your right Get up, stand up Don't give up the fight Get up, stand up Stand up for your right Get up, stand up Don't give up the fight Well people say: a great God will come from the sky Take away everything And make everybody feel high If you know what life is worth You will look to yours on earth And now you see the light Stand up for your rights Get up, stand up Get up, stand up Stand up for your right Stand up for your right Get up, stand up Get up, stand up Don't give up the fight People don't, people don't, people don't Get up, stand up Sit up for your right Get up, stand up Don't give up the fight I'm sick and tired of The same of shame of thing Die and go to heaven in Jesus' name Cause we know and we understand That a mighty God is a livin' man Be so clear for sometime But you cannot fool all the people all the time Now you see the light So get up for your rights Get up, stand up Get up, stand up Stand up for your rights Stand up for your rights Get up, stand up Get up, stand up Don't give up the fight Don't give up the fight Weeeooo... We won't give up the fight Don't give up the fight Weeeooo... We won't give up the fight Don't give up the fight Rechos humanos Rechos humanos ya Rechos humanos Rechos humanos ya Rechos humanos Rechos humanos ya Rechos humanos Va las siempre ta Rechos humanos Rechos humanos ya Rechos humanos Va las siempre ta Rechos humanos Rechos humanos ya Rechos humanos Va las siempre ta... Un dos, mas forte... Don't give up the fight... Sting: Covering 'em (1993) How Insensitive (Insensatez) Written by Antonio Carlos Jobim, Vinicius de Moraes & Norman Gimbel How insensitive I must have seemed When she told me that she loved me How unmoved and cold I must have seemed When she told me so sincerely Why she must have asked Did I just turn and stare in icy silence What was I to say What can you say When a love affair is over Now she's gone away And I'm alone With a memory of her last look Vague and drawn and sad I see it still All her heartbreak in her last look How she must have asked, Could I just turn and stare in icy silence What was I to do What can one say When a love affair is over Antonio Carlos Jobim: Antonio Brasileiro (c) 1995 Columbia If You There Written by Sting Your beauty pulses like a distant star Once you were so near to me And now you've gone so far Wretched and affixed the word is in his stone Lying now don't move nor speak no statue here alone Living here just with a memory A simple recollection that's so dear to me You said it's logical that we should part What's pleasing to my intellect Must surely break my heart Man will always want what he can't have It's more than he can do just to be brave He seeks perfection in a thousand ways Just throw another shovel on his grave Born to live Born to die Born to wonder Why, why, why, why If you there Would you leave me wondering? If you there Am I one man only? If you there Don't leave me wondering If you there You say that all we have is what we see Baby all you understand is a little part of me You said that I could never be the one Promises evaporate in the angle of the sun If the only certain thing is death Walk a little nearer to it now with every breath And if this time must wear a velvet glove Then kindness and lies are the true friends of love Man will always want what he can't have It's more than he can do just to be brave He seeks perfection in a thousand ways Just throw another shovel on his grave Born to live Born to die Born to wonder Why, why, why, why If you there Would you leave me wondering? If you there Am I one man only? If you there Don't leave me wondering If you there Englishman In New York single (c) 1988 A&M Records, Inc. I'll Follow My Secret Heart Written by Noel Coward Don't be afraid I'll betray you And destroy all the plans you have made But even your schemes must Leave room for my dreams So when all I owe to you is pain I'll still have something of my own A little prize that's mine alone I'll follow my secret heart My whole life through I'll keep all my dreams apart Till one comes true No matter what price is paid What stars may fade above I'll follow my secret heart Till I find love No matter what price is paid What stars may fade above I'll follow my secret heart Till I find love Twentieth-Century Blues - The Songs Of Noel Coward (1998) I Need You Like This Hole In My Head Written by Sting Lady Dolphin and her Dolphin beau Were swimming out to sea one day All the other lady dolphins smiled But they were smiling in that subtle dolphin way So they pretended that they'd pay it no mind But she was female of the jealous kind She couldn't stand it not to ask him why She could see that he was flattered by the twinkle in his eye She said, "How much do you need me?" How much do you need me? Would you stay with me 'til this ocean floor is dry? But if you cannot find the words that say I'm the only one you love that way I guess we'll have to say goodbye He said, "My love for you is wider than the wide Sargasso Sea" I have to find a way to win you dear But there's two atmospheres of pressure on me here How much do I need you? How much do I need you? I can't seem to find the words to make you stay But remember all the things I've said That I'll love you 'til the day I'm dead 'Cause I need you like this hole in my head I need you like this hole in my head Dolphins Soundtrack (c) 2000 Ark21 In The Wee Small Hours Written by David Mann & Bob Hilliard In the wee small hours Of the morning While the whole wide world Is fast asleep You lie awake And think about that girl But never ever think of Counting sheep Now when your lonely heart Has learnt its lesson You'd be hers If only she would call In the wee small hours Of the morning That's the time You miss her most of all Now when your lonely heart Has learnt its lesson You'd be hers If only she would call In the wee small hours Of the morning That's the time You miss her most For as now You miss her most That's the time You miss her most of all Chris Botti: Slowing Down The World (c) 1999 GRP Records, Inc. I Saw Three Ships (Traditional) I saw three ships come sailing in On Christmas day, on Christmas day I saw three ships come sailing in On Christmas day in the morning. And what was in those ships all three? On Christmas day, on Christmas day And what was in those ships all three? On Christmas day in the morning. Our Saviour, Christ, and His Lady, On Christmas day, on Christmas day Our Saviour, Christ, and His Lady, On Christmas day in the morning. Pray, whither sailed those ships all three? On Christmas day, on Christmas day Pray, whither sailed those ships all three? On Christmas day in the morning. O, they sailed to Bethlehem, On Christmas day, on Christmas day O, they sailed to Bethlehem, On Christmas day in the morning. And all the bells on earth shall ring, On Christmas day, on Christmas day And all the bells on earth shall ring, On Christmas day in the morning. And all the angels in heaven shall sing, On Christmas day, on Christmas day And all the angels in heaven shall sing, On Christmas day in the morning. And all the souls on earth shall sing, On Christmas day, on Christmas day And all the souls on earth shall sing, On Christmas day in the morning. Then let us all rejoice and sing, On Christmas day, on Christmas day Then let us all rejoice and sing, On Christmas day in the morning. A Very Special Christmas 3 (c) 1997 A&M Records, Inc. I Shall Be Released Written by Bob Dylan They say ev'rything can be replaced, Yet ev'ry distance is not near. So I remember ev'ry face Of ev'ry man who put me here. I see my light come shining From the West unto the East. Any day now, any way now, I shall be released. They say ev'ry man needs protection, They say ev'ry man must fall. Yet I swear I see my reflection Some place so high above this wall. I see my light come shining From the West unto the East. Any day now, any way now, I shall be released. Standing next to me in this lonely crowd, Is a man who swears he's not to blame. All day long I hear him shout so loud, Crying out that he was framed. I see my light come shining From the West unto the East. Any day now, any way now, I shall be released. The Secret Policeman's Other Ball (1982) It Ain't Necessarily So Written by George Gershwin & Ira Gershwin It ain't necessarily so, It ain't necessarily so. The things that you're liable to read in the Bible, It ain't necessarily so. David was small but oh my. David was small but oh my. He fought big Goliath who lay down and dieth. David was small but oh my. David was small but oh my. Jonah he lived in a whale. Jonah he lived in a whale. He made his home in a fishes abdomen. Jonah he lived in a whale. Jonah he lived in a whale. Moses was found on a stream. Moses was found on a stream. Floated on water old Pharaoh's daughter Fished him she says from that stream. It ain't necessarily so, It ain't necessarily so. Things that you're liable to read in the Bible, It ain't necessarily so, It ain't necessarily so, It ain't necessarily so, It ain't necessarily so. Joe Henderson: Porgy And Bess (c) 1997 Verve It's A Lonesome Old Town Written by Harry Tobias & Charles Kisco It's a lonesome old town When you're not around I'm lonely As I can be I never knew How much I'd miss you But now I can plainly see It's a lonesome old town When you're not around How I wish you'd come back to me How I wish you'd come back to me How I wish you'd come back to me Lonesome old town Lonesome, lonesome old town It's a lonesome old town Leaving Las Vegas - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (c) 1995 Pangea Records January Stars Written by Sting Ten below and falling fast Those days of summer were long past My horoscope said you'd come back I have my doubts, you see And as I watched the mercury And thought about the prophecy A new moon and an early thaw I watched the door for you If January stars came true And as I gaze at winter stars The second house conjunct with Mars They would suggest that we'll be one I have my doubts, you see If I maintain a skeptic's eye And train the other on the sky I'd eat my hat if it came true I'd prob'ly eat yours, too If January stars came true If January stars came true Now I'm in a pretty mess It's getting warmer, I confess My horoscope said you'd come back I have my doubts, it's true And as I watched the mercury And thought about the prophecy A new moon and an early thaw I left the door for you If January stars, If January stars, If January stars came true January stars, ooh If I Ever Lose My Faith In You single (c) 1993 A&M Records, Inc. Lullaby To An Anxious Child Written by Sting Hush child, Let your mommy sleep into the night until we rise Hush child, Let me soothe the shining tears that gather in your eyes Hush child, I won't leave I'll stay with you to cross this Bridge of Sighs Hush child, I can help the look of accusation in your eyes In your eyes The world is broken and now All in sorrow Wise men hang their heads Hush child, Let your mommy sleep into the night until we rise Hush child, All the strength I'll need to find, I'll find inside your eyes In your eyes You Still Touch Me single (c) 1996 A&M Records, Inc. Mack The Knife Written by Kurt Weill, Bertolt Brecht & Marc Blitzstein See the shark, how red his fins are As he slashes at his prey Mac the Knife wears white kid gloves which Give the minimum away And the ghastly fire in Soho, Seven children at one go In the crowd stands Mac the Knife, but He's not asked and doesn't know In the crowd stands Mac the Knife, but He's not asked and doesn't know Sting: Covering 'em (1993) Mo Ghile Mear (Our Hero) 'Se/ mo laoch, mo Ghile Mear 'Se/ mo Chaesar Gile Mear Suan na/ se/an ni/ bhfuaireas fe/in O/ chuaigh i gce/in mo Ghile Mear Grief and pain are all I know My heart is sore My tears a'flow We saw him go... No word we know of him, ochon 'Se/ mo laoch, mo Ghile Mear 'Se/ mo Chaesar Gile Mear Suan na/ se/an ni/ bhfuaireas fe/in O/ chuaigh i gce/in mo Ghile Mear A proud and gallant chevalier A high man's scion of gentle mean A fiery blade engaged to reap He'd break the bravest in the field 'Se/ mo laoch, mo Ghile Mear 'Se/ mo Chaesar Gile Mear Suan na/ se/an ni/ bhfuaireas fe/in O/ chuaigh i gce/in mo Ghile Mear Come sing his praise as sweet harps play And proudly toast his noble frame With spirit and with mind aflame So wish him strength and length of day 'Se/ mo laoch, mo Ghile Mear 'Se/ mo Chaesar Gile Mear Suan na/ se/an ni/ bhfuaireas fe/in O/ chuaigh i gce/in mo Ghile Mear The Chieftains: Long Black Veil (c) 1995 RCA Moonlight Written by John Williams, Alan Bergman & Marilyn Bergman In the moonlight When the shadows play When the thought of what could happen Takes your breath away Sighs and whispers Quiet laughter in the air Unspoken invitations everywhere In the moonlight All the words you say Make it relatively easy To be swept away In the half-light Can we trust the way we feel Can we be sure that anything is real? Stars keep secrets as they wander indiscretely While the echoes of a song go drifting by We must be careful not to lose our way completely Or the magic that we seek here We can't be sure will be here In the morning With the moon away And if in each other's arms Is where we're meant to stay In the love-light When our eyes have grown accustomed to the daylight We'll see what waits for us to share For all the things we've dreamed of in the moonlight Will be there Sabrina Soundtrack (c) 1995 A&M Records, Inc. Muoio Per Te (Mad About You) Written by Sting & Zucchero A un passo da Gerusalemme E a un solo un miglio dalla luna Sotto un cielo di milioni di stelle Ho il cuore perso in un pianeta lontano Che gira intorno e cade gui' Con archi di tristezza, Io muoio per te, muoio per te! E se il mio regno diventa sabbia E cade in fondo al mare: Io muoio per te, (io) muoio per te! E dalla fonde oscure valli Canzoni antiche di tristezza Mo ogni passo io pensavo a te Ogni passo solo te Per ogni stella un granello di sabbia Gli avanzi di un asciutto mare Dimmi, quanto tempo, quanto ancora! C'e' una citta nel deserto e riposa La vanita di un antico re Ma la citta riposa in pezzi, Dove il vento urla all'avvoltoio Quello che ha fatto l'uomo Con l'ambizione, e tutto questo Faro prigione la mia vita Se sei la sposa per un altro Che i miei nemici siano liberi, Io cado e sono qui, Che muoio per te, muoio per te! E solo come mai, Cosi solo come ora mai! Con tutti i miei domini Cosa sono qui Sono niente cosi Non ci son vittorie Nelle nostre storie, senza amor! A un passo da Gerusalemme E a un solo un miglio dalla luna Sotto un cielo di milioni di stelle Ho il cuore perso in un pianeta lontano Che gira intorno e cade gui' Con archi di tristezza, Io muoio per te, muoio per te! E anche se hai le chiavi E distruggi quel che ho Ogni prigione in polvere Nemici piu non ho (E) i regni miei di sabbia mare, Io muoio per te, muoio per te! Pavarotti & Friends (c) 1992 The Decca Record Company Limited My Funny Friend And Me Written by Sting and David Hartley In the quiet time of evening When the stars assume their patterns And the day has made his journey And we wonder just what happened To the life we knew Before the world changed When not a thing I held was true But you were kind to me And you reminded me That the world is not my playground There are other things that matter What is simple needs protecting My illusions all would shatter But you stayed in my corner The only world I knew was upside down And now the world and me Know you carried me You see the patterns in the big sky Those constellations look like you and I Just like the patterns in the big sky We could be lost we could refuse to try But you made it through In the dark night Who would those lucky guys turn out to be? But that unusual blend Of my funny friend and me I'm not as clever as I thought I was I'm not the boy I used to be because You showed me something different You showed me something pure I always seemed so certain But I was really never sure But you stayed And you called my name When others would have walked out on a lousy game And look who made it through But your funny friend and you You see the patterns in the big sky Those constellations look like you and I That tiny planet and the bigger guy I don't know whether I should laugh or cry Just like the patterns in the big sky We'll be together 'til the end this time Don't know the answer or the reason why We'll stick together 'til that day we die If I had to do this all a second time I won't complain or make a fuss Who would the angels send? But that unlikely blend Of those two funny friends That's us The Emperor's New Groove Soundtrack (c) 2000 Walt Disney Records My One And Only Love Written by Robert Mellin & Guy Wood The very thought of you makes My heart sing Like an April breeze On the wings of spring And you appear in all your splendor My one and only love The shadows fall And spread their mystic charms In the hush of night While you're in my arms I feel your lips so warm and tender My one and only love The touch of your hand is like heaven A heaven that I've never known The blush on your cheek Whenever I speak Tells me that you are my own You fill my eager heart with Such desire Every kiss you give Sets my soul on fire I give myself in sweet surrender My one and only love The blush on your cheek Whenever I speak Tells me that you are my own You fill my eager heart with Such desire Every kiss you give Sets my soul on fire I give myself in sweet surrender My one and only love My one and only love Leaving Las Vegas - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (c) 1995 Pangea Records Need Your Love So Bad Written by Fleetwood Mac Need someone's hands to help me through the night Need someone's arms to hold and squeeze me tight 'Cause when the night begins and I'm at an end That's when I need your love so bad Need your sweet voice to whisper in my ear Need your gentle fingertips babe to wipe away my tears Cause when the lights are low and it's time to go That's when I need your love so bad Why don't you give it up And bring it all back home to me baby Write it on a piece of me paper So it can be read to me Tell me that you love me Cause you're almost driving me mad Oh, because I need, I need your love so bad Need your sweet voice to help me through the night You don't have to worry baby Cause you know everything is gonna be all right When the lights are low and it's time to go That's when I need your love so bad I need... Why don't you give it up And bring it all back home to me baby Write it on a piece of me paper So it can be read to me Tell me that you love me Cause you're almost driving me mad Oh, because I need, I need your love so bad Need your sweet lips to help me through the night You don't have to worry baby Cause you know everything is gonna be all right Listen to my plea bring it to me Because I need your love so bad From the film Party Party Ne Me Quitte Pas Written by Jacques Brel Ne me quitte pas Il faut oublier Tout peut s'oublier Qui s'enfuit dйjа Oublier le temps Des malentendus Et le temps perdu A savoir comment Oublier ces heures Qui tuaient parfois A coup de pourquoi Le coeur du bonheur Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas Moi je t'offrirai Des perles de pluie Venues de pays Oщ il ne pleut pas Je creuserai la terre Jusqu'aprйs ma mort Pour couvrir ton corpos D'or et de lumiиre Je ferai un domaine Oщ l'amour sera roi Oщ l'amour sera loi Oщ je serais reine Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas Je t'inventerai Des mots insensйs Que tu comprendras Je te parlerai De ces amants-lа Qui ont vu deux fois Leurs coeurs s'embraser Je te raconterai L'histoire de ce roi Mort de n'avoir pas Pu te rencontrer Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas On a vu souvent Rejaillir le feu De l'ancien volcan Il est, parait-il Des terres brыlйes Donnant plus de blй Qu'un meilleur avril Et quand vient le soir Pour qu'un ciel flamboie Le rouge et le noir Ne s'йpousent-ils pas? Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas Je ne vais plus pleurer Je ne vais plus parler Je me cacherais lа A te regarder Danser et sourire Et а t'йcouter Chanter et puis rire Laisse-moi devenir L'ombre de ton ombre L'ombre de ta main L'ombre de ton chien Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas Ne me quitte pas Sting: Covering 'em (1993) Nice Work If You Can Get It Written by George Gershwin & Ira Gershwin The man who only lives for making money Lives a life that isn't necessarily sunny. Likewise the man who works for fame, There's no guarantee that time won't erase his name. The fact is, the only work that really brings enjoyment Is the kind that is girl and boy meant, Fall in love you won't regret it, That's the best work of all if you can get it. Holding hands at midnight 'Neath a starry sky, Nice work if you can get it, And you can get it if you try. Strolling with the one girl, Sighing sigh after sigh, Nice work if you can get it, And you can get it if you try. Just imagine someone Waiting at the cottage door, Where two hearts become one Who could ask for anything more? Loving one who loves you, And then taking that vow, Nice work if you can get it, And if you get it, Oh won't you tell me how? Just imagine someone Waiting at the cottage door, Where two hearts become one Who could ask for anything more? Nice work if you can get it, And you can get it if you try. Nice work if you can get it, And you can get it if you try. Just imagine someone Waiting at the cottage door, Where two hearts become one Who could ask for anything more? Loving one who loves you, And then taking that vow, Nice work if you can get it, And if you get it, Oh won't you tell me how? The Glory Of Gershwin (c) 1994 Phonogram Ltd. (London) Nuclear Waste Madam I'd like to assure you that this little Domestic reactor will never cause you any trouble Nuclear Waste - we don't want that Nuclear Waste - we don't need that Atomic Power - we've got to leave this Nuclear Age behind in our t-t-time A faste breeder breaks all the rules Gives us something for nothing - that ain't true And who makes the profit? - not me and you And who runs the risks? - we all do! Nuclear Fear - we don't want that Nuclear Waste - we can't get rid of that Nuclear Power - you're hoping we'll get used to it Nuclear Accidents - I've had enough of it. Do you find it attractive to be radioactive Emitting killing rays? Splitting your atoms with a fission reaction Transmitting out of phase? Strontium 90 I wanna live to see 1999 There's enough energy in the air and in the sea To give us Power to live Peace and Harmony Nuclear Waste - we don't get used to your Nuclear Waste - Ultimate pollution Radiation - produces mutation Disintegration - it's not evolution Nuclear Children - you have the sollution New Killer Waste - better active today Than radioactive tomorrow New Killer Waste - need a cure for cancer? Or you field - need the real answer Or maybe solar - fusion nor fission Oh darling! - let me put my arms around you Nuclear Waste - jamming my transmission Nuclear Waste - damaging my vision Nuclear Waste Nuclear Waste (1995) One Day She'll Love Me Written by Sting and David Hartley I'd never imagined before That the world could be turned on it's head I'd never have thought To be here in this place I'd never have dreamt that in love I'd be lost and so easily led I guess I was caught By that hint of a smile on her face I thought I was happy before When my life was as easy as pie But that was the past Of an ignorant youth I'm falling in love with the girl But I'm forced to be living a lie And she'd never love me If she knew the truth Is it asking too much If I pray for a miracle, miracle That one day she'll love me One day she'll say I care Although he's changing day by day He finds these tender words of love Impossible to say He walks in the room And I'm never quite sure If he's trying to be somebody else I'm liking him better that he's Not his arrogant self Perhaps I'm expecting too much Of a miracle, miracle One day he'll love me One day he'll say I love you And I will love him until I die Distant Star Cast your light On my life And one by one I didn't anticipate feeling the power of love In this way And day by day We've never been closer than this And I find myself daring to pray We'll find these tender ways of love Impossible to disobey One day she'll love me One day he'll say I love you And I will love her Until the moment Our hearts stop beating And we are light The Emperor's New Groove Soundtrack (c) 2000 Walt Disney Records Purple Haze Written by Jimi Hendrix Purple haze are in my brain, Lately things don't seem to be the same, Actin' funny but I don't know why 'scuse me while kiss the sky. Purple haze all around, Don't know if I'm coming up or down. Am I happy or in misery? Whatever it is, that girl put a spell on me. Purple haze are in my eyes, Don't know if it's day or night, You've got me blowing, blowing my mind Is it tomorrow or just the end of time? Purple haze... Sting: Covering 'em (1993) 'Round Midnight Written by Bernie Hanighen, Cootie Williams & Thelonious Monk It begins to tell At sometime 'round midnight I do pretty well Till after sundown At supper time I'm feeling blue But I really miss you 'Round midnight Memories return At sometime round midnight I have yet to learn To stop those memories When my heart is still with you And old midnight Knows it too Did it mean that our love would be ending When some quarrel we had needed mending Darling I need you But lately I find You're out of my arms Out of my mind Let our love take wing Some midnight, round midnight And let the angels sing At your returning Let our love be safe and sound When old midnight Comes around Let our love take wing Some midnight, round midnight Let the angels sing At your returning Let our love be safe and sound When old midnight Comes around Andy Summers: Green Chimneys - The Music Of Thelonious Monk (c) 1999 RCA/Victor/BMG Entertainment She Walks This Earth Written by Ivan Lins, Vitor Martins, Chico Cesar and Brenda Russell She's a soulful flower in the garden She's bobbing in the sunlight And flirting with her eyes The way she walks by I see a wave of colour Moving like an angel Trailing butterflies Give me water Give me inspiration I want to speak now, but I can't find a word So unforgiving is my infatuation Now that I know she walks upon the Earth She walks this Earth I am restless and burning with desire And every other heartbeat I beat just for her I see her smiling Full is my emotion This is no illusion But how can I be heard? Give me water Give me inspiration I want to speak now, but I can't find a word So unforgiving is this infatuation Now that I know she walks upon this Earth She walks this Earth She walks this Earth Give me water Give me inspiration I need to hold her like no one else before So unforgiving is my infatuation Now that I know she walks upon the Earth She walks this Earth She walks this Earth She walks this Earth A Love Affair - The Music Of Ivan Lins (c) 2000 Published by Telarc International Corporation Sisters Of Mercy Written by Leonard Cohen Oh, the sisters of mercy They are not departed or gone They were waiting for me When I thought that I just can't go on And they brought me their comfort And later they brought me this song Oh, I hope you run into them You who've been travelling so long Yes, you who must leave everything That you cannot control It begins with your family But soon it comes around to your soul Well I've been where you're hanging I think I can see how you're pinned When you're not feeling holy Your loneliness says that you've sinned Oh, well they lay down beside me I made my confession to them They touched both my eyes And I touched the dew on their hem If your life is a leaf That the seasons tear off and condemn They will bind you with love That is graceful and green as a stem Oh... When I left they were sleeping I hope you run into them soon Don't turn on the lights You can read their address by the moon And you won't make me jealous If I hear that they sweetened your night We weren't lovers like that And besides it would still be all right Oh oh oh oh oh oh... Tower Of Song - The Songs Of Leonard Cohen (1995) Someone To Watch Over Me Written by George Gershwin & Ira Gershwin There's a saying old says that love is blind, Still were often told, "seek and you shall find"; So I'm going to seek a certain girl I've had in mind. Looking everywhere, haven't found her yet; She's the big affair I cannot forget. Only girl I ever think of with regret. I'd like to add her initial to my monogram. Tell me, where is the shepherdess for this lost lamb? There's a somebody I'm longing to see: I hope that she turns out to be Someone who'll watch over me. I'm a little lamb who's lost in the wood: I know I could always be good To one who'll watch over me. Although I may not be the man some girls think of as handsome To her heart I carry the key Won't you tell her please to put on some speed, follow my lead. Oh, how I need someone who'll watch over me. There's a somebody I'm longing to see: I hope that she turns out to be Someone who to watch over me. I'm a little lamb who's lost in the wood: I know I could always be good To one who'll watch over me. Although I may not be the man some girls think of as handsome To her heart I carry the key Won't you tell her please to put on some speed, follow my lead. Oh, how I need someone to watch over me. Englishman In New York single (c) 1988 A&M Records, Inc. Spread A Little Happiness Written by Vivian Ellis, Clifford Grey & Greatrex Newman Even when the darkest clouds are in the sky You mustn't sigh and you mustn't cry Spread a little happiness as you go by Please try What's the use of worrying and feeling blue When days are long keep on smiling through Spread a little happiness till dreams come true Surely you'll be wise to make the best of every blues day Don't you realize you'll find next monday or next tuesday Your golden shoes day Even when the darkest clouds are in the sky You mustn't sigh and you mustn't cry Spread a little happiness as you go by I've got a creed for every need So easy that it must succeed I'll set it down for you to read So please, take heed Keep out the gloom Let in the sun That's my advice for everyone It's only once we pass this way So day by day Even when the darkest clouds are in the sky You mustn't sigh and you mustn't cry Spread a little happiness as you go by Please try What's the use of worrying and feeling blue When days are long keep on smiling through Spread a little happiness till dreams come true Surely you'll be wise to make the best of every blues day Don't you realize you'll find next monday or next tuesday Your golden shoes day Even when the darkest clouds are in the sky You mustn't sigh and you mustn't cry Spread a little happiness as you go by (whistling solo) Surely you'll be wise to make the best of every blues day Don't you realize you'll find next monday or next tuesday Your golden shoes day Even when the darkest clouds are in the sky You mustn't sigh and you mustn't cry Spread a little happiness as you go by Brimstone & Treacle Original Soundtrack (c) 1982 A&M Records, Inc. Strange Fruit Written by Lewis Allan Southern trees bear a strange fruit, Blood on the leaves and blood at the root, Black body swinging in the Southern breeze, Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees. Pastoral scene of the gallant South, The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth, Scent of magnolia sweet and fresh, And the sudden smell of burning flesh! Here is a fruit for the crows to pluck, For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck, For the sun to rot, for a tree to drop, Here is a strange and bitter crop. Sting & Gil Evans: Strange Fruit (c) 1997 By Records Take Me To The Sunshine Written by Sting I've been working too hard at the office all year I've been saving all my days for a break So I've got to get away with my baby for a time If it's just for my sanity's sake Nothing but work and never to play Make Jack a dull boy or so they say And nothing in the world gonna make me stay I've just got to get away for a day Oh the smog in the city is clogging up my head And the noise of the traffic and the poison lead Too many people I must confess I'm looking for the cure of terminal stress Take me to the sunshine Take me to the sun It's a perfect paradise and it ain't no trick You can walk, you can run, play golf 'til you're sick Swim all day, you can dance all night You can ever fall in love if you're feeling right The surf will roar and the birds will sing And the warm wind sighs as you practice your swing And the cares of the world will fade away as you Watch the sun setting on a golden bay They say that modern man needs to find himself And what's bad for his spirit is bad for his health And when the world's used up and there's nowhere else You'll realize Mother Nature is the Commonwealth Take me to the sunshine Take me to the sun Take me to the sun Take me to the sunshine Take me to the sun Take me to the sun... I've been working too hard at the office all year I've been saving all my days for a break So I've got to get away with my baby for a time If it's for my sanity's sake When We Dance single (c) 1994 A&M Records, Inc. Tempted Written by Glenn Tillbrook & Chris Difford I bought a toothbrush, some toothpaste, a flannel for my face Pajamas, a hairbrush, new shoes and a case I said to my reflection, let's get out of this place Passed the church and the steeple, the laundry on the hill Billboards and the buildings Memories of it still keep calling And calling But forget it all I know I will Tempted by the fruit of another Tempted but the truth is discovered What's been going on Now that you have gone There's no other Tempted by the fruit of another Tempted but the truth is discovered I'm at the carpark, the airport, the baggage carousel The people keep on grabbing, ain't wishing I was well I said, "It's no occasion, it's no story I can tell" At my bedside, empty pocket, a foot without a sock Your body gets much closer I fumble for the clock, alarmed by The seduction I wish that it would stop Tempted by the fruit of another Tempted but the truth is discovered What's been going on Now that you have gone there's no other Tempted by the fruit of another Tempted but the truth is discovered I bought a novell, some perfume, a fortune all for you But it's not my conscience that hates to be untrue I asked of my reflection Tell me what is there to do Tempted by the fruit of another Tempted but the truth is discovered What's been going on Now that you have gone there's no other Tempted by the fruit of another Tempted but the truth is discovered Sting: Covering 'em (1993) The Idiot Bastard Son Written by Frank Zappa The idiot bastard son The father's a nazi In Congress today The mother's a hooker Somewhere in L.A. The idiot bastard son Abandoned to perish In back of a car Kenny will stash him away In a jar The idiot boy! Trying imagine all window are covered in green All the time he would spend At the church he'd attend Warming his pew Kenny will feed him and Ronnie will watch The child will thrive and grow And enter the world Of liars and cheaters and people like you Who smile and think they know What this is about You think you know Everything maybe so The song we sing, do you know? We're listening The idiot boy! Trying imagine all window are covered in green All the time he would spend All the colors he'd blend Where are they now? Sting: Covering 'em (1993) The Mighty Written by Sting and Trevor Jones Walking this high road are warriors from an olden time Curse on this land and the days far behind us Dragons we've slain, rescued many maiden's fair And no man ever dared break our stride or the brotherhood that binds us. Brothers are we, marching on the roads of time From this broken land and the days that defined us All men are free, justice is a sword we hold Trusting in the knights noble vow in the brotherhood that binds us. When the broken are strong (Freak the mighty, freak the mighty) When the beaten are proud (Freak the mighty, freak the mighty) When the twisted can stand (Freak the mighty, freak the mighty) When the silenced can laugh (Freak the mighty, freak the mighty) When the haunted have turned (Freak the mighty, freak the mighty) When the tortured are sane (Freak the mighty, freak the mighty) When the blinded still stare (Freak the mighty, freak the mighty) When will the poison remain (Freak the mighty, freak the mighty) When the voiceless can sing (Freak the mighty, freak the mighty) And the shackled can run (Freak the mighty, freak the mighty) And the downtrodden man holds his face to the sun (Freak the mighty, freak the mighty) We'll be walking high above the world. Our legend will say ay ay ay ay ay Freak the mighty... The Mighty Original Movie Soundtrack (c) 1998 Ark21 The Pirate's Bride Written by Sting Sometimes in the light at the edge of the world Is the ghost of a ship with it's black sail furled And night after night she would stand on the shore And dream of the love that she knew before The tide rolls out, the tide rolls in Without a thought for the ways of men We set sail for the Spanish Main To rob the ships of the Queen of Spain And she would be his pirate's bride She gave him the pistol and the sword at his side The tide rolls out, the tide rolls in Without a care for the ways of men I'd give three ships of Spanish gold To see my love again Full fathom five my true love lies In a fine wooden casket with gold on his eyes Where is the glory and where is the pride? Where is the joy for the pirate's bride? The tide rolls out, the tide rolls in Without a care for the ways of men Here in the light at the edge of the world He'd wait for a ship with it's black sail furled And day after day he would stand on the shore And dream of the life that he knew before The tide rolls out, the tide rolls in Without a care for the ways of men I'd give three ships of Spanish gold To see my love again I Was Brought To My Senses single (c) 1996 A&M Records, Inc. There Comes A Time Written by Tony Williams There comes a time when you were to be older There comes a time when you want to be bolder I love you more when it's over I love you more when it's over There comes a time when you're careful There comes a time when you're doubtful I love you more when you're spiteful I love you more when you're spiteful Sting & Gil Evans: Strange Fruit (c) 1997 By Records The Wind Cries Mary Written by Jimi Hendrix After all the jacks are in their boxes And the clowns have all gone to bed You can hear happiness Staggering on down the street Footprints dressed in red And the wind whispers Mary A broom is drearily sweeping Up the broken pieces of yesterday's life Somewhere a queen is weeping Somewhere a king has no wife And the wind cries Mary The traffic lights they turn blue tomorrow And shine the emptiness down on my bed The tiny island sags downstream 'Cause the life they'd lived is dead And the wind screams Mary Will the wind ever remember The names it has blown in the past With its crutch, its old age and its wisdom It whispers "No, this will be the last" And the wind cries Mary In From The Storm - The Music Of Jimi Hendrix (c) 1995 BMG/RCA Victor This Cowboy Song Written by Sting We rode all night across an endless desert We had no moon to light our way And though a billion stars were slowly turning We lacked the consciences to pray Our horses running like devil chasers Those feet they hardly touched the ground Yes, I'm familiar with the grey wolves howling But I'm certain I never heard this sound Devil to pay On judgement day Would Jesus strike me down If I should pray this cowboy song It's all I know To bring me back into your arms Your distant sun Your shining light You'll be my dog star shining Tonight I've been the lowest of the low on the planet I've been a sinner all my days And I was living with my hand on the trigger I had no sense to change my ways The priest asked if I'd embrace the resurrection To suck the poison from my life Just like an existential cowboy villain His words were balanced on my knife Devil to pay On judgement day Would Jesus strike me down If I should pray This cowboy song It's all I know To bring me back into your arms Your distant sun Your shining light You'll be my dog star shining Tonight Every night Every night All my distances afar This cowboy song It's all I know To bring me back into your arms This cowboy song This cowboy life I'll be your dog star shining Tonight Dog star... Fields Of Gold - The Best Of Sting 1984-1994 (c) 1994 A&M Records, Inc. This Was Never Meant To Be Written by Sting & Anne Dudley This was never meant to be All the signs were there to see From the first moment that we met I knew This was never meant to be This was always doomed to fail From the moment we set sail All our instincts told us we were wrong This was never meant to be But soon we were enraptured in love's dance When the dance ended I found I couldn't live without you And now one of my dreams is sad embers Here in the cold of December And now you're in the arms of someone else I always knew that This was always second best Our love would fall at the first test Common sense would tell us we were wrong This was never meant to be This was never meant to last We drank our cup of love too fast From the first moment that we met I knew Now Miss, from our first kiss I tell you: this was never meant to be I Was Brought To My Senses single (c) 1996 A&M Records, Inc. Three Steps To Heaven Written by Eddie Cochran Now there are three steps to heaven Just listen and you will plainly see And as I travel on and things go wrong Just call it steps one, two and three. The formula for heaven's very simple. Just follow the rules and you will see And as I travel on and things go wrong Just call it steps one, two and three. Step one, you find a girl to love. Step two, she falls in love with you Step three, you kiss and hold her tightly Yeah, that sure seems like heaven to me. From The Film Radio On (1979) Tutti Frutti Written by R. Penniman, D. La Bostrie & Joe Lubin A bop bop aloom op a lop bop boom Tutti frutti au rutti Tutti frutti au rutti Tutti frutti au rutti Tutti frutti au rutti Tutti frutti au rutti A bop bop aloom op a lop bop boom I got a gal her name's Sue, She knows just what to do I got a gal her name's Sue, She knows just what to do I've been to the East, I've been to the West But she is the gal I love the best Tutti frutti au rutti Tutti frutti au rutti Tutti frutti au rutti Tutti frutti au rutti Tutti frutti au rutti A bop bop aloom op a lop bop boom I got a gal, her name's Daisy, She almost drives me crazy I got a gal, her name's Daisy, She almost drives me crazy She's a real gone cuckoo, yes sirree But pretty little Suzy's the gal for me Tutti frutti au rutti Tutti frutti au rutti Tutti frutti au rutti Tutti frutti au rutti Tutti frutti au rutti A bop bop aloom op a lop bop boom From the film Party Party Up From The Skies (Exp) Written by Jimi Hendrix Let me talk to you Let me talk to you Let me talk to you Let me talk to you I say let me talk to you, uh I say... I just wanna talk to you I don't wanna do you no harm I just wanna hear about your different lives And just where people farm I heard some of you got your families Living in cages tall and cold And some just stay there and dust away Past the age of old. Is this true? Please let me talk to you. I just wanna know about The rooms behind your mind Uh do I see a vacuum there Or am I going blind? Or is it just the remains or vibrations And echoes long ago? And things like "love the world" And "let your fancy flow" Is this true? Please let me talk to you. I want to see and hear everything I want to see and hear everything, yeah Let me talk to you I have been here before The days of ice And of course this is why I'm so concerned I've come back to find The stars misplaced The smell of a world That is burning, yeah The smell of the world That is burnin', burnin', uh I have been here before The days of ice And of course this is why I'm so concerned I've come back to find, babe Where do I purchase my ticket? I just want to have a ringside seat I want to hear about the new Mother Earth I want to see and hear everything I want to see and hear everything Let me talk to you Let me talk to you Let me talk to you I wanna talk to you I wanna talk to you I wanna talk to you, babe I wanna talk to you... Uh do I see a vacuum there Or am I going blind? Or is it just the remains or vibrations And echoes long ago? And things like "love the world" And "let your fancy flow" Is this true? Please let me talk to you. I want to hear and see everything I want to hear and see everything, yeah Let me talk to you The smell of the world That is burnin', yeah I have been here before The days of ice And of course this is why I'm so concerned I've come back to find, yeah, yeah Where do I purchase my ticket? I just want to have a ringside seat I want to hear about the new Mother Earth I want to see and hear everything I want to see and hear everything Let me talk to you, yeah Let me talk to you Let me talk to you, yeah Let me talk to you I wanna talk to you I wanna talk to you I wanna talk to you I wanna talk to you I wanna talk to you... Sting & Gil Evans: Strange Fruit (c) 1997 By Records Waters Of Tyne (Traditional) I cannot get to my love if I would die; The water of Tyne runs between her and me And here I must stand with a tear in my e'e, Both sighing and sickly, my sweetheart to see. I cannot get to my love, if I would die; The water of Tyne runs between her and me And here I must stand with a tear in my e'e, Both sighing and sickly my sweetheart to see. Oh, where is the boatman, my bonny hinny? Oh, where is the boatman? Bring him to me, To ferry me over the Tyne to my honey, And I will remember the boatman and thee. Oh, bring me a boatman, I'll give any money, And you for your troubles rewarded shall be, To ferry me over the Tyne to my honey, Or scull her across that rough river to me. Carnival! (c) 1997 RCA/Victor/BMG Classics We're Sending Our Love Down The Well There's a hole in my heart, As deep as a well, For that poor little boy, Who's stuck halfway to hell. Though we can't get him out, We'll do the next best thing, We go on TV, And sing, sing, sing. And we're sending our love down the well, All the way down. We're sending our love down the well, Down that well. From the TV show The Simpsons When We Dance Written by Sting If he loved you Like I love you I would walk away in shame I'd move town, I'd change my name When he watches you When he comes to buy your soul On your hand his golden rings Like he owns the bird that sings When we dance Angels will run and hide their wings The priest has said my soul Salvation is in the balance of the angels And underneath the wheels of passion I keep my faith in my fashion When we dance Angels will run and hide their wings (Oooh) I'm still in love with you When we dance Angels will run and hide their wings I'm gonna find a place to live Give you all I've got to give I'm gonna love you more than life If you'll only be my wife I'm gonna love you night and day I'm gonna try in every way When we dance Angels will run and hide their wings I'm gonna find a place to live Give you all I've got to give I would love you more than life If you'll only be my wife If I could break down these walls And shout my name at heaven's gate I'd take these hands And I'd destroy the dark machineries of fate, Cathedrals are broken Heaven's no longer above Hellfire's a promise away I'd still be saying I'm still in love Still in love Still in love Still in love... He won't love you Like I love you He won't care for you this way He'll mistreat you with disdain Come and live with me We'll have children of our own I would love you more than life If you'll come and be my wife When we dance Angels will run and hide their wings I'm gonna love you more than life If you'll only be my wife I'm gonna love you night and day I'm gonna try in every way When we dance Angels will run and hide their wings I'm gonna find a place to live Give you all I've got to give I would love you more than life If you'll only be my wife... When we dance... I had a dream last night Dreamt you were by my side Walking with me baby My heart was filled with pride I had a dream last night... Fields Of Gold - The Best Of Sting 1984-1994 (c) 1994 A&M Records, Inc. Where Will You Be For Christmas Written by Narada Michael Walden Where will you be for Christmas Out in the falling snow Where will you be for Christmas I'd just like to know Love is a gift on Christmas Making your house a home You're breaking the heart of Christmas If you spend it alone Do you think of other years Full of smiles instead of tears When life was fair and hope was high In a world of love You can feel the hope again Let it hold you like a friend The bells ring My heart sings Where will you be for Christmas Dream where you want to be Where will you be for Christmas Please spend it with me Where will you be... I remember other years Full of smiles instead of tears When life was fair and hope was high In a world of love I can feel this hope again Pray it holds me like a friend forever And ever Where will you be for Christmas I know where I want to be Where will you be for Christmas Please spend it With me Please spend it with me Please spend it with me Please spend it with me Please spend it with me, baby Please spend it with me Where will you be for Christmas Music Of Love (c) 2000 Unicef Windmills Of Your Mind Written by Alan Bergman, Michel Jean Legrand & Marilyn Bergman Round, Like a circle in a spiral Like a wheel within a wheel Never ending or beginning On an ever-spinning reel Like a snowball down a mountain Or a carnival balloon Like a carousel that's turning Running rings around the moon Like a clock whose hands are sweeping Past the minutes of its face And the world is like an apple Whirling silently in space Like the circles that you find In the windmills of your mind Like a tunnel that you follow To a tunnel of its own Down a hollow to a cavern Where the sun has never shone Like a door that keeps revolving In a half-forgotten dream Like the ripples from a pebble Someone tosses in a stream Like a clock whose hands are sweeping Past the minutes of its face And the world is like an apple Whirling silently in space Like the circles that you find In the windmills of your mind Keys that jingle in your pocket Words that jangle in your head Why did summer go so quickly? Was it something that you said? Lovers walk along a shore And leave their footprints in the sand Was the sound of distant drumming Just the fingers of your hand? Pictures hanging in a hallway And the fragment of this song Half-remembered names and faces But to whom do they belong? When you knew that it was over Were you suddenly aware That the autumn leaves were turning To the colour of her hair? Like a circle in a spiral Like a wheel within a wheel Never ending or beginning On an ever-spinning reel As the images unwind Like the circles that you find In the windmills of your mind Pictures hanging in a hallway And the fragment of this song Half-remembered names and faces But to whom do they belong? When you knew that it was over Were you suddenly aware That the autumn leaves were turning To the colour of her hair? Like a circle in a spiral Like a wheel within a wheel Never ending or beginning On an ever-spinning reel As the images unwind Like the circles that you find In the windmills of your mind Brand New Day single (c) 1999 A&M Records, Inc. You Were Meant For Me Written by Arthur Freed & Nacio Herb Brown Life was a song You came along I lay awake the whole night through If I should dare To think you care This is what I'd say to you: You were meant for me And I was meant for you Nature fashioned you And when she was done You were all those good things Rolled into one You're like a plaintive melody That never lets me be I'm content the angels must have sent you And they meant you just for me You're like a plaintive melody That never lets me be I'm content the angels must have sent you And they meant you just for me 1999 Grammy Nominees (c) 1999 Grammy Recordings Мое Видео -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Videos Part 1 & Nothing Like The Sun [VIDEO] Video Tracks 1. If You Love Somebody Set Them Free 2. Fortress Around Your Heart 3. Love Is The Seventh Wave 4. Russians 5. Bring On the Night 6. We'll Be Together 7. Be Still My Beating Heart 8. Englishman In New York - Devid Fincher 9. Fragile 10. They Dance Alone (Gueca Solo) MTV Unplugged [VIDEO] Format: Audio CD Release Date: 11/03/1992 Label: A&M Records Tracks 1. All This Time 2. Mad About You 3. Every Breath You Take 4. Message In A Bottle 5. Tea In The Sahara 2 6. Wild, Wild Sea 7. Fragile Концерт Стинга в Москве НТВ (tv) 1. A Thousand Years 177 2. If you love somebody 3. After The Rain Has Fallen 4. Perfect Love...Gone Wrong 5. Seven Days 6. Что-то кантри 7. Every little thing she does is magic 8. ? 9. Moon Over Bourbon Street 10. Englishmen in New York 11. Brand New Day 12. Tomorrow We'll See 13. Every breath you take 14. Lithium Sunset 15. Message in the bottle (sending out an S.O.S) 16. Fragile Film DATE FILM'S TITLE 1979 "Quadrophenia" 1980 "Radio On" 1981 "Artemis 81" 1982 "The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle" 1982 "The Secret Policeman's Other Ball" 1982 "Brimstone and Treacle" 1984 "Dune" 1985 "The Bride" 1985 "Plenty" 1985 "Bring On The Night" 1987 "Julia and Julia" 1988 "Stormy Monday" 1989 "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" 1997 "Gentleman Don't Eat Poets" 1998 "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" WWW http://www.stingchronicity.co.uk/ http://www.sting.com/ http://home.t-online.de/home/AndreasLehmann/homepage.htm Tabs http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/2832/lyrics/ly_album2.html http://www.stingmania.com/Texty/Texty.htm http://www.stingchronicity.co.uk/lyrichom.html http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/5646/lyrics.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Сканирование: Янко Слава yanko_slava@yahoo.com || http://yanko.lib.ru/ | http://www.chat.ru/~yankos/ya.html | Icq# 75088656 update 6/16/01 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] * Книга Криса Уэлча написана до выхода пятого студийного альбома Стинга "Mercury Falling". - Примеч. пер. [2] * Дежа вю (deja vu - фр.) - навязчивое ощущение "припоминания" событий, в действительности происходящих впервые. - Примеч. пер. [3] * Название альбома - цитата из первой строки 130 сонета шекспира: "My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun" ("Глаза ее ничем не схожи с солнцем"). - Примеч. пер. [4] * Скраббл (scrabble) - настольная игра, заключающаяся в составлении слов из случайного набора букв, аналогичная нашей игре "Эрудит"-Примеч. пер. [5] прил. 1) бесполезный, напрасный, тщетный It's futile to speculate about what might have been. - Бессмысленно рассуждать о том, что могло бы произойти. Syn: useless, unavailing [6] fruition n. (realization) осуществление; come to fruition осуществляться, -иться; сбываться, -ыться. [7] subjugate v.t. (enslave) порабощать, -тить; (subdue) покорять, -ить; (subject) подчинять, -ить. [8] truce n. перемирие; (respite) передышка; (fig., liter.): a truce to jesting! довольно шуток! [9] mines копи [10] encircled обведенный [11] trench n. ров, канава; (mil.) окоп, траншея; trench coat шинель; trench fever сыпной тиф; trench foot траншейная стопа; trench mortar миномёт; trench warfare окопная война. v.t. (make trenches in) перекапывать, -опать. [12] chazm n. бездна, пропасть (also fig.). [13] battlement сущ.; часто мн. 1) зубчатая стена; зубцы (стен, башен); стена с бойницами (использовавшаяся для обороны) [14] tattered прил. а) оборванный, изорванный, в лохмотьях Syn: ragged [15] solace 1. сущ. утешение; смягчение (боли, страдания и т.п.) Time brought no solace to her widowed heart. - Время не принесло утешения ее обездоленному сердцу. Syn: comfort 1., consolation; alleviation 2. гл. 1) утешать; успокаивать Syn: cheer I 2., comfort 2., console I [16] mast I сущ.; с.-х. плодокорм II 1. сущ. мачта; лес, из которого делают мачты •• to serve/sail before the mast - служить простым матросом to nail one's colours to the mast - открыто отстаивать свои убеждения 2. гл. ставить мачту one-masted - одномачтовый [17] sordid прил. 1) а) грязный, запачканный; гноящийся б) перен. отвратительный, омерзительный, противный • Syn: filthy 2) нищенский; жалкий; бедный, убогий Syn: pitiable, pitiful, squalid 3) низкий, подлый, постыдный; низменный Syn: ignoble, mean 4) корыстный; скаредный; жадный, алчный sordid motives - корыстные цели Syn: covetous, avaricious [18] oppression сущ. 1) гнет, иго, притеснение, угнетение Syn: depression, press, pressure, weight, burden 2) угнетенность; подавленность Syn: depression, blues [19] mild прил. 1) (о человеке, его характере и поведении) а) редк. кроткий, сострадательный, милосердный Syn: kind II, considerate, gracious 1., merciful, indulgent б) тихий, спокойный, нераздражительный He has a mild disposition. - У него мягкий, спокойный характер. 2) мягкий, спокойный (о взгляде, речи и т. п.) mild eye - спокойный взгляд mild answer - спокойный ответ But this language is too mild for the occasion. - Но для этого случая эти слова слишком мягкие. Syn: soft 1., gentle 1. [20] scarcity сущ. 1) недостаток, нехватка (чего-л. - of) Syn: dearth 2) редкость [21] convince гл. 1) убеждать, уверять (в чем-л. - of) We were able to convince the students of the need for wider reading. - Нам удалось убедить студентов в необходимости привлекать больше литературы. Syn: persuade 2) доводить до сознания (ошибку, проступок и т. п.) [22] 3) взрывать to blow up the hell - перевернуть все вверх дном The soldiers blew up the enemy bridge. - Солдаты взорвали вражеский мост. [23] fixed прил. 1) неподвижный, постоянный; закрепленный; стационарный two fixed pieces of wood - два прикрепленных/закрепленных куска дерева 2) неизменный, постоянный; непреложный; твердый For all persecution he felt a fixed aversion. - Он испытывал постоянное отвращение ко всем преследованиям. He regarded her with a fixed attention. - Он смотрел на нее с пристальным вниманием. fixed idea - навязчивая идея fixed fact - точно установленный факт Syn: immutable 3) неподвижный; застывший (о взгляде, выражении лица и т.п.) [24] despise гл. презирать, относиться с презрением (за что-л. - for) to despise utterly - совершенно презирать I despised him for his cowardice - я презирал его за трусость Syn: abhor, disdain, loathe, scorn Ant: adore, appreciate, like, love, respect, admire [25] anguish 1. сущ. боль, мука, страдание, мучение; тоска anguish of body and mind - физические и душевные страдания Syn: misery 2. гл. испытывать острую тоску, страдание, мучить(ся) [26] unsaid прил. невысказанный, непроизнесенный to leave smth. unsaid - оставить что-л. недосказанным, умолчать о чем-л. Half his tale he left unsaid. - Половину своей истории он не рассказал. Syn: unvoiced, unexpressed [27] sown 1) высеянный 2) засеянный 3) усеянный • - sown area [28] crop 3) а) прям. перен. урожай, жатва; посев The ice-crop of Arctic ocean. - Годовой объем льдов в Северном Ледовитом океане. The annual academical crop of beardless youths. - Ежегодный школьный урожай из безбородых юнцов. ­ heavy crop ­ crop failure ­ land under crop ­ land out of crop ­ crop duster Syn: harvest [29] wages сущ.; мн. заработок, доход, вознаграждение Syn: earnings, gainings [30] Flow 2. гл. 1) струиться, течь to flow from, out of - литься из water flowed from the pipe - вода лилась из трубы to flow from smth. to smth. - течь откуда-то куда-то the river flows from east to west - река течет с востока на запад to flow into, to - впадать в rivers flow into the sea - реки впадают в море Syn: pour 1., run 2., stream 2. Ant: stand, stagnate 2) прибывать (обыкн. о приливной волне) the tide ebbs and flows - вода во время прилива убывает и прибывает Syn: rise 2. 3) а) хлынуть, лить потоком His tears flowed plentifully and bitterly. - Горькие слезы хлынули у него потоком. The years flow away. - Годы уплывают. Syn: gush 2., spout 2., spurt 2., well I 2. б) заливать, затоплять Syn: flood 2. [31] flesh 1. сущ. 1) тело proud flesh - масса избыточных грануляций на раневой поверхности; дикое мясо Syn: body 1. 2) полнота in flesh - в теле, полный to lose flesh - худеть to make flesh, gain flesh, put on flesh - полнеть 3) мясо (пища) 4) мякоть, мясо (плода) 5) а) плоть (физическая составляющая человека в отличие от духовной) to mortify the flesh - умерщвлять плоть The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. - Дух бодр, плоть же немощна. (Матф. 26:41) one flesh - муж и жена (как единое целое) б) человечество Syn: mankind в) все живущее, смертные all flesh - все живое г) род, семья, родственники one's own flesh and blood - собственная плоть и кровь, собственные дети Syn: stock 1., kindred 1. 6) субстанция insights buried in the flesh of the narrative - озарения, скрытые в глубине повествования Syn: substance [32] Steel 3) холодное оружие; меч, шпага Syn: sword, rapier, cold steel arms [33] stain 1. сущ. 1) пятно to leave a stain - посадить, оставить пятно to remove a stain - удалить пятно stubborn stain - пятно, которое трудно удалить 2) позор, пятно without a stain - безупречный Syn: shame, disgrace, stigma [34] meant предназначенный [35] Clinch 2. гл. 1) забивать гвоздь (не до конца, оставшуюся часть со шляпкой загибают, чтобы надежнее держалось); прибивать гвоздем 2) урегулировать, окончательно решать, улаживать, договариваться No-one knew how to clinch better a good bargain in his case. - Никто не знал, как лучше заключить сделку в его ситуации. Syn: confirm, establish [36] верфь, судостроительный завод [37] сущ. клепальщик Syn: clincher [38] hull II 1. сущ. основной корпус (корабля, танка); тж. каркас, остов (какой-л. громоздкой конструкции) [39] blot out 1) вычеркивать; стирать 2) перен. заглаживать 3) уничтожать We must blot out the memory of wartime troubles. - Мы должны забыть об ужасах войны. 4) заливать чернилами (чаще случайно) I can't read this letter, the ink has run and blotted out half the words. - Я не могу прочесть это письмо, вместо половины слов - кляксы. 5) закрывать, скрывать, покрывать A cloud has blotted out the moon. - Туча закрыла луну. [40] desolate 1. прил. 1) одинокий, оставленный всеми, заброшенный A position more desolate than his had been can hardly be imagined. - Состояние большего одиночества, чем его, трудно было себе представить. Syn: solitary, lonely 2) пустынный, необитаемый а) безлюдный, безжизненный, бесплодный б) заброшенный, запущенный, разрушенный; бесплодный в) безрадостный, унылый Syn: uninhabited, desert, derelict, deserted 3) жалкий, несчастный; безутешный Syn: forlorn, disconsolate, wretched [41] flee гл.; прош. вр. и прич. прош. вр. - fled 1) а) убегать, спасаться бегством (from; out of; away; to) All the animals fled from the fire. - Животные бегом побежали от огня. The prisoners escaped by fleeing from their guards while they were on an outside work party. - Узники сбежали от охраны, когда были на работах под открытым небом. Syn: escape б) искать убежища, пристанища 2) а) исчезать, пропадать Syn: vanish, disappear [42] trap 2. гл. 1) прям. и перен. ставить ловушки, капканы Syn: capture 2) а) прям. перен. поймать в ловушку (в капкан) б) обманывать, вводить в заблуждение, ловить, заманивать [43] suspended прил. 1) висящий, подвешенный 2) висячий, подвесной Syn: hanging, pendant [44] flare 1. сущ. 1) а) яркий, неровный свет, сверкание; вспышка или язык пламени б) перен. вспышка, взрыв (гнева и т. п.) в) внезапный звук, громкий звук Flares were always in the right places, to help build up the pulse. - Пульсирующие звуки были всегда слышны, помогая определить пульс. [45] acetylene сущ.; хим. ацетилен acetylene welding - ацетиленовая сварка acetylene lamp - карбидная лампа [46] overlay 1. сущ. 1) что-л. лежащее или находящееся сверху чего-л. другого а) покрышка; салфетка; покрывало Syn: cover, tire б) верхний слой; аппликация overlay of fine wood - тонкий слой декоративного дерева 2) шотланд. галстук 3) рисунок, схема на кальке (для работы с топографической картой) 4) полигр. приправка 2. гл. 1) лежать на чем-л., над чем-л.; класть сверху (что-л. на что-л.) Syn: overlie 2) а) покрывать (краской и т. п.), накладывать слой (чего-л.) overlay wood with gold - покрывать дерево золотой краской б) перен. затемнять; затушевывать; маскировать Syn: conceal, obscure [47] complexity сущ. 1) сложность processing complexity - технологическая сложность operation complexity - тех. сложность эксплуатации Syn: complication 2) что-л. сложное; запутанное дело 3) запутанность, трудность, сложность Syn: intricacy • Syn: complicacy [48] 3.: nursery school детский сад, детсад; nursery rhyme детские стишки (m. pl.); [49] ragged adj. 1. (torn, frayed) рваный, потрёпанный; (wearing torn clothes) оборванный. [50] chivalry n. рыцарство; рыцарское поведение. [51] despicable adj. презренный. [52] glum adj. угрюмый. [53] maiden n. дева. adj. 1. (of a girl) девичий; [54] barley n. ячмень (m.); hulled barley ячневая крупа; [55] in vain - напрасно, тщетно; всуе [56] сущ.; поэт.; шутл. горе, скорбь; бедствие, несчастья ­ woe is me! ­ woe be to him! ­ woe betide him! Syn: grief, sorrow [57] adj. целомудренный; (of style etc.) строгий. [58] v.t. & i. каяться (impf.); раскаиваться, -яться (в чём); сокрушаться (impf.) (о чём); [59] n. (recluse) отшельник (fem. -ца). adj. (secluded) уединённый; (lonely) одинокий; solitary confinement одиночное заключение; (single) единичный, единый; a solitary instance единичный случай; he didn't win a solitary prize он не выиграл ни одного приза. [60] speak out 1) высказываться Nothing will be done until more women have the courage to speak out. - Ничего нельзя будет сделать до тех пор, пока больше женщин не будут высказывать свои мысли вслух. 2) говорить громко Speak out, we cant hear you. - Пожалуйста, говорите громче, мы не слышим вас. Syn: answer up, speak up 1), talk up 3) [61] 2. гл. 1) лишать студента права покидать колледж после известного часа (в качестве наказания на какой-л. срок, в Оксфорде и Кембридже) [62] сущ.; тж. defense 1) а) защита to speak out in defence of justice - высказываться в защиту справедливости best defence is offence - лучшая защита - это нападение [63] 1. сущ. оскал зубов; усмешка ­ broad grin ­ contagious grin ­ infectious grin ­ foolish grin ­ silly grin ­ sardonic grin Syn: smile 2. гл. скалить зубы; осклабиться; ухмыляться (at) to grin and bear it - скрывать под улыбкой свои переживания she grinned approbation - она одобрительно улыбнулась [64] б) сленг, перен. отвергнуть статью (наколов ее на штырь, 'отложив в долгий ящик') 6) а) добавить алкоголя в напиток б) перен. оживить, сделать более интересным He spiked the speech with humor. - Он оживил свою речь шуточками. She spiked the broth with peppers. - Она подперчила бульон. Syn: liven 7) ввести (в организм) токсичное вещество при помощи инъекции [65] сущ.; бот. плющ (обыкновенный) ivy climbs - плющ вьется [66] 2. гл. 1) а) схватывать, хватать, зажимать (в руке); захватывать to grasp smb. by the arm - схватить кого-л. за руку Syn: clasp, clutch, grab, grip, seize, snatch Ant: abandon, loose, release, relinquish б) хвататься (за что-л. - at, for); тж. перен. I readily grasped at his proposal. - Я с готовностью ухватился за его предложение. [67] 2. (cards) пика; (pl.) пики, пиковая масть; queen of spades пиковая дама. v.t.: spade up выкопать (pf.). [68] сущ.; карт. 1) мн. трефы, крест, трефовая масть 2) трефа, карта трефовой масти to play a club - ходить с трефы [69] б) мн.; карт. бубны to play a diamond - ходить с бубны [70] гл. 1) скрывать; утаивать, умалчивать (from) You cannot conceal your guilt from the police. - Тебе не удастся убедить полицию, что ты невиновен (букв. Ты не можешь скрыть свою вину от полиции). Syn: to keep close, to keep secret 2) маскировать; прятать, скрывать, утаивать, укрывать The thieves thought that they had concealed the jewels from discovery. - Воры думали, что надежно спрятали бриллианты. Syn: hide [71] Hound n. 1. (for hunting) охотничья собака; he rides to hounds он охотится на лисиц (с собаками); (coll., any dog) пёс, собака. 2. (despicable man) собака. v.t. (with advs.): hound down выловить (pf.); hound on натравливать, -ить. [72] haunt n. излюбленное (or часто посещаемое) место; our childhood haunts места, где мы любили бывать в детстве. v.t. & i. неотвязно преследовать (impf.); a haunted house дом с привидениями; a haunting melody навязчивый мотив; she haunts my memory мысль о ней преследует меня. [73] veil 1. сущ. 1) покрывало; вуаль; чадра, паранджа bridal veil - свадебная вуаль Syn: yashmak [74] opulent прил. 1) а) богатый, состоятельный; процветающий (в материальном смысле) hoping to marry an opulent widow - желая жениться на богатой вдове to live in opulent comfort - жить припеваючи Syn: wealthy, rich 1., affluent 2. б) прибыльный, доходный Syn: lucrative, profitable 2) а) перен. крупный, пышный (в физическом смысле - о человеке); недюжинный (талант, ум и т. п.) б) пышный, насыщенный; обильный, изобильный; густой, буйный (о растительности, цветах и т. п.) Syn: abundant, plentiful, splendid 3) а) ярких красок и пахучий (о цветке) Syn: splendid. б) напыщенный; цветистый; расцвеченный, украшенный (метафорами и т. п. - о стиле, слоге, языке и т. п.)